32 resultados para Stone, Crushed.


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Study of 3D visualization technology of engineering geology and its application to engineering is a cross subject which includes geosciences, computer, software and information technology. Being an important part of the secondary theme of National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program) whose name is Study of Multi-Scale Structure and Occurrence Environment of Complicated Geological Engineering Mass(No.2002CB412701), the dissertation involves the studies of key problems of 3D geological modeling, integrated applications of multi-format geological data, effective modeling methods of complex approximately layered geological mass as well as applications of 3D virtual reality information management technology.The main research findings are listed below:Integrated application method of multi-format geological data is proposed,which has solved the integrated application of drill holes, engineering geology plandrawings, sectional drawings and cutting drawings as well as exploratory trenchsketch. Its application can provide as more as possible fundamental data for 3Dgeological modeling.A 3D surface construction method combined Laplace interpolation points withoriginal points is proposed, so the deformation of 3D model and the crossing error ofupper and lower surface of model resulted from lack of data when constructing alaminated stratum can be eliminated.3D modeling method of approximately layered geological mass is proposed,which has solved the problems of general modeling method based on the sections or points and faces when constructing terrain and concordant strata.The 3D geological model of VII dam site of Xiangjiaba hydropower stationhas been constructed. The applications of 3D geological model to the auto-plotting ofsectional drawing and the converting of numerical analysis model are also discussed.3D virtual reality information integrated platform is developed, whose mostimportant character is that it is a software platform having the functions of 3D virtualreality flying and multi-format data management simultaneously. Therefore, theplatform can load different 3D model so as to satisfy the different engineeringdemands.The relics of Aigong Cave of Longyou Stone Caves are recovered. Thereinforcement plans of 1# and 2# cave in phoenix hill also be expressed. The intuitiveexpression provided decision makers and designers a very good environment.The basic framework and specific functions of 3D geological informationsystem are proposed.The main research findings in the dissertation have been successfully applied to some important engineering such as Xiangjiaba hydropower station, a military airport and Longyou Stone Caves etc.


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Gaochentou region is located in the southwest direction of Gaochentou village in Huanghua city of Hebei province. In regionally structural position, It lies in Qikou sag In the middle part of Huanghua depression, which belongs to the east part of the south Dagang structure zone in the middle part of Huanghua depression. Its' very beneficial at regional structure in Gaochentou , and It becomes the advantage area for oil and gas gathered and preserved, Sandstone reservoir of Dongying Formation is main bearing bed .Dongying Formation in Gaochentou region of Huanghua depression is consisted of set of mudstone and sandstone interbeds by deposited delta fades . Dongying Formation can be divided into 3 members from above to below: the first member of Dongying Formation (FMDF), the second member of Dongying Formation (SMDF), and third member of Dongying Formation (TMDF). The lithology of the upper part of FMDF was consisted of mostly middle-grained and fine-grained sandstone, and it is small for the oil-bearing area of the sand bodies .The lithology of the lower part is coarse-grained sandstone bodies which are well connected between sandstone bodies of wells, and the lower part was main bed of oil production in Dongying Formation; SMDF and TMDF are consisted of larger scale set of mudstone, in which the sandbodies are lenticular and pinch out quickly, and the lithology was mostly fine sandstone and silt stone, in which there are little oil and gas .Because the reservoirs in this area are largely influenced by the factors such as lithology, fault and others, and the reservoirs have the strong,heterogeneity , there exists the problem of oil-down and water-up for vertical distribution of oil and gas bearing. It is not very clearly for the three dimension distribution of sandstone , and the geology researchs is not enough. So, it can't satisfy the need of further development and production for Gaochentou oilfield.Having the key problem of oil-down and water-up and the mechanism of the reservoir for Gaochentou area, There are as follow study works, the first, is study of the high-resolution correlation of sequence stratigraphy and sedimentary microfacies. Dongying Formation was divided into three parasequence sets and each parasequence set was divided into different amount of parasequences. FMDF, as the main oil and gas producing bed, can be divided into seven parasequences. Oil and gas are discovered in six parasequences except the seventh. On the basis of study of sedimentary microfacies, the sediments of Dongying Formation are considered deposited mainly in delta front subfacies. The microfacies types of Dongying Formation are sub-water distirbutary channel, sub-water natural bank, inter distributary channel bay, distributary channel mouth dam, and delta front mat sand.Seismic facies analysis and logging-constrained inversion technique were applied by Author for transverse prediction of sandstone reservoir. Having 4 modes of interwell single sandbodies correlation technique, Author have described distribution characteristics of sandbodies, and established geological reservoir model of Gaochentou reservoir.Author presented that the reservoirs characteristic have very strong heterogeneity ,and In the section of sandstone interlayed with mudstone,the folium sandstone interlayed with each other, and the wedge shaped sandbodies pinched out in the mudstone. So the pinch-out up sandstone trap and lenticular sandstone trap are easily formed. They are most small scale overlying pinches out in the place of slope. This article applies the concept of deep basin oil to resolve reasonably the problem of which the oil is below the water in Gaochentou area. Combined with the study of sedimentary facies, reservoir and other aspects, the mechanism and patterns of deep basin oil are studied on the basis of characteristics in Gaochentou area.On the basis of the above study, the mechanism of the oil and gas' migration and accumulation in isotropic sandstone and heterogeneous sandstone are thoroughly analyzed through experiments on physical modeling. Experiments on physical modeling show that the discrepancy between sand layers with different permeability and thickness has important influence on the direction, path, and injection layer of oil's migration. At the beginning of the injection of oil and gas in high permeability sand layer, the pressure is low, the migration resistance is small, and the oil and gas are more easily displacing the water in sand. So it can act as good transformation layer or reservoir. But at the beginning of the injection of oil and gas in sand layer with low permeability, the pressure is high, the migration resistance is big, and the oil and gas are more difficultly displacing the water in sand. So it can only act as bad or worse transformation layer or reservoir. Even if it cannot act as transformation layer or reservoir, it can act as water layer or dry layer. The discrepancy between sand layers on permeability and thickness can make discrepancy in injection of oil and gas between different layers. Consequently it leads to small amount of oil and gas injection in sand layers with low permeability. Ultimately it affects the oil's accumulation and distribution in different sand layers.At Last, combining analysis of the structure and pool forming condition, The thesis has established models of reservoir formation to predict the advantage distribution of oil and gas bearing , and put forward the prospective target It is not only of theoretical signification for explosion and importance, but also has realistic value in guiding the progressive petroleum exploration and exploitation.