37 resultados para Potato Ipomoea-batatas
Purpose: To investigate the effects of gamma-ray radiation on the physiological, morphological characters and chromosome aberrations of minitubers. Materials and methods: Minitubers of one potato cultivar, 'Shepody', were irradiated with 8 doses of gamma-rays (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 and 80 Gy [Gray]) to investigate the effects of radiation on emergence ability, plant height and root length, morphological variations, chromosome aberrations, M-1 (first generation mutants) tuber number and size of minituber plants. Results: Compared with the non-irradiated controls, the whole period of emergence was prolonged by 10-15 days for minitubers treated with gamma-ray radiation, but low doses of radiation (10, 20 and 30 Gy) promoted the emergence percentage of minitubers. With an increase in radiation dose, the emergence percentage, plant height and root length of minituber plants were significantly inhibited at 40 and 50 Gy. No emergence occurred at 60 Gy and higher doses. After radiation, a series of morphological variations and chromosome aberrations appeared in minituber plants. Radiation with 20 Gy promoted tuber formation, and the average number and diameter of M-1 tubers per plant were significantly increased over the control by 71% and 34%, respectively. Conclusion: Low doses of radiation (10-30 Gy) might be used as a valuable parameter to study the improvement of minitubers by gamma-ray radiation treatment.
在旱棚控制条件下 ,用五因素五水平二次回归正交旋转组合设计 ,研究了水肥施用分配 ,补水量 ,施N量 ,施K量 ,有机肥施用量的综合作用效应 .结果表明 ,五因素对肥料N利用率的作用顺序为施N量 >补水量>水肥施用分配 >有机肥施用量 >施K量 .水肥施用分配相对于不同水、化肥 (N、K )、有机肥量的选择 ,可以大大地提高肥料N利用率 ;量少应重前施用 ,量多重后施或均施为好 .补水量与施N量的耦合规律为 :高水高肥效果最佳 ,肥料N利用率可达 5 7 83 % ,中水中N及低水低N次之 ,为 2 9 17%~ 40 99% ;高水低N或低水高N导致最低的利用率 ,为 2 2 87%或 2 2 5 1%
通过对不同灌水量及不同灌水间隔时间的马铃薯生长状况进行大田滴灌试验,研究马铃薯适宜的灌水定额及灌水周期,以求达到节水、增产的目的。试验结果表明:马铃薯滴灌时,灌水量越大,灌水周期越短,株高越高;茎粗开始衰减的时间比株高要早十几天,且衰减幅度比株高要大。灌水周期最短的处理茎粗却并不是最大,在180 m3/hm2的灌水定额下,灌水周期为5天的处理茎粗值最大。在相同的灌水量下,灌水间隔时间越短的处理马铃薯淀粉含量越高。灌水定额越小,灌水周期对产量的影响就越大;而当灌水定额一定时,灌水周期越短,产量越高;灌水定额为90 m3/hm2,灌水周期为3天的处理产量最高,为28 260 kg/hm2,比7天1灌的处理每公顷产量高出达10 350 kg。
通过对干湿交替环境下春小麦、马铃薯、大豆和玉米等作物的产量、水分利用效率及光合作用、蒸腾作用、气孔导度等生理变化的研究表明 :( 1 )春小麦和马铃薯在干湿交替环境下可获得与充分供水相当的产量而它们的水分利用效率却显著提高 ,大豆减产幅度较大 ,玉米减产严重 ,其水分利用效率显著低于全湿处理 ;( 2 )浇水后各作物的光合速率、蒸腾速率和气孔导度都有所增加 ,但不同作物增加的幅度不同 ,就是同一作物各指标的增幅也不同 ;( 3)干湿交替环境下同化物的运输模式有利于春小麦籽粒的充实和马铃薯块茎的膨大 ,而不利于玉米产量的形成 ;( 4 )产量不仅决定于营养生长阶段 ,更主要决定于生殖生长阶段。此外 ,还就干湿交替过程中若干生理变化和经济产量形成机制作了初步探讨。
Assessment of the potential CO2 emission reduction by development of non-grain-based ethanol in China is valuable for both setting up countermeasures against climate change and formulating bioethanol policies. Based on the land occupation property, feedstock classification and selection are conducted, identifying sweet sorghum, cassava, and sweet potato as plantation feedstocks cultivated from low-quality arable marginal land resources and molasses and agricultural straws as nonplantation feedstocks derived from agricultural by-products. The feedstock utilization degree, CO2 reduction coefficient of bioethanol, and assessment model of CO2 emission reduction potential of bioethanol are proposed and established to assess the potential CO2 emission reduction by development of non-grain-based bioethanol. The results show that China can obtain emission reduction potentials of 10.947 and 49.027 Mt CO2 with non-grain-based bioethanol in 2015 and 2030, which are much higher than the present capacity, calculated as 1.95 Mt. It is found that nonplantation feedstock can produce more bioethanol so as to obtain a higher potential than plantation feedstock in both 2015 and 2030. Another finding is that developing non-grain-based bioethanol can make only a limited contribution to China's greenhouse gas emission reduction. Moreover, this study reveals that the regions with low and very low potentials for emission reduction will dominate the spatial distribution in 2015, and regions with high and very high potentials will be the majority in 2030.
Dodecenly succinic anhydride (DDSA) starches were prepared commercially by the base catalyzed reaction of DDSA in pre-emulsion with starch granular in aqueous slurry. The results indicated that the degree of substitution and reaction efficiency were 0.0256% and 42.7%, respectively, at the parameters for the preparation of DDSA starches in starch slurry 30%, DDSA/starch radio 10% (wt/wt), pH 8.5-9.0, reaction temperature 313 K. After modification, product surface chemical composite had been changed which was prone to migrate into less polar solution. The chemical structural characteristics were investigated by methods of FTIR and H-1 NMR. The results of X-ray diffraction showed the native A-type crystalline pattern, indicating that reaction of corn starch with DDSA caused no change in the crystalline structure. Compared to native starch, the hydrophobic performance of esters was greatly increased. With the DS increasing, contact angles were gradually increased, however, the adhesion works were decreased. The maximum contact angle of DDSA starch could attend to 123 degrees, and the corresponding adhesion work was 33.2 mJ m(-2).