71 resultados para Spleen


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The cDNA encoding grass carp intelectin was isolated from a head kidney cDNA library, and termed gcIntL. The deduced amino acid sequence of gcIntL consists of 318 amino acids, and about 55% identical and 74% similar to human intelectin, which is a new type of lectin recognizing galactofuranose, and plays a role in the recognition of bacteria-specific components in animal hosts. The gcIntL gene consists of seven exons and six introns, spacing over approximately 3 kb of genomic sequence. Phylogenetic analysis clearly demonstrated that the gcIntL formed a clade with Danio rerio intelectin and 35 kDa serum lectin. By real-time quantitative RT-PCR analysis, gcIntL transcripts were significantly induced in head kidney, trunk kidney, spleen, and intestine from LPS-stimulated fish. RT-PCR and Western blotting analysis demonstrated that the mRNA and protein of gcIntL gene have the same expression pattern, and both were detected in brain, gill, intestine, head kidney, trunk kidney, spleen, and heart. Furthermore, gcIntL protein could be detected in gill, intestine, trunk kidney, head kidney, spleen, heart, and brain including medulla oblongata and optic lobe, as determined by immunohistochemistry. This is the first report of intelectin expression pattern in fish, and of recombinant gcIntL and polyclonal antibody against gcIntL. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The gene of piscidin, an antimicrobial peptide, has been cloned from the mandarin fish, Siniperca chuatsi. From the first transcription initiation site, the mandarin fish piscidin gene extends 1693 nucleotides to the end of the 3' untranslated region and contains four exons and three introns. A predicted 79-residue prepropeptide consists of three domains: a signal peptide (22 aa), a mature peptide (22 aa) and a C-terminal prodomain (35 aa). The shortage of XQQ motif in the prodomain of mandarin fish piscidin and the similar gene structure between moronecidins (piscidins) and pleurocidins may indicate that they are derived from the same ancestor gene. We thus suggest that piscidin should be used as a terminology for these antimicrobial peptides in the future. The mandarin fish piscidin mRNA was abundant in intestine, spleen, pronephros and kidney analysed by real-time polymerase chain reaction. After stimulation with lipopoly saccharides (LPS), a marked increase in transcripts was observed in most tissues, indicating that piscidin is not only a constitutively expressed molecule, but also has an increased response to bacterial infection. The synthetic, amidated mandarin fish piscidin exhibited different antimicrobial activity against different fish bacterial pathogens, especially against species of Aeromonas, which may to certain extent reflect the pathogenicity of these bacteria.


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The distribution and dynamics of microcystins in various organs of the phytoplanktivorous bighead carp were studied monthly in Lake Taihu, which is dominated by toxic cyanobacteria. There was a good agreement between LC-MS and HPLC-UV determinations. Average recoveries of spiked fish samples were 63% for MC-RR and 71% for MC-LR. The highest MC contents in intestine, liver, kidney and spleen were 85.67, 2.83, 1.70 and 1.57 mu g g(-1) DW, respectively. MCs were much higher in mid-gut walls (1.22 mu g g(-1) DW) than in hind- and fore-gut walls (0.31 and 0.18 mu g g(-1) DW, respectively), suggesting the importance of mid-gut wall as major site for MC absorption. A cysteine conjugate of MC-LR was detected frequently in kidney. Among the muscle samples analyzed, 25% were above the provisional tolerable daily intake level by WHO. Bighead is strongly resistant to microcystins and can be used as biomanipulation fish to counteract cyanotoxin contamination in eutrophic waters. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The genes of IRF-1 and IRF-7 have been cloned from the mandarin fish (Siniperca chuatsi). The IRF-1 gene has 4919 nucleotides (nt) and contains 10exons and 9introns, with an open reading frame (ORF) of 903 ntencoding301 aa. The IRF-7 gene has 6057 nt and also contains 10exons and 9introns, with an ORF of 1308 nt encoding 436 aa. The IRF-1 and IRF-7 genes have only one copy each in the genome. The transcription of IRF-1 and IRF-7 in different organs was analyzed by real-time PCR, and both molecules were constitutively expressed. The IRF-I and IRF-7 mRNAs were abundant in gill, spleen, kidney and pronephros. The temporal transcriptional changes for IRF-1, IRF-7 and Mx were investigated within 48 h after poly I: C stimulation in liver, gill, spleen and pronephros. An increased transcription was detected for IRF-1 and IRF-7 12 h post-stimulation, being earlier than the transcription of Mx protein; however, IRF-1 and IRF-7 transcription decreased while the Mx protein was stable at 48 h post-stimulation. (c) 2007 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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Protein arginine methyltransferase 1 (PRMT1) is currently thought as an effector to regulate interferon (IFN) signalling. Here Paralichthys olivaceus PRMT1 (PoPRMT1) gene was identified as a vitally induced gene from UV-inactivated Scophthalmus maximus Rhabdovirus (SMRV)-infected flounder embryonic cells (FEC). PoPMRT1 encodes a 341-amino-acid protein that shares the conserved domains including post-I, motif I, II and III. Homology comparisons show that the putative PoPMRT1 protein is the closest to zebrafish PMRT1 and belongs to type I PRMT family (including PRMT1, PRMT2, PRMT3, PRMT4, PRMT6, PRMT8). Expression analyses revealed an extensive distribution of PoPMRT1 in all tested tissues of flounder. In vitro induction of PoPRMT1 was determined in UV-inactivated SMRV-infected FEC cells, and under the same conditions, flounder Mx wash also transcriptionally up-regulated, indicating that an IFN response might be triggered. Additionally, live SMRV infection of flounders induced an increased expression of PoPRMT1 mRNA and protein significantly in spleen, and to a lesser extent in head kidney and intestine. Immunofluorescence analysis revealed a major cyptoplasmic distribution of PoPRMT1 in normal FEC but an obvious increase occurred in nucleus in response to UV-inactivated SMRV. This is the first report on in vitro and in vivo expression of fish PRMT1 by virus infection, suggesting that PoPRMT1 might be implicated in flounder antiviral immune response. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A 12-week growth trial was conducted in a flow-through system to investigate the chronic toxic effect of dietary intake of cyanobacteria on growth, feed utilization and microcystins accumulation in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) (initial body weight: 5.6 g). Six isonitrogenous and isocaloric diets were formulated to include different contents of cyanobacteria with the dietary microcystins increasing from 0 to 5460.06 ng/g diet. The results showed that dietary intake of cyanobacteria could increase the growth of tilapia while there are no impacts on feed conversion efficiency or mortality. Feeding rate was higher for the diets containing highest cyanobacteria. Microcystins were mostly accumulated in fish liver. The relationship between microcystins contents in muscle, liver, spleen and dietary intake could be described by quadratic equations. Microcystins content in the muscle of Nile tilapia in present study exceeded the upper limit of the tolerable daily intake (TDI) of microcystins suggested by the WHO (0.04 mu g/kg body weight/d). It is suggested that Nile tilapia fed on toxic cyanobacteria is not suitable for human food. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The phytoplanktivorous silver carp is an important biomanipulation fish to control cyanobacterial blooms and is also a food fish with the greatest production in China. The accumulation of the hepatotoxic microcystins (MCs) determined by LC-MS in various organs of silver carp was studied monthly in Lake Taihu dominated by toxic Microcystis aeruginosa. Average recoveries of spiked fish samples were 78% for MC-RR and 81% for MC-LR. The highest content of MCs was found in the intestine (97.48 mu g g(-1) DW), followed by liver (6.84 mu g g(-1) DW), kidney (4.8 8 mu g g(-1) DW) and blood (1.54 mu g g(-1) DW), and the annual mean MC content was in the order of intestine > liver > kidney > blood > muscle > spleen > gallbladder > gill. Silver carp could effectively ingest toxic Microcystis cells (up to 84.4% of total phytoplankton in gut contents), but showed fast growth (from 141 g to 1759 g in I year in mean weight). Silver carp accumulated less microcystins in liver than other animals in the same site or other fish from different water bodies at similar level of toxin ingestion. There was possible inhibition of the transportation of the most toxic MC-LR across the gutwall. Muscle of silver carp in Lake Taihu should not be consumed during period of dense Microcystis blooms while viscera were risky for consumption in more months. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This study investigated non-specific immune functions of the F-2 generation of "all-fish" growth hormone transgenic carp, Cyprinus carpio L. Lysozyme activity was 145.0 (+/- 30.7) U ml(-1) in the transgenic fish serum and 105.0 (+/- 38.7) U ml(-1) in age-matched non-transgenic control fish serum, a significant difference (P < 0.01). The serum bactericidal activity in the transgenics was significantly higher than that in the controls (P < 0.05), with the percentage serum killing of 59.5% (6.83%) and 50.8% (8.67%), respectively. Values for leukocrit and phagocytic percent of macrophages in head kidney were higher in transgenics than controls (P < 0.05). However, the phagocytic indices in the transgenics and the controls were not different. In addition, the mean body weight of the transgenics was 63.4 (6.65) g, much higher than that of the controls [39.2 (+/- 3.30) g, P < 0.01]. The absolute weight of spleen of the transgenics [0.13 (+/- 0.03) g] was higher than that of the controls [0.08 (+/- 0.02) g, P < 0.01]. However, there was no difference in the relative weight of spleen between the transgenics and the controls, with the spleen mass index being 0.21% (+/- 0.02%) and 0.20% (+/- 0.03%), respectively. This study suggests that the "all-fish" growth hormone transgene expression could stimulate not only the growth but also the non-specific immune functions of carp. (c) 2006 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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The orange-spotted grouper, Epinephelus coioides, is an important marine aquaculture fish, but its large-scale aquaculture has been hindered by the rarity of natural males because it is a protogynous hermaphroditic fish. Hypothalamus-pituitary-gonad is an important endocrine axis in regulating reproduction and sex differentiation. To reveal the molecular mechanism of hypothalamic physiological functions, we performed he studies on identification of genes expressed in the hypothalamus of male orange-spotted grouper using EST and RT-PCR strategy. A total of 1006 ESTs were sequenced, and 402 (39.96%) clones were identified as known genes and 604 (60.04%) as unknown genes. The 402 clones of known gene products represent transcripts of 18 1 genes. Moreover, the expression patterns of 26 unknown genes were analyzed in various tissues, such as liver, kidney, spleen, fat, heart, muscle, pituitary, hypothalamus, telencephalon, cerebellum, midbrain, medulla oblongata, ovary and testes. Five different categories of expression patterns were observed from them. Several unknown ESTs, such as DN551996, DN551998, DN552082, and DN552070, were detected to be hypothalamus-specific, brains-specific, or hypothalamus and gonad-specific genes. Interestingly, DN551996, not only exhibiting expression differences between ovary and testis, but also showing sex-dependent differences in hypothalamus of grouper, might play significant role in grouper reproduction or sex inversion. Further functional studies on these genes will provide more information on molecule regulation mechanism of sex inversion in groupers. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V All fights reserved.


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TRAIL (Apo2 ligand) described as a type II transmembrame protein belonging to the TNF superfamily can induce apoptotic cell death in a variety of cell types. In the present study, a putative cDNA sequence encoding the 299 amino acids of TRAIL (GC-TRAIL) and its genomic organization were identified in grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idella. The predicted GC-TRAIL sequence showed 44 and 41% identities to chicken and human TRAILs, respectively. In a domain search, a tumor necrosis factor homology domain (THD) was identified in the C-terminal portion of TRAILs. The GC-TRAIL gene consists of five exons, with four intervening introns, spaced over approximately 4 kb of genomic sequence. Analysis of GC-TRAlL promoter region revealed the presence of a number of putative transcription factor binding sites, such as Sp1, NF-kappaB, AP-1, GATA, NFAT, HNF, STAT, P53 and IRFI sequences which are important for the expression of other TNF family members. Phylogenetic analysis placed GC-TRAIL and the putative zebrafish (Danio rerio) TRAIL obtained from searching the zebrafish database into one separate cluster near mammalian TRAIL genes, but apart from the reported zebrafish TRAIL-like protein, indicating that the GC-TRAIL is an authentic fish TRAIL. Expression analysis revealed that GC-TRAIL is expressed in many tissues, such as in gills, liver, trunk kidney, head kidney, intestine and spleen. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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To study the immunologic function of bursin, we analyzed the effects of anti-bursin monoclonal antibody (mAb) on the immunosuppression in ducks (Cherry Valley duck) by injecting various doses of the anti-bursin mAb into 13-d duck embryos. After hatch, cell-mediated immune activity and humoral responses were studied using lymphocyte proliferation test, tube agglutination test, and indirect enzyme-linked immuno-sorbent assay to detect anti-Escherichia coli antibodies and antibodies to Riemerella anatipester, respectively. Simultaneously, relative weights (BW-adjusted) of bursa of Fabricius (BF), spleen, and thymus were determined. Additionally, the morphology of BF, spleen, and thymus was examined at various ages using conventional histology. Follicle morphology of BF was analyzed by image analysis. The results indicated that anti-bursin mAb markedly decreased duck lymphocyte proliferation, the antibody-producing ability to bacteria, as well as the relative BF weight. Moreover, the anti-bursin mAb hindered the development of BF follicles.


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Six isonitrogenous (crude protein content: 38%) and isoenergetic (gross energy content: 17 kJ g(-1)) diets were formulated to investigate the effects of inclusion of blue-green algae meal on gibel carp (Carassius auratus gibelio). In each diet, 15% of the protein was supplied by fishmeal; the remainder was supplied by soybean meal and blue-green algae meal. Diet 1 was used as control with no blue-green algae meal whereas the content in diets 2-6 was 15.15, 29.79, 44.69, 59.58 and 74.48%, respectively. Each diet was fed to five groups of gibel carp for 12 weeks in a flow-through system. Final body weight and specific growth rate (SGR) of fish fed diet 5 were significantly lower than the control diet (P < 0.05). Mortality of gibel carp increased with increase in algae meal inclusion (P < 0.05), but there was no significant difference between fish fed diets 3-6 (P > 0.05). Feed conversion efficiency (FCE) decreased with the increase in algae meal inclusion (P < 0.05). Fish-fed diet 6 showed the highest feeding rate (P < 0.05), while there were no significant differences among the other groups (P > 0.05). Apparent digestibility coefficient of dry matter, protein, and energy decreased with increasing algae meal inclusion in the diets (P < 0.05). Aspartate aminotransferase (GOT) activity in the liver was not significantly different among groups (P > 0.05). Liver alanine aminotransferase (GPT) activity of fish-fed diets 4, 5 and 6 was significantly lower than the control diet (diet 1; P < 0.05). Microcystins in the muscle, liver, gallbladder, and spleen increased with increasing algae inclusion (P < 0.05).


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Further to the previous finding of the rainbow trout rtCATH_1 gene, this paper describes three more cathelicidin genes found in salmonids: two in Atlantic salmon, named asCATH_1 and asCATH_2, and one in rainbow trout, named rtCATH_2. All the three new salmonid cathelicidin genes share the common characteristics of mammalian cathelicidin genes, such as consisting of four exons and possessing a highly conserved preproregion and four invariant cysteines clustered in the C-terminal region of the cathelin-like domain. The asCATH_1 gene is homologous to the rainbow trout rtCATH_1 gene, in that it possesses three repeat motifs of TGGGGGTGGC in exon IV and two cysteine residues in the predicted mature peptide, while the asCATH_2 gene and rtCATH_2 gene are homologues of each other, with 96% nucleotide identity. Salmonid cathelicidins possess the same elastase-sensitive residue, threonine, as hagfish cathelicidins and the rabbit CAP18 molecule. The cleavage site of the four salmonid cathelicidins is within a conserved amino acid motif of QKIRTRR, which is at the beginning of the sequence encoded by exon W. Two 36-residue peptides corresponding to the core part of rtCATH_1 and rtCATH_2 were chemically synthesized and shown to exhibit potent antimicrobial activity. rtCATH_2 was expressed constitutively in gill, head kidney, intestine, skin and spleen, while the expression of rtCATH_1 was inducible in gill, head kidney, and spleen after bacterial challenge. Four cathelicidin genes have now been characterized in salmonids and two were identified in hagfish, confirming that cathelicidin genes evolved early and are likely present in all vertebrates.


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Natural resistance associated macrophage protein (Nramp) controls partially innate resistance to intracellular parasites. Its function is to enhance the ability of macrophages to kill pathogens. However, little is known about the structure and function of Nramp in lower vertebrates such as teleosts. We have recently isolated a cDNA encoding Nramp from Japanese flounder (Paratichthys olivaceus). The full-length cDNA of the Nramp is 3066 bp in length, including 224 bp 5' terminal UTR, 1662 bp encoding region and 1180 bp 3' terminal UTR. The 1662-nt open reading frame was found to code for a protein with 554 amino acid residues. Comparison of amino acid sequence indicated that Japanese flounder Nramp consists of 12 transmembrane (TM) domains. A consensus transport motif (CTM) containing 20 residues was observed between transmembrane domains 8 and 9. The deduced amino acid sequence of Japanese flounder had 77.30%, 82.71%, 82.67%, 79.64%, 80.72%, 90.97%, 91.16%, 60.14%, 71.48%, 61.69%, 72.37% identity with that of rainbow trout Nramp alpha and beta, channel catfish Nramp, fathead minnow Nramp, common carp Nramp, striped sea bass Nramp, red sea bream Nramp, mouse Nramp 1 and 2, human Nramp 1 and 2, respectively. RT-PCR indicated that Nramp transcripts were highly abundant in spleen, head kidney, abundant in intestine, liver and gill, and less abundant in heart. The level of Nramp mRNA in embryos gradually increases during embryogenesis from 4 h (8 cell stage) to 80 h (hatched stage) after fertilization. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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After grass carps Ctenopharyngodon idellus were injected with cortisol, with (CBC) and without (C) a cocoa butter carrier, the effects of both slowly and rapidly acting exogenous cortisol oil their non-specific immune functions were investigated. On the one hand, after injection with CBC, the cortisol concentration and lysozyme activity in fish serum were enhanced and were sustained at high levels for a long period (30 days). The killing activity in the serum declined with time, and phagocytosis of head kidney macrophages diminished significantly (P < 0.05 or P < 0.01). The leukocrit values in the high dose group (31-8 mg cortisol fish(-1)) increased over time, however, with the maximum average being 5.6% at day 30. The spleen mass index in the high dose group was 0.93 x 10(-3) after 30 days, notably lower (P < 0.05) than that in the control group. In addition, a decrease in resistance to Aeronionas hydrophilo infection in cortisol-treated fish was shown, with the final cumulative mortalities being 54.5 and 66.7% in the low and high dose groups, respectively. On the other hand, there was a decrease in both serum cortisol concentration and lysozyme activity of the experimental fish within 2 weeks after injection with C, where plasma bactericidal activities in the high dose group (31-8 mg cortisol fish(-1)) were remarkably lower (P < 0.01) than those in the control group at each sampling, but were increased slightly over time. The results of which were different from those in the CBC trial. Phagocytic activity of head kidney macrophages and spleen mass index decreased significantly (P < 0.05), while there were increases in leukocrit value and cumulative mortality due to A. hydrophila. The results of which were similar to those in the CBC trial. This study indicated that the injection of cortisol depressed the non-specific immune functions of the grass carp and increased its susceptibility to disease. (c) 2005 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles.