115 resultados para Season Length


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The tandemly repeated 28-bp sequence in the 5'-terminal regulatory, region of human thymidylate synthase (TSER), which has been reported to be polymorphic in different populations, was surveyed in 668 Chinese from 9 Han groups, 8 ethnic populations, and 3


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We studied the effects of repeated stimulation by recombinant human FSH (rhFSH) at various time intervals during a physiologic breeding season in rhesus monkeys. Ovarian recovery and responses were assessed by ultrasonography, serum steroid concentrations


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From 26 March to 2 August 2003, both the time budget and the diurnal rhythm of behavior of breeding Black-necked Cranes (Grus nigricollis) were studied at Ruoergai Wetlands National Natural Reserve, Sichuan Province, China. The breeding season was divided


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The reproductive traits of Gymnocypris selincuoensis from Selincuo Lake and its tributaries were investigated in 1997 and 1998. The youngest mature male was age 7 with a standard length (SL) of 172.0 mm, and the youngest mature female was age 8 with a SL of 194.0 mm. The L(50)s Of SL and age at first maturity were respectively 250.32 mm and age 9 for males and 224.71 mm and age 8 for females. The gonadosomatic index (GSI) significantly changed with seasons for mature individuals but not for immature individuals. GSIs of mature females at stages IV and V of ovary development increased with SL and reached a maximum value at the SL range from 370 mm to 390 mm; the GSIs of mature males were negatively correlated with SL. The breeding season lasted from early April to early August. Egg size did not significantly change with SL but increased with the delay of spawning. The individual absolute fecundity varied from 1,341 to 28,002 eggs (mean 12,607+/-7,349), and the individual relative fecundity varied from 6.4 to 42.0 eggs.g(-1) (mean 25.5+/-9.7). The individual fecundity increased with total body weight; it also increased with SL for those of SL less than 370 mm. There was a rest of spawning for mature individuals.


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Some key aspects of the reproductive strategy of the brown trout (Salmo trutta fario L.) in the Yadong River, Tibet, including spawning season, age at sexual maturity, fecundity and egg size, have been studied. The majority of the samples were less than 215 mm and age ranged from 1 to 4 in both sexes, indicating that the majority of the fish were younger and the pressure by overfishing was high. The spawning periodicity was determined to be between the end of October and January, mainly in November and December. The ratio of male to female brown trout population (1.29:1 with P > 0.05) suggested no sex significant differences, although males were significantly more abundant than females in October (P < 0.0001) on monthly basis. Age and size of males and females at maturity was different and males matured earlier than females. Fecundity was markedly correlated with their body weight (P < 0.001, r = 0.9255), standard length (P < 0.01, r = 0.8879), and gonad weight (P < 0.001, r = 0.9366). The mean size of mature eggs in the spawning season was: 4.0 +/- 0.45 mm and tended to increase along with the female spawners size (P < 0.001, r = 0.9641). Further researches about the brown trout population in the Yadong River should be conducted on issues such as artificial reproduction, culture, conservation, management, and restocking.


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Neosalanx taihuensis were sampled from the Tian-e-zhou Oxbow from March 2006 through November 2007. Two separate spawning seasons were identified based on the annual reproductive cycles of the females, designated as the autumn-spawning season and the spring-spawning season. Lifespan of the offspring of the spring-spawning fish was 1 year, with them dying after the subsequent spring spawning. Autumn-spawned females seem to be the offspring of the spring-spawning fish, based on monthly changes in the length-frequency distributions. Spring-mature females had higher absolute fecundity, gonadosomatic index, and relative condition factor in 2007 than in 2006. Relative condition factor of the immature female offspring of spring-spawning fish was higher in 2007 than in 2006, portending a further increase in reproductive investment during the spring spawning of 2008. The increasing reproductive investment suggests that the population of N. taihuensis in the Tian-e-zhou Oxbow may be recovering from its recent decline.


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Phenotypic plasticity widely exists in the external morphology of animals as well as the internal traits of organs. In the present study, we studied the gut length plasticity of planktivorous filter-feeding silver carp under different food resources in large-net cage experiments in Meiliang Bay of Lake Taihu in 2004 and 2005. There was a significant difference in stocking density between these 2 years. Under a low stocking density and abundant food resources, silver carp increased their energy intake by feeding on more zooplankton. Meanwhile, silver carp adjusted their gut length to match the digestive requirements of food when exposed to different food resources. In the main growth seasons (from April to October), silver carp significantly increased their relative gut length when feeding on more phytoplankton in 2005 (p < 0.01, 9.23 +/- 1.80 in 2004 and 10.77 +/- 2.05 in 2005, respectively). There was a nearly significant negative correlation between zooplankton proportion in the diet and the relative gut length when silver carp were stocked in a high density (p = 0.112). It appears that silver carp might have evolved plasticity to change their gut length rapidly to facilitate efficient utilization of food resources. Such resource polymorphisms in the gut may be a good indication of temporal adaptation to resource conditions. Our work provided field evidence for understanding the functional basis of resource polymorphisms and the evolution of phenotypic plasticity in planktivorous filter-feeding fish.


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After invading Lake Fuxian, China, Abbottina rivularis showed marked changes in its life history traits, including alterations in annuli formation, extension to the length of the breeding season, and an increase in fecundity and growth rate. The results are explained in the context of the enemy release hypothesis. (c) 2007 The Authors. Journal compilation (c) 2007 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles.


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The maturation pattern of sexual reproduction in Hizikia fusiformis (Harvey) Okamura (Sargassaceae, Phaeaophyta) was examined in 2003 at Yunao Bay, Nanao Island, Shantou, China. Maturation began in mid-April (seawater temperature 19-21 degrees C), reached the peak in mid-May (maturation rate ca. 70%, and seawater temperature 23.5-25 degrees C) and finished in late-June (seawater temperature 27.5-30 degrees C). The Hizikia plants continued to gain the length from the beginning of maturation season to reach a maximum mean length of 34.8 cm in mid-May, after which the mean length was reduced drastically due to the senescence and rupture of the larger plants in size. The major portion of the mature plants belonged to the larger plants between April and May, but to the smaller ones in June. It is suggested that the plant must achieve a critical size before reproductive maturation occurred. There was a positive relationship between the number of receptacles (NR), as well as the reproductive allocation (RA), and the plant size of Hizikia population, with the recorded maximum values of NR and RA being 1220 and 64.3% respectively, for a single plant.


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To provide hormone evidence on reproductive seasonality and maturity of the Yangtze finless porpoise, the authors monitored the monthly variations of serum reproductive hormones of a male Yangtze finless porpoise in captivity via radioimmunoassay from 1997 to 2003. It was demonstrated that the immature animal had a serum T level of 28-101ngdL -1 (6552ngdL -1 ), reached puberty with the serum T concentration ranging between 250 and 590ngdL -1 (390130ngdL -1 ), and attained reproductive maturity when the serum T level went beyond 1120180ngdL -1 in the breeding season. The body length growth of the animal showed a pattern similar to the serum T variations during its adolescent period from the age of 4 to 6 years. Moreover, the serum T concentration of the male porpoise exhibited significant seasonal variations, indicating that its breeding season may start as early as March and end as late as September.


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Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) was used to analyse the genetic structure of 45 individuals of Gymnocypris przewalskii (Kessler, 1876), an endangered and state-protected rare fish species, from three areas [the Heima (HM), Buha (BH) and Shaliu rivers (SL), all draining into Qinghai Lake]. A total of 563 polymorphic loci were detected. The HM, BH and SL populations have 435, 433 and 391 loci, respectively (Zhu and Wu, 1975), which account for 77.26%, 76.91% and 69.45% of the total number of polymorphic loci of each population, respectively. The Nei indices of genetic diversities (H) of the three populations were calculated to be 0.2869 (HM), 0.2884 (BH) and 0.2663 (SL), respectively. Their Shannon informative indices are 0.4244, 0.4251 and 0.3915, respectively. Research results show that the mean genetic distance between HM and BH is the smallest (0.0511), between BH and SL is the second shortest (0.0608), and between HM and SL is the largest (0.0713), with the mean genetic distance among the three populations being over 0.05. Data mentioned above indicate that the three populations have a certain genetic differentiation. The total genetic diversity (H-t = 0.3045) and the mean value of genetic diversity within the population (H-s = 0.2786) indicate that the variations have mainly come from within the population.


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The reproductive traits of Gymnocypris selincuoensis from Selincuo Lake and its tributaries were investigated in 1997 and 1998. The youngest mature male was age 7 with a standard length (SL) of 172.0 mm, and the youngest mature female was age 8 with a SL of 194.0 mm. The L(50)s Of SL and age at first maturity were respectively 250.32 mm and age 9 for males and 224.71 mm and age 8 for females. The gonadosomatic index (GSI) significantly changed with seasons for mature individuals but not for immature individuals. GSIs of mature females at stages IV and V of ovary development increased with SL and reached a maximum value at the SL range from 370 mm to 390 mm; the GSIs of mature males were negatively correlated with SL. The breeding season lasted from early April to early August. Egg size did not significantly change with SL but increased with the delay of spawning. The individual absolute fecundity varied from 1,341 to 28,002 eggs (mean 12,607+/-7,349), and the individual relative fecundity varied from 6.4 to 42.0 eggs.g(-1) (mean 25.5+/-9.7). The individual fecundity increased with total body weight; it also increased with SL for those of SL less than 370 mm. There was a rest of spawning for mature individuals.


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The Poyang Lake is the largest lake and the main nursery area in the middle basin of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River. We compared molecular genetic markers of silver carp among populations of the Changjiang River, the Ganjiang River and the Poyang Lake using the ND5/6 region of mtDNA. Analysis of restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) of this region revealed distinct variation between the Ganjiang River and the Changjiang River populations. The Poyang Lake is linked with the Ganjiang River and the Changjiang River. Shared RFLP fragments between the Ganjiang River population and the Poyang Lake population are as high as 61.4%. The value is 47.74% between the populations of the Changjiang River and that of the Poyang Lake. Frequencies of bands peculiar to the Ganjiang River population are the same as in the Poyang Lake population. We conclude that the Poyang Lake silver carp population consists mainly of the Ganjiang River population. The water level of the Poyang Lake outlet, which is higher than that of the Changjiang River in the silver carp spawning season, supports this conclusion.


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Age, growth, and reproduction of the bitterling, Paracheilognathus imberbis (Gunther), in Niushan Lake were studied between 1998 and 1999. Annuli on the scales were clear and could be used as valid indicators of age. The population of the fish comprised only one age group. The growth rate of males was markedly greater than that of females. The fish were multiple spawners, reaching maturity in the second year. Minimum size for males at maturity was 32.9 mm in total length and 0.30 g in weight; for females, the minima were 41.0 mm and 0.73 g. During the breeding season, both sexes exhibited secondary sex characteristics, and the ratio of males to females was 1: 1.04 (n = 104). The size of mature eggs averaged 3.12 mm in length by 1.03 mm. in width. Fecundity per female for one age group ranged from 38 to 189 eggs, with an average of 93 eggs (n = 80).