175 resultados para Transition metal oxides


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The activity and selectivity of the transition metal complexes formed from Ru, Rh, Pd and Ni with triphenylphosphine (TPP) have been investigated for hydrogenation of citral in supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO(2)). High activities are obtained with Ru/TPP and Pd/TPP catalysts, and the overall activity is in the order of Pd approximate to Ru > Rh > Ni. The Ru/TPP complex is highly selective to the formation of unsaturated alcohols of geraniol and nerol. In contrast, the Pd/TPP catalyst is more selective to partially saturated aldehydes of citronellal. Furthermore, the influence of several parameters such as CO2 and H-2 pressures, N-2 pressure and reaction time has been discussed. CO2 pressure has a significant impact on the product distribution, and the selectivity for geraniol and nerol can be enhanced from 27% to 75% with increasing CO2 pressure from 6 to 16 MPa, while the selectivity for citronellol decreases from 70% to 20%. Striking changes in the conversion and product distribution in scCO(2) could be interpreted with variations in the phase behavior and the molecular interaction between CO2 and the substrate in the gas phase and in the liquid phase.


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The ring hydrogenation of benzoic acid to cyclohexanecarboxylic acid over charcoal-supported transition metal catalysts in supercritical CO2 medium has been studied in the present work. The cyclohexanecarboxylic acid can be produced efficiently in supercritical CO2 at the low reaction temperature of 323 K. The presence of CO2 increases the reaction rate and several parameters have been discussed.


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We investigate the cohesive energy, heat of formation, elastic constant and electronic band structure of transition metal diborides TMB2 (TM = Hf, Ta, W, Re, Os and Ir, Pt) in the Pmmn space group using the ab initio pseudopotential total energy method. Our calculations indicate that there is a relationship between elastic constant and valence electron concentration (VEC): the bulk modulus and shear modulus achieve their maximum when the VEC is in the range of 6.8-7.2. In addition, trends in the elastic constant are well explained in terms of electronic band structure analysis, e.g., occupation of valence electrons in states near the Fermi level, which determines the cohesive energy and elastic properties. The maximum in bulk modulus and shear modulus is attributed to the nearly complete filling of TM d-B p bonding states without filling the antibonding states. On the basis of the observed relationship, we predict that alloying W and Re in the orthorhombic structure OsB2 might be harder than alloying the Ir element. Indeed, the further calculations confirmed this expectation.


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A series of reactor blends of linear and branched polyethylenes have been prepared, in the presence of modified methylaluminoxane, using a combination of 2,6-bis[1(2,6-dimethyphenylimino) pyridyl]-cobalt(II) dichloride (1), known as an active catalyst for producing linear polyethylene, and [1,4-bis(2,6-diidopropylphenyl)] acenaphthene diimine nickel(II) dibromide (2), which is active for the production of branched polyethylene. The polymerizations were performed at various levels of catalyst feed ratio at 10 bar. The linear correlation between catalyst activity and concentration of catalyst 2 suggested that the catalysts performed independently from each other. The weight-average molecular weights ((M) over bar (w)), crystalline structures, and phase structures of the blends were investigated, using a combination of gel permeation chromatography, differential scanning calorimetry, wide-angle X-ray diffraction, and small angle X-ray scattering techniques. It was found that the polymerization activities and MWs and crystallization rate of the polymers took decreasing tendency with the increase of the catalyst 2 ratios, while melting temperatures (T-m), crystalline temperatures (T,), and crystalline degrees took decreasing tendency. Long period was distinctly influenced by the amorphous component concentration.


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Equilibrium geometries, vibrational frequencies and dissociation energies of the second row transition metal dimers (from Y-2 to Cd-2 except Tc-2) ere studied by use of density functional methods B3LYP, BLYP, B3PW91, BHLYP, BP86, B3P86, SVWN, MPW1PW91 and PBE1PBE. The accuracy DFT methods is found to be highly dependent on the functional employed, in particular for vibrational frequency and dissociation energy. In most cases, the predicted bond distance is in general agreement with experiment and previous theoretical results. For van der Waals dimer Cd-2, B3LYP and BLYP have excellent performance in predicting the bond distance. For Ag-2, all density functional methods used in this study perform well in producing the bond distance, vibrational frequency and dissociation energy.


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Ground state geometries were searched for transition metal trimers Sc-3, Y-3, La-3, Lu-3, Ti-3, Zr-3, and Hf-3 by density functional methods. For all the studied trimers, our calculation indicates that the ground state geometries are either equilateral triangle (Zr-3 and Hf-3) or near equilateral triangle (Ti-3, Sc-3, Y-3, La-3, and Lu-3). For rare earth trimers Sc-3, Y-3, La-3, and Lu-3, isosceles triangle (near equilateral triangle) at quartet state is the ground state. Isosceles triangle at doublet state is the competitive candidate for the ground state. For Zr-3 and Hf-3, equilateral triangle at singlet state is the most stable. For Ti-3, isosceles triangle (near equilateral triangle) at quintet state gives the ground state. For Sc-3, Zr-3, and Hf-3, where experimental results are available, the predicted geometries are in agreement with experiment in which the ground state is equilateral triangle (Zr-3) or fluxional (Sc-3 and Hf-3). For Y-3, the calculated geometry is in agreement with experimental observation and previous theoretical study that Y-3 is a bent molecule for the ground state.


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Bond distances, vibrational frequencies, electron affinities, ionization potentials, dissociation energies, and dipole moments of the title molecules in neutral, positively, and negatively charged ions were studied using the density functional method. Ground state was assigned for each species. The bonding patterns were analyzed and compared with both the available data and across the series. It was found that besides an ionic component, covalent bonds are formed between the metal s, d orbitals and the silicon 3p orbital. The covalent character increases from ScSi (YSi) to NiSi (PdSi) for 3d (4d) metal monosilicides, then decreases. For 5d metal monosilicides, the covalent character increases from LaSi to OsSi, then decreases. For the dissociation of cations, the dissociation channel depends on the magnitude of the ionization potential between metal and silicon. If the ionization potential of the metal is smaller than that of silicon, channel MSi+-> M++Si is favored. Otherwise, MSi+-> M+Si+ will be favored. A similar behavior was observed for anions, in which the dissociation channel depends on the magnitude of electron affinity.


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The electron affinities and ionization potentials of 4d and 5d transition metal atoms were studied by CCSD(T), MP2 and density functional methods. The calculated results indicate that density functional method B3LYP has the best overall performance in predicting both electron affinity and ionization potential. SVWN gives largest IP and EA for 4d and 5d atoms. For the two basis sets used in this study, LANL2DZ and SDD, the performance of B3LYP/SDD combination is better than B3LYP/LANL2DZ, in particular for electron affinity calculation.


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Three novel polyoxometalate derivatives decorated by transition metal complexes have been hydrothermally synthesized. Compound 1 consists of [(PMo6Mo2V8O44)-Mo-VI-V-V-O-IV{CO (2,2'-bipy)(2)(H2O)}(4)](3+) polyoxocations and [(PMo4Mo4V8O44)-Mo-IV-V-V-O-IV{Co(2,2'-bipy)(2)(H2O)}(2)](3-) polyoxoanions, which are both built on mixed-metal tetracapped [PMo8V8O44] subunits covalently bonded to four or two {Co(2,2'-bpy)(2)(H2O)}(2+), clusters via terminal oxo groups of the capping V atoms. Compound 2 is built on [(PMo8V6O42)-V-VI-O-IV{Cu-I(phen)}(2)](5-) clusters constructed from mixed-metal bicapped [(PMo8V6O42)-V-VI-O-IV](7-) subunits covalently bonded to two {Cu(phen)}(+) fragments in the similar way to 1. The structure of 3 is composed of [(PMo9Mo3O40)-Mo-VI-O-V](6-) units capped by two divalent Ni atoms via four bridging oxo groups.


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An organic-inorganic hybrid molybdenum phosphate, Na-2[{Mn(phen)(2)(H2O)} {Mn(phen)(2)}(3){(MnMo12O24)-O-v (HPO4)(6)(PO4)(2) (OH)(6)}] . 4H(2)O (phen=1,10-phenanthroline), involving molybdenum present in V oxidation state and covalently bonded transition metal coordination complexes, has been hydrothermally synthesized and structurally characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. Deep brown-red crystals are formed in the triclinic system, space group P (1) over bar, a=16.581(l)Angstrom, b=18.354(1)Angstrom, c=24.485(2)Angstrom, alpha=80.589(l)degrees, beta=71.279(1)degrees, gamma=67.084(1)degrees, V=6493.8(8)Angstrom(3), Z=2, lambda(MoKalpha)=0.71073Angstrom (R(F)=0.0686 for 29,053 reflections). Data were collected on a Bruker Smart Apex CCD diffractometer at 293 K in the range of 1.76 < theta < 28.06degrees using omega-2theta scans technique. The structure of the title compound may be considered to be based on {Mo6O12(HPO4)(3)(PO4)(OH)(3)} units bonded together with {Mn(phen)(2)} subunits into a two-dimensional network. Two types of tunnels are observed in the solid of the title compound.


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Through layer-by-layer assembly, a series of undecatungstozincates monosubstituted by first-row transition metals, ZnW11M(H2O)O-39(n-) (M=Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu. or Zn) were first successfully immobilized on a 4-aminobenzoic acid modified glassy carbon electrode surface. The electrochemical behaviors of these polyoxometalates were investigated. They exhibit some special properties in the films different from those in homogeneous aqueous solution. The Cu-centered reaction mechanism in the ZnW11Cu multilayer film was described. The electrocatalytic behaviors of these multilayer film electrodes to the reduction of H2O2 and BrO3- were comparatively studied.


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By using a correction factor of d electron effects on bond, PV theory is applied to the calculation of chemical bond;parameters of d transition-metal compounds. Racah parameters and Mossbauer isomer shifts are calculated, and the results are agreement with the experimental values.


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Two new metal-ore supported transition metal complexes, E{M(phen)(2)}(2)(Mo8O26) (M = Ni or CO; phen = 1,10-phenanthroline) are synthesized by a hydrothermal method and characterized by X-ray crystallography, showing that the octamolybdate possesses a novel unprecedented structure and that [M(phen)(2)](2+) units are covalently bonded to the [Mo8O26](4-) cluster.


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Hydrotalcite-like compounds containing carbonate ion as the interlayer anion were prepared by coprecipitation under low supersaturation condition by mixing an aqueous solution of metal nitrates with an aqueous solutions of NaOH and Na2CO3, at room temperature, maintaining pH = 8-10 with vigorous stirring, Following the mixing, the resulting heavy slurry was aged at 353 K for 18 h with vigorous stirring, The precipitate was then filtered, washed several times with hot distilled water and dried in air at 353 K overnight, In this way, CuMI AlCO3-HTLcs and M-I AlCO3-HTLcs were synthesized and characterized by means of XRD and IR, The catalysis of the above mentioned HTLcs were investigated in the phenol hydroxylation with H2O2. The results indicated that all of the copper-containing HTLcs had a higher catalytic activity in the reaction, However, those catalysts that did not contain copper had no catalytic activity in this reaction, This means that copper was the active center in the phenol hydroxylation. Meanwhile, the mechanism was also proposed, which could be used to explain the main reason for higher activity for CuCuAlCO3-HTLcs in the phenol hydroxylation and the effect of Mg2+, Zn2+, Co2+, Ni2+ on activity of CuMI AlCO3-HTLcs.