92 resultados para asymmetrical rolling


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The interaction of a dislocation array emitted from a crack tip under mode II loading with asymmetric tilt grain boundaries (GBs) is analysed by the molecular dynamics method. The GBs can generally be described by planar and linear matching zones and unmatching zones. All GBs are observed to emit dislocations. The GBs migrated easily due to their planar and linear matching structure and asymmetrical type. The diffusion induced by stress concentration is found to promote the GB migration. The transmissions of dislocations are either along the matched plane or along another plane depending on tilt angle theta. Alternate processes of stress concentration and stress relaxation take place ahead of the pileup. The stress concentration can be released either by transmission of dislocations, by atom diffusion along GBs, or by migration of GBs by formation of twinning bands. The simulated results also unequivocally demonstrate two processes, i.e. asymmetrical GBs evolving into symmetrical ones and unmatching zones evolving into matching ones during the loading process.


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Cell adhesion is crucial to many pathophysiological processes, such as inflammatory reaction and tumor metastasis. It is mediated by specific interactions between receptors and ligands, and provides the physical linkages among cells. For example, interactions between selectins and glycoconjugate ligands mediate leukocyte initially tethering to and subsequently rolling on vascular surfaces in sites of inflammation or injury, which is determined by their fast kinetic rates. To mediate cell adhesion, the interacting receptors and ligands must anchor to apposing surfaces of two cells or a cell and the substratum, i.e. , the so-called two-dimensional (2D) binding, which differs from interactions in the fluid phase, i.e. , the three-dimensional (3D) binding. How structural variations and surface environments of interacting molecules affect their 2D kinetics, and how external forces manipulate their dissociation has little been known quantitatively, and nowadays attracts more and more attentions.


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This paper deals with turbulence behavior inbenthalboundarylayers by means of large eddy simulation (LES). The flow is modeled by moving an infinite plate in an otherwise quiescent water with an oscillatory and a steady velocity components. The oscillatory one aims to simulate wave effect on the flow. A number of large-scale turbulence databases have been established, based on which we have obtained turbulencestatisticsof the boundarylayers, such as Reynolds stress, turbulence intensity, skewness and flatness ofturbulence, and temporal and spatial scales of turbulent bursts, etc. Particular attention is paid to the dependences of those statistics on two nondimensional parameters, namely the Reynolds number and the current-wave velocity ratio defined as the steady current velocity over the oscillatory velocity amplitude. It is found that the Reynolds stress and turbulence intensity profile differently from phase to phase, and exhibit two types of distributions in an oscillatory cycle. One is monotonic occurring during the time when current and wave-induced components are in the same direction, and the other inflectional occurring during the time when current and wave-induced components are in opposite directions. Current component makes an asymmetrical time series of Reynolds stress, as well as turbulence intensity, although the mean velocity series is symmetrical as a sine/cosine function. The skewness and flatness variations suggest that the turbulence distribution is not a normal function but approaches to a normal one with the increasing of Reynolds number and the current-wave velocity ratio as well. As for turbulent bursting, the dimensionless period and the mean area of all bursts per unit bed area tend to increase with Reynolds number and current-wave velocity ratio, rather than being constant as in steady channel flows.


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A high-resolution electron microscopy study has uncovered the plastic behavior of accommodating large strains in nanocrystalline (NC) Ni subject to cold rolling at liquid nitrogen temperature. The activation of grain-boundary-mediated-plasticity is evidenced in NC-Ni, including twinning and formation of stacking fault via partial dislocation slips from the grain boundary. The formation and storage of 60A degrees full dislocations are observed inside NC-grains. The grain/twin boundaries act as the barriers of dislocation slips, leading to dislocation pile-up, severe lattice distortion, and formation of sub-grain boundary. The vicinity of grain/twin boundary is where defects preferentially accumulate and likely the favorable place for onset of plastic deformation. The present results indicate the heterogeneous and multiple natures of accommodating plastic strains in NC-grains.


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L-selectin plays a crucial role in inflammation cascade by initiating the tethering and rolling of leukocytes on endothelium wall. While many L-selectin molecules are rapidly shed from the cell surface upon activation, the remaining membrane-anchored L-selectin may still play an important role in regulating leukocyte rolling and adhesion with different binding kinetics. Here we developed an in vitro model to activate Jurkat cells via interlukin-8 (IL-8) and quantified the two-dimensional (2D) binding kinetics, using a micropipette aspiration assay, of membrane-anchored L-selectin to P-selectin glycoprotein ligand 1 (PSGL-1) ligand coupled onto human red blood cells (RBCs). The data indicated that L-selectin shedding reduced the amount of membrane-anchored L-selectin and lowered both its reverse and forward rates. These results suggested that the rolling dynamics of activated leukocytes was determined by two opposite impacts: reducing the surface presentation would enhance the rolling but lowering the kinetic rates would decrease the rolling. This finding provides a new insight into understanding how L-selectin shedding regulates leukocyte rolling and adhesion.


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Output beam quality of edge pumped planar waveguide lasers with confocal unstable resonators is investigated by diffraction methods, taking into account gain saturation, asymmetric pumping, and beam interaction. The influences of pumping uniformity, doping concentration, cavity length and effective Fresnel number are analyzed with respect to output beam quality and pumping efficiency. It is found that good beam quality and high efficiency can be obtained with asymmetric pumping and optimized negative branch confocal unstable resonators. (c) 2005 The Optical Society of Japan.


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Explaining "Tragedy of the Commons" of evolution of cooperation remains one of the greatest problems for both biology and social science. Asymmetrical interaction, which is one of the most important characteristics of cooperative system, has not been sufficiently considered in the existing models of the evolution of cooperation. Considering the inequality in the number and payoff between the cooperative actors and recipients in cooperation systems, discriminative density-dependent interference competition will occur in limited dispersal systems. Our model and simulation show that the local but not the global stability of a cooperative interaction can be maintained if the utilization of common resource remains unsaturated, which can be achieved by density-dependent restraint or competition among the cooperative actors. More intense density dependent interference competition among the cooperative actors and the ready availability of the common resource, with a higher intrinsic contribution ratio of a cooperative actor to the recipient, will increase the probability of cooperation. The cooperation between the recipient and the cooperative actors can be transformed into conflict and, it oscillates chaotically with variations of the affecting factors under different environmental or ecological conditions. The higher initial relatedness (i.e. similar to kin or reciprocity relatedness), which is equivalent to intrinsic contribution ratio of a cooperative actor to the recipient, can be selected for by penalizing less cooperative or cheating actors but rewarding cooperative individuals in asymmetric systems. The initial relatedness is a pivot but not the aim of evolution of cooperation. This explains well the direct conflict observed in almost all cooperative systems.


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In an effort to develop cultured cell models for toxicity screening and environmental biomonitoring, we compared primary cultured gill epithelia and hepatocytes from freshwater tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) to assess their sensitivity to AhR agonist toxicants. Epithelia were cultured on permeable supports (terephthalate membranes, "filters") and bathed on the apical with waterborne toxicants (pseudo in vivo asymmetrical culture conditions). Hepatocytes were cultured in multi-well plates and exposed to toxicants in culture medium. Cytochrome P4501A (measured as 7-Ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase, EROD) was selected as a biomarker. For cultured gill epithelia, the integrity of the epithelia remained unchanged on exposure to model toxicants, such as 1,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD), benzo(a)pyrene B[a]P, polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) mixture (Aroclor 1254), and polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) mixture (DE71). A good concentration-dependent response of EROD activity was clearly observed in both cultured gill epithelia and hepatocytes. The time-course response of EROD was measured as early as 3 h, and was maximal after 6 h of exposure to TCDD, B [alp and Aroclor 1254. The estimated 6 h EC50 for TCDD, B [a]P, and Aroclor 1254 was 1.2x10(-9), 5.7x10(-8) and 6.6x10(-6) M. For the cultured hepatocytes, time-course study showed that a significant induction of EROD took place at 18 h, and the maximal induction of EROD was observed at 24 h after exposure. The estimated 24 It EC50 for TCDD, B[a]P, and Aroclor 1254 was 1.4x10(-9), 8.1x10(-8) and 7.3x10(-6) M. There was no induction or inhibition of EROD in DE71 exposure to both gill epithelia and hepatocytes. The results show that cultured gill epithelia more rapidly induce EROD and are slightly more sensitive than cultured hepatocytes, and could be used as a rapid and sensitive tool for screening chemicals and monitoring environmental AhR agonist toxicants. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Oocyte maturation and egg fertilization in both vertebrates and invertebrates are marked by orchestrated cytoplasmic translocation of secretory vesicles known as cortical granules. It is thought that such redistribution of cellular content is critical for asymmetrical cell division during early development, but the mechanism and regulation of the process is poorly understood. Here we report the identification, purification and cDNA cloning of a C-type lectin from oocytes of a freshwater fish species gibel carp (Carassius auratus gibelio). The purified protein has been demonstrated to have lectin activity and to be a Ca2+-dependent C-type lectin by hemagglutination activity assay. Immunocytochemistry revealed that the lectin is associated with cortical granules, gradually translocated to the cell surface during oocyte maturation, and discharged to the egg envelope upon fertilization. Interestingly, the lectin becomes phosphorylated on threonine residues upon induction of exocytosis by fertilization and returns to its original state after morula stage of embryonic development, suggesting that this posttranslational modification may represent a critical molecular switch for early embryonic development. (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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An optical modulator is designed and fabricated based on a Si0.75Ge0.25/Si/Si0.5Ge0.5 asymmetrical superlattice structure. The device comprises a p-i-n diode made on the asymmetrical superlattice integrated with a 920-mu m-long Fabry-Perot (F-P) cavity. Parameters of the rib waveguide are designed to satisfy only the fundamental-TE mode transmission. Here, 65 and 40-pm red shifts of the peak resonant were measured under the applied bias of 2.5 and -32.0 V, respectively. The analysis shows that, besides the thermal-optical and plasma dispersion effects, the Pockels effect also contributes to such a peak shift. The corresponding calculated effective Pockels coefficient is about 0.158 pm/V.