52 resultados para Terrain vague
设计了一种能够使蛇形机器人运动更灵巧、奇异点更少和运动能力更强的机构 ,对具有三个自由度的新型蛇形机器人单元进行了改进 ,在单元上增加被动轮机构 ,使其具有万向机构的特点。该单元不仅能够用被动轮驱动机器人运动 ,而且增加了类似于主动轮的驱动机构 ,克服了被动轮驱动能力弱的缺点 ,增强了机器人的运动能力。在分析非完整约束的基础上 ,对蛇形机器人的运动学和冗余度进行分析 ,提出了控制该类蛇形机器人运动的分解矩阵方法和分组交替运动法。
月球探测对于我国有着长远的战略意义,移动机器人将在我国“二”期月球探测计划中发挥举足轻重的作用。因为月面环境恶劣、机器人自主性有限,所以基于虚拟现实的遥操作技术将在月球探测任务中发挥重要作用。它给操作者提供一种三维的、逼真的和可交互的机器人仿真平台。在此平台上,操作者可以借助科学家的智能来解决月球探测机器人自主和遥操作的结合问题,可以验证路径规划、机械臂运动规划及控制指令等。 本文分析了月球探测机器人和真实三维地形几何拓扑信息的交互过程,借助基于虚拟现实的遥操作技术,开发了基于真实地形场景的移动机器人运动仿真平台。在此平台上,运动仿真反应了机器人真实的运动状态。 首先通过对真实地形三维点云的三角剖分和纹理影射,我们得到了真实三维地形场景。然后借助OpenGL软件库和Solidworks软件我们对月球探测机器人进行了精确的几何建模。 本文在分析国内外星球探测机器人仿真系统基础上,提出了一种轮式移动机器人轮子与地形几何拓扑信息交互的方法,此方法解释了地形变化如何影响到机器人姿态的变化。通过在虚拟地形上实验和分析机器人状态数据,证明了此方法的合理性。 本文还推导了六轮移动机器人的运动学模型,确定了机器人车体位姿及其变化与轮子接地点位姿及其变化之间的关系,为机器人如何调整姿态以适应变化的三维崎岖地形提供了理论基础。并利用速度投影法,得到了轮式移动机器人运动学模型新的形式。 最后结合运动学模型和几何模型,我们在Windows平台上利用VC++OpenGL 开发了基于真实地形场景的星球探测机器仿真系统,实现了月球探测机器人的实时仿真。该系统具有较强的交互性和实时性,为星球探测机器人虚拟导航、路径验证、遥操作等提供了验证平台。
月面巡视探测器(简称月球车)是一类在月面环境下执行巡视探测、科学考察及样品采样等任务的空间机器人,是我国月球探测二期工程中执行月面探测任务的关键载体。月球车行走能力事关我国探月二期工程的成败,开展在复杂地形下移动能力和地形通过能力的研究,是目前移动机器人研究中的前沿课题,是月面巡视任务的关键技术之一。本论文的选题具有重要的理论意义和应用价值。 月面环境的特殊性使月球车进行长距离、大范围的巡视任务面临一系列问题,包括地形对月球车移动性的影响、移动能力、地形通过能力、地形适应能力、安全性等。本文以月球车保持复杂地形下的高移动能力和地形通过能力为研究目标,以一种典型的被动柔顺式月球车为对象,从月球车与环境地形具有整体不可分离性的角度,将机器人与环境地形看成是相互作用的整体,深入研究了轮-地交互关系、软硬地形上的轮-地接触模型、环境地形给月球车带来的影响、软硬地形上的月球车建模、参数估计及运动控制等问题。根据对月球车移动性能影响程度之不同,本文从硬质地形与松软地形两个方面来考察环境地形的物理属性和轮-地交互关系。在硬质地形上,主要考虑地形平坦与不平坦对机器人移动的影响及其控制,六个驱动轮的速度协调控制,车轮打滑(前滑、侧滑、转向滑移)对机器人的建模、分析及控制的影响。在松软地形上,主要考虑轮-地接触关系,土壤特性对移动的影响及其控制。在大量阅读国内外文献并归纳总结的基础上,重点开展了如下几方面的研究: (1)在硬质不平坦地形下,引入轮-地几何接触角概念以反映地形不平坦时轮-地接触点在轮缘上位置的变化,去掉了通常采用的车轮纯滚动假设,考虑车轮滑移(包括侧滑、侧滑以及转向滑移),并结合月球车被动柔顺式移动机构的特点,提出了一种基于速度闭链的运动学建模方法,进行了基于整车模型的月球车速度协调控制研究。该运动学建模方法基于轮心处的速度投影建立整体运动学模型,物理概念清晰、便于实时运动学正反解计算。 (2)针对运动学模型中轮-地几何接触角难以直接测量的问题,提出了两种在线估计方法:误差计算法和卡尔曼滤波估计法。这两种方法均基于月球车整体运动学模型,只需要车轮内部传感器的测量信息,就能在线估计轮-地几何接触角。 (3)由于车轮滑移的影响,采用航位推算方法进行月球车状态估计以及里程计计算存在较大误差。本文提出了基于整体运动学模型的车体运动状态估计方法,并在月球车样机上对车体速度估计、航向角估计、里程计实时计算等方法进行了大量实验研究,验证了算法的有效性。 (4)针对松软地形上刚性轮与地形的交互建模问题,提出了一种基于Guass-Legendre数值积分和Newton-Raphson数值解法的地形参数实时估计方法。以月壤参数的变化范围为参考空间,通过数值仿真将不同地形参数对轮-地接触力的影响进行比较,进而选取对轮-地接触力有较大影响的地形参数进行在线估计,仿真和实验结果均表明估计算法是有效的。 (5)松软地形上常规的速度控制效果差,本文开展了月球车准静力学建模及牵引力控制算法研究,提出了两种牵引力控制算法。对月球车准静力学模型进行简化,提出了一种基于目标优化、考虑车体姿态变化的牵引力控制算法。利用上一章在线估计出的地形参数,对车轮滑移率进行最优估计,提出了一种基于最优滑移率的牵引力控制算法,并进行了仿真验证。
Based on fine structural interpretation on seismic profiles of buried-hills in Huanghua depression, structural interpretation and balanced cross-section restoration of regional seismic profiles, drawing structural maps of main seismic interfaces, residual strata distribution of different ages in the Bohai Bay region and structural survey in the western Shandong uplifted area and the intracontinental orogeny of Yanshan mountain, the paper has studied pre-tertiary structural styles and tectonic evolution of the Bohai Bay region. There mainly develop 5 types of pre-tertiary structural style that are extension structure, compression structure, strike-slip structure, negative inversion structure and sliding structure in the Bohai Bay region. Among these 5 types of structural style, extension structure develops detachment fault and its controlling fault terrain structure and fault break slop; compression structure develops reverted fold, fault propagation fold, fault bent fold, imbricate thrust structure and triangle zone; strike-slip structure develops positive flower structure, negative flower structure, en-echelon structure and brush structure; negative reversion structure develops Indosinian compression and Yanshanian extension negative reversion structure, late Yanshanian compression and Cenozoic extension negative reversion structure; sliding structure develops interlayer sliding structure and detachment structure. According to Cangdong fault of SN direction, Zhangjiakou – Penglai fault and Qihe – Guangrao fault of NWW direction, the Bohai Bay region can be divided into 6 sub-regions in which structural direction and style is different from each other. Structural maps of bottom boundary of Cenozoic and upper Paleozoic manifest that main NNE structural direction is formed from late Yanshanian to Himalayan movement and minor NWW structural direction and a string of area more than 8000m are mainly suggest that Indosinian tectonic pattern strongly influence on Yanshanian and Himalayan movement. Residual strata distribution characteristics of middle to upper Neoproterozoic in the Bohai Bay region manifest that middle- to neo- aulacogen position may be corresponding to late Mesozoic uplifted zone. Residual Paleozoic distribution characteristics of main ENN suggest that structural alteration should be resulted from late Yanshanian to Himalayan movement while which of minor NWW structures suggest that deeper structure should restrict shallower structure. Structural patterns of main EW fold direction in the Bohai Bay region and thrust structure in eastern part are formed late Triassic in studied area. Granite magma intrusion of early to middle Jurassic mainly develops Yanshan mountain zone. Late Mesozoic rifting basins of NEE direction are widely distributed in the Bohai Bay region and granite magma intrusions are mainly distributed in Tancheng – Rongcheng zone. Mesozoic structural evolution in the Bohai Bay region is related to scissor convergent from east to west between North China plate and Yangtze plate and gradually reinforcing of the west circum-pacific tectonic tract while basin and range province of late Jurassic and early Cretaceous may be mainly related to lithospheric thinning of North China craton in late Mesozoic.
On the issue of geological hazard evaluation(GHE), taking remote sensing and GIS systems as experimental environment, assisting with some programming development, this thesis combines multi-knowledges of geo-hazard mechanism, statistic learning, remote sensing (RS), high-spectral recognition, spatial analysis, digital photogrammetry as well as mineralogy, and selects geo-hazard samples from Hong Kong and Three Parallel River region as experimental data, to study two kinds of core questions of GHE, geo-hazard information acquiring and evaluation model. In the aspect of landslide information acquiring by RS, three detailed topics are presented, image enhance for visual interpretation, automatic recognition of landslide as well as quantitative mineral mapping. As to the evaluation model, the latest and powerful data mining method, support vector machine (SVM), is introduced to GHE field, and a serious of comparing experiments are carried out to verify its feasibility and efficiency. Furthermore, this paper proposes a method to forecast the distribution of landslides if rainfall in future is known baseing on historical rainfall and corresponding landslide susceptibility map. The details are as following: (a) Remote sensing image enhancing methods for geo-hazard visual interpretation. The effect of visual interpretation is determined by RS data and image enhancing method, for which the most effective and regular technique is image merge between high-spatial image and multi-spectral image, but there are few researches concerning the merging methods of geo-hazard recognition. By the comparing experimental of six mainstream merging methods and combination of different remote sensing data source, this thesis presents merits of each method ,and qualitatively analyzes the effect of spatial resolution, spectral resolution and time phase on merging image. (b) Automatic recognition of shallow landslide by RS image. The inventory of landslide is the base of landslide forecast and landslide study. If persistent collecting of landslide events, updating the geo-hazard inventory in time, and promoting prediction model incessantly, the accuracy of forecast would be boosted step by step. RS technique is a feasible method to obtain landslide information, which is determined by the feature of geo-hazard distribution. An automatic hierarchical approach is proposed to identify shallow landslides in vegetable region by the combination of multi-spectral RS imagery and DEM derivatives, and the experiment is also drilled to inspect its efficiency. (c) Hazard-causing factors obtaining. Accurate environmental factors are the key to analyze and predict the risk of regional geological hazard. As to predict huge debris flow, the main challenge is still to determine the startup material and its volume in debris flow source region. Exerting the merits of various RS technique, this thesis presents the methods to obtain two important hazard-causing factors, DEM and alteration mineral, and through spatial analysis, finds the relationship between hydrothermal clay alteration minerals and geo-hazards in the arid-hot valleys of Three Parallel Rivers region. (d) Applying support vector machine (SVM) to landslide susceptibility mapping. Introduce the latest and powerful statistical learning theory, SVM, to RGHE. SVM that proved an efficient statistic learning method can deal with two-class and one-class samples, with feature avoiding produce ‘pseudo’ samples. 55 years historical samples in a natural terrain of Hong Kong are used to assess this method, whose susceptibility maps obtained by one-class SVM and two-class SVM are compared to that obtained by logistic regression method. It can conclude that two-class SVM possesses better prediction efficiency than logistic regression and one-class SVM. However, one-class SVM, only requires failed cases, has an advantage over the other two methods as only "failed" case information is usually available in landslide susceptibility mapping. (e) Predicting the distribution of rainfall-induced landslides by time-series analysis. Rainfall is the most dominating factor to bring in landslides. More than 90% losing and casualty by landslides is introduced by rainfall, so predicting landslide sites under certain rainfall is an important geological evaluating issue. With full considering the contribution of stable factors (landslide susceptibility map) and dynamic factors (rainfall), the time-series linear regression analysis between rainfall and landslide risk mapis presented, and experiments based on true samples prove that this method is perfect in natural region of Hong Kong. The following 4 practicable or original findings are obtained: 1) The RS ways to enhance geo-hazards image, automatic recognize shallow landslides, obtain DEM and mineral are studied, and the detailed operating steps are given through examples. The conclusion is practical strongly. 2) The explorative researching about relationship between geo-hazards and alteration mineral in arid-hot valley of Jinshajiang river is presented. Based on standard USGS mineral spectrum, the distribution of hydrothermal alteration mineral is mapped by SAM method. Through statistic analysis between debris flows and hazard-causing factors, the strong correlation between debris flows and clay minerals is found and validated. 3) Applying SVM theory (especially one-class SVM theory) to the landslide susceptibility mapping and system evaluation for its performance is also carried out, which proves that advantages of SVM in this field. 4) Establishing time-serial prediction method for rainfall induced landslide distribution. In a natural study area, the distribution of landslides induced by a storm is predicted successfully under a real maximum 24h rainfall based on the regression between 4 historical storms and corresponding landslides.
Theory of limit analysis include upper bound theorem and lower bound theorem. To deal with slope stability analysis by limit analysis is to approximate the real solution from upper limit and lower limit. The most used method of limit analysis is upper bound theorem, therefore it is often applied to slope engineering in many cases. Although upper bound approach of limit analysis can keep away from vague constitutive relation and complex stress analyses, it also can obtain rigorous result. Assuming the critical surface is circular slip surface, two kinematically admissible velocity fields for perpendicular slice method and radial slice method can be established according to the limit analysis of upper bound theorem. By means of virtual work rate equation and strength reduction method, the upper-bound solution of limit analysis for homogeneous soil slope can be obtained. A log-spiral rotational failure mechanism for homogeneous slope is discussed from two different conditions which represent the position of shear crack passing the toe and below the toe. In the dissertition, the author also establishes a rotational failure mechanics with combination of different logarithmic spiral arcs. Furthermore, the calculation formula of upper bound solution for inhomogeneous soil slope stability problem can be deduced based on the upper bound approach of rigid elements. Through calculating the external work rate caused by soil nail, anti-slide pile, geotechnological grid and retaining wall, the upper bound solution of safety factor of soil nail structure slope, slip resistance of anti-slide pile, critical height of reinforced soil slope and active earth pressure of retaining wall can be obtained by upper bound limit analysis method. Taking accumulated body slope as subject investigated, with study on the limit analysis method to calculate slope safety factor, the kinematically admissible velocity fields of perpendicular slice method for slope with broken slip surface is proposed. Through calculating not only the energy dissipation rate produced in the broken slip surfaces and the vertical velocity discontinuity, but also the work rate produced by self-weight and external load, the upper bound solution of slope with broken slip surface is deduced. As a case study, the slope stability of the Sanmashan landslide in the area of the Three Gorges reservoir is analyzed. Based on the theory of limit analysis, the upper bound solution for rock slope with planar failure surface is obtained. By means of virtual work-rate equation, energy dissipation caused by dislocation of thin-layer and terrane can be calculated; furthermore, the formulas of safety factor for upper bound approach of limit analysis can be deduced. In the end, a new computational model of stability analysis for anchored rock slope is presented after taking into consideration the supporting effect of rock-bolts, the action of seismic force and fissure water pressure. By using the model, not only the external woke-rate done by self-weight, seismic force, fissure water pressure and anchorage force but also the internal energy dissipation produced in the slip surface and structural planes can be totally calculated. According to the condition of virtual work rate equation in limit state, the formula of safety factor for upper bound limit analysis can be deduced.
As a complement to conventional MT, Long-period Magnetotellurics (LMT) has been developed at low frequency for soundings of deep electric structures. Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis (EHS) and surrounding area is a key place for the study of dynamics of the uplift of Tibetan plateau. Experiments in the pioneer studies for EHS3D project showed that the study area shares an unusual low resistive crust and upper mantle. Conventional MT could not provide sufficient information about the deep structures of the study area that requested long period MT measurement to be complemented. This thesis presents the LMT studies in eastern Tibet along the EHS3D-3 Profile from Xiachayu to Yushu including data acquisition, processing, inversion and interpretation. The effective period of the measured LMT signals extend from 10s up to 30000s for the duration more than one week measurement. The resulting model shows that the LMT sounding coincides with the MT data in overlapped periods. Especially the induction arrows and tippers derived from LMT data provide more information about the base of the conductors beneath the plateau with higher resolution. Anomalous induction coefficients and 2-D model suggest extensive conductive bodies beneath Lhasa block and Qiangtang terrain which would be a possible evidence for partial melt and fluids at depth.
Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis (EHS) and its surroundings (eastern margin of Tibet) is one of the most complicated tectonic areas in the world. As the exhaust opening of the balanced materials of the Tibetan Plateau during the collision of Indan and Eurasian plates, the deep structure beneath EHS surrounding region is referred to as the key to the study of the dynamics of the plateau. EHS3D project, sponsored by NSFC, has been proposed to explore the deep electric features of the area. During the first stage of EHS3D(2006-2008), MT+LMT measurements have been conducted along two lines from Chayu to Qingshuihe (EHS3D-3) and Chayu to Ruoergai (EHS3D-2). This paper will discuss the MT models of EHS3D-3 line. By the data procrssing, including distortion analysis, Robust estimation and strike decomposition, rotated apparent resitivities and phases have been obtained for each station. Then conventional 2-D inversion algorithms (NLCG and RRI) were employed to produce 2-D models. The final preferred 2-D model suggests that the upper crust consists of resistive blocks while in mid-lower crust there are two extensive conductive bodies beneath Lhasa block and Qiangtang terrain respectively. Jinshajiang suture is a gradient belt and Bangong-Nujiang suture appear a conductive belt dipping to the north. . We concluded that the formation of the two conductive bodies attributed to the partial melt and fluids in the lower crust. The regional electric strike derived from decomposition analysis indicates that the crust and upper mantle move in different manners. The upper crust moves like slips of rigid blocks along major slip faults while the lower crust creeps as a flow in the conductive channels.
The zircons from gneisses in high and ultrahigh pressure (HP-UHP) metamorphic zones of the Dabie Mountains have been studied on three aspects in this paper, including (1) radiation damage of zircon using Laser Raman spectrum; (2) genesis determination of zircons based on geochemistry; (3) temperature estimate of the HP-UHP metamorphism using Ti-in-zircon thermometer. The zircons have the full widths at half-maximum less than 15 cm-1 at the 1008 cm-1 peak, suggesting that they are well crystallized to moderately damaged. The early inherited zircons from gneisses had undergone significant annealing and recrystallization during the HP-UHP metamorphic event. The α-doses that zircons suffered were accumulated from about 200Ma, indicating that HP-UHP metamorphic rocks have been exhumed to the surface of the earth at this time. The studies from the CL images, mineral inclusions, U-Pb ages and trace elements reveal that metamorphic zircons were formed as two kinds of mechanisms: metamorphic growth and recrystallization. The zircons of metamorphic growth and recrystallization zircons that were completely equilibrated during the HP-UHP metamorphic event have been chosen to carry out for temperature estimate using the Ti-in-zircon thermometer. The result shows that the HP-UHP terrain of the Dabie Mountains can be divided into five zones with temperature gaps, suggesting that the terrain consists of tectonic slices with different metamorphic history.
China locates between the circum-Pacific and the Mediterranean-Himalayan seismic belt. The seismic activities in our country are very frequent and so are the collapses and slides of slope triggered by earthquakes. Many collapses and slides of slope take place mainly in the west of China with many earthquakes and mountains, especially in Sichuan and Yunnan Provinces. When a strong earthquake happening, the damage especially in mountains area caused by geological hazards it triggered such as rock collapses, landslides and debris flows is heavier than that it caused directly. A conclusion which the number of lives lost caused by geological hazards triggered by a strong earthquake in mountains area often accounts for a half even more of the total one induced by the strong earthquake can be made by consulting the statistical loss of several representative earthquakes. As a result, geological hazards such as collapses and slides of slope triggered by strong earthquakes attract wide attention for their great costs. Based on field geological investigation, engineering geological exploration and material data analysis, chief conclusions have been drawn after systematic research on formation mechanism, key inducing factors, dynamic characteristics of geological hazards such as collapses and slides of slope triggered by strong earthquakes by means of engineering geomechanics comprehensive analysis, finite difference numerical simulation test, in-lab dynamic triaxial shear test of rock, discrete element numerical simulation. Based on research on a great number of collapses and landslides triggered by Wenchuan and Xiaonanhai Earthquake, two-set methods, i.e. the method for original topography recovering based on factors such as lithology and elevation comparing and the method for reconstructing collapsing and sliding process of slope based on characteristics of seism tectonic zone, structural fissure, diameter spatial distribution of slope debris mass, propagation direction and mechanical property of seismic wave, have been gotten. What is more, types, formation mechanism and dynamic characteristics of collapses and slides of slope induced by strong earthquakes are discussed comprehensively. Firstly, collapsed and slided accumulative mass is in a state of heavily even more broken. Secondly, dynamic process of slope collapsing and sliding consists of almost four stages, i.e. broken, thrown, crushed and river blocked. Thirdly, classified according to failure forms, there are usually four types which are made up of collapsing, land sliding, land sliding-debris flowing and vibrating liquefaction. Finally, as for key inducing factors in slope collapsing and sliding, they often include characteristics of seism tectonic belts, structure and construction of rock mass, terrain and physiognomy, weathering degree of rock mass and mechanical functions of seismic waves. Based on microscopic study on initial fracturing of slope caused by seismic effect, combined with two change trends which include ratio of vertical vs. horizontal peak ground acceleration corresponding to epicentral distance and enlarging effect of peak ground acceleration along slope, key inducing factor of initial slope fracturing in various area with different epicentral distance is obtained. In near-field area, i.e. epicentral distance being less than 30 km, tensile strength of rock mass is a key intrinsic factor inducing initial fracturing of slope undergoing seismic effect whereas shear strength of rock mass is the one when epicentral distance is more than 30 km. In the latter circumstance, research by means of finite difference numerical simulation test and in-lab dynamic triaxial shear test of rock shows that initial fracture begins always in the place of slope shoulder. The fact that fracture strain and shear strength which are proportional to buried depth of rock mass in the place of slope shoulder are less than other place and peak ground acceleration is enlarged in the place causes prior failure at slope shoulder. Key extrinsic factors inducing dynamic fracture of slope at different distances to epicenter have been obtained through discrete element numerical simulation on the total process of collapsing and sliding of slope triggered by Wenchuan Earthquake. Research shows that combined action of P and S seismic waves is the key factor inducing collapsing and sliding of slope at a distance less than 64 km to initial epicenter along earthquake-triggering structure. What is more, vertical tensile action of P seismic wave plays a leading role near epicenter, whereas vertical shear action of S seismic wave plays a leading role gradually with epicentral distance increasing in this range. On the other hand, single action of P seismic wave becomes the key factor inducing collapsing and sliding of slope at a distance between 64 km and 216 km to initial epicenter. Horizontal tensile action of P seismic wave becomes the key factor gradually from combined action between vertical and horizontal tensile action of P seismic wave with epicentral distance increasing in this distance range. In addition, initial failure triggered by strong earthquakes begins almost in the place of slope shoulder. However, initial failure beginning from toe of slope relates probably with gradient and rock occurrence. Finally, starting time of initial failure in slope increases usually with epicentral distance. It is perhaps that the starting time increasing is a result of attenuating of seismic wave from epicenter along earthquake-triggering structure. It is of great theoretical and practical significance for us to construct towns and infrastructure in fragile geological environment along seism tectonic belts and conduct risk management on earthquake-triggered geological hazards by referring to above conclusions.
Synthetic Geology Information System (SGIS) is an important constituent part of the theory of Engineering Geomechanics Mate-Synthetic (EGMS), and is the information system more suited for the collection, storage, management, analysis and processing to the information coming from engineering geology,' geological engineering and geotechnical engineering. Its contents involve various works and methods of the investigation, design, and construction in different stages of the geological engineering. Engineering geological and three-dimensional modeling and visualization is the fundamental part of the SGIS, and is a theory, method and technique by which, adopting the computer graphics and image processing techniques, the data derived from engineering geological survey and the calculated results obtained from the geomechanical numerical simulation and analysis are converted to the graphics and images displayed on the computer screen and can be processed interactively. In this paper, the significance and realizing approaches of the three-dimensional modeling and visualization for the complex geological mass in the engineering geology are discussed and the methods of taking advantage of the interpolation and fitting for the scattered and field-surveyed data to simulate the geological layers, such as the topography and earth surface, the groundwater table and the stratum boundary, are researched into. At the mean time, in mind the characteristics of the structure of the basic data for three-dimensional modeling, its visual management can be resolved into the engineering surveyed database management module, plot parameter management module and data output module and the requirement for basic data management can be fulfilled. In the paper, the establishment and development of the three-dimensional geological information system are probed tentatively, and an instance of three-dimensional visual Engineering Distribution Information System (EDIS), theConstruction Management Information System for an airport, in which the functions, such as the real-time browse among the three-dimensional virtual-reality landscapes of the airport construction from start to finish, the information query to the airport facility and the building in the housing district and the recording and playback of the animation sets for the browse and the takeoff and landing of the planes, is developed by applying the component-mode three-dimensional virtual-reality geological information system (GIS) software development kits (SDK), so the three-dimensional visual management platform is provided for the airport construction. Moreover, in the gaper, integrated with the three-dimensional topography visualization and its application in the Sichuan-Tibet Highways, the method of the digital elevation model (DEM) data collection from the topographic maps is described, and the three-dimensional visualization and the roaming about the terrain along the highway are achieved through computer language programming. Understanding to the important role played by the varied and unique topographical condition in the gestation and germination of the highly-dense, frequently-arising and severely-endangered geological hazards can be deepened.