82 resultados para Poly(propylene) (PP)
A responsive polymer composite film was generated by the use of reversibly switchable Surface morphology of polystyrene-block-poly(methyl methacrylate) (PS-b-PMMA) films in response to different block selective solvents on the rough isotactic poly(propylene) (i-PP) substrate. The Maximum difference of the water contact angle of the composite films increased from 22.6 degrees of PS-b-PMMA films on the smooth substrate to 42.6 degrees when they were treated by PS and PMMA selective solvents, respectively. The mechanisms of the responsive extent enhanced and the superhydrophobicity of the composite films were discussed in detail.
The miscibility and hydrogen-bonding interactions of carbon dioxide and epoxy propane copolymer to poly(propylene carbonate) (PPC)/poly(p-vinylphenol) (PVPh) blends were investigated with differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The single glass-transition temperature for each composition showed miscibility over the entire composition range. FTIR indicates the presence of strong hydrogen-bonding interassociation between the hydroxyl groups of PVPh and the oxygen functional groups of PPC as a function of composition and temperature. XPS results testify to intermolecular hydrogen-bonding interactions between the oxygen atoms of carbon-oxygen single bonds and carbon-oxygen double bonds in carbonate groups of PPC and the hydroxyl groups of PVPh by the shift of C-1s peaks and the evolution of three novel O-1s peaks in the blends, which supports the suggestion from FTIR analyses.
Polyurethane (PU) based on polyepichlorohydrin/poly(methyl methacrylate) (PECH/PMMA) interpenetrating polymer networks (IPNs) was synthesized by a simultaneous method. The effects of composition, hydroxyl group number of PECH, NCO/OH ratio and crosslinking agent content in IPNs were investigated in detail. Some other glycols, such as poly(ethylene glycol), poly(propylene glycol) and hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene, were also used to obtain PU/PMMA IPNs. The interpenetrating and fracture behaviors of the IPNs are explained briefly.
高分子凝胶广泛地存在于自然界以及日常生活中,按其形成作用力不同分为化学凝胶和物理凝胶两大类。由于高分子物理凝胶具有凝胶化的可逆性及其对环境条件强烈的响应性,因此,在近半个世纪的研究与应用中受到极大的关注。高分子溶液中的物理凝胶因其结构及形成机制复杂,在实验方面,除了散射技术及流变技术能够有效地揭示它的部分信息外,其它的实验手段很难用于这个领域的研究;在理论方面,化学凝胶的理论已经比较成熟,而物理凝胶的粘弹性质以及凝胶化是一个远离平衡态的松弛过程,除了一些特征的标度指数外,人们还没有得到适用于高分子物理凝胶的普适规律。当前,由于计算机模拟理论及模拟方法的发展,使得计算机模拟成为除了实验和理论研究方法之外的第三个重要的研究方法。但是,由于物理凝胶化行为的复杂性,用实验和理论获得的信息很难较好地描述凝胶化过程,而计算机模拟的高度透明性及反映信息的完整性,有助于理解这一复杂过程中所涉及的物理本质。因此,利用计算机模拟结合实验及理论方法深入研究高分子物理凝胶的形成机制、结构与性能关系已成为目前最有效的手段之一。 本论文主要运用Monte Carlo模拟方法,并结合小角中子散射(Small-Angle Neutron Scattering, SANS)和流变(Rheology)等实验手段从多个角度探讨了以下几类典型的高分子溶液物理凝胶化行为。 1. 温度对遥爪型三嵌段共聚物在选择性溶剂中的自组装及凝胶化行为影响的研究:采用二维简单方格子Monte Carlo模拟方法,结合逾渗(Percolation)理论,建立了溶胶-凝胶转变相图在统计热力学中的确定方法;甄别了具有特征构象的链,讨论了链及胶束的聚集,明晰了相互作用(体现为约化温度)、构象转变、聚集与凝胶化的一致的关联关系;提出了构象转变模型,进而明确了此体系的凝胶化过程,在微观尺度上表现为桥型链和环型链之间的竞争。 2. 模拟模型改进及其应用到持续长度对稀溶液中高分子链构象影响的研究:考虑到原始八位置键涨落模型效率低,实现复杂且不能应用到复杂的高分子体系,对该模型进行了改进,使其实现简单、效率高,并拓宽了该模型的应用范围。然后,以刚性对均聚物构象的影响为例,发现随着刚性增加,均聚物构象从球形椭球到棒状椭球的转变,并对比了自由连接链(Free Joint Chain, FJC)模型和蠕虫链(Wormlike Chain, WLC)模型在不同刚性范围内对高分子链末端距预测的偏差,首次给出了这两个经典模型的半定量的适用边界。 3. 溶剂尺寸对遥爪型三嵌段共聚物在选择性溶剂中的自组装及凝胶化行为影响的研究:用改进后的八位置键涨落Monte Carlo模型,研究了遥爪型三嵌段共聚物在选择性溶剂条件下的聚集和凝胶化对溶剂尺寸的依赖性,发现溶剂尺寸效应对凝胶化的作用是非单调的。由一个均聚物体系的对比模拟证明这种作用主要是由熵驱动的,并给出了中分子溶剂的半定量定义。在均聚物和嵌段共聚物溶液中,不同尺寸的溶剂分子可以使溶液由于高分子聚集不同而具有不同的微结构,并影响高分子链构象和溶液的性质。从多个角度研究了三嵌段共聚物在不同尺寸溶剂的溶液中所遵循的三种不同的凝胶化机理。 4. 聚氧化乙烯-氧化丙稀-氧化乙烯三嵌段共聚物(poly(ethylene oxide)-poly (propylene oxide)-poly-(ethylene oxide), PEO-PPO-PEO)重水溶液凝胶化的小角中子散射(SANS)和Monte Carlo研究:结合Pluronic F127(EO65PO99EO65)/D2O三嵌段共聚物溶液的特征,对照SANS数据,用改进后的八位置键涨落模型成功地从模拟中获得了F127/D2O的溶胶-凝胶转变相图。详细地考察了体系的微观结构,提出此类高分子溶液中形成的物理凝胶包含高分子逾渗网络的生成,以及被束缚溶剂(Bound Solvent)必须超过离散组分体系逾渗的临界体积分数的机理。着重研究了一定浓度的F127水溶液随温度升高引起的溶胶-凝胶转变以及凝胶-溶胶转变的Reentrant相行为,发现体系在低温区域的溶胶-凝胶转变遵循相同的机理,而在中等温度和较高温度以及不同浓度区域中的凝胶-溶胶转变遵循不同的机理。 5. 极性基团饱和度和溶剂条件对两亲性聚合物在溶液中的聚集行为和凝胶化影响的研究:用改进后的八位置键涨落模型,针对两亲性聚合物在不同溶剂条件的溶液建立了粗粒化模型,以两亲性聚合物中极性基团的饱和度,溶剂条件和高分子浓度为变量,考察了其对链构象、聚集及其凝胶化的影响。 6. 多糖水溶液凝胶化的流变和小角中子散射研究:用流变和SANS考察了两个多糖水溶液中物理凝胶化过程,针对由氢键主导的水基凝胶体系的典型特征进行了讨论,从分子链构象,聚集体结构及其关联以及流变特征等方面对聚强电解质角叉胶(Carrageenan)水溶液和聚弱电解质明胶(Pectin)水溶液进行了详细的讨论。考察了不同多糖的种类(聚合物链的电荷密度),盐的种类和浓度,溶液温度等对凝胶化和凝胶结构的影响,分析了不同多糖溶液的凝胶化机理。
二氧化碳是主要的温室气体,同时也是一种廉价的、取之不尽用之不竭的碳氧资源。以二氧化碳为原料合成可生物降解的脂肪族聚碳酸酯是二氧化碳固定和利用领域的重要课题,其中最受关注的是由二氧化碳和环氧丙烷共聚合所制备的聚碳酸丙烯酯(PPC)。高分子量PPC可用于制备连续薄膜,这类薄膜除了保持可生物降解性能之外,还具有较好的透明性,而且其室温下对氧气的阻隔性能优良,在食品保鲜和药品包装等方面有很大的应用前景。但是, PPC在高温(40℃以上)强度迅速下降、低温(15℃以下)脆性加剧,为使PPC象普通塑料如聚乙烯那样实现大规模化应用,必须解决其高温增强和低温增韧的难题。 从高分子链结构来看,PPC的分子链主要由弱极性或非极性基团构成,且普通PPC的区域和立体规整性较低,导致PPC中分子链间作用力较弱,而且是无定型结构,降低了PPC耐温性能和机械力学性能。本博士论文的主要的思路就是通过调控PPC的链结构来提高其分子间作用力,从而改善PPC的耐温性能和力学性能。本论文围绕PPC的近程结构和远程结构控制,提出了改进PPC 链结构的五个方法,即提高PPC的分子量、制备交联型PPC、合成区域规整结构PPC、合成等规结构PPC、合成等规-无规立体嵌段PPC。通过研究链结构变化对PPC 热性能和机械性能的影响,证明通过共聚物链结构的设计和调控,可以大幅度增强PPC 的分子间作用力,拓展PPC 的使用温度范围。本文的主要内容包括: 1.通过在Y(Cl3COO)3-ZnEt2-glycerine三元催化体系或通过在环氧丙烷和二氧化碳聚合反应体系中引入少量双环氧单体如乙二醇二缩水甘油醚、丁二醇二缩水甘油醚或新戊二醇二缩水甘油醚,合成了数均分子量超过20万的PPC。与数均分子量为10万左右的PPC相比,分子量在20万左右的PPC的起始热分解温度增加了37℃,一定程度上改善了PPC的加工性能和使用性能。 2.将提高聚合物分子量改善其耐温和力学性能的思路进一步延伸,提出了分子量“无限大”的交联聚合物思路。通过在二氧化碳与环氧丙烷共聚反应中引入少量含有双键的环氧化合物(烯丙基缩水甘油醚),可以在基本上不影响聚合反应收率的前提下,得到侧链带双键的可交联的PPC。通过侧链双键的自由基反应,获得交联的PPC,其耐热性能、力学性能与未交联的PPC相比均有显著提高,大幅度提高了共聚物的尺寸稳定性。在65℃下未交联PPC的永久形变为17.2%,根据PPC交联程度的不同,交联PPC的永久形变在0-15%间可控,而且交联后的PPC仍然具有很好的生物降解性能。 3.通过在稀土三元催化体系中加入适量的路易斯碱,既保持了稀土三元催化剂可以得到高分子量PPC的优点,另外路易斯碱与活性中心配位,可提高活性中心的亲核性和环氧丙烷开环选择性,得到高分子量规整区域结构的PPC。聚合物的头尾连接最高达84.6%,数均分子量为136kg/mol。XPS研究证实路易斯碱与中心锌金属发生配位,提高了金属碳酸酯的亲核性,进而提高了活性中心进攻环氧丙烷单体的选择性,从而改善了PPC区域规整性。进一步研究了非均相稀土三元催化剂中多质子化合物配体以及手性多质子化合物配体对PPC区域结构和头尾连接的影响,结果表明电子效应是影响PPC区域结构的主要因素,为以后催化剂的设计和制备提供了依据。与高头尾结构的低分子量PPC不同,高头尾结构的高分子量PPC性能有了很大的改善。当头尾连接结构含量从69.7%增加到83.2%时,PPC的玻璃化温度增加8℃,起始热分解温度提高45℃,表明提高PPC的区域规整性确实可以改善其耐温性能。 4.利用二氧化碳和环氧丙烷(PO)共聚时,单体PO的开环方式决定聚合产物立体结构的特点,在Y(Cl3COO)3-ZnEt2-glycerin/PHEN催化体系下,通过S-PO与 CO2的共聚,制得数均分子量为97kg/mol的等规结构PPC。13C-NMR谱图证实聚合物为等规结构。 5. 通过简单的顺序加料方式,在Y(Cl3COO)3-ZnEt2-glycerin/PHEN催化体系下,通过S-PO/CO2和rac-PO/CO2嵌段共聚,制得数均分子量为139kg/mol的等规-无规立体嵌段PPC。13C-NMR谱图及分子量的数据证实聚合物为等规-无规立体嵌段结构。
Stable transparent titania thin films were fabricated at room temperature by combining thenoyltrifluoroacetone (TTFA)-modified titanium precursors with amphiphilic triblock poly(ethylene oxide)-poly(propylene oxide)-poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO-PPO-PEO, P123) copolymers. The obtained transparent titania thin films were systematically investigated by IR spectroscopy, PL emission and excitation spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy. IR spectroscopy indicates that TTFA coordinates the titanium center during the process of hydrolysis and condensation. Luminescence spectroscopy confirms the in-situ formation of lanthanide complexes in the transparent titania thin film.
The syntheses of several dialkyl complexes based on rare-earth metal were described. Three beta-diimine compounds with varying N-aryl substituents (HL1 = (2-CH3O(C6H4))N=C(CH3)CH=C(CH3)NH(2-CH3O(C6H4)), HL2 = (2,4,6-(CH3)(3) (C6H2))N=C(CH3)CH=C(CH3)NH(2,4,6-(CH3)(3)(C6H2)), HL3 = PhN=C(CH3)CH(CH3) NHPh) were treated with Ln(CH2SiMe3)(3)(THF)(2) to give dialkyl complexes L(1)Ln (CH2SiMe3)(2) (Ln = Y (1a), Lu (1b), Sc (1c)), L(2)Ln(CH2SiMe3)(2)(THF) (Ln = Y (2a), Lu (2b)), and (LLu)-Lu-3(CH2SiMe3)(2)(THF) (3). All these complexes were applied to the copolymerization of cyclohexene oxide (CHO) and carbon dioxide as single-component catalysts.
CO2-in-Water (C/W) emulsion was formed by using a nonionic surfactant of poly (ethylene oxide)-poly (propylene oxide)-poly (ethylene oxide) (P123), and palladium nanoparticles were synthesized in situ in the present work. The catalytic performance of Pd nanoparticles in the C/W emulsion has been discussed for a selective hydrogenation of citral. Much higher activity with a turnover frequency (TOF) of 6313 h(-1) has been obtained in this unique C/W emulsion compared to that in the W/C microemulsion (TOF, 23 h(-1)), since the reaction was taking place not only in the surfactant shell but also on the inner surface of the CO2 core in the C/W emulsion. Moreover, citronellal was obtained with a higher selectivity for that it was extracted to a supercritical carbon dioxide (scCO(2)) phase as formed and thus its further hydrogenation was prohibited. The Pd nanoparticles could be recycled several times and still retain the same selectivity, but it showed a little aggregation leading to a slight decrease in conversion.
A novel aliphatic polycarbonate from renewable resource was prepared by copolymerization of furfuryl glycidyl ether and CO2 using rare earth ternary catalyst; its number-average molecular weight (M-n) reached 13.3 x 10(4) g/mol. The furfuryl glycidyl ether and CO2 copolymer (PFGEC) was easy to become yellowish at ambient atmosphere due to post polymerization cross-linking reaction oil the furan ring; the gel content was 17.2 wt % after 24 h exposure to air at room temperature. PFGEC could be stabilized by addition of antioxidant 1010 (tetrakis[methylene (3.5-di(tert-butyl)-4-hydroxhydrocinnamate)]methane) in 0.5-3 wt % after copolymerization. The Diels-Alder (DA) reaction between N-phenylmaleimide and the pendant furan ring was also effective for the stabilization of PFGEC by reducing the amount of furan ring and introducing bulky groups into PFGEC. The cyclization degree could reach 72.1% when the molar ratio of N-phenylmaleimide to furan ring was 3: 1, and no gel was observed after 24 h exposure to air. The glass transition temperature (T-g) of PFGEC was 6.8 degrees C, and it increased to 40.3 degrees C after DA reaction (molar ratio of N-phenylmaleimide to furan ring was 3: 1).
In this paper, melt blends of poly(propylene carbonate) (PPC) with poly(butylene succinate) (PBS) were characterized by dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), tensile testing, wide-angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD), polarized optical microscopy and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The results indicated that the glass transition temperature of PPC in the 90/10 PPC/PBS blend was decreased by about 11 K comparing with that of pure PPC. The presence of 10% PBS was partially miscible with PPC. The 90/10 PPC/PBS blend had better impact and tensile strength than those of the other PPC/PBS blends. The glass transition temperature of PPC in the 80/20, 70/30, and 60/40 PPC/PBS blends was improved by about 4.9 K, 4.2 K, and 13 K comparing with that of pure PPC, respectively; which indicated the immiscibility between PPC and PBS. The DSC results indicated that the crystallization of PBS became more difficult when the PPC content increased. The matrix of PPC hindered the crystallization process of PBS. While the content of PBS was above 20%, significant crystallization-induced phase separation was observed by polarized optical microscopy. It was found from the WAXD analysis that the crystal structure of PBS did not change, and the degree of crystallinity increased with increasing PBS content in the PPC/PBS blends.
Physical gelation in the concentrated Pluronic F127/D2O solution has been studied by a combination of small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) and Monte Carlo simulation. A 15% F127/D2O solution exhibits a sol-gel transition at low temperature and a gel-sol transition at the higher temperature, as evidenced by SANS and Monte Carlo simulation studies. Our SANS and simulation results also suggest that the sol-gel transition is dominated by the formation of a percolated polymer network, while the gel-sol transition is determined by the loss of bound solvent. Furthermore, different diffusion behaviors of different bound solvents and free solvent are observed. We expect that this approach can be further extended to study phase behaviors of other systems with similar sol-gel phase diagrams.
The isothermal crystallization and melting behaviors of poly(propylene carbonate) end-capped with benzenesulfonyl/poly (vinyl alcohol) (PPC-BS/PVA) blends over rich PVA composition range were first investigated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). PPS-BS/PVA interaction parameter, chi(12), calculated from equilibrium melting temperature depression was -0.44, revealing miscibility of PPC-BS with PVA in the melt and favorable interactions. The temperature dependence of crystallization rate constant at initial crystallization stage was analyzed using the modified Lauritzen-Hoffman expression. The chain width, a(0), the thickness of a monomolecular layer, b(0), the fold and lateral surface-free energies, sigma(e) and sigma, and the work of chain folding, q, for neat PVA were first reckoned to be 4.50 Angstrom, 4.78 Angstrom, 76.0 erg.cm(-2), and 4.70 kcal.mol(-1), respectively. The values of sigma(e) and q for PVA in PPC-BS/PVA blends exhibited a maximum in the neighborhood of 10/90 PPC-BS/PV, respectively.
A composite solid polymer electrolyte (SPE) of (PEO)(10)LiClO4-Al2O3 was prepared and Pt and stainless steel(SS) blocking electrodes were used for an impedance study. It was found that the semicircle in the high frequency range and the straight line in the low frequency range depend upon different blocking electrodes and polarization potentials applied in the experiments. In the equivalent circuit. two constant phase elements (CPE) have been used instead of the pure geometrical and double layer capacitances. respectively. A theoretical line calculated from their estimated values has a good correlation with the experiment data. Moreover. the equivalent circuit also can be used to explain the impedance properties of Pt and stainless steel (SS) blocking electrodes both in the high and the low frequency ranges. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Using a molal conductance method, ion solvation and ion association in polytriethylene glycol dimethacrylate (PTREGD)-LiClO4 gel electrolytes with amorphous ethylene oxide-co-propylene oxide (EO-co-PO, <(M)over bar (n)>, = 1750) as the plasticizer were investigated. It was found that the fraction of solute existing as single ions (alpha(i)) and ion pairs (alpha(p)) decreases, while that of triple ions (alpha(t)) increases linearly with increasing salt concentration. The dependence of these fractions on molecular weight of plasticizer was also examined. It was shown that alpha(i) and alpha(t) increase and alpha(p) decreases with increasing molecular weight. The result of temperature dependence of these fractions was very interesting: when the temperature is lower than 55 degrees C, alpha(i) increases while alpha(p) and alpha(t) decrease with increasing temperature; however, when the temperature is higher than 55 degrees C, the reverse is true.