80 resultados para Wavelet Transform


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This thesis mainly talks about the wavelet transfrom and the frequency division method. It describes the frequency division processing on prestack or post-stack seismic data and application of inversion noise attenuation, frequency division residual static correction and high resolution data in reservoir inversion. This thesis not only describes the frequency division and inversion in theory, but also proves it by model calculation. All the methods are integrated together. The actual data processing demonstrates the applying results. This thesis analyzes the differences and limitation between t-x prediction filter and f-x prediction filter noise attenuation from wavelet transform theory. It considers that we can do the frequency division attenuation process of noise and signal by wavelet frequency division theory according to the differences of noise and signal in phase, amplitude and frequency. By comparison with the f-x coherence noise, removal method, it approves the effects and practicability of frequency division in coherence and random noise isolation. In order to solve the side effects in non-noise area, we: take the area constraint method and only apply the frequency division processing in the noise area. So it can solve the problem of low frequency loss in non-noise area. The residual moveout differences in seismic data processing have a great effect on stack image and resolutions. Different frequency components have different residual moveout differences. The frequency division residual static correction realizes the frequency division and the calculation of residual correction magnitude. It also solves the problems of different residual correction magnitude in different frequency and protects the high frequency information in data. By actual data processing, we can get good results in phase residual moveout differences elimination of pre-stack data, stack image quality and improvement of data resolution. This thesis analyses the characters of the random noises and its descriptions in time domain and frequency domain. Furthermore it gives the inversion prediction solution methods and realizes the frequency division inversion attenuation of the random noise. By the analysis of results of the actual data processing, we show that the noise removed by inversion has its own advantages. By analyzing parameter's about resolution and technology of high resolution data processing, this thesis describes the relations between frequency domain and resolution, parameters about resolution and methods to increase resolution. It also gives the processing flows of the high resolution data; the effect and influence of reservoir inversion caused by high resolution data. Finally it proves the accuracy and precision of the reservoir inversion results. The research results of this thesis reveal that frequency division noise attenuation, frequency residual correction and inversion noise attenuation are effective methods to increase the SNR and resolution of seismic data.


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Ordos Basin is a typical cratonic petroliferous basin with 40 oil-gas bearing bed sets. It is featured as stable multicycle sedimentation, gentle formation, and less structures. The reservoir beds in Upper Paleozoic and Mesozoicare are mainly low density, low permeability, strong lateral change, and strong vertical heterogeneous. The well-known Loess Plateau in the southern area and Maowusu Desert, Kubuqi Desert and Ordos Grasslands in the northern area cover the basin, so seismic data acquisition in this area is very difficult and the data often takes on inadequate precision, strong interference, low signal-noise ratio, and low resolution. Because of the complicated condition of the surface and the underground, it is very difficult to distinguish the thin beds and study the land facies high-resolution lithologic sequence stratigraphy according to routine seismic profile. Therefore, a method, which have clearly physical significance, based on advanced mathematical physics theory and algorithmic and can improve the precision of the detection on the thin sand-peat interbed configurations of land facies, is in demand to put forward.Generalized S Transform (GST) processing method provides a new method of phase space analysis for seismic data. Compared with wavelet transform, both of them have very good localization characteristics; however, directly related to the Fourier spectra, GST has clearer physical significance, moreover, GST adopts a technology to best approach seismic wavelets and transforms the seismic data into time-scale domain, and breaks through the limit of the fixed wavelet in S transform, so GST has extensive adaptability. Based on tracing the development of the ideas and theories from wavelet transform, S transform to GST, we studied how to improve the precision of the detection on the thin stratum by GST.Noise has strong influence on sequence detecting in GST, especially in the low signal-noise ratio data. We studied the distribution rule of colored noise in GST domain, and proposed a technology to distinguish the signal and noise in GST domain. We discussed two types of noises: white noise and red noise, in which noise satisfy statistical autoregression model. For these two model, the noise-signal detection technology based on GST all get good result. It proved that the GST domain noise-signal detection technology could be used to real seismic data, and could effectively avoid noise influence on seismic sequence detecting.On the seismic profile after GST processing, high amplitude energy intensive zone, schollen, strip and lentoid dead zone and disarray zone maybe represent specifically geologic meanings according to given geologic background. Using seismic sequence detection profile and combining other seismic interpretation technologies, we can elaborate depict the shape of palaeo-geomorphology, effectively estimate sand stretch, distinguish sedimentary facies, determine target area, and directly guide oil-gas exploration.In the lateral reservoir prediction in XF oilfield of Ordos Basin, it played very important role in the estimation of sand stretch that the study of palaeo-geomorphology of Triassic System and the partition of inner sequence of the stratum group. According to the high-resolution seismic profile after GST processing, we pointed out that the C8 Member of Yanchang Formation in DZ area and C8 Member in BM area are the same deposit. It provided the foundation for getting 430 million tons predicting reserves and unite building 3 million tons off-take potential.In tackling key problem study for SLG gas-field, according to the high-resolution seismic sequence profile, we determined that the deposit direction of H8 member is approximately N-S or NNE-SS W. Using the seismic sequence profile, combining with layer-level profile, we can interpret the shape of entrenched stream. The sunken lenticle indicates the high-energy stream channel, which has stronger hydropower. By this way we drew out three high-energy stream channels' outline, and determined the target areas for exploitation. Finding high-energy braided river by high-resolution sequence processing is the key technology in SLG area.In ZZ area, we studied the distribution of the main reservoir bed-S23, which is shallow delta thin sand bed, by GST processing. From the seismic sequence profile, we discovered that the schollen thick sand beds are only local distributed, and most of them are distributary channel sand and distributary bar deposit. Then we determined that the S23 sand deposit direction is NW-SE in west, N-S in central and NE-SW in east. The high detecting seismic sequence interpretation profiles have been tested by 14 wells, 2 wells mismatch and the coincidence rate is 85.7%. Based on the profiles we suggested 3 predicted wells, one well (Yu54) completed and the other two is still drilling. The completed on Is coincident with the forecastThe paper testified that GST is a effective technology to get high- resolution seismic sequence profile, compartmentalize deposit microfacies, confirm strike direction of sandstone and make sure of the distribution range of oil-gas bearing sandstone, and is the gordian technique for the exploration of lithologic gas-oil pool in complicated areas.


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Discrete wavelets transform (DWT). was applied to noise on removal capillary electrophoresis-electrochemiluminescence (CE-ECL) electropherograms. Several typical wavelet transforms, including Haar, Daublets, Coiflets, and Symmlets, were evaluated. Four types of determining threshold methods, fixed form threshold, rigorous Stein's unbiased estimate of risk (rigorous SURE), heuristic SURE and minimax, combined with hard and soft thresholding methods were compared. The denoising study on synthetic signals showed that wave Symmlet 4 with a level decomposition of 5 and the thresholding method of heuristic SURE-hard provide the optimum denoising strategy. Using this strategy, the noise on CE-ECL electropherograms could be removed adequately. Compared with the Savitzky-Golay and Fourier transform denoising methods, DWT is an efficient method for noise removal with a better preservation of the shape of peaks.


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采用一种非接触的光学方法傅立叶变换莫尔法(Fourier transform method),结合数字图像处理技术,对微幅振荡的水表面波的振幅进行测量.它是对全场中每一个像素点进行测量,比接触测量法具有更高的灵敏度.它为微幅水表面波振幅的测量提供了一种手段.通过将计算机生成的周期性光栅图像经投影机直接投影到被测物体的参考平面,经CCD摄像头、图像板捕捉存储形成数字化的光栅图像,利用傅立叶变换莫尔法处理光栅图像,从而获得包含有水表面波的振幅的相位信息,再经适当的几何变换获得振幅信息.我们在垂直振荡装置上进行了不同激励频率和不同振幅的表面波的振幅测量.


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A new technique, wavelet network, is introduced to predict chaotic time series. By using this technique, firstly, we make accurate short-term predictions of the time series from chaotic attractors. Secondly, we make accurate predictions of the values and bifurcation structures of the time series from dynamical systems whose parameter values are changing with time. Finally we predict chaotic attractors by making long-term predictions based on remarkably few data points, where the correlation dimensions of predicted attractors are calculated and are found to be almost identical to those of actual attractors.


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This paper presents a general self-consistent theory of evolution and propagation of wavelets on the galactic disk. A simplified model for this theory, i. e. the thin transition-layer approximation is proposed.There are three types of solutions to the basic equation governing the evolution of wavelets on the disk: (ⅰ) normal propagating type; (ⅱ) swing type; (ⅲ) general evolving type. The results show that the first two types are applicable to a certain domain on the galactic disk and a certain region of the wave number of wavelets. The third is needed to join the other two types and to yield a coherent total picture of the wave motion. From the present theory, it can be seen that the well-known "swing theory" of the G-L sheet model holds only for a certain class of basic states of galaxies.


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A two-step phase-retrieval method, based on Fourier-transform ghost imaging, was demonstrated. For the complex objects, the phase-retrieval process was divided into two steps: first got the complex object's amplitude from the Fourier-transform patterns of the squared object function, then combining with the Fourier-transform patterns of the object function to get the phase. The theoretical basis of this technique is outlined, and the experimental results are presented. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The fractional Fourier transform of an object can be observed in the free-space Fresnel diffraction pattern of the object. (C) 1997 Optical Society of America


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The scaled fractional Fourier transform is suggested and is implemented optically by one lens for different values of phi and output scale. In addition, physically it relates the FRT with the general lens transform-the optical diffraction between two asymmetrically positioned planes before and after a lens. (C) 1997 Optical Society of America.


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This paper describes a path-following phase unwrapping algorithm and a phase unwrapping algorithm based on discrete cosine transform (DCT) which accelerates the Computation and suppresses the propagation of noise. Through analysis of fringe pattern with serious noises simulated in mathematic model, we make a contrast between path-following algorithm and DCT algorithm. The advantages and disadvantages or analytical fringe pattern are also given through comparison of two algorithms. Three-dimensional experimental results have been given to prove the validity of these algorithms. Despite DCT phase unwrapping technique robustness and speed in some cases, it cannot be unwrapping inconsistencies phase. The path-following algorithm can be used in automation analysis of fringe patterns with little influence of noise. (c) 2007 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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To improve the accuracy of measured gain spectra, which is usually limited by the resolution of the optical spectrum analyzer (OSA), a deconvolution process based on the measured spectrum of a narrow linewidth semiconductor laser is applied in the Fourier transform method. The numerical simulation shows that practical gain spectra can be resumed by the Fourier transform method with the deconvolution process. Taking the OSA resolution to be 0.06, 0.1, and 0.2 nm, the gain-reflectivity product spectra with the difference of about 2% are obtained for a 1550-nm semiconductor laser with the cavity length of 720 pm. The spectra obtained by the Fourier transform method without the deconvolution process and the Hakki-Paoli method are presented and compared. The simulation also shows that the Fourier transform method has less sensitivity to noise than the Hakki-Paoli method.


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Both Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) grazing incidence reflectivity and FTIR transmission methods have been used to study GaN films grown on alpha-Al2O3 (0001) substrates by atmospheric pressure metal-organic chemical vapor deposition and low pressure metal-organic chemical vapor deposition. The results show that in the frequency range from 400 to 3500 cm(-1) the signal-to-noise ratio of the FTIR grazing incidence measurement is far higher than that of the FTIR transmission measurement. Some new vibrational structures appearing in the former measurement have been discussed. The features around 1460 and 1300 cm(-1) are tentatively assigned to scissoring and wagging local vibrational modes of CH2 in GaN, respectively. (C) 1999 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-8979(99)06509-3].


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Seismic sensors are widely used to detect moving target in ground sensor networks. Footstep detection is very important for security surveillance and other applications. Because of non-stationary characteristic of seismic signal and complex environment conditions, footstep detection is a very challenging problem. A novel wavelet denoising method based on singular value decomposition is used to solve these problems. The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of raw footstep signal is greatly improved using this strategy. The feature extraction method is also discussed after denosing procedure. Comparing, with kurtosis statistic feature, the wavelet energy feature is more promising for seismic footstep detection, especially in a long distance surveillance.