86 resultados para UTR


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天然免疫分子TRIM5α(tripartite motif protein 5α)是近年来发现的一种重要的宿主细胞内逆转录病毒限制因子。在灵长类动物细胞中,TRIM5α蛋白可以在病毒进入细胞后、逆转录前的阶段抑制HIV-1、N-MLV和EIAV等逆转录病毒的复制。由于TRIM5α分子的作用,绝大部分旧大陆猴(Old World monkey)都不能感染HIV-1。而在新大陆猴(New World monkey)中,鹰猴是唯一不感染HIV-1的灵长类动物。研究证明,鹰猴细胞中存在的TRIM5-CypA融合蛋白(owl monkey TRIM5-CypA,omTRIMCyp)介导了抗HIV-1的作用,从而使鹰猴不能感染HIV-1。研究证明,平顶猴是旧大陆猴中唯一报道可以感染HIV-1的灵长类动物,但是其感染HIV-1的机制并不清楚。根据现行的灵长类动物分类学,原属平顶猴群体(M. nemestrina group)的三个亚种分为猕猴属的三个不同种:巽他平顶猴(Sunda pig-tailed macaque,M. nemestrina),北平顶猴(Northern pig-tailed macaque,M. leonina)和明打威猴(Mentawai macaque,M. pagensis)。本论文对中国云南境内北平顶猴TRIM5基因座和感染HIV-1的相关性进行了研究。通过PCR和测序对北平顶猴基因组TRIM5基因座进行分析,发现一个CypA假基因的cDNA通过逆转座机制插入至TRIM5基因座的3’-UTR区域,形成了一个不同于鹰猴TRIM5-CypA的新型融合基因npmTRIMCyp(northern pig-tailed macaque TRIM5-CypA)。通过RT-PCR对npmTRIMCyp融合基因的转录本进行分析,我们鉴定出npmTRIMCyp共有3种不同的选择性剪接产物,分别为npmTRIMCypV1-V3。进一步克隆和测序这3种不同选择性剪接体,通过丰度和序列分析证实:npmTRIMCypV2是优势剪接体,可能在该融合基因产物的功能中发挥作用。研究发现北平顶猴npmTRIMCyp融合基因主要转录本中外显子7和8均被剪切掉。外显子7剪接丢失机制源于TRIM5第6内含子内 3’剪接位点的G/T突变。我们克隆了npmTRIMCyp融合基因cDNA的蛋白编码区ORF,并构建了重组表达npmTRIMCyp的载体,转染HeLa和HeLa-T4细胞并获得稳定表达的细胞株。通过感染HIV-1证实,npmTRIMCyp融合蛋白不能够限制HIV-1的感染和复制,这可能是北平顶猴作为旧大陆猴中唯一对HIV-1易感的灵长类动物的重要分子机制之一。通过HIV-1感染灵长类动物PBMCs实验证实,北平顶猴可以感染HIV-1。npmTRIMCyp可以有效地限制HIV-2ROD的复制,但对SIVmac239只有十分微弱的限制活性。通过构建鹰猴omTRIMCyp和北平顶猴npmTRIMCyp的置换剪接体(SWAP-1和SWAP-2),转染融合基因及其置换剪接体的CRFK细胞激光共聚焦实验证明,npmTRIMCyp、SWAP1和SWAP2在细胞内主要存在于胞浆中。稳定表达融合蛋白和置换剪接体的CRFK细胞感染HIV-1-GFP-VSVG分析表明,含omTRIMCyp外显子7的SWAP-1和SWAP-2均具有限制HIV-1活性,但SWAP-1的活性更强一些,这表明TRIM5结构域的外显子7可能在介导对HIV-1的限制活性中发挥了协同辅助作用。免疫共沉淀研究表明,npmTRIMCyp不能识别和结合HIV-1的衣壳蛋白。对北平顶猴中介导识别逆转录病毒区域的基因组部分进行了测序,共鉴定出46个多态性位点,表明在北平顶猴识别逆转录病毒衣壳区域存在较高的多态性。


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进化生物学得益于近代分子生物学和当代基因组学的发展,已经脱 离了自达尔文时代起博物学式的观察和思辨性的研究状态。很多古老而又 经典的问题,因为在一些年轻的进化系统中的研究,绽放出其背后深刻的 机制。在本工作中,我们通过在模式物种果蝇和珍稀动物黑麂中的研究, 揭示了有关遗传的基本单位-- 基因是如何起源和消亡的,以及这些重要过 程背后的规律。 决定人类雄性的Y 染色体起源于一亿六千万年前X 染色体的同源 染色体。但现今Y 染色体上的基因数目仅仅是X 染色体的百分之一左 右。如此巨大的数目差异,是由于Y 染色体和X 染色体之间重组抑制以 后,大量的Y 染色体基因发生退化消亡所致。 由于哺乳动物的Y 染色体 大都非常古老,Y 退化的过程和机制一直以来无法得以深入研究。 在本工 作的前半部分,我们首次在中国特有的珍稀鹿科动物黑麂中报道鉴定了一 对行为和模式类似人类性染色体的常染色体。这对“新性染色体”(neosex) 仅仅起源于50 万年以内,由于雄性特异的染色体倒位,致使数以千计 的基因像Y 染色体连锁的基因那样,无法与其等位基因重组。对23 个新 Y 染色(neo-Y)体连锁的基因25kb 的蛋白编码区和它们35kb 的非编码区的 序列分析发现,与其他可重组区域相比,这些基因的遗传多态性显著降 低,并积累了改变氨基酸的有害突变。我们还首次用体内表达试验证明Y 染色体的基因在其顺式调控区域也发生了退化。这些积累在启动子或者非 翻译区域(UTR)的有害突变,将扰乱Y 染色体上基因的正常表达,并进一 步促进退化过程和剂量补偿效应以单个基因(gene-by-gene)的模式进化。 本论文的另外一部分工作主要研究了果蝇中新基因起源的总体模式 问题。对遗传新元件如何起源的兴趣,最早可以追溯到达尔文。近年来通 过对“年轻基因”的案例研究,我们已经知道通过基因重复,逆转座,水 平迁移和从头起源等机制可以产生新基因。但这些机制在全基因组水平对 新基因起源的贡献各自如何,以及以非编码区从头起源合成一个新的基因 是否普遍等重要问题一直未得到解答。我们利用比较基因组的手段,在6个果蝇全基因组中,通过12017 个黑腹果蝇基因序列,鉴定刻画了超过 300 个起源于不同时间点的新基因。我们对这些新基因的序列,结构和表 达模式的分析发现,串联重复在产生年轻的新基因过程中占了主导地位 (超过80%)。但是最后固定在群体内,有功能的新基因主要(44.1%)是散在 重复的形式。我们惊奇地发现非编码区从头起源的基因在新基因的起源过 程中也扮演了重要角色,产生了超过10%的有功能的新基因,并且大部分 都进化出了睾丸特异的表达模式。有大约30%的新基因通过招募其他基因 的编码区或者重复元件,形成了新的嵌合结构,暗示它们可能获得了新的 功能。最后,我们估计在果蝇中,每百万年将产生5 至11 个有功能的新 基因。


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新外显子的起源是一种重要的增加转录组和蛋白质组多样性的分子机制。 对于新外显子及其父本基因的进化和功能特征方面还有很多重要的问题有待于 解决。本研究首先在全基因组水平上鉴定在人和小鼠中产生的新外显子,随后 对这些外显子及其父本基因作进化和功能上的分析。我们发现新外显子倾向于 位于基因的UTR 区域,尤其是5’ UTR 区域,这表明可能有些新外显子的出现 与基因的表达调控相关。我们还发现,产生新外显子的基因具有较高的组织表 达特异性,其基因功能倾向于细胞调控和与外界环境相互作用。通过对外群中 直系同源基因的分析,我们的结果表明进化速率较高的基因更容易获得新的外 显子,纠正了先前认为的获得新外显子会加速基因进化速率的看法。 我们对哺乳类CDYL 基因家族中产生的新外显子进行了具体的进化分析和 功能研究。我们的结果表明CDYL 基因在哺乳类分化前在原先的基因上游区域 获得了一个新的启动子和三个新的外显子。随后在哺乳动物各个支系的分化中, CDYL 基因在小鼠,狗和人中分别独立的进化出一个新的外显子。同源比对的 结果表明,这些新外显子是通过内含子序列的外显子化这一分子机制产生。近 缘物种间的进化速率的计算结果表明这些新产生的外显子具有快速进化的模 式,并且其快速进化可能是由正选择所驱动。在人中,多种突变包括新外显子 的获得,启动子的改变,选择性剪切的发生使得人的CDYL 基因获得了一种新 的编码更长蛋白质的剪切体。在人Hela 细胞系中的实验表明,新产生的蛋白质 与原有的蛋白质相比都具有显著的转录抑制活性,但新的蛋白质的转录抑制活 性较弱,且两者之间存在相互干扰的关系。这一结果表明通过新外显子的获得 产生的新的蛋白质可以丰富原有的基因表达调控体系,使得生物体的调控网络 更加精确。 嵌合RNA 通常认为是由来源于不同的pre-mRNA 的外显子通过反式剪切连 接在一起形成的。这一现象在包括多种动物和植物中被广泛的报道。我们的研 究首先通过大规模表达序列(ESTs)的搜索,在酵母,果蝇,小鼠和人中鉴定 到了大量的嵌合RNA。这一结果表明形成嵌合RNA 在真核生物中是一种普遍 的生物学过程,是一种重要的增加转录组和蛋白质组的多样性的分子机制。对 嵌合RNA 的序列分析表明,仅有<20%的嵌合RNA 在接合处可以找到典型的剪切位点 GU-AG,可以用经典的反式剪切模型来解释其产生机制。然而有意思的 是,我们在大约一半的嵌合RNA 的供体基因之间找到了短的同源序列,这一发 现使我们提出了一种新的分子机制来解释这些嵌合RNA 的形成,我们称之为 “转录滑动”模型。在酵母我们,我们用实验的方法验证了短同源序列对形成嵌 合RNA 的必要性,有力地支持了我们这一模型。


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P>NF-kappa B is a B-cell specific transcription factor that plays crucial roles in inflammation, immunity, apoptosis, development and differentiation. In the present study, a novel NF-kappa B-like transcription factor Relish was cloned from Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis (designated as EsRelish) by rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) technique based on expressed sequence tag (EST). The full-length cDNA of EsRelish was of 5034 bp, consisting of a 5' untranslated region (UTR) of 57 bp, a 3' UTR of 1335 bp with two mRNA instability motifs (ATTTA), a polyadenylation signal sequence (AATAAA) and a poly (A) tail, and an open reading frame (ORF) of 3645 bp encoding a polypeptide of 1214 amino acids with a calculated molecular mass of 134.8 kDa and a theoretical isoelectric point of 5.26. There were a typical Rel homology domain (RHD), two nuclear localization signal (NLS) sequences (KR), an inhibitor kappa B (I kappa B)-like domain with six ankyrin repeats, a PEST region and a death domain in the deduced amino acid sequence of EsRelish. Conserved domain, higher similarity with other Rel/NF-kappa Bs and phylogenetic analysis suggested that EsRelish was a member of the NF-kappa B family. Quantitative real-time RT-PCR was employed to detect the mRNA transcripts of EsRelish in different tissues and its temporal expression in hemocytes of E. sinensis challenged with Pichia methanolica and Listonella anguillarum. The EsRelish mRNA was found to be constitutively expressed in a wide range of tissues. It could be mainly detected in the hemocytes, gonad and hepatopancreas, and less degree in the gill, muscle and heart. The expression level of EsRelish mRNA in hemocytes was up-regulated from at 3, 6, 9 and 12 h after P. methanolica challenge. In L. anguillarum challenge, it was up-regulated at 9, 12 and 24 h. The results collectively indicated that EsRelish was potentially involved in the immune response against fungus and bacteria.


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Carbonic anhydrase (CA), an enzyme that catalyzes the interconversion of CO2 and HCO3-, has a critical role in inorganic carbon acquisition in many kingdoms, including animals, plants, and bacteria. In this study, the full-length cDNA of the CA gene from Porphyra yezoensis Ueda (denoted as PyCA) was cloned by using an expressed sequence tag (EST) and rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE). The nucleotide sequence of PyCA consists of 1,153 bp, including a 5' untranslated region (UTR) of 177 bp, a 3' UTR of 151 bp, and an open reading frame (ORF) of 825 bp that can be translated into a 274-amino-acid putative peptide with a molecular mass (M) of 29.8 kDa and putative isoelectric point (pI) of 8.51. The predicted polypeptide has significant homology to the beta-CA from bacteria and unicellular algae, such as Porphyridium purpureum. The mRNA in filamentous thalli, leafy thalli, and conchospores was examined, respectively, by real-time fluorescent quantitative PCR (qPCR), and the levels of PyCA are different at different stages of the life cycle. The lowest level of mRNA was observed in leafy thalli, and the level in filamentous thalli and in the conchospores was 4-fold higher and 10-fold higher, respectively.


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Thymidylate synthase (TS), which catalyzes the de novo synthesis of dUMP, is an important target for cancer therapy. In this report, the effects of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) and ZD1694 on the regulation of TS gene expression were evaluated in zebrafish embryos. Our results revealed that the expression of TS was increased by about six-fold when embryos were treated with 1.0 mu M 5-FU and there was a greater than 10-fold increase in the TS protein level after treatment with 0.4 mu M ZD1694. Northern blot analysis confirmed that expression of TS mRNA was identical in treated or untreated embryos. Gel shift and immunoprecipitation assays revealed that zebrafish TS was specifically bound with its cognate mRNA in vitro and in vivo. We identified a 20 nt RNA sequence, TS:N20, localized to the 5'-UTR of TS mRNA, which corresponded to nt 13-32; TS:N20 bound to the TS protein with an affinity similar to that of the full-length TS mRNA. The MFold program predicted that TS:N20 formed a stable stem-loop structure similar to that of the cis-acting element found in human TS mRNA. Variant RNAs with either a deletion or mutation in the core motif of TS:N20 were unable to bind to the TS protein. In vitro translation experiments, using the rabbit lysate system, confirmed that zebrafish TS mRNA translation was significantly repressed when an excess amount of TS protein was included in the system. Additionally, a TS stability experiment confirmed that treatment of zebrafish embryos with 5-FU could increase the TS stability significantly, and the half life of TS protein was about 2.7 times longer than in untreated embryos. Our study revealed a structural requirement for the interaction of TS RNA with TS protein. These findings also demonstrated that the increase in TS protein induced by 5-FU occurs at the post-transcriptional level and that increased stability and translation efficiency both contributed to the increase in TS protein levels induced by TS inhibitors.


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Thymidylate synthase (TS), which catalyzes the de novo synthesis of dUMP, is an important target for cancer therapy. In this report, the effects of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) and ZD1694 on the regulation of TS gene expression were evaluated in zebrafish embryos. Our results revealed that the expression of TS was increased by about six-fold when embryos were treated with 1.0 mu M 5-FU and there was a greater than 10-fold increase in the TS protein level after treatment with 0.4 mu M ZD1694. Northern blot analysis confirmed that expression of TS mRNA was identical in treated or untreated embryos. Gel shift and immunoprecipitation assays revealed that zebrafish TS was specifically bound with its cognate mRNA in vitro and in vivo. We identified a 20 nt RNA sequence, TS:N20, localized to the 5'-UTR of TS mRNA, which corresponded to nt 13-32; TS:N20 bound to the TS protein with an affinity similar to that of the full-length TS mRNA. The MFold program predicted that TS:N20 formed a stable stem-loop structure similar to that of the cis-acting element found in human TS mRNA. Variant RNAs with either a deletion or mutation in the core motif of TS:N20 were unable to bind to the TS protein. In vitro translation experiments, using the rabbit lysate system, confirmed that zebrafish TS mRNA translation was significantly repressed when an excess amount of TS protein was included in the system. Additionally, a TS stability experiment confirmed that treatment of zebrafish embryos with 5-FU could increase the TS stability significantly, and the half life of TS protein was about 2.7 times longer than in untreated embryos. Our study revealed a structural requirement for the interaction of TS RNA with TS protein. These findings also demonstrated that the increase in TS protein induced by 5-FU occurs at the post-transcriptional level and that increased stability and translation efficiency both contributed to the increase in TS protein levels induced by TS inhibitors.


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Clip domain serine protease (cSP), characterized by conserved clip domains, is a new serine protease family identified mainly in arthropod, and plays important roles in development and immunity. In the present study, the full-length cDNA of a cSP (designated EscSP) was cloned from Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis by expressed sequence tags (ESTs) and PCR techniques. The 1380 bp EscSP cDNA contained a 1152 bp open reading frame (ORF) encoding a putative cSP of 383 amino acids, a 5'-untranslated region (UTR) of 54 bp, and a 3'-UTR of 174 bp. Multiple sequence alignment presented twelve conserved cysteine residues and a canonical catalytic triad (His(185), Asp(235) and Ser(332)) critical for the fundamental structure and function of EscSP. Two types of cSP domains, the clip domain and tryp_spc domain, were identified in the deduced amino acids sequence of EscSP. The conservation characteristics and similarities with previously known cSPs indicated that EscSP was a member of the large cSP family. The mRNA expression of EscSP in different tissues and the temporal expression in haemocytes challenged by Listonella anguillarum were measured by real-time RT-PCR. EscSP mRNA transcripts could be detected in all examined tissues, and were higher expressed in muscle than that in hepatopancreas. gill, gonad, haemocytes and heart. The EscSP mRNA expression in haemocytes was up-regulated after L anguillarum challenge and peaked at 2 h (4.96 fold, P < 0.05) and 12 h (9.90 fold, P < 0.05). Its expression pattern was similar to prophenoloxidase (EsproPO), one of the components of crab proPO system found in our previous report. These results implied that EscSP was involved in the processes of host-pathogen interaction probably as one of the proPO system members. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Tumor necrosis factor receptors (TNFRs) are a superfamily of proteins characterized by the unique cysteine-rich domain (CRD) and their important roles in diverse physiological and pathological events such as inflammation, apoptosis, autoimmunity and organogenesis. The first member of the molluscan TNFR family, designated as CfTNFR, was identified from Zhikong scallop Chlamys farreri by expressed sequence tag (EST) and rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) approaches. The full-length cDNA of CfTNFR was of 1334 bp, consisting of a 5' UTR of 17 bp, a 3'UTR of 69 by with a poly (A) tail, and an open reading frame (ORE) of 1248 by encoding a polypeptide of 415 amino acids with a theoretical isoelectric point of 8.33 and predicted molecular weight of 47.07 kDa. There were a signal peptide, a CRD, a transmembrane region and a death domain in the deduced amino acid sequence of CfTNFR, suggesting that it was a typical type 1 membrane protein. The high identities (22-40%) of CfTNFR with other TNFR superfamily members indicated that CfTNFR should be a member of TNFR superfamily, and moreover, it should be the first death domain-containing TNFR found in invertebrates. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that CfTNFR was closely related to TNFR-like proteins from Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, Drosophila melanogaster and Ciona intestinalis, and they formed a separate branch apart from vertebrate TNFRs. The spatial expression of CfTNFR transcripts in healthy and bacteria challenged scallops was examined by quantitative real-time PCR. CfTNFR transcripts could be detected in all tested tissues, including haemocytes, gonad, gill, mantle and hepatopancreas, and significantly up-regulated in the tissues of gonad, gill, mantle and hepatopancreas after Listonella anguillarum challenge, indicating that CfTNFR was constitutive and inducible acute-phase protein involved in immune defence. The present results suggested the existence of the TNFR-like molecules and TNF-TNFR system in low invertebrates, and provided new insights into the role of CfTNFR in scallop innate immune responses to invading microorganisms. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Thioredoxin, with a redox-active disulfide/dithiol in the active site, is the major ubiquitous disulfide reductase responsible for maintaining proteins in their reduced state. In the present study, the cDNA encoding thioredoxin-1 (designated EsTrx1) was cloned from Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis by using rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) approaches. The full-length cDNA of EsTrx1 was of 641 bp, containing a 51 untranslated region (UTR) of 17 bp, a 3' UTR of 306 bp with a poly (A) tail, and an open reading frame (ORF) of 318 bp encoding a polypeptide of 105 amino acids. The high similarity of EsTrx1 with Trx1s from other animals indicated that EsTrx1 should be a new member of the Trx1 sub-family. Quantitative real-time PCR analysis revealed the presence of EsTrx1 transcripts in gill, gonad, hepato-pancreas, muscle, heart and haemocytes. The expression of EsTrx1 mRNA in haemocytes was up-regulated after Listonella anguillarum challenge, reached the maximum level at 6 h post-stimulation, and then dropped back to the original level gradually. In order to elucidate its biological functions, EsTrx1 was recombined and expressed in E. coli BL21 (DE3). The rEsTrx1 was demonstrated to possess the expected redox activity in enzymatic analysis, and to be more potent than GSH in antioxidant capacity. These results together indicated that EsTrx1 could function as an important antioxidant in a physiological context, and perhaps is involved in the responses to bacterial challenge. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Peroxiredoxin is a superfamily of antioxidative proteins that play important roles in protecting organisms against the toxicity of reactive oxygen species (ROS). In this study, the full-length cDNA encoding peroxiredoxin 6 (designated EsPrx6) was cloned from Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis by using rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) approaches. The full-length cDNA of EsPrx6 was of 1076 bp, containing a 5' untranslated region (UTR) of 69 bp, a 3' UTR of 347 bp with a poly (A) tail, and an open reading frame (ORF) of 660 bp encoding a polypeptide of 219 amino acids with the predicted molecular weight of 24 kDa. The conserved Prx domain, AhpC domain and the signature of peroxidase catalytic center identified in EsPrx6 strongly suggested that EsPrx6 belonged to the 1-Cys Prx subgroup. Quantitative real-time RT-PCR was employed to assess the mRNA expression of EsPrx6 in various tissues and its temporal expression in haemocytes of crabs challenged with Listonella anguillarum. The mRNA transcript of EsPrx6 could be detected in all the examined tissues with highest expression level in hepatopancreas. The expression level of EsPrx6 in haemocytes was down-regulated after bacterial challenge and significantly decreased compared to the control group at 12 h. As time progressed, the expression level began to increase but did not recover to the original level during the experiment. The results suggested the involvement of EsPrx6 in responses against bacterial infection and further highlighted its functional importance in the immune system of E sinensis. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor 6 (TRAF6), a key signaling adaptor molecule common to the TNFR superfamily and IL-IR/TLR family, is important not only for a diverse array of physiological processes functions of the TNFR superfamily, but also is involved in adaptive immunity and innate immunity. In this report, the first bivalve TRAF6 (named as CfTRAF6) gene is identified and characterized from Zhikong scallop Chlamys farreri. The full-length cDNA of CfTRAF6 is of 2510 bp, consisting of a 5'-terminal untranslated region (UTR) of 337 bp, a 3'-terminal UTR of 208 bp with a canonical polyadenylation signal sequence AATAAA and a poly (A) tail, and an open reading frame (ORF) encoding a polypeptide of 655 amino acids. The predicted amino acid sequence of CfTRAF6 comprises characteristic motifs of the TRAF proteins, including a Zinc finger of RING-type, two Zinc fingers of TRAF-type, a coiled-coil region, and a MATH (the meprin and TRAF homology) domain. The overall amino acid sequence identity between CfTRAF6 and other TRAF6s is 28-68%. Phylogenetic analyses of CfTRAF6 sequence with TRAF sequences from other organisms indicate that CfTRAF6 is a true TRAF6 orthologue. The mRNA expression of CfTRAF6 in various tissues is measured by Real-time RT-PCR. The mRNA transcripts are constitutively expressed in tissues of haemocyte, muscle, mantle, heart, gonad and gill, but the highest expression is observed in the gonad. The temporal expressions of CfTRAF6 mRNA in the mixed primary cultured haemocytes are recorded after treatment with 20 mu g mL(-1) and 0.5 mu g mL(-1) peptido-glycan (PGN). The expression level of CfTRAF mRNA is down-regulated from 1.5 h to 3 h after the treatment with 0.5 mu g mL(-1) PGN, and then recovers to the original level. While the expression of CfTRAF6 is obviously decreased after treatment with 20 mu g mL(-1) PGN, and reach the lowest point (only about 1/9 times to control) at 3 h. The result Suggests that CfTRAF6 can be greatly regulated by PGN and it may be involved in signal transduction and immune response of scallop. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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In invertebrates, C-type lectins play crucial roles in innate immunity responses by mediating the recognition of host cells to pathogens and clearing microinvaders, which interact with carbohydrates and function as pattern recognition receptors (PRRs). A novel C-type lectin gene (LvLec) cDNA was cloned from hemocytes of Litopenaeus vannamei by expressed sequence tag (EST) and rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) PCR. The full-length cDNA of LvLec was of 618 bp, consisting of a 5'-terminal untranslated region (UTR) of 60 bp and a 3'-UTR of 87 bp with a poly (A) tail. The deduced amino acid sequence of LvLec possessed all conserved features critical for the fundamental structure, such as the four cysteine residues (Cys(53), Cys(128), Cys(144), Cys(152)) involved in the formation of disulfides bridges and the potential Ca2+/carbohydrate-binding sites. The high similarity and the close phylogenetic relationship of LvLec shared with C-type lectins from vertebrates and invertebrates. The structural features of LvLec indicated that it was an invertebrate counterpart of the C-type lectin family. The cDNA fragment encoding the mature peptide of LvLec was recombined and expressed in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3)-pLysS. The recombinant protein (rLvLec) could agglutinate bacteria E. coli JM109 depending on Ca2+, and the agglutination could be inhibited by mannose and EDTA. These results indicated that LvLec was a new member of C-type lectin family and involved in the immune defence response to Gram negative bacteria in Litopenaeus vannamei. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A homologue of the lower vertebrates translationally controlled tumor protein (TCTP) was cloned from the marine fish Japanese sea perch (Lateolabrax japonicus) by the technology of homology cloning. The full-length cDNA sequence of the sea perch TCTP gene contained a 5' untranslated region (UTR) of 47 bp, a 3' UTR of 433 bp, and a putative open reading frame (ORF) of 510 bp encoding a polypeptide of 170 amino acids. The deduced amino acid sequence of the sea perch TCTP gene showed a high similarity to that of zebrafish, rohu, rabbit, chicken and human. Sequence analysis revealed there were a signature sequence of TCTP family, an N-glycosylation site, and five Casein kinase phosphorylation sites in the sea perch TCTP. The temporal expression of TCTP genes in healthy and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) challenged fishes was measured by semi-quantitative reverse transcription-PCR (RT-PCR). The results indicated that LPS could up-regulate the expression of sea perch TCTP in the examined tissues, including head-kidney, spleen and liver.


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The interleukin 1beta (IL-1beta) cDNA was cloned from the red seabream (Pagrus major) by homology cloning strategy. A cDNA fragment was amplified by PCR using two degenerated primers, which were designed according to the conserved regions of other known IL-1beta sequences, and elongated by 3' ends and 5' ends RACE PCR to get the full length coding sequence of red seabream IL-1beta (RS IL-1beta). The sequence contained 1252 nucleotides that included a 5' untranslated region (UTR) of 84 bp, a 3' UTR of 410 bp and an open reading frame (ORF) of 759 nucleotides which could be translated into a putative peptide of 253 amino acids with molecular weight of 28.6 kD and putative isoelectric point pI of 5.29. The deduced peptide contained two potential N-glycosylation sites and an identifiable IL1 family signature, but lacked the signal peptide and the clear ICE cut site, which were common in other nonmammalian IL-1beta genes. The RS IL-1beta had the highest homology with piscine IL-1beta according to phylogenetic tree analysis. The transcript expression was detected in blood, brain, gill, heart, head kidney, kidney, liver, muscle and spleen in the pathogen challenged and healthy red seabream by RTPCR. Results showed that the RS IL-1beta mRNA was constitutively expressed in most of the tissues both in stimulated and un-stimulated fish, and the expression could be enhanced by pathogen challenging.