76 resultados para Thermodynamic consistency


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Molar heat capacities of ibuprofen were precisely measured with a small sample precision automated adiabatic calorimeter over the temperature range from 80 to 400 K. The polynomial functions of C-p,C-m (J K-1 mol(-1)) versus T were established on the heat capacity measurements by means of the least fitting square method. The functions are as follows: for solid ibuprofen, at the temperature range of 79.105 K less than or equal to T less than or equal to 333.297 K, C-p,C-m = 144.27 + 77.046X + 3.5171X(2) + 10.925X(3) + 11.224X(4), where X = (T - 206.201)/127.096; for liquid ibuprofen, at the temperature range of 353.406 K less than or equal to T less than or equal to 378.785 K, C-p,C-m = 325.79 + 8.9696X - 1.6073X(2) - 1.5145 X-3, where X = (T - 366.095)/12.690. A fusion transition at T = 348.02 K was found from the C-p-T curve. The molar enthalpy and entropy of the fusion transition were determined to be 26.65 kJ mol(-1) and 76.58 J mol(-1) K-1, respectively. The thermodynamic functions on the base of the reference temperature of 298.15 K, (H-T - H-298.15) and (S-T - S-298.15), were derived. Thermal characteristic of ibuprofen was studied by thermo-gravimetric analysis (TG-DTG) and differential scanning calorimeter (DSC). The temperature of fusion, the molar enthalpy and entropy of fusion obtained by DSC were well consistent with those obtained by adiabatic calorimeter. The evaporation process of ibuprofen was investigated further by TG and DTG, and the activation energy of the evaporation process was determined to be 80.3 +/- 1.4 kJ mol(-1). (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Carboxin was synthesized and its heat capacities were measured with an automated adiabatic calorimeter over the temperature range from 79 to 380K. The melting point, molar enthalpy (Delta(fus)H(m)) and entropy (Delta(fus)S(m)) of fusion of this compound were determined to be 365.29 +/- 0.06K, 28.193 +/- 0.09 kJ mol(-1) and 77.180 +/- 0.02 J mol(-1) K-1, respectively. The purity of the compound was determined to be 99.55 mol% by using the fractional melting technique. The thermodynamic functions relative to the reference temperature (298.15 K) were calculated based on the heat capacity measurements in the temperature range between 80 and 360 K. The thermal stability of the compound was further investigated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermogravimetric (TG) analysis. The DSC curve indicates that the sample starts to decompose at ca. 290degreesC with the peak temperature at 292.7degreesC. The TG-DTG results demonstrate the maximum mass loss rate occurs at 293degreesC corresponding to the maximum decomposition rate. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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The molar heat capacity of the azeotropic mixture composed of water and benzene was measured by an adiabatic calorimeter in the temperature range from 80 to 320 K. The phase transitions took place in the temperature range from 265.409 to 275.165 K and 275.165 to 279.399 K. The phase transition temperatures were determined to be 272.945 and 278.339 K, which were corresponding to the solid-liquid phase transitions of water and benzene, respectively. The thermodynamic functions and the excess thermodynamic functions of the mixture relative to standard temperature 298.15 K were derived from the relationships of the thermodynamic functions and the function of the measured heat capacity with respect to temperature.


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The low-temperature heat capacities of 2-chloro-5-trichloromethylpyridine were measured with a high-precision automated adiabatic calorimeter in the temperature range from 80 K to 345 K. A solid-liquid phase transition was observed from 318.57 K to 327.44 K with peak temperature 324.67 K; the molar enthalpy and entropy of phase transition, DeltaH(m) and DeltaS(m), were determined to be 14.50 +/-0.02 kJ mol(-1) and 44.66 +/- 0.07 kJ K-1 mol(-1), respectively. The thermal stability was investigated through thermogravimetric analysis (TG). The TG and DTG results reveal that 2-chloro-5-trichloromethylpyridine starts to lose mass at 332 K due to evaporation and completely changes into vapour at 483 K under the present experimental conditions.


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The isobaric molar heat capacities of powder of Co2O3 were determined by an adiabatic calorimeter in the temperature range from 78 to 350 K. No phase transition takes place in this temperature range. The relationship of C-p,C-m with thermodynamic temperature T was established as C-p,C-m = -5 x 10(-6)T(3) + 0.0026T(2) + 0.0325T + 4.2592 (J K-1 mol(-1)), fitting coefficient R-2 = 0.9996. According to this relationship and the relationships between thermodynamic functions, the thermodynamic functions of powder of C2O3 were derived with 298.15 K as reference temperature. Thermal decomposition of Co2O3 powder was studied through thermogravimetry (TG). The possible mechanism of the thermal decomposition reaction was suggested according to the TG result. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The heat capacities of p-chlorobenzoic acid were measured in the temperature range from 80 to 580 K by means of an automatic adiabatic calorimeter equipped with a small sample cell of internal volume of 7.4cm(3). The construction and procedures of the calorimetric system were described in detail. The performance of this calorimetric apparatus was evaluated by heat capacity measurements on alpha-Al2O3. The deviations of experimental heat capacities from the corresponding smoothed values lie within +/-0.28 per cent, while the inaccuracy is within +/-0.40 per cent, compared with the recommended reference data in the whole experimental temperature range. A fusion transition at T = 512.280 K was found from the C-p-T curve of p-chlorobenzoic acid. The enthalpy and entropy of the phase transition, as well as the thermodynamic functions {G((T)) - G((298.15))}, {H-(T) - H-(298.15)} and {S-(T) - S-298.15}, were derived from the heat capacity data. The mass fraction purity of p-chlorobenzoic acid sample used in the present calorimetric study was determined to be 0.99935 by fraction melting approach. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.