65 resultados para Triple-helix conformation


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We explored the origin of power law distribution observed in single-molecule conformational dynamics experiments. By establishing a kinetic master equation approach to study statistically the microscopic state dynamics, we show that the underlying landscape with exponentially distributed density of states leads to power law distribution of kinetics. The exponential density of states emerges when the system becomes glassy and landscape becomes rough with significant trapping.


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The gelation of physically associating triblock copolymers in a good solvent was investigated by means of the Monte Carlo simulation and a gelation process based on the conformation transition of the copolymer that was described in detail. In our simulative system, it has been found that the gelation is closely related with chain conformations, and there exist four types of chains defined as free, dangling, loop, and bridge conformations. The copolymer chains with different conformations contribute to the formation of gel in different ways. We proposed a conformational transition model, by which we evaluated the role of these four types of chains in sol-gel transition. It was concluded that the free chains keeping the conformation transition equilibrium and the dangling conformation being the hinge of conformation transition, while the chain with loop conformation enlarges the size of the congeries and the chain with bridge conformations binds the congeries consisted of the copolymer chains. In addition, the effects of temperature and concentration on the physical gelation, the association of the copolymer congeries, and the copolymer chain conformations' distribution were discussed.


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The silicon backbone conformation in poly(di-n-butylsilane) (PDBS) has been shown to be a 7/3 helix at ambient conditions, which is in marked contrast to the near-planar conformation of its homologous polymers with side chain lengths of one to three or six to eight carbon atoms. In this work, both the 7/3 helical and near-planar chain conformations are achieved by controlling the solvent evaporation rate around room temperature. The chain conformation and crystal structure obtained in this method have been correlated to the crystal morphology by wide-angle X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, electron diffraction, optical microscopy, atomic force microscopy, and UV absorption spectrum. The lath-shaped single crystals obtained at 12 degreesC correspond to an orthorhombic form with near-planar chain conformation whereas the lozenge-shaped single crystals obtained at 30 degreesC (in coexistence with the lath-shaped crystals) are orthohexagonal with a 7/3 helix.


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Effects of chain flexibility on the conformation of homopolymers in good solvents have been investigated by Monte Carlo simulation. Bond angle constraint coupled with persistence length of polymer chains has been introduced in the modified eight-site bond fluctuation simulation model. The study about the effects of chain flexibility on polymer sizes reveals that the orientation of polymer chains under confinement is driven by the loss of conformation entropy. The conformation of polymer chains undergoing a gradual change from spherical iso-diametric ellipsoid to rodlike iso-diametric ellipsoid with the decrease of polymer chain flexibility in a wide region has been clearly illustrated from several aspects. Furthermore, a comparison of the freely jointed chain (FJC) model and the wormlike chain (WLC) model has also been made to describe the polymer sizes in terms of chain flexibility and quasi-quantitative boundary toward the suitability of the models.


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The compounds (het)(PtCl6)2H(2)O 1, (het)(HgI4).H2O 2 (het = 2-(alpha-hydroxyethyl)thiamine) and (hpt)(Hg2Br6) 3 (hpt = 2-(alpha-hydroxypropyl)thiamine) have been prepared and structurally characterized by X-ray crystallography in order to study the influence of the anion and molecular conformation on the formation of supramolecular architectures that adsorb anionic species. Both het and hpt molecules adopt the usual S conformation for C2-substituted thiamine but differ from the F conformation for C2-free thiamine derivatives. Two types of characteristic ligand-anion complexation are observed, being of the forms C(6')-H...anion...thiazolium-ring (in 1 and 2) and N(4'1)-H...anion...thiazolium-ring (in 3). The reaction of het with PtCl62- or HgI42- gives a 1-D double-chain in 1, consisting of two hydrogen-bonded het chains, which are cross-linked by anions through hydrogen bonding and anion...aromatic-ring interactions, or a cationic 3-D framework in 2 formed by the stacking of hydrogen-bonded sheets with anion-and-water-filled channels. In the case of 3, hydrogen-bonded hpt dimers and HgBr62- anions form alternate cation-anion columns. A comparison with the cases of C2-free thiamine-anion complexes indicates that the change in molecular conformation results in novel supramolecular assemblies in 1 and 2 and an analogous architecture in 3, which also depends on the nature of the anions.


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Recent studies have focused on the structural features of DNA-lipid assemblies. In this paper, we take methyl green (MG) as a probe molecule to detect the conformational change of DNA molecule induced by dimethyldioctadecylammonium bromide (DDAB) liposomes before the condensation process of DNA begins. DDAB-induced DNA topology changes were investigated by cyclic voltammetry (CV), circular dichroism (CD) and UV-VIS spectrometry. We find that upon binding to DNA, positively charged liposomes induce a conformational transition of DNA molecules from the native B-form to the C motif. Conformational transition in DNA results in the binding modes of MG to DNA, changing and being isolated from DNA to the solution. More stable complexes are formed between DNA and DDAB. That is also proved by the melting study of DNA.


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In bacteriophage, transcription elongation is regulated by the N protein, which binds a nascent mRNA hairpin ( termed boxB) and enables RNA polymerase to read through distal terminators. We have examined the structure, energetics and in vivo function of a number of N boxB complexes derived from in vitro protein selection. Trp18 fully stacks on the RNA loop in the wild-type structure, and can become partially or completely unstacked when the sequence context is changed three or four residues away, resulting in a recognition interface in which the best binding residues depend on the sequence context. Notably, in vivo antitermination activity correlates with the presence of a stacked aromatic residue at position 18, but not with N boxB binding affinity. Our work demonstrates that RNA polymerase responds to subtle conformational changes in cis-acting regulatory complexes and that approximation of components is not sufficient to generate a fully functional transcription switch.


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The electrochemical behavior of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) in the dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine (DMPC) bilayer on the glassy carbon (GC) electrode was studied by cyclic voltammetry. The direct electron transfer of HRP was observed in the DMPC bilayer. Only a small cathodic peak was observed for HRP on the bare GC electrode. The electron transfer of HRP in the DMPC membrane is facilitated by DMPC membrane. UV-Vis and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy were used to study the interaction between HRP and DMPC membrane. On binding to the DMPC membrane the secondary structure of HRP remains unchanged while there is a substantial change in the conformation of the heme active site. Tapping mode atomic force microscopy (AFM) was first applied for the investigation on the structure of HRP adsorbed on supported phospholipid bilayer on the mica and on the bare mica. HRP molecules adsorb and aggregate on the mica without DMPC bilayer. The aggregation indicates an attractive interaction among the adsorbed molecules. The molecules are randomly distributed in the DMPC bilayer. The adsorption of HRP in the DMPC bilayer changes drastically the domains and defects in the DMPC bilayer due to a strong interaction between HRP and DMPC films.


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In this paper, the helix-sense-selective polymerization of N,N-diphenyl acrylamide (DPAA) and N,N-diplienyl methacrylamide(DPMAA) were studied with living helix prepolymer as anionic initiator, and the chiral optical properties of the obtained polymers were investigated too. It was shown that optically active polymers of DPAA and DPMAA could be obtained under the experimental condition, and exhibited the same screw sense as that of the prepolymer.


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Monoclonal antibody technique was employed to detect the conformational change of calmodulin induced by metal ions. Bovine calmodulin was firstly modified by 2,4-dinitrofluorobenzene to improve its immunogenicity, then, the derived protein was saturated with trivalent europium ions and injected to Balb/c mice as antigen. After four times of immunization, a corresponding antibody was detected and its titer in serum was determined as 1 : 12 000. By fusing of the spleen cells with hybridoma cells, a europium induced conformation-specific anti-calmodulin monoclonal antibody cell strain named as 2C3 was produced successfully. The molecular recognition ability of antibody to apocalmodulin and holocalmodulin showed a significant difference, indicating that this antibody could be applied to the studies of different effects of metal ions on the conformational change of calmodulin and its interaction with target molecules.


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Monoclonal antibody technique was employed to detect the conformational difference of CaM induced by metal ions. A trivalent europium ion induced conformation-specific anti-calmodulin monoclonal antibody was successfully prepared with europium-saturated calmodulin as antigen.


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In the title compound, 3-[(3,4-dihydro-2-methyl-4-oxopyrimidin-5-yl)methyl]-5-(2-hydroxyethyl)-4-methylthiazolium hexafluorophosphate monohydrate, C12H16N3O2S+. PF6-.H2O, oxythiamine is a monovalent cation with a neutral oxopyrimidine ring. The molecule assumes the F conformation, which is a common form for thiamine but which is substantially different from the unusual V conformation found in the chloride and hydrochloride salts of oxythiamine. The anion-bridging interaction, C-H . . . anion . . . pyrimidine, is emphasized as being important for stabilization of the F conformation.


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The singlet-triplet splitting energy gap DeltaE(S.T) = E-S - E-T is calculated for the ortho-, meta-, and para-xylylenes and their heteroatomic analogous by means of AM1-CI approach. It is shown that when the radical centers R-.(R-.=H2C.-,H2N.+- or HN.-) are twisted sufficiently Tar out of conjugation with the benzene ring, DeltaE(S.T) tends to zero or is negative, i.e, ortho-, meta-, and para-phenylenes turn into weak ferromagnetic or antiferromagnetic coupling unit, while they are strong ferromagnetic (meta-isomers) or antiferromagnetic (ortho-, para-isomers) coupling units under planar conformation. It is suggested that serious twisted conformation is not recommended candidate for the design of novel high-spin molecules with stable high-spin ground states by ortho- or para-phenylene coupling unit.


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The UV-visible, circular dichroism (CD), and resonance Raman (RR) spectra of the wild type yeast iso-1-cytochrome c (WT) and its mutant F82H in which phenylalanine-82 (Phe-82) is substituted with His are measured and compared for oxidized and reduced forms. The CD spectra in the intrinsic and Soret spectral region, as well as RR spectra in high, middle, and low frequency regions, are discussed. From the analysis of the spectra, it is determined that in the oxidized F82H the two axial ligands to the heme iron are His-18 and His-82 whereas in the reduced form the sixth ligand switches from His-82 to Met-80 providing the coordination geometry similar to that of WT. Based on the spectroscopic data, the conclusion is that the porphyrin macrocycle is less distorted in the oxidized F82H compared to the oxidized WT. Similar distortions are present in the reduced form of the proteins. Frequency shifts of Raman bands, as well as the decrease of the or-helix content in the CD spectra, indicate more open conformation of the protein around the heme. (C) 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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The irreversible conformational transition of bovine serum albumin (BSA) from alpha-helix to beta-sheet, induced by electric field near the electrode surface, was monitored by circular dichroism (CD) with a long optical path thin layer cell (LOPTLC).