68 resultados para TEMPERATE ESTUARY


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Seasonal netzplankton samples from stations in the Changjiang (Yangtze River) Estuary were collected from May, 2004 to February, 2005. The dominant species and their contribution to the total zooplankton abundance were determined. Moreover, the relationship between the salinity and abundance was studied with stepwise linear regression. During the whole year, the salinity was positively correlated with the abundance, while the temperature, negatively. Linear regression analysis showed also a high positive correlation with salinity for total abundance in August and November, while in February and May, no obvious relations were found. The most abundant community was composed of neritic and brackish-water species. The North Passage (NP) (salinity <5) was greatly diluted by freshwater while the North Branch (NB) was brackish water with salinity range of 12-28. Consequently, clear decline in abundance of zooplankton was along the estuarine haloclines from the maximum in the area of high salinity to the minimum in the limnetic zone. Total zooplankton abundance and biomass were lower in NP than the NB in all seasons. In short, the salinity influenced the abundance of each species of zooplankton, and ultimately determined the total abundance of zooplankton. Furthermore, a winter peak in the abundance existed, which might be caused by the flourishing of Sinocalanus sinensis, a widely distributed species in the Changjiang Estuary.


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Chang-Fu Wang, Xian-Qiu Ren, and Run-Lin Xu (2010) Composition, abundance, and diversity of the Peracarida on different vegetation types in the Qi'ao-Dan'gan Island Mangrove Nature Reserve on Qi'ao Island in the Pearl River estuary, China. Zoological Studies 49(5): 608-615. Almost nothing is known about the Peracarida in the Pearl River estuary. This is the 1st report to study the composition, abundance, and diversity of the Peracarida in the Qi'ao-Dan'gan I. Mangrove Nature Reserve on Qi'ao I., in the Pearl River estuary, southern China. Bimonthly samplings were carried out in 3 representative vegetation types (mangrove arbor, emergent plants, and seaweed) for 2 yr. Using a Peterson grab, 1940 individuals (id.) were collected in total, including 11 species of 6 genera, 5 families, and 3 orders (Amphipoda, Isopoda, and Tanaidacean). Discapseudes mackiei Bamber 1997 was the dominant species with the highest density of 1,432 incl./m(2). The effect of temperature on the abundance of Peracarida was significant (p < 0.01), and the optimum temperature was 22-23 degrees C in both the mangrove arbor and seaweed. The results showed that the abundance of the Peracarida was higher in the mangrove arbor, while the diversity, especially Amphipoda diversity, was higher in the seaweed. In contrast, emergent plants provided no suitable habitats for the Peracarida. http://zoolstud.sinica.edu.tw/Journals/49.5/608.pdf


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Bacterial surface colonization is a universal adaptation strategy in aquatic environments. However, neither the identities of early colonizers nor the temporal changes in surface assemblages are well understood. To determine the identities of the most common bacterial primary colonizers and to assess the succession process, if any, of the bacterial assemblages during early stages of surface colonization in coastal water of the West Pacific Ocean, nonnutritive inert materials (glass, Plexiglas, and polyvinyl chloride) were employed as test surfaces and incubated in seawater off the Qingdao coast in the spring of 2005 for 24 and 72 h. Phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequences amplified from the recovered surface-colonizing microbiota indicated that diverse bacteria colonized the submerged surfaces. Multivariate statistical cluster analyses indicated that the succession of early surface-colonizing bacterial assemblages followed sequential steps on all types of test surfaces. The Rhodobacterales, especially the marine Roseobacter clade members, formed the most common and dominant primary surface-colonizing bacterial group. Our current data, along with previous studies of the Atlantic coast, indicate that the Rhodobacterales bacteria are the dominant and ubiquitous primary surface colonizers in temperate coastal waters of the world and that microbial surface colonization follows a succession sequence. A conceptual model is proposed based on these findings, which may have important implications for understanding the structure, dynamics, and function of marine biofilms and for developing strategies to harness or control surface-associated microbial communities.


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Ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) have recently been found to be potentially important in nitrogen cycling in a variety of environments, such as terrestrial soils, wastewater treatment reactors, marine waters and sediments, and especially in estuaries, where high input of anthropogenic nitrogen is often experienced. The sedimentary AOA diversity, community structure and spatial distribution in the Changjiang Estuary and the adjacent East China Sea were studied. Multivariate statistical analysis indicated that the archaeal amoA genotype communities could be clustered according to sampling transects, and the station located in an estuarine mixing zone harboured a distinct AOA community. The distribution of AOA communities correlated significantly with the gradients of surface-water salinity and sediment sorting coefficient. The spatial distribution of putative soil-related AOA in certain sampling stations indicated a strong impact of the Changjiang freshwater discharge on the marine benthic microbial ecosystem. Besides freshwater, nutrients, organic matter and suspended particles, the Changjiang Diluted Water might also contribute to the transport of terrestrial archaea into the seawater and sediments along its flow path.


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The present paper deals with the distribution patterns of heavy metals and the associated influencing factors in the Yalu River Estuary and its adjacent coastal waters. Based upon the analysis of the surficial and core sediments measurements, the pollution of heavy metal and potential ecological risk were evaluated. The burial flux and contents of heavy metals (except for copper) have been continuously increasing since the 1920s. Therefore, the gross potential ecological risk for the sediments was high or very high, and the study area was endangered by heavy metals contamination. Heavy metals originated mainly from upstream pollutant input, correlation analysis showed that chromium, nickel, zinc, cadmium, lead, arsenic, and mercury in the sediments of the middle and west channels as well as the sea area of the western Yalu River Estuary concentrations were most probably derived from similar sources. In contrast, the metal of copper most probably originated from sources different from the other metals. Preliminary studies indicate that copper contamination was most likely the result of emission from mining activities situated at the upstream of the river. The contents of heavy metals in the sediments of estuarine turbidity maximum zone of Yalu River were larger than those of any other areas in the middle channel. With large portion of fine sediments, weaker hydrodynamics, and richer sources of heavy metals, the sediments of the west channel, were even more enriched with heavy metals than those of the middle channel.


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Field measurements of salinity, wind and river discharge and numerical simulations of hydrodynamics from 1978 to 1984 are used to investigate the dynamics of the buoyant plume off the Pearl River Estuary (PRE), China during summer. The studies have shown that there are four major horizontal buoyant plume types in summer: Offshore Bulge Spreading (Type I), West Alongshore Spreading (Type II), East Offshore Spreading (Type III), and Symmetrical Alongshore Spreading (Type IV). River mouth conditions, winds and ambient coastal currents have inter-influences to the transport processes of the buoyant plume. It is found that all of the four types are surface-advected plumes by analysing the vertical characteristic of the plumes, and the monthly variations of the river discharge affect the plume size dominantly. The correlation coefficient between the PRE plume size and the river discharge reaches 0.85 during the high river discharge season. A wind strength index has been introduced to examine the wind effect. It is confirmed that winds play a significant role in forming the plume morphology. The alongshore wind stress and the coastal currents determine the alongshore plume spreading. The impact of the ambient currents such as Dongsha Current and South China Sea (SCS) Warm Current on the plume off the shelf has also assessed. The present study has demonstrated that both the river discharge and wind conditions affect the plume evolution.


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Based on the Estuarine, Coastal and Ocean Modeling System with Sediments (ECOMSED) model, a 3-D hydrodynamic-transport numerical model was established for the offshore area near the Yangtze Estuary in the East China Sea. The hydrodynamic module was driven by tide and wind. Sediment module included sediment resuspension, transport and deposition of cohesive and non-cohesive sediment. The settling of cohesive sediment in the water column was modeled as a function of aggregation (flocculation) and deposition. The numerical results were compared with observation data for August, 2006. It shows that the sediment concentration reduces gradually from the seashore to the offshore area. Numerical results of concentration time series in the observation stations show two peaks and two valleys, according with the observation data. It is mainly affected by tidal current. The suspended sediment concentration is related to the tidal current during a tidal cycle, and the maximum concentration appears 1 h-4 h after the current maximum velocity has reached.


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MASNUM wave-tide-circulation coupled numerical model (MASNUM coupled model, hereinafter) is developed based on the Princeton Ocean Model (POM). Both POM and MASNUM coupled model are applied in the numerical simulation of the upwelling off Yangtze River estuary and in Zhejiang coastal waters in summer. The upwelling mechanisms are analyzed from the viewpoint of tide, and a new mechanism is proposed. The study suggests that the tidally inducing mechanism of the upwelling includes two dynamic aspects: the barotropic and the baroclinic process. On the one hand, the residual currents induced by barotropic tides converge near the seabed, and upwelling is generated to maintain mass conservation. The climbing of the residual currents along the sea bottom slope also contributes to the upwelling. On the other hand, tidal mixing plays a very important role in inducing the upwelling in the baroclinic sea circumstances. Strong tidal mixing leads to conspicuous front in the coastal waters. The considerable horizontal density gradient across the front elicits a secondary circulation clinging to the tidal front, and the upwelling branch appears near the frontal zone. Numerical experiments are designed to determine the importance of tide in inducing the upwelling. The results indicate that tide is a key and dominant inducement of the upwelling. Experiments also show that coupling calculation of the four main tidal constituents(M-2, S-2, K-1, and O-1), rather than dealing with the single M-2 constituent, improves the modeling precision of the barotropic tide-induced upwelling.


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To study the relationship between sediment transportation and saltwater intrusion in the Changjiang (Yangtze) estuary, a three-dimensional numerical model for temperature, salinity, velocity field, and suspended sediment concentration was established based on the ECOMSED model. Using this model, sediment transportation in the flood season of 2005 was simulated for the Changjiang estuary. A comparison between simulated results and observation data for the tidal level, flow velocity and direction, salinity and suspended sediment concentration indicated that they were consistent in overall. Based on model verification, the simulation of saltwater intrusion and its effect on sediment in the Changjiang estuary was analyzed in detail. The saltwater intrusion in the estuary including the formation, evolution, and disappearance of saltwater wedge and the induced vertical circulation were reproduced, and the crucial impact of the wedge on cohesive and non-cohesive suspended sediment distribution and transportation were successfully simulated. The result shows that near the salinity front, the simulated concentrations of both cohesive and non-cohesive suspended sediment at the surface layer had a strong relationship with the simulated velocity, especially when considering a 1-hour lag. However, in the bottom layer, there was no obvious correlation between them, because the saltwater wedge and its inducing vertical circulation may have resuspended loose sediment on the bed, thus forming a high-concentration area near the bottom even if the velocity near the bottom was very low during the transition phase from flood to ebb.


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Analysis using historical data on the phosphate sources in Changjiang (Yangtze River) estuary show that phosphate was supplied equally from the east, south, west and north of the estuary. These sources include the Changjiang River, the Taiwan Warm Current (TWC), a cyclone-type eddy, and the 32A degrees N Upwelling, supplying different phosphates in different times, ways and intensities. The magnitude of their supplying phosphate concentration was related with the size in the order of the Changjiang River < the TWC < the 32A degrees N Upwelling < the cyclone-type eddy, and the duration of the supplying was: the Changjiang River > the TWC > the cyclone-type eddy > the 32A degrees N Upwelling. The four sources supplied a great deal of phosphate so that the phosphate concentration in the estuary was kept above 0.2 mu mol/L in previous years, satisfying the phytoplankton growth. The horizontal and vertical distribution of the phosphate concentration showed that near shallow marine areas at 122A degrees E/31A degrees N, the TWC in low nutrient concentration became an upwelling through sea bottom and brought up nutrients from sea bottom to marine surface. In addition, horizontal distribution of phosphate concentration was consistent with that of algae: Rhizosolenia robusta, Rhizosolenia calcaravis and Skeletonema, which showed that no matter during high water or low water of Changjiang River, these species brought by the TWC became predominant species. Therefore, the authors believe that the TWC flowed from south to north along the coast and played a role in deflecting the Changjiang River flow from the southern side.


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研究胶州湾浮游植物的物种组成与时空分布的特点,对于了解该湾生态系统的现状与历史变化趋势以及生态系统对自然条件变化和人类干扰的响应具有重要意义。 本文根据2004年每月一次采集的浮游植物样品,分析了胶州湾浮游植物的物种组成和优势种的时空分布情况。调查发现浮游植物共142种,分属于6门53属,其中硅藻门40属113种,占总物种数的79.6%;甲藻门10属24种,占总物种数的16.9%;其它为金藻门1属2种,裸藻1属1种,绿藻1属2种。浮游植物丰度周年波动范围为11.12-14602.39×104cells/m3,全年平均为1857.55×104cells/m3。全年丰度最高的藻为环纹劳德藻(Lauderia annulata),出现在2月份,而全年的丰度最高值也出现在2月份。在胶州湾中,硅藻所占比例最大,平均为97.44%,最高为99.95%,最低为82.55%。浮游植物的丰度的周年变化:有两个高峰,分别出现在2月份和10月份,是典型的温带海域双高峰的分布形式。 胶州湾浮游植物的优势种分析,采用Kikvidze等(2002)提出的确定优势种数量的计算方法,再依据各物种的优势度排序最终确定优势种。其中在多样性最低的6月和10月,优势种数目均为1种,分别为丹麦细柱藻(Leptocylindrus danicus)和中肋骨条藻(Skeletonema costatum)。而在多样性指数较低的1月、2月,优势种数目分别为2和3;而在物种多样性比较高的5月、7月、11月,由于分布相对比较分散,所以优势种数量较多。这说明这个方法可以较好地完成对胶州湾浮游植物群落分析时确定优势种的目标。优势种出现频率较多的种类为中肋骨条藻(1、3、4、5、8、10、11、12月)、洛氏角毛藻(Chaetoceros lorenzianus)(7、8、9、11、12月)、尖刺拟菱形藻(Pseudonitzschia pungens)(2、3、5、7月)、加拉星杆藻(Asteronella kariana)(1、2、3、5月)、密联角毛藻(Chaetoceros densus)(5、11、12月)、扭鞘藻(Streptothece thamesis)(7、8、9月)、夜光藻(Noctiluca scintillancs)(4、5、7月)、奇异菱形藻(Nitzschia paradoxa)(5、11、12月),对这些种的时空分布进行了分析。 对2004年胶州湾的浮游植物数据进行分层聚类分析后,发现可以将胶州湾划分为三个海区:湾南与湾外海区、湾中西部海区、湾东海区。


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From November 2002 to 2006, five cruises were undertaken in the Yangtze River Estuary and the adjacent East China Sea to compare the nutrient concentrations, ratios and potential nutrient limitation of phytoplankton growth before and after impoundment (June 2003) of the Three Gorges Dam (TGD). Concentrations of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) and total nitrogen (TN) exhibited an increasing trend from 2002 to 2006. In contrast, total phosphorus (TP) concentration exhibited a decreasing trend. The mean concentrations of DIN, SRP, and TN in the total study area increased from 21.4 mu M, 0.9 mu M, and 41.8 mu M in 2002 to 37.5 mu M, 1.3 mu M. and 82.2 mu M in 2006, respectively. while TP decreased from 2.1 mu M to 1.7 mu M. The concentration of dissolved reactive silica (DRSi) had no major fluctuations and the differences were not significant. The mean concentration of DRSi in the total study area ranged from 52.5 to 92.3 mu M. The Si:N ratio decreased significantly from 2.7 in 2002 to 1.3 in 2006, while TN: TP ratio increased from 22.1 to 80.3. The area of potential P limitation of phytoplankton growth expanded after 2003 and potential Si limitation appeared in 2005 and 2006. Potential P limitation mainly occurred in an area of salinity less than 30 after 2003, while potential Si limitation occurred where the salinity was greater than 30. By comparison with historical data, the concentrations of nitrate and SRP in this upper estuary during November 1980-2006 increased obviously after impoundment of TGD but DRSi decreased. Meanwhile, the ratios of N:P, Si:N and Si:P decreased obviously. (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The nitrogen isotopic composition of dissolved nitrate (delta N-15-NO3-) in surface water of the Yangtze River estuary was determined in four seasons of 2006. delta N-15-NO3- ranged from 0.4 parts per thousand to 6.5 parts per thousand and varied with seasons and geographic regions, reflecting the dynamics of nitrogen cycling in the estuarine ecosystem. delta N-15-NO3- was markedly lower in February than in other seasons and exhibited conservative mixing, which was probably attributed to the NO3- being sourced from the atmospheric deposition and agricultural fertilizer. In the upper estuary, the influence of riverine inputs was important during all surveys. in the turbidity maximum zone, nitrification was found with nitrate depleted in N-15 in May, whereas denitrification resulting in heavy delta N-15-NO3- played an important role in August. More enriched delta N-15-NO3- values coinciding with losses of nitrate concentrations based on the conservative mixing model were found in the adjacent marine area in May, and may reflect obvious phytoplankton assimilation of dissolved nitrate. In this manner, delta N-15-NO3- may be a sensitive indicator of nitrogen sources and biogeochemical processing existing in this estuary in conjunction with the variations of dissolved nitrate and other environmental factors. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.