98 resultados para Relativistic mean-field theories


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By including the scalar isovector meson delta, we extend the relativistic mean field model and the one-boson exchange model of changing K-meson in the framework of Schaffner's relativistic mean field model. We re-consider the coupling constants for the interactions between the meson and the baryon and the interactions of the K meson with different mesons as well in various parameter sets. Using our model, we discuss the effective masses of K mesons in the hyperon-rich nuclear matter. We find that the density modification of the K meson mass in the strange nuclear matter is smaller than that in the pure nuclear matter. The influence of the scalar isovector meson 6 on the effective mass of kaon is rather evident. But the extent of the influence is different in different parameter sets.


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The properties of baryons in nuclear matter are analysed in the relativistic mean-field theory(RMF). It is found that the scalar field sigma meson affects the properties of baryon at high density. A density dependent scalar coupling g(sigma)(N) is determined according to the idea of quark-meson coupling model and extended to RMF. It is shown that g(sigma)(N), affects the property of nuclear matter weakly at low density, but strongly at high density. The relation between the scalar density rho(S) and the nuclear density rho and the effective mass of the pentaquark circle minus(+) are studied with the density dependent coupling constant. The density dependent scalar coupling obviously affects the effective masses of baryons in nuclear matter, especially at high density.


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The axially deformed relativistic mean field theory is applied to study the isotope shift of charge distributions of odd-Z Pr isotope chain. The nuclear structure associated with the shell and the isotope effect is investigated. The mechanism of link in the isotope shift at the neutron magic number N = 82 is revealed to be dependent on the neutron energy level structure at the Fermi energy, demonstrating that the spin-orbit coupling interaction and p-n attraction are well described by the relativistic mean field theory.


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The properties of nuclei belonging to the newly observed a-decay chain starting from (265)Bh have been studied. The axially deformed relativistic mean-field calculation with the force NL-Z2 has been performed in the blocked BCS approximation. Some ground state properties such as binding energies, deformations, spins, and parities, as well as Q-values of the alpha-decay for this decay chain have been calculated and compared with known experimental data. Good agreement is found. The single-particle spectrum of the nucleus (265)Bh is studied and some new magic numbers are found, while the magnitudes of the shell gaps in superheavy nuclei are much smaller than those of nuclei before the actinium region, and the Fermi surfaces are close to the continuum. Thus the superheavy nuclei are usually not stable. The alpha-decay lifetimes in the (265)Bh decay chain are evaluated by different formulae, and compared with experimental data. The methods which give good agreement with the data are selected.


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Concise methods are proposed to study proton radioactivity. The spectroscopic factor is obtained from relativistic mean field (RMF) theory combined with the BCS method (RMF+BCS). The assault frequency is estimated by a quantum mechanical method considering the structure of the parent nucleus. The penetrability is calculated by the WKB approximation. No additional parameters are introduced. The extracted experimental spectroscopic factors are compared with those from the calculations by the RMF+BCS, and the agreement is good, implying that the present methods work quite well for proton radioactivity. Predictions are provided for some most possible proton emissions, which may be useful for future experiments.


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Properties for the ground state of C-9 are studied in the relativistic continuum Hartree-Bogoliubov theory with the NLSH, NLLN and TM2 effective interactions. Pairing correlations are taken into account by a density-dependent delta-force with the pairing strength for protons determined by fitting either to the experimental binding energy or to the odd-even mass difference from the five-point formula. The effects of pairing correlations on the formation of proton halo in the ground state of C-9 are examined. The halo structure is shown to be formed by the partially occupied valence proton levels p(3/2) and p(1/2).


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本论文主要包括两部分内容,一部分是运用相对论平均场理论对超重核基态性质的研究以及Pb同位素位移微观机制的研究,第二部分是在相对论平均场框架下对BCS型对关联的改进及其在有限核性质研究中的应用。基于核子与介子自由度的量子强子动力学(QHD), 从有效拉氏密度出发, 采取平均场近似, 已经成为当前最为成功的原子核理论之一,相对论平均理论。本文比较详细地介绍该理论模型, 并系统地探讨了新核素287115及其 衰变链上核的基态性质。结果发现所计算的结合能和四极形变符合了有限力程小液滴模型的结果,计算表明研究的 衰变链具有中等大小的长椭球形变;且计算的 衰变能 成功地与实验符合,说明相对平均场理论在原子核的超重区是有成功的。在此基础上进一步研究了新核素的单粒子能级,从而发现了超重核的一些新特点。通过分析Z=108到Z=114这四条同位素链的平均结合能,说明在这些同位素链中,对中子分离能的分析则可以看到N=162与N=184是壳效应的存在。研究了Pb同位素链的基态性质,从原子核的微观结构出发,比较详细地研究了Pb链同位素位移出现反常扭折这一重要性质的物理机制,由于满壳外额外中子会排布在距离满壳稍远一些的下一能级上,这自然会导致中子半径的增加.由于中子在核内的分布对质子分布的影响,将必然使原子核的电荷半径会在中子满壳后增加得更快。相对论平均场理论能够自然地给出原子核的自旋和轨道耦合,从而能给出合理的单粒子能级序列和间距,这为定量描述原子核的同位素位移提供了有力的理论基础。在论文的第二部分,通过引进密度相关的Delta力来改进传统的处理对关联的BCS方法,假定核子之间的作用为Delta力,计算得到状态相关的对能隙。相对于传统的常数对能隙是一个很重要的改进。接着我们用改进的理论研究了Sr同位素链的基态性质,得到了一些很有意义的结果。


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A fully consistent relativistic continuum random phase approximation (RCRPA) is constructed in terms of the Green's function technique. In this method the contribution of the continuum spectrum to nuclear excitations is treated exactly by the single particle Green's function, which includes also the negative states in the Dirac sea in the nose aapproximation. The theoretical formalism of RCRPA and numerical details are presented. The single particle Green's function is calculated numerically by a proper product of regular and irregular solutions of the Dirac equation. The numerical details and the formalism of RCRPA in the momentum representation are presented.


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The electronic structure, Zeeman splitting, and g factor of Mn-doped CdS nanowires are studied using the k center dot p method and the mean field model. It is found that the Zeeman splittings of the hole ground states can be highly anisotropic, and so can their g factors. The hole ground states vary a lot with the radius. For thin wire, g(z) (g factor when B is along the z direction or the wire direction) is a little smaller than g(x). For thick wire, g(z) is mcuh larger than g(x) at small magnetic field, and the anisotropic factor g(z)/g(x) decreases as B increases. A small transverse electric field can change the Zeeman splitting dramatically, so tune the g(x) from nearly 0 to 70, in thick wire. The anisotropic factor decreases rapidly as the electric field increases. On the other hand, the Zeeman splittings of the electron ground states are always isotropic.


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The hole-mediated Curie temperature in Mn-doped wurtzite ZnO nanowires is investigated using the k center dot p method and mean field model. The Curie temperature T-C as a function of the hole density has many peaks for small Mn concentration (x(eff)) due to the density of states of one-dimensional quantum wires. The peaks of T-C are merged by the carriers' thermal distribution when x(eff) is large. High Curie temperature T-C > 400 K is found in (Zn,Mn)O nanowires. A transverse electric field changes the Curie temperature a lot. (Zn,Mn)O nanowires can be tuned from ferromagnetic to paramagnetic by a transverse electric field at room temperature. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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The Curie temperature of diluted magnetic semiconductor (DMS) nanowires and nanoslabs is investigated using the mean-field model. The Curie temperature in DMS nanowires can be much larger than that in corresponding bulk material due to the density of states of one-dimensional quantum wires, and when only one conduction subband is filled, the Curie temperature is inversely proportional to the carrier density. The T-C in DMS nanoslabs is dependent on the carrier density through the number of the occupied subbands. A transverse electric field can change the DMS nanowires from the paramagnet to ferromagnet, or vice versae. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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The vortex solutions of various classical planar field theories with (Abelian) Chern-Simons term are reviewed. Relativistic vortices, put forward by Paul and Khare, arise when the Abelian Higgs model is augmented with the Chern-Simons term. Adding a suitable sixth-order potential and turning off the Maxwell term provides us with pure Chern-Simons theory, with both topological and non-topological self-dual vortices, as found by Hong-Kim-Pac, and by Jackiw-Lee-Weinberg. The non-relativistic limit of the latter leads to non-topological Jackiw-Pi vortices with a pure fourth-order potential. Explicit solutions are found by solving the Liouville equation. The scalar matter field can be replaced by spinors, leading to fermionic vortices. Alternatively, topological vortices in external field are constructed in the phenomenological model proposed by Zhang-Hansson-Kivelson. Non-relativistic Maxwell-Chern-Simons vortices are also studied. The Schrodinger symmetry of Jackiw-Pi vortices, as well as the construction of some time-dependent vortices, can be explained by the conformal properties of non-relativistic space-time, derived in a Kaluza-Klein-type framework. (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The ground-state properties of Hs nuclei are studied in the framework of the relativistic meanfield theory. We find that the more relatively stable isotopes are located on the proton abundant side of the isotopic chain. The last stable nucleus near the proton drip line is probably the (255)Hs nucleus. The alpha-decay half-lives of Hs nuclei are predicted, and together with the evaluation of the spontaneous-fission half-lives it is shown that the nuclei, which are possibly stable against spontaneous fission are (263-274)Hs. This is in coincidence with the larger binding energies per nucleon. If (271-274)Hs can be synthesized and identified, only those nuclei from the upper Z = 118 isotopic chain, which are lighter than the nucleus (294)118, and those nuclei in the corresponding alpha-decay chain lead to Hs nuclei. The most stable unknown Hs nucleus is (268)Hs. The density-dependent delta interaction pairing is used to improve the BCS pairing correction, which results in more reasonable single-particle energy level distributions and nucleon occupation probabilities. It is shown that the properties of nuclei in the superheavy region can be described with this interaction.


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An equivalent-barotropic (EB) description of the tropospheric temperature field is derived from the geostrophic empirical mode (GEM) in the form of a scalar function Gamma(p, phi), where p is pressure and phi is 300-850-mb thickness. Baroclinic parameter phi plays the role of latitude at each longitudinal section. Compared with traditional Eulerian-mean methods, GEM defines a mean field in baroclinic streamfunction space with a time scale much longer than synoptic variability. It prompts an EB concept that is only based on a baroclinic field. Monthly GEM fields are diagnosed from NCEP-NCAR reanalysis data and account for more than 90% of the tropospheric thermal variance. The circumglobal composite of GEM fields exhibits seasonal, zonal, and hemispheric asymmetries, with larger rms errors occurring in winter and in the Northern Hemisphere (NH). Zonally asymmetric features and planetary deviation from EB are seen in the NH winter GEM. Reconstruction of synoptic sections and correlation analysis reveal that the tropospheric temperature field is EB at the leading order and has a 1-day phase lag behind barotropic variations in extratropical regions.


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The evolution of dispersed short-fatigue-cracks is analysed based on the equilibrium of crack-number-density (CND). By separating the mean value and the stochastic fluctuation of local CND, the equilibrium equation of overall CND is derived. Comparing with the mean-field equilibrium equation, the equilibrium equation of overall CND has different forms in the expression of crack-nucleation-rate or crack-growth-rate. The simulation results are compared with experimental measurements showing the stochastic analyses provide consistent tendency with experiments. The discrepancy in simulation results between overall CND and mean-field CND is discussed.