73 resultados para Proper
A display hologram of an object can be recorded and reconstructed in three primary colors if the angular selectivity of volume recording media is exploited. Three holograms are recorded in the same medium, each at a different primary color. These three holograms are reconstructed by simultaneous illumination of the hologram with the original reference beams. By proper choice of the angles that the reference beams make to the hologram, it is possible to suppress strongly cross talk between the different reconstructions (e.g., the red object reconstruction in green light). The technique exhibits high resolution, high diffraction efficiency, and vivid colors. Through the addition of three holographically recorded volume gratings it is possible to reconstruct the hologram with a beam of white light. The saturation and brightness of each primary color in the reconstruction can be adjusted by selection of an appropriate thickness for the corresponding grating.
A constrained high-order statistical algorithm is proposed to blindly deconvolute the measured spectral data and estimate the response function of the instruments simultaneously. In this algorithm, no prior-knowledge is necessary except a proper length of the unit-impulse response. This length can be easily set to be the width of the narrowest spectral line by observing the measured data. The feasibility of this method has been demonstrated experimentally by the measured Raman and absorption spectral data.
Temperature controlled filamentation is experimentally demonstrated in a temperature gradient gas-filled tube. The proper position of the tube is heated by a furnace and two ends of the tube are cooled by air. The experimental results show that multiple filaments are shrunken into a single filament or no filament only by increasing the temperature at the beginning of the filament. This technique offers another degree of freedom of controlling the filamentation and opens a new way for intense monocycle pulse generation through gradient temperature in a noble gas.
The effect of the mixing of pulsed two color fields on the generation of an isolated attosecond pulse has been systematically investigated. One main color is 800 nm and the other color (or secondary color) is varied from 1.2 to 2.4 mu m. This work shows that the continuum length behaves in a similar way to the behavior of the difference in the square of the amplitude of the strongest and next strongest cycle. As the mixing ratio is increased, the optimal wavelength for the extended continuum shifts toward shorter wavelength side. There is a certain mixing ratio of intensities at which the continuum length bifurcates, i.e., the existence of two optimal wavelengths. As the mixing ratio is further increased, each branch bifurcates again into two sub-branches. This 2D map analysis of the mixing ratio and the wavelength of the secondary field easily allows one to select a proper wavelength and the mixing ratio for a given pulse duration of the primary field. The study shows that an isolated sub-100 attosecond pulse can be generated mixing an 11 fs full-width-half-maximum (FWHM), 800 laser pulse with an 1840 nm FWHM pulse. Furthermore the result reveals that a 33 fs FWHM, 800 nm pulse can produce an isolated pulse below 200 as, when properly mixed. (c) 2008 Optical Society of America.
The influence of the carrier-envelope phase (CEP) of the driving laser pulse on the generation of single attosecond (as) pulses from surface harmonics by using the polarization gating technique is investigated in detail. It is found that the modulation depth of the high-order harmonic spectrum depends on the CEP, and a strong single 68 as pulse can be generated when the CEP is stable and has the proper value. The physical origin of the influence of the CEP is explained in terms of the oscillating mirror model. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics. [DOI: 10.1063/1.2997342]
We investigate the Kerr nonlinearity of a V-type three-level atomic system where the upper two states decay outside to another state and hence spontaneous generated coherence may exist. It is shown that dark state and hence perfect transparency present under certain conditions. Meanwhile, the Kerr nonlinearity can be controlled by manipulation of the decay rates and the splitting of the two excited states. Therefore, enhanced Kerr nonlinearity without absorption can be obtained under proper parameters.
The effect of the laser spot size on the neutron yield of table-top nuclear fusion from explosions of a femtosecond intense laser pulse heated deuterium clusters is investigated by using a simplified model, in which the cluster size distribution and the energy attenuation of the laser as it propagates through the cluster jet are taken into account. It has been found that there exists a proper laser spot size for the maximum fusion neutron yield for a given laser pulse and a specific deuterium gas cluster jet. The proper spot size, which is dependent on the laser parameters and the cluster jet parameters, has been calculated and compared with the available experimental data. A reasonable agreement between the calculated results and the published experimental results is found.
A spectral-filter method is numerically demonstrated to obtain sub-5 fs pulses by using femtosecond filamentation in fused silica. Instead of employing spectral phase compensation, by properly employing a high-pass filter to select the broadened high-frequency spectra that are located almost in phase in the tailing edge of the self-compressed pulses owing to self-steepening, as short as single-cycle pulses can be obtained. For instance, for an input pulse with a duration of 50 fs and energy 2.2 mu J, the minimum pulse duration can reach to similar to 4 fs (about 1.5 cycles) by applying a proper spectral filter. (C) 2008 Optical Society of America
The properties of noncollinear optical parametric amplification (NOPA) based on quasi-phase matching of periodically poled crystals are investigated, under the condition that the group velocity matching (GVM) of the signal and idler pulses is satisfied. Our study focuses on the dependence of the gain spectrum upon the noncollinear angle, crystal temperature, and crystal angle with periodically poled KTiOPO4 (PPKTP), periodically poled LiNbO3 (PPLN), and periodically poled LiTaO3 (PPLT), and the NOPA gain properties of the three crystals are compared. Broad gain bandwidth exists above 85 nm at a signal wavelength of 800 nm with a 532 nm pump pulse, with proper noncollinear angle and grating period at a fixed temperature for GVM. Deviation from the group-velocity-matched noncollinear angle can be compensated by accurately tuning the crystal angle or temperature with a fixed grating period for phase matching. Moreover, there is a large capability of crystal angle tuning.
On the basis of noncollinear optical parametric amplification in periodically poled lithium niobate (PPLN) which is realized by quasi-phase matching (QPM) technology, we consider the possibility of semi-noncollinear phase matching between collinear and noncollinear geometries by tilting a PPLN-crystal's parallel grating at a sure angle. Numerical simulation with proper parameters shows that we can achieve a broader optical parametric amplification (OPA) bandwidth than that of noncollinear geometry. About 121 nm at a signal wavelength of 800 and 70 nm at a signal wavelength of 1064 nm under optimal conditions are obtained when the crystal length is 9 mm.
The phase-matching condition of high-order harmonic generation driven by intense few-cycle pulses could be controlled by adding second-harmonic pulses to change the ionization fraction of the gaseous medium. The harmonic generation efficiency could be improved by moving the phase-matching point with an all-optical control of the ionization fraction or a proper change of the confocal parameter. A specific order of harmonics could be easily controlled to reach phase matching at a fixed higher gas pressure by adding second-harmonic pulses with a suitable intensity. Such an all-optical phase-matching control was demonstrated to be dependent upon the temporal delay between the fundamental-wave and second harmonic pulses.
基于周期性极化铌酸锂晶体(PPLN)的准相位匹配光参变放大过程,通过倾斜周期极化铌酸锂晶体中极化域(极化光栅)一定角度,实现了介于共线匹配方式和非共线匹配方式之间的一种半非共线型准相位匹配方式,并以该匹配方式下的各光矢量几何关系得出相位匹配曲线,找到在特定抽运光和信号光波长下能获得宽带增益放大的周期极化长度。并研究其极化倾斜角度与温度特性。模拟计算表明,在合适的角度与温度条件下,该方式可以532 nm抽运光抽运的信号光在800 nm和1064 nm处均获得宽带光参变放大。
X-ray phase imaging with illumination by a partially coherent source with a setup similar to in-line holography is considered. Using the optical transform function, we consider the effects of partial coherence on this x-ray phase imaging for a weak phase object. The optimal contrast and the resolution of phase imaging are analyzed. As the coherence decreases, the imaging contrast and the optimal contrast frequency decrease, and the resolution degrades. It is shown that this contrast-enhanced phase-imaging method can be regarded as a linear bandpass filter and that the bandwidth and the image contrast are changeable. The frequency property of the imaging system can be improved if an incoherent x-ray source with the proper shape is used. (C) 1999 Optical Society of America.
With one weak probe field and two strong pumping fields, superluminal optical solitons are formed in a lifetime-broadened four-level tripod atomic medium. With proper parameters, both dark and bright solitons can occur in the highly resonant medium. The corresponding group velocity of the solitons can be superluminal. Meanwhile, the conditions for superluminal solitons occurrence are given.
We present an experimental scheme of a cold atom space clock with a movable cavity. By using a single microwave cavity, we find that the clock has a significant advantage, i.e. the longitudinal cavity phase shift is eliminated. A theoretical analysis has been carried out in terms of the relation between the atomic transition probability and the velocity of the moving cavity by taking into account the velocity distribution of cold atoms. The requirements for the microwave power and its stability for atomic pi/2 excitation at different moving velocities of the cavity lead to the determination of the proper working parameters of the rubidium clock in frequency accuracy 10(-17). Finally, the mechanical stability for the scheme is analysed and the ways of solving the possible mechanical instability of the device are proposed.