69 resultados para Radiation Effects


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UV radiation is one of many harmful factors found in space that are detrimental to organisms on earth in space exploration. In the present work, we examined the role of antioxidant system in Nostoc sphaeroides Kutz (Cyanobacterium) and the effects of exogenously applied antioxidant molecules on its photosynthetic rate under UV-B radiation. It was found that UV-B radiation promoted the activity of antioxidant system to protect photosystem 11 (PSII) and exogenously applied antioxidant: sodium nitroprusside (SNP) and N-acetylcysteine (NAC) had an obvious protection on PSII activity under UV-B radiation. The activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD, EC, catalase (CAT, EC, peroxidase (POD, EC and content of NIDA (malondialdehyde) and ASC (ascorbate) were improved by 0.5 mM and 1 mM SNP, but 0.1 mM SNP decreased the activity of antioxidant system. Addition of exogenous NAC decreased the activity of SOD, POD, CAT and the content MDA and ASC. In contrast, exogenously applied NAC increased GSH content. The results suggest that exogenous SNP and NAC may protect algae by different mechanisms: SNP may play double roles as both sources of reactive free radicals as well as ROS scavengers in mediating the protective role of PSII on algae under UV-B radiation. On the other hand, NAC functions as an antioxidant or precursor of glutathione, which could protect PSII directly from UV-B radiation. (c) 2007 COSPAR, Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this study, we found that UV-B radiation decreased photosynthetic activity and boosted lipid peroxidation of desert Nostoc sp., and exogenous chemicals (ascorbate acid (ASC), N-acetylcysteine (NAC), and sodium nitroprusside (SNP)) had obvious protective effects on photosynthesis and membranes under UV-B radiation. High-concentration SNP boosted the activities of antioxidant enzymes, but low-concentration SNP reduced the activities of antioxidant enzymes. Both NAC and ASC treatments of cells decreased activities of antioxidant enzymes. The results suggested that those chemicals possibly had different mechanisms of protection of algae cells against UV-B radiation. SNP might play double roles as a signal molecule in the formation of algae cell protection of Photosystem 11 under UV-B radiation and as a (reactive oxygen species) scavenger, while NAC and ASC might function as antioxidant reagents or precursors of other antioxidant molecules, which could protect cells directly against ROS initiated by UV-B radiation. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The effects of ultraviolet radiation (UVR 280-400 nm) on the germination of Porphyra haitanensis conchospores and on the growth and morphogenesis of the subsequent sporelings were investigated by culturing the released conchospores under natural sunlight from 29 September to 6 October 2005. Germination increased with time and was faster when UV-B was excluded using cut-off filters. There were significant negative effects of UV-B radiation on growth and cell division of sporelings, with decreases up to 18% for thallus length, between 6 and 18% for thallus width, up to 29% for thallus area, and between 6 and 14% for cell size as compared to PAR-controls. UV-A had a significant positive effect on morphogenesis, enhancing the formation of sporelings with cells dividing transversely; on the other hand, UV-B delayed the formation of such sporelings. We also tested the effects of solar UVR on the growth of P. haitanensis juveniles and found no significant effects. Our results indicate that UV-A has an important role in the germination and morphogenesis of the species, but on the other hand, sporelings of P. haitanensis are more sensitive to UV-B radiation than juveniles.


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In order to assess the short- and long-term impacts of UV radiation (LTVR, 280-400 nm) on the red tide alga, Heterosigma akashiwo, we exposed the cells to three different solar radiation treatments (PAB: 280-700 rim, PA: 320-700 nm, R 400-700 nm) under both solar and artificial radiation. A significant decrease in the effective quantum yield () during high irradiance periods (i.e., local noon) was observed, but the cells partially recovered during the evening hours. Exposure to high irradiances for 15, 30, and 60 min under a solar simulator followed by the recovery (8 h) under dark, 9 and 100 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1) of PAR, highlighted the importance of the irradiance level during the recovery period. Regardless the radiation treatments, the highest recovery (both in rate and total Y) was found at a PAR irradiance of 9 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1), while the lowest was observed at 100 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1). In all experiments, PAR was responsible for most of the observed inhibition; nevertheless, the cells exposed only to PAR had the highest recovery in any condition, as compared to the other radiation treatments. In long-term experiments (10 days) using semi-continuous cultures, there was a significant increase of UV-absorbing compounds (UVabc) per cell from 1.2 to > 4 x 10(-6) mu g UVabc cell(-1) during the first 3-5 days of exposure to solar radiation. The highest concentration of UVabc was found in samples exposed in the PAB as compared to PA and P treatments. Growth rates (mu) mimic the behavior of UV-absorbing compounds, and during the first 5 days mu increased from < 0.2 to ca. 0.8, and stayed relatively constant at this value during the rest of the experiment. The inhibition of the Y decreased with increasing acclimation of cells. All our data indicates that H. akashiwo is a sensitive species, but was able acclimate relatively fast (3-5 days) synthesizing UV-absorbing compounds and thus reducing any impact either on photosystem 11 or on growth. (c) 2006 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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To study the impact of solar UV radiation (UVR) (280 to 400 nm) on the filamentous cyanobacterium Arthrospira (Spirulina) platensis, we examined the morphological changes and photosynthetic performance using an indoor-grown strain (which had not been exposed to sunlight for decades) and an outdoor-grown strain (which had been grown under sunlight for decades) while they were cultured with three solar radiation treatments: PAB (photosynthetically active radiation [PAR] plus UVR; 280 to 700 nm), PA (PAR plus UV-A; 320 to 700 nm), and P (PAR only; 400 to 700 nm). Solar UVR broke the spiral filaments of A. platensis exposed to full solar radiation in short-term low-cell-density cultures. This breakage was observed after 2 h for the indoor strain but after 4 to 6 h for the outdoor strain. Filament breakage also occurred in the cultures exposed to PAR alone; however, the extent of breakage was less than that observed for filaments exposed to full solar radiation. The spiral filaments broke and compressed when high-cell-density cultures were exposed to full solar radiation during long-term experiments. When UV-B was screened off, the filaments initially broke, but they elongated and became loosely arranged later (i.e., there were fewer spirals per unit of filament length). When UVR was filtered out, the spiral structure hardly broke or became looser. Photosynthetic 0, evolution in the presence of UVR was significantly suppressed in the indoor strain compared to the outdoor strain. UVR-induced inhibition increased with exposure time, and it was significantly lower in the outdoor strain. The concentration of UV-absorbing compounds was low in both strains, and there was no significant change in the amount regardless of the radiation treatment, suggesting that these compounds were not effectively used as protection against solar UVR. Self-shading, on the other hand, produced by compression of the spirals over adaptive time scales, seems to play an important role in protecting this species against deleterious UVR. Our findings suggest that the increase in UV-B irradiance due to ozone depletion not only might affect photosynthesis but also might alter the morphological development of filamentous cyanobacteria during acclimation or over adaptive time scales.


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Effects of solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR) on Spirulina platensis were studied by investigating its photochemical efficiency, photosynthetic pigments and biomass production while exposed to full spectrum solar radiation or depleted of UVR for understanding how and to what extent UVR influences its photosynthetic physiology and production. It was found that UVR brought about an extra inhibition of photochemical efficiency by 26%-30%. The greatest inhibition of photochemical efficiency in S. platensis was observed at noontime, and then recovered to some extent in late afternoon no matter which treatment they were exposed to. The contents of chlorophyll a, phycocyanin and carotenoids increased during initial stage of the exposure, but decreased with elongated exposure. UVR decreased the biomass yield by about 6%. It indicated that filtering out UVR of solar radiation would raise the productivity of S. platensis, which is an important factor that should be considered in the production.


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In an attempt to explore the effects of structural multiplicity of polymers on the mechanism of radiation crosslinking, the adaptability of the Charlesby-Pinner's equation and its various modified versions are examined. It is recognized that both chemical


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The effects of the unresolved subgrid-scale (SGS) motions on the energy balance of the resolved scales in large eddy simulation (LES) have been investigated actively because modeling the energy transfer between the resolved and unresolved scales is crucial to constructing accurate SGS models. But the subgrid scales not only modify the energy balance, they also contribute to temporal decorrelation of the resolved scales. The importance of this effect in applications including the predictability problem and the evaluation of sound radiation by turbulent flows motivates the present study of the effect of SGS modeling on turbulent time correlations. This paper compares the two-point, two-time Eulerian velocity correlation in isotropic homogeneous turbulence evaluated by direct numerical simulation (DNS) with the correlations evaluated by LES using a standard spectral eddy viscosity. It proves convenient to express the two-point correlations in terms of spatial Fourier decomposition of the velocity field. The LES fields are more coherent than the DNS fields: their time correlations decay more slowly at all resolved scales of motion and both their integral scales and microscales are larger than those of the DNS field. Filtering alone is not responsible for this effect: in the Fourier representation, the time correlations of the filtered DNS field are identical to those of the DNS field itself. The possibility of modeling the decorrelating effects of the unresolved scales of motion by including a random force in the model is briefly discussed. The results could have applications to the problem of computing sound sources in isotropic homogeneous turbulence by LES


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The effect of the translational nonequilibrium on performance modeling of flowing chemical oxygen-iodine lasers (COIL) is emphasized in this paper. The spectral line broadening (SLB) model is a basic factor for predicting the performances of flowing COIL. The Voigt profile function is a well-known SLB model and is usually utilized. In the case of gas pressure in laser cavity less than 5 torr, a low pressure limit expression of the Voigt profile function is used. These two SLB models imply that ail lasing particles can interact with monochromatic laser radiation. Basically, the inhomogeneous broadening effects are not considered in these two SLB models and they cannot predict the spectral content. The latter requires consideration of finite translational relaxation rate. Unfortunately, it is rather difficult to solve simultaneously the Navier-Stokes (NS) equations and the conservation equations of the number of lasing particles per unit volume and per unit frequency interval. In the operating condition of flowing COIL, it is possible to obtain a perturbational solution of the conservational equations for lasing particles and deduce a new relation between the gain and the optical intensity, i.e., a new gain-saturation relation. By coupling the gain-saturation relation with other governing equations (such as the NS equations, chemical reaction equations and the optical model of gain-equal-loss), We have numerically calculated the performances of flowing COIL. The present results are compared with those obtained by the common rate-equation (RE) model, in which the Voigt profile function and its low pressure limit expression are used. The difference of different model's results is great. For instance, in the case of lasing frequency coinciding with the central frequency of line profile and very low gas pressure, the gain-saturation relation of the present model is quite different with that of the RE model.


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High temperature chemical non-equilibrium phenomena have a great effect on the flow field around a reentry vehicle. A set of three dimensional Navier-Stokes equations have been solved by implicit finite volume NND scheme. Both ideal gas viscous flow and chemical non-equilibrium flow are calculated for a spherical-cone at a small angle of attack. The results of the two flows have been compared and the effect of chemical non-equilibrium has been analyzed. The effect of wall material's properties, such as catalysis and radiation were studied. The results are in good agreement with the referenced paper.


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Czochralski (CZ) crystal growth process is a widely used technique in manufacturing of silicon crystals and other semiconductor materials. The ultimate goal of the IC industry is to have the highest quality substrates, which are free of point defect, impurities and micro defect clusters. The scale up of silicon wafer size from 200 mm to 300 mm requires large crucible size and more heat power. Transport phenomena in crystal growth processes are quite complex due to melt and gas flows that may be oscillatory and/or turbulent, coupled convection and radiation, impurities and dopant distributions, unsteady kinetics of the growth process, melt crystal interface dynamics, free surface and meniscus, stoichiometry in the case of compound materials. A global model has been developed to simulate the temperature distribution and melt flow in an 8-inch system. The present program features the fluid convection, magnetohydrodynamics, and radiation models. A multi-zone method is used to divide the Cz system into different zones, e.g., the melt, the crystal and the hot zone. For calculation of temperature distribution, the whole system inside the stainless chamber is considered. For the convective flow, only the melt is considered. The widely used zonal method divides the surface of the radiation enclosure into a number of zones, which has a uniform distribution of temperature, radiative properties and composition. The integro-differential equations for the radiative heat transfer are solved using the matrix inversion technique. The zonal method for radiative heat transfer is used in the growth chamber, which is confined by crystal surface, melt surface, heat shield, and pull chamber. Free surface and crystal/melt interface are tracked using adaptive grid generation. The competition between the thermocapillary convection induced by non-uniform temperature distributions on the free surface and the forced convection by the rotation of the crystal determines the interface shape, dopant distribution, and striation pattern. The temperature gradients on the free surface are influenced by the effects of the thermocapillary force on the free surface and the rotation of the crystal and the crucible.


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The effects of the free-stream thermo-chemical state on the test model flow field in the high-enthalpy tunnel are studied numerically. The properties of the free-stream, which is in thermo-chemical non-equilibrium, are determined by calculating the nozzle flow field. A free-stream with total enthalpy equal to the real one in the tunnel while in thermo-chemical equilibrium is constructed artificially to simulate the natural atmosphere condition. The flow fields over the test models (blunt cone and Apollo command capsule model) under both the non-equilibrium and the virtual equilibrium free-stream conditions are calculated. By comparing the properties including pressure, temperature, species concentration and radiation distributions of these two types of flow fields, the effects of the non-equilibrium state of the free-stream in the high-enthalpy shock tunnel are analyzed.


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The characteristics of backward harmonic radiation due to electron oscillations driven by a linearly polarized fs laser pulse are analysed considering a single electron model. The spectral distributions of the electron's backward harmonic radiation are investigated in detail for different parameters of the driver laser pulse. Higher order harmonic radiations are possible for a sufficiently intense driving laser pulse. We have shown that for a realistic pulsed photon beam, the spectrum of the radiation is red shifted as well as broadened because of changes in the longitudinal velocity of the electrons during the laser pulse. These effects are more pronounced at higher laser intensities giving rise to higher order harmonics that eventually leads to a continuous spectrum. Numerical simulations have further shown that by increasing the laser pulse width the broadening of the high harmonic radiations can be controlled.