54 resultados para accelerator


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A 52 MHz Radio Frequency Quadrupole (RFQ) linear accelerator (linac) is designed to serve as an initial structure for the SSC-Linac system (injector into Separated Sector Cyclotron). The designed injection and output energy are 3.5 keV/u and 143 keV/u, respectively. The beam dynamics in this RFQ have been studied using a three-dimensional Particle-In-Cell (PIC) code BEAMPATH. Simulation results show that this R,FQ structure is characterized by stable values of beam transmission efficiency (at least 95%) for both zero-current mode and the space charge dominated regime. The beam accelerated in the RFQ has good quality in both transverse and longitudinal directions, and could easily be accepted by Drift Tube Linac (DTL). The effect of the vane error and that of the space charge on the beam parameters have been studied as well to define the engineering tolerance for RFQ vane machining and alignment.


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A linear accelerator as a new injector for the SSC (Separated Sector Cyclotron) of the HIRFL (Heavy ton Research Facility Lanzhou) is being designed. The DTL (Drift-Tube-Linac) has been designed to accelerate U-238(34+) from 0.140 MeV/u to 0.97 MeV/u. To the first accelerating tank which accelerates U-238(34+) to 0.54 MeV/u, the approach of Alternating-Phase-Focusing (APF) is applied. The phase array is obtained by coupling optimization software Dakota and beam optics code LINREV. With the hybrid of Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm (MOGA) and a pattern search method, an optimum array of asynchronous phases is determined. The final growth, both transversely and longitudinally, can meet the design requirements. In this paper, the deign optimization of the APF DTL is presented.


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For any experiment that uses the beam of an accelerator, monitoring the beam intensity is always art important concern. It is particularly useful if one can continuously measure the beam current without disturbing the beam. We report here on test experiments for an Integrating Current Transformer (ICT) used to measure fast extraction beams from the HIRFL-CSR main ring (CSRm). The laboratory tests and beam intensity measurement results are presented in this paper. The influence of the kicker noise is also analyzed.


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Intense heavy ion beams offer a unique tool for generating samples of high energy density matter with extreme conditions of density and pressure that are believed to exist in the interiors of giant planets. An international accelerator facility named FAIR (Facility for Antiprotons and Ion Research) is being constructed at Darmstadt, which will be completed around the year 2015. It is expected that this accelerator facility will deliver a bunched uranium beam with an intensity of 5x10(11) ions per spill with a bunch length of 50-100 ns. An experiment named LAPLAS (Laboratory Planetary Sciences) has been proposed to achieve a low-entropy compression of a sample material like hydrogen or water (which are believed to be abundant in giant planets) that is imploded in a multi-layered target by the ion beam. Detailed numerical simulations have shown that using parameters of the heavy ion beam that will be available at FAIR, one can generate physical conditions that have been predicted to exist in the interior of giant planets. In the present paper, we report simulations of compression of water that show that one can generate a plasma phase as well as a superionic phase of water in the LAPLAS experiments.


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Superconducting electron cyclotron resonance ion source with advanced design in Lanzhou (SECRAL) is an all-superconducting-magnet electron cyclotron resonance ion source (ECRIS) for the production of intense highly charged ion beams to meet the requirements of the Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou (HIRFL). To further enhance the performance of SECRAL, an aluminum chamber has been installed inside a 1.5 mm thick Ta liner used for the reduction of x-ray irradiation at the high voltage insulator. With double-frequency (18+14.5 GHz) heating and at maximum total microwave power of 2.0 kW, SECRAL has successfully produced quite a few very highly charged Xe ion beams, such as 10 e mu A of Xe37+, 1 e mu A of Xe43+, and 0.16 e mu A of Ne-like Xe44+. To further explore the capability of the SECRAL in the production of highly charged heavy metal ion beams, a first test run on bismuth has been carried out recently. The main goal is to produce an intense Bi31+ beam for HIRFL accelerator and to have a feel how well the SECRAL can do in the production of very highly charged Bi beams. During the test, though at microwave power less than 3 kW, more than 150 e mu A of Bi31+, 22 e mu A of Bi41+, and 1.5 e mu A of Bi50+ have been produced. All of these results have again demonstrated the great capability of the SECRAL source. This article will present the detailed results and brief discussions to the production of highly charged ion beams with SECRAL.


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Superconducting electron cyclotron resonance ion source with advance design in Lanzhou (SECRAL) is an 18-28 GHz fully superconducting electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) ion source dedicated for highly charged heavy ion beam production. SECRAL, with an innovative superconducting magnet structure of solenoid-inside-sextupole and at lower frequency and lower rf power operation, may open a new way for developing compact and reliable high performance superconducting ECR ion source. One of the recent highlights achieved at SECRAL is that some new record beam currents for very high charge states were produced by 18 GHz or 18+14.5 GHz double frequency heating, such as 1 e mu A of Xe-129(43+), 22 e mu A of Bi-209(41+), and 1.5 e mu A of Bi-209(50+). To further enhance the performance of SECRAL, a 24 GHz/7 kW gyrotron microwave generator was installed and SECRAL was tested at 24 GHz. Some promising and exciting results at 24 GHz with new record highly charged ion beam intensities were produced, such as 455 e mu A of Xe-129(27+) and 152 e mu A of Xe-129(30+), although the commissioning time was limited within 3-4 weeks and rf power only 3-4 kW. Bremsstrahlung measurements at 24 GHz show that x-ray is much stronger with higher rf frequency, higher rf power. and higher minimum mirror magnetic field (minimum B). Preliminary emittance measurements indicate that SECRAL emittance at 24 GHz is slightly higher that at 18 GHz. SECRAL has been put into routine operation at 18 GHz for heavy ion research facility in Lanzhou (HIRFL) accelerator complex since May 2007. The total operation beam time from SECRAL for HIRFL accelerator has been more than 2000 h, and Xe-129(27+), Kr-78(19+), Bi-209(31+), and Ni-58(19+) beams were delivered. All of these new developments, the latest results, and long-term operation for the accelerator have again demonstrated that SECRAL is one of the best in the performance of ECR ion source for highly charged heavy ion beam production. Finally the future development of SECRAL will be presented.


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During the past. decades, large-scale national neutron sources have been developed in Asia, Europe, and North America. Complementing such efforts, compact hadron beam complexes and neutron sources intended to serve primarily universities and industrial institutes have been proposed, and some have recently been established. Responding to the demand in China for pulsed neutron/proton-beam platforms that are dedicated to fundamental and applied research for users in multiple disciplines from materials characterization to hadron therapy and radiography to accelerator-driven sub-critical reactor systems (ADS) for nuclear waste transmutation, we have initiated the construction of a compact, yet expandable, accelerator complex-the Compact Pulsed Hadron Source (CPHS). It consists of an accelerator front-end (a high-intensity ion source, a 3-MeV radio-frequency quadrupole linac (RFQ), and a 13-MeV drift-tube linac (DTL)), a neutron target station (a beryllium target with solid methane and room-temperature water moderators/reflector), and experimental stations for neutron imaging/radiography, small-angle scattering, and proton irradiation. In the future, the CPHS may also serve as an injector to a ring for proton therapy and radiography or as the front end to an ADS test facility. In this paper, we describe the design of the CPHS technical systems and its intended operation.


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HIRFL is an accelerator complex consisting of 3 accelerators, 2 radioactive beams lines, 1 storage rings and a number of experimental setups. The research activities at HIRFL cover the fields of radio-biology, material science, atomic physics, and nuclear physics. This report mainly concentrates on the experiments of nuclear physics with the existing and planned experimental setups such as SHANS, RIBLL1, ETF, CSRe, PISA and HPLUS at HIRFL.


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根据工业辐照对大功率电子加速器的需求,中科院近物所开展了高压变压器型DG系列电子加速器的研制。本文的主要工作是围绕其中两个型号DG-1.2(1.2MeV/40mA)和DG-2.5(2.5MeV/40mA)的研制及产业化而展开的研究。该类型电子加速器具备技术和市场优势, DG系列的研制成功,必将推动我国辐照加工业的发展。论文重点研究了基于空心变压器结构高压发生器的性能,改进了线圈、磁路结构,提高了发生器耦合效率;优化了高压电极结构,改善了电极周围电场分布,提升了发生器的绝缘性能,并评估了发生器高压击穿故障时的特性;选取了匹配的无功补偿方式,提高了发生器的功率因数。设计出新型热辐射间热式强流电子枪,研究了六硼化镧、六硼化镧钡两种材料热阴极的发射特性,均获得300mA以上的稳定束流发射。分析了DG型束流加速、传输结构,改进了引出系统结构,提高了束流引出效率;构建了基于PLC的工业化加速器控制系统,运行状况良好。通过专家测试,DG-1.2型已经达到设计参数1.2MeV/40mA,并能够稳定运行在1.2MeV/50mA;DG-2.5型,1.6MeV/30mA下通过测试,能够调试到2.0MeV/40mA。 最后,分析了DG系列电子加速器的进一步发展方向,初步确定了DG加速器的产业化目标


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本文比较系统地介绍了扇聚焦回旋加速器内部的束流动力学及其注入系统的一般理论,并结合两台具体的扇聚焦回旋加速器的设计讨论了在回旋加速器以及静电反射镜内空间电荷效应对束流的影响。第一章简单介绍了回旋加速器的发展历史及分类、强流回旋加速器的应用,加速器驱动系统ADS(Accelerator Driving System)、能量放大器EA(Energy Amplifier)方案以及本文工作的主要内容。第二章首先介绍了扇聚焦回旋加速器的基本理论,包括扇聚焦回旋加速器内的轨道理论(静态平衡轨道及加速轨道性质)以及相空间的描述方法等。然后详细讨论了回旋加速器内空间电荷效应的影响及研究方法,包括空间电荷作用下粒子的运动方程、空间电荷电场的不同种类、求解空间电荷电场的基本方法和模型以及空间电荷效应对束流轨道特性和相空间传输特性的影响等。在本章的第4节中,介绍了两台强流扇聚焦回旋加速器(50MeV-6mA H_2~+超导扇聚焦回旋加速器和17MeV-2mA H~-扇聚焦回旋加速器)的具体设计步骤和计算结果,讨论了这两台扇聚焦回旋加速器中加速轨道和相空间的传输以及空间电荷效应的影响。最后,简单介绍了设计时所使用的两个计算程序AGORA_SCE和CINEZ_SCE。第三章首先简单介绍了用于扇聚焦回旋加速器的各种注入方法以及在轴向注入时所采用的不同种类的静电偏转镜。然后详细介绍了目前最常用的螺旋扇型静电偏转镜的基本工作原理,如参考粒子的运动轨道及偏转镜的光学性质等,讨论了螺旋线型静电偏转镜中空间电荷效应的影响。最后仍然以50MeV-6mAH_2~+和17MeV-2mA H~-这两台扇聚焦回旋加速器为例,对它们的静电偏转镜进行了设计,并分别研究了它们在空间电荷效应影响下的轨道特性及相空间传输特性。第四章简单介绍了工作中所用到的一些计算工具,如三维电磁场计算程序MAFIA以及等时场分析程序EQUIL,并给出了17MeV-2mA H~-扇聚焦回旋加速器的等时场的计算结果。论文的最后部分简单总结了本文的工作,并提出了今后进一步的工作设想。


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