49 resultados para Peak periods.


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ZnO films doped with different contents of indium were prepared by radio frequency sputtering technique. The structural, optical and emission properties of the films were characterized at room temperature using XRD, XPS, UV-vis-NIR and PL techniques. Results showed that the indium was successfully incorporated into the c-axis preferred orientated ZnO films, and the In-doped ZnO films are of over 80% optical transparency in the visible range. Furthermore, a double peak of blue-violet emission with a constant energy interval (similar to 0.17 eV) was observed in the PL spectra of the samples with area ratio of indium chips to the Zn target larger than 2.0%. The blue peak comes from the electron transition from the Zn-i level to the top of the valence band and the violet peak from the In-Zn donor level to the V-Zn level, respectively.


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To explore the potential of double irradiation source, radioactive C-9-ion beam, in tumor therapy, a comparative study oil the surviving effect of human salivary gland cells at different penetration depths between C-9 and C-12-ion beams has been carried out. The 9C-ion C beam, especially at the distal side of the beam came out more efficient in cell killing at the depths around its Bragg peak than the 12 Bragg peak. Compared to the C-12 beam, an increase in RBE by a factor of up to 2.13 has been observed at the depths distal to the Bragg peak of the 9C beam. The 9C beam showed an enhanced biological effect at the penetration depths around its Bragg peak, corresponding to the stopping region of the incident C-9-ions and where the delayed low-energy particles were emitted. Further analysis revealed that cell lethality by the emitted particles from the stopping C-9-ions is responsible for the excessive biological effect at the penetration depths around the Bragg peak of the C-9 beam.


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The transport processes of components in capillary electrochromatographic column was investigated based on the basic model of relaxation theory. A principal transport equation of chromatographic relaxation theory was established and mathematical expressions for eluting curves were obtained under the situations of both capillary electrophoresis and chromatography. Characteristics of peak symmetry and its effecting factors are discussed. Tailing peaks, symmetrical peaks and fronting peaks would be observed simultaneously, which was further proved with reversed capillary electrochromatographic experiments.


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Target transformation factor analysis was used to correct spectral interference in inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-BES) for the determination of rare earth impurities in high purity thulium oxide. Data matrix was constructed with pure and mixture vectors and background vector. A method based on an error evaluation function was proposed to optimize the peak position, so the influence of the peak position shift in spectral scans on the determination was eliminated or reduced. Satisfactory results were obtained using factor analysis and the proposed peak position optimization method.


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In this study, we conducted eddy covariance (EC) measurements of water vapor exchange over a typical steppe in a semi-arid area of the Inner Mongolia Plateau, China. Measurement sites were located within a 25-year-old enclosure with a relatively low leaf area index (similar to 1. 5 m(2) m(-2)) and dominated by Leymus chinensis. Energy balance closure was (H + LE) = 17.09 + 0.69 x (Rn - G) (W/m(2); r(2) = 0.95, n = 6596). Precipitation during the two growing seasons of the study period was similar to the long-term average. The peak evapotranspiration in 2004 was 4 mm d(-1), and 3.5 mm d(-1) in 2003. The maximum latent heat flux was higher than the sensible heat flux, and the sensible heat flux dominated the energy budget at midday during the entire growing season in 2003; latent heat flux was the main consumption component for net radiation during the 2004 growing season. During periods of frozen soil in 2003 and 2004, the sensible heat flux was the primary consumption component for net radiation. The soil heat flux component was similar in 2003 and 2004. The decoupling coefficient (between 0.5 and 0.1) indicates that evapotranspiration was strongly controlled by saturation water vapor pressure deficit (VPD) in this grassland. The results of this research suggest that energy exchange and evapotranspiration were controlled by the phenology of the vegetation and soil water content. In addition, the amount and frequency of rainfall significantly affect energy exchange and evapotranspiration upon the Inner Mongolia plateau. (c) 2007 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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It has been long known that intense multiple Mesozoic-Cenozoic intracontinental deformations have controlled the grand scale basin-range structural evolution of the Tianshan and its adjacent basins. So it is important to study the sedimentary records of the piedmont basins along the two sides of the Tianshan synthetically for the continental geodynamic research.We carried out a magnetostratigraphy study on Cretaceous- Tertiary succession and U-Pb dating analysis of detrital zircons from the representative sandstone samples of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic deposits in Kuqa Subbasin, northern Tarim Basin, combining our previous results of multiple depositional records from different profiles including paleocurrent data, conglomerate clast, sandstone framswork grains, detrital heavy minerals and geochemistry analysis, so the multiple intracontinental tectonic processes of Tianshan and their depositional response in the Kuqa Subbasin can be revealed. The results show that the tectonic evolution of the Tianshan Orogen and the sedimentary processes of the Kuqa Subbasin can be divided into four periods: early Triassic(active period), from middle Triassic to late Jurassic(placid period), from early Cretaceous to Tertiary Paleocene(active period) and from Neogene to present (intensely active period). Simultaneously,the depositional records reveal the provenance types and tectonic attributes in different periods. As follows, the lower Triassic with a dominant age ranging from 250 to 290Ma of the Zircons, which were principally derived from alkali feldspar granites and alkaline intrusion obviously, relative to the magma activity in Permian. In middle Triassic-late Jurassic, the two samples collected from the Taliqike formation and the Qiakemake formation respectively show the age peak at 350~450Ma, which was relative to the subduction of the Tarim Block to Yili-Central Tianshan Plate. In this period the provenance of the Kuqa deposits was the Central Tianshan arc orogenic belts distantly with little height predominance.During early Cretaceous-Paleogene, two major zircons age spectra at 240~330Ma and 370~480Ma have been acquired, with some other not dominant age ranges, indicating complicated provenance types. In Neogene, the detrital zircons age dating ranges from 460 to 390 Ma primarily. What’s more, the newer chronology of the stratigraphy and the older source age, indicating that Tianshan was uplifted and exhumated further strongly. Further study on the heavy mineral and the detrital zircons age dating of the Mesozoic-Paleogene representative profiles in southern Junggar Basin, combined with the published results of the sandstone framework grains, we consider that it occurred obvious sedimentary and tectonic changes occurred in the inside of Jurassic, from late Jurassic to early Cretaceous and form early Cretaceous to late Cretaceous. On this faces, there are remarkable changes of the steady minerals and unstable minerals, the sandstone maturity and the age spectra of the detrital zircons. Compared the sedimentary records from the two sides of the Tianshan, We find that they are different obviously since Middle Jurassic. It can be concluded that Tianshan have uplifted highly enough to influence the paleo-climatic. According to the current strata division, the structural activity apparently showed a migration from north to south. That is to say, the South Tianshan uplift later than the north, especially from late Jurassic to early Cretaceous , but it was uplifted and exhumated more strongly. Furthermore, correlating the depositional records and tectonic styles in the Kuqa-South Tianshan basin-range conjugation site in the east with the west, the obvious differentiation between the west and the east from the Cretaceous especially in Tertiary along the Tianshan-Kuqa belt was revealed, probably showing earlier uplifting in the east while greater exhumation depth and sediment rates in the west. In addition, the contacting style of Kuqa subbasin to the Tianshan Orogenic belts and the basement structure are also inconsistent at different basin-range conjugation sites. It is probably controlled by a series of N-S strike adjusting belts within the Kuqa subbasin, or probably correlated with the material difference at the complicated basin-range boundary. The research on the Mesozoic-Cenozoic tectonic-depositional response in the piedmont basins along the two sides of the Tianshan shows that the basin-filling process was controlled by the intracontinental multicyclic basin-range interactions, especially affected by the intense tectonic differentiations of basin-range system, which can’t be illuminated using a single evolutionary model.


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The main research area of this thesis is the Western Depression in the Liaohe Basin. Based on the drilling core observation and mud logging data, the features of the mantle–derived fluids and their effects on oil/gas generation in the Western Depression of the Liaohe Basin,was studied with comprehensive methods of volcanic petrology, sediment petrology, fluid geochemistry, sedimentlogy, and structural geology, and use of polarized light microscope, fluorescence microscope, electron microscope, fluid and melt inclusion test, and isotopic test of nature gas etc. The observation of drill cores in study area and other studies reveal that the main passageway of the volcanic eruption in the Cenozoic was the Xibaqian-Gaosheng fault, and the volcanic rocks of each stage were distributed around it. Mantle-derived fluid which affected on oil/gas generation formed later than the volcanic spew and those fluids entered into the depression through the Taian-Dawa fault and the Central fault. The volatile fraction analysis of the melt inclusion reveals the presence of two kinds of mantle fluids; they are hydrogen-rich fluid and carbon dioxide-rich fluid. These the two kinds of fluids were mainly distributed in olivine and pyroxene respectively. The hydrothermal veins development have multiple stages, from high temperature quartz vein to low temperature calcite vein and analcime vein, in which the fluid inclusion extremity component are methane and carbon dioxide, which indicate that when mantle-derived fluids ascended and entered into the basin, most of these fluids interacted with the organic matter in the basin even though some of these entered into atmosphere. The present isotopic test of the nature gas reveals the high 3He/4He value between the region of the Taian-Dawa fault and the Central fault, which also imply the feature of origin in mantle. This phenomenon indicates that the Mesozoic basement faults and the main Cenozoic faults had connected crust and the mantle during the basin evolution, so the mantle derived fluids could enter the basin along those faults. The main source rocks of the ES3 and ES4 members of the Shahejie Formation began to expel hydrocarbon at the end period of the ES1 member of the Shahejie Formation, and reached its peak during the period of the Dongying Formation deposition. During these periods, the mantle derived-fluids entered the basin constantly along the main faults, and supplied lots of hydrogen for hydrocarbon generation. Though the volcanic rocks and the mantle-derived fluids in the Eastern Depression were more developed than in the Western Depression, the source rocks and the deep fluids were not interacted better than the Western Depression because of the affection of structural evolution. In the Eocene, the Eastern Depression did not deposit the ES4 member of the Shahejie Formation, furthermore, the mantle-fluid formed in the Fangshengpao stage escaped to the atmosphere, which confined the later stage hydrocarbon generation capability.


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The magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling is mainly manifested by the trans- porting processes of energy into the ionosphere , the energy is carried by solar wind and firstly accumulate at the magnetosphere, and the coupling processes also significantly include the interaction between the magnetosphere and ionosphere for mass and energy. At the quiet condition, energy is delivered by the large-scale convection of the geomagnetic field; the huge energy from solar wind bulk will be injected into and consumed at the near magnetosphere and ionosphere by the geomagnetic storm and substorm activities. Aurorae and FACs (Field-aligned currents) are the important phenomena in the coupling processes. In the present work, firstly, we analyze the activity characteristics of auroral precipitating particle, secondly, we study the distribution characters of large-scale field aligned currents (LS FACs) at storm-time using the observations from different satellites at different altitudes. Finally, we investigate the evolution of the geomagnetic field configuration at the nightside sector on the onset of the expansion phase in a substorm event, the substorm event happened at 0430UT to 0630UT on 8th Nov. 2004. The main results as follows: At the first, the data of the estimated power input (EPI) of auroral particles from NOAA/POES (Polar orbiting environmental satellite) for some 30 years have been analyzed. The variation tendencies of the EPI generally coincide with aa, AE and Dst indices. The annual variation of EPI shows equinox peaks and an asymmetric-activity with a higher peak in the winter-hemisphere than in the summer-hemisphere. The diurnal UT variations are different from north and south hemisphere: for north hemisphere, the peak appears at 1200UT, and the relative deviation is 22% to the daily average of the north hemisphere. For south hemisphere, the maximal deviation is 22% at 2000UT. So the diurnal variation of EPI is more dominant than the annual variation which maximal deviation is 3% to 12% for different seasons. Studies on correlations of the hourly average of EPI, Pa, with AE and Dst indices show a correlation coefficient r=0.74 of Pa and AE, and r=-0.55 of Pa and Dst. The hourly EPIs for north and south polar regions, NPa and SPa, show a north-south asymmetry with a higher correlation of SPa and AE (or Dst). Time delays of EPI with respect to magnetic indices are examined, the maximum correlation coefficient of Pa with AE (r=0.78) occurs when the time delay =0, suggesting a synchronous activity of auroral electrojet and auroral precipitating particles, while =1-2h, the correlation coefficient of Pa with Dst is maximum (r=0.57), suggesting that the activity of auroral particle precipitating may influence the ring current on some extent. Sencondly, we use the high-resolution magnetic field vector data of the CHAMP satellite to investigate the distribution of large-scale FACs during the great magnetic storm on 7th to 8th Nov. 2004. The results show that, whether in the northern or southern hemisphere, the number and density of large-scale FACs during the main-phase are more and bigger than these during the recover-phase, and the number of large-scale FACs in morning sector obviously is more than that in afternoon sector. In terms of the magnetic indices, we find that large-scale FACs in morning sector significantly affected by the substorm activities, while in afternoon sector the large-scale FACs mainly indicate the fluctuations of the ring-current in storm time. Accordingly to the former studies, similarly, we find that in the morning sector, the scale of the large-scale FACs move to the high-latitude region, and in the afternoon sector, large-scale FACs distinctly expand to the low-latitude region. During the time periods that the NOAA/POES auroral precipitating particle power data temporally correspond to the large-scale FACs, the more the power of auroral particle is, the more and bigger the number and density of FACs are. At the same time, we use the magnetic field vector data of POLAR obtain a good form of region 1, region 2, and three pieces of cusp FACs during a single transit at 1930UT-2006UT on 07th. And the characteristics of simultaneous electric field and energy particles observations on Polar are coincide with the five FACs pieces. Finally, by means of the observation of Cluster 4 and Goes 10、 Goes 12, we analyze the evolution process of the change of the magnetic field configuration at night sector at the expansion phase of a substorm event which happened during 0430UT to 0630UT on 8th Nov. 2004, we find that the times of the beginning of the polarizations of magnetic field are observed from Goes 10 to Goes 12 then to Cluster 4. So, at the synchronous orbit ( 6.6 RE) to 10RE distance scale of the neutral sheet, the current disruption spread tailward. Simultaneously, the strengthen of the FACs deduced from these satellites’ magnetic field observations are almost consistent with the times of polarizations, as well as the high energy particles injection and the electric field dominant variation. The onset times determined by the magnetic field polarizations from these satellites are all ahead of the onset time that confirmed from the auroral electrojet indices. So, these characters of different observations can be used as the criterions to determine the onset time for the substorms of such type as we studied.


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The Huade Group, consisting of low-grade and un-metamorphosed sedimentary rocks with no volcanic interlayer, is located at the northern margin of the North China craton and adjoining the south part of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt. It is east to the Paleo- to Meso-Proterozoic Bayan Obo and Zhaertai-Langshan rifts and northwest to the Paleo- to Neo-proterozoic Yanshan aulacogen, in which the typical Changcheng, Jixian and Qingbaikou systems are developed. The Huade Group are mainly composed of pebbly sandstones, sandstones, greywackes,shales,calc-silicate rocks and limestones, partly undergoing low-grade metamorphism and being changed to meta-sandstones, schists, phyllites, slates and crystalline limestones or marbles. The stratigraphic sequences show several cycles of deposition. Each of them developed coarse clastic rocks – interbedded fine clastic rocks and pelites from bottom upward or from coarse clastic rocks to interbedded fine clastic rocks and pelites to carbonate rocks. The Tumen Group outcrop sporadically around or west to the Tanlu faults in western Shandong. They are mainly composed of pebbly sandstones, sandstones, shales and limestones. This thesis deals with the characteristics of petrology, geochemistry and sedimentary of the Huade Group and the Tumen Group, and discusses the LA-ICP-MS and SIMS U-Pb ages, Hf isotope and trace element composition of the detrital zircons from 5 meta-sandstone samples of the Huade Group and 3 sandstone samples of the Tumen Group. The age populations of the detrital zircons from the Huade Group are mainly ~2.5 Ga and ~1.85 Ga, and there are also minor peaks at ~2.0 Ga, ~1.92 Ga and ~1.73 Ga. Most of the detrital zircon grains of 2.47-2.57 Ga and a few of 1.63-2.03 Ga have Hf crust model ages of 2.7-3.0 Ga, and most of the detrital zircon grains of 1.63-2.03 Ga have Hf crust model ages of 2.35-2.7 Ga, with a peak at 2.54 Ga. The main age peaks of the detrital zircons from the Tumen Group are ~2.5 Ga、~1.85 Ga, 1.57 Ga, 1.5 Ga, 1.33 Ga and 1.2 Ga. Different samples from the Tumen Group have distinct Hf isotopic characteristics. Detrital zircon grains of ~2.52 Ga from one sandstone sample have 2.7-3.2 Ga Hf crust model ages, whereas zircon grains of 1.73-2.02 Ga and 2.31-2.68 Ga from another sample have Hf crust model ages of 2.95-3.55 Ga. Detrital zircon grains of Mesoproterozoic ages have Paleoproterozoic (1.7-2.25 Ga) crust model ages. Through detailed analyses of the detrital zircons from the Huade and Tumen Group and comparison with those from the sedimentary rocks of similar sedimentary ages, the thesis mainly reaches the following conclusions: 1. The youngest age peaks of the detrital zircons of 1.73 Ga constrains the sedimentary time of the Huade Group from late Paleoproterozoic to Mesoproterozoic. 2. The age peaks of detrital zircons of the Huade Group correspond to the significant Precambrian tectonic-thermal events of the North China craton. The basement of the North China craton is the main provenance of the Huade Group, of which the intermediate to high grade metamorphic sedimentary rocks are dominant and provide mainly 1.85-1.92 Ga sediments. 3. The Huade basin belongs to the North China craton and it is suggested that the northern boundary of the North China craton should be north to the Huade basin. 4. The stratigraphic characteristics indicate the Huade Group formed in a stable shallow-hypabyssal sedimentary basin. The rock association and sedimentary time of the Huade Group are similar to those of the Banyan Obo Group and the Zhaertai Group, and they commonly constitute late Paleoproterozoic to Mesoproterozoic continental margin basins along the northern margin of the North China craton. 5. The continental margin basins would have initiated coeval with the Yanshan and Xiong’er aulacogens. 6. The ages of the detrital zircons from the Tumen Group and the Penglai Group at Shandong peninsula and the Yushulazi Group at south Liaoning are similar, so their sedimentary time is suggested to be Neoproterozoic,coeval with the Qingbaikou system. The detrital zircon ages of 1.0-1.2 Ga from the Tumen Group, the Penglai Group and the Yushulazi Group indicate that there have being 1.0-1.2 Ga magmatic activities at the eastern margin of the North China craton. 7. The U-Pb age populations of the detrital zircons from the late Paleoproterozoic to Neoproterozoic sedimentary rocks suggest that the main Precambrian tectonic-thermal events of the North China craton happened at ~2.5 Ga and ~1.85 Ga. But the events at 2.7 Ga and 1.2 Ga are also of great significance. Hf isotope characteristics indicate that the significant crust growth periods of the North China craton are 2.7-3.0 Ga and ~2.5 Ga.


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The recent years research indicated that middle-south section of Da Hinggan Mountains metallogenic belt has two periods(Hercynian and Yanshanian) characteristics of metallogenesis, as well as the most of ore deposits in the area closely relate to Permian strata. Longtoushan ore deposit discovered in 2004 is an Ag-Pb-Zn polymetallic ore deposit born in Permian and located in the east hillside of the metallogenic belt, which has considerable resources potentials. It has important research value for its good metallogenic location and blank research history. Base on the detail field geology studies, the geology characteristics of "two stages and three kinds of metallogensis" has established. According to further work through geochemistry research including trace element, REE, S, Pb and Sr isotope, as well as petrography, microtemperature measurement, Laser Raman analysis and thermodynamics calculation of fluid inclusion, origin and characteristic of the ore-forming material and fluid has been discussed. And a new technology of single pellet Rb-Sr isochrones has been tried for dating its born time. Bae on above work, study of ore deposit comparison has been carried out, and metallogesis controlling factor and geological prospecting symbol have been summarized. Finally, metallogenic model and prospecting model have been established. According to above, the next step work direction has been proposed. Main achievement of the paper are listed as follow: 1.Longtoushan ore deposit has experienced two metallogenic periods including hot-water sedimentation period and hydrothermal reformation period. There are three kinds of metallizing phase: bedded(or near-bedded) phase, vein-shaped phase and pipe-shaped phase. The mian metallogenic period is hot-water sedimentation period. 2.Ore deposit geochemistry research indicated that the metal sulfides have charcateristic of hot-water sedimentation metallogensis, but generally suffered later hydrothermal transformation. The barite mineral isotope content is homogenous, showing the seabed hot-water sedimentation origin characteristic. Wall rock, such as tuff is one of metallogenic material origins. Both of Pb model age and Rb-Sr isochrone research older age value than that of strata, possibly for been influenced by hydrothermal transformation, and interfusion of ancient basis material. 3.There are two kinds of main metallogenic fluid inclusion in barite of the Longtoushan ore deposit, which are rich gas phase( C type) and liquid phase (D type). Their size is 2~7um, and principal components is H2O. Both kinds of fluid inclusion have freezing point temperature -7.1~-2.4℃ and -5.5~-0.3℃, salinity 4.0~10.6wt% and 0.5~8.5wt%, homogeneous temperature 176.8~361.6℃ and 101.4~279.9℃, which peak value around 270℃ and 170℃, respectively. Density of the ore-forming fluid is 0.73~0.97g/cm3, and metallogenic pressure is 62.3×105~377.9×105Pa. Above characteristic of the fluid inclusion are well geared to that of ore deposit originated in seabed hot-water sedimentation. 4.Through the comparison research, that Longtoushan ore deposit has main characteristic of hot-water sedimentation ore deposit has been indicated. Ore-forming control factor and prospecting symbol of it has been summarized, as well as metallogenic model and prospecting model. Next step work direction about prospecting has also been proposed finally.


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Neutral winds and electric fields in the ionospheric F layer play important roles in the variations of the ionosphere, and also affect the thermospheric circulation via the close coupling between the ionosphere and the thermosphere. By now, the neutral winds and electric drifts are generally observed with ground-based Fabry-Perot interferometers (FPI) and incoherent scatter radars (ISR), rockets, and satellite-borne instrument. Based on the servo theory, the ionospheric equivalent winds, which include the information of both the neutral winds and electric fields, can be derived from these characteristic parameters observed by ionosondes. This indirect derivation has potential values in climatological researches and space weather forecast. With the data set of the incoherent scatter radar observations at Millstone Hill, USA, from 1976 to 2006, we statistically analyzed the climatological variations of the vertical component of the equivalent winds (VEWs) over Millstone Hill, which are derived from the ionospheric key parameters (the peak electron number density and peak height of the F2 layer, NmF2 and hmF2) on the basis of the servo theory, Liu's method, and measurements from the ion line-of-sight velocity as well. The main results of this analysis are summarized as follows: (1) The values of VEWs over Millstone Hill during nighttime are stronger than in the daytime, and the upward drift dominates most of the day. In 1993, Hagan found that the component of the neutral winds in the magnetic meridion in daytime is weaker than during nighttime under both solar maximum and minimum conditions; he also found that the equatorward winds dominate most of the day. Both results suggest that the thermosphere in Millstone Hill is modulated by the aurorally driven high-latitude circulation cell; that is, during geomagnetic quiet periods, the average auroral activity is strong enough to drive thermospheric circulation equatorward for most of the day at Millstone Hill. Moreover, since ion drag is the strongest during daytime when F region densities are enhanced by photoionization, the wind speeds are smaller during the daytime than in the nighttime. (2) There is equinoctial symmetry in VEWs at Millstone Hill. The amplitudes and phases of VEWs in spring are quite similar to those in autumn. In contrast, the nighttime upward drift in winter is weaker than in summer and the difference becomes more significant with increasing solar activity. This solstice asymmetry indicates that, the aurorally driven circulation in the northern hemisphere at Millstone Hill latitude is weaker in winter due to arctic darkness, because the subsolar point is in the southern hemisphere. (3) The comparison of the VEWs derived from three methods, i.e., the servo theory, Liu's method, and the ISR ion line-of-sight velocity measurements, indicates that the amplitudes and main phase tendencies of these VEWs accord well with each other during nighttime hours. However, the case in the daytime is relatively worse. This daytime discrepancy can be explained in terms of the effects of photochemical processes and the choices of the servo constants. A larger servo constant gives a stronger plasma drift in daytime. Therefore, this study tells how important to choose a suitable constant for deriving VEWs at Millstone Hill.


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The Eastern Himalayan Syntaxis (EHS) is one of the strongest deformation area along the Himalayan belt resulted from the collision between Indian plate and the Eurasian Plate since the 50~60Ma, and has sensitivity tracked and preserved the whole collisional processes. It should depend on the detail geological investigations to establish the deformational accommodate mode, and the uplift history, to elucidate the deep structure and the crust-mantle interaction of the Tibet Plateau of the EHS. The deep-seated (Main Mantle Thrusts) structures were exhumed in the EHS. The MMT juxtapose the Gangdese metamorphic basement and some relic of Gangdese mantle on the high Himalayan crystalline series. The Namjagbawa group which is 1200~1500Ma dated by U/Pb age of zircon and the Namla group which is 550Ma dated by U/Pb age of zircon is belong to High Himalayan crystalline series and Gangdese basement respectively. There is some ophiolitic relic along the MMT, such as metamorphic ocean mantle peridotite and metamorphic tholeiite of the upper part of ocean-crust. The metamorphic ocean mantle peridotites (spinel-orthopyroxene peridotite) show U type REE patterns. The ~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr ratios were, 0.709314~0.720788, and the ~(143)Nd/~(144)Nd ratios were 0.512073~0.512395, plotting in the forth quadrant on the ~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr-~(143)Nd/~(144)Nd isotope diagram. Some metamorphic basalt (garnet amphibolite) enclosures have been found in the HP garnet-kynite granulite. The garnet amphibolites can be divided two groups, the first group is deplete of LREE, and the second group is flat or rich LREE, and their ~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr, ~(143)Nd/~(144)Nd ratios were 0.70563~0.705381 and 0.512468~0.51263 respectively. Trace element and isotopic characteristics of the garnet amphibolites display that they formed in the E-MORB environment. Some phlogolite amphibole harzburgites, which exhibit extensive replacement by Phl, Amp, Tc and Dol etc, were exhumed along the MMT. The Phl-Amp harzburgites are rich in LREE and LILE, such as Rb, K etc, and depletes Eu (Eu~* = 0.36 ~ 0.68) and HFSE, such as Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf, P, Ti etc. The trace element indicate that the Phl-Amp harzburgites have island arc signature. Their ~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr are varied from 0.708912 to 0.879839, ~(143)Nd/~(144)Nd from 0.511993 to 0.512164, ε Nd from- 9.2 to - 12.6. Rb/Sr isochrone age of the phlogolite amphibole harzburgite shows the metasomatism took place at 41Ma, and the Amp ~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar cooling age indcate the Phl-Amp harzburgite raising at 16Ma. There is an intense crust shortening resulted from the thrust faults and folds in the Cayu block which is shortened more 120km than that of the Lasha block in 35~90Ma. With the NE corner of the India plate squash into the Gangdese arc, the sinistral Pai shear fault and the dextral Aniqiao shear fault on the both sides of the Great bent of Yalun Zangbu river come into active in 21~26Ma. On the other hand, the right-lateral Gongrigabu strike-slip faults come into activity at the same period, a lower age bound for the Gongrigabu strike-slip fault is estimated to be 23~24Ma from zircon of ion-probe U/Pb thermochronology. The Gongrigabu strike-slip faults connect with the Lhari strike-slip fault in the northwestern direction and with the Saganing strike-slip at the southeastern direction. Another important structure in the EHS is the Gangdese detachment fault system (GDS) which occurs between the sedimental cover and the metamorphic basement. The lower age of the GDS is to be 16Ma from the preliminary 40Ar/39Ar thermochronology of white mica. The GDS is thought to be related to the reverse of the subducted Indian crust and the fast uplift of the EHS. Structural and thermochronology investigation of the EHS suggest that the eastern Tibet and the western Yunnan rotated clockwise around the EHS in the period of 35~60Ma. Later, the large-scale strike-slip faults (RRD, Gaoligong and Saganing fault) prolongate into the EHS, and connect with the Guyu fault and Gongrigabu fault, which suggest that the Indianchia block escape along these faults. Two kind of magmatic rocks in the EHS have been investigated, one is the mantle-derived amphibole gabbro, dioposide diorite and amphibole diorite, another is crust origin biotit-garnet adamellite, biotit-garnet granodiorite and garnet-amphibole-biotite granite. The amphibole gabbro dioposite diorite and amphibole diorite are rich in LREE, and LILE, such as Ba, Rb, Th, K, Sr etc, depleted in HFSE, such as Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf, Ti etc. The ratio of ~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr are from 0.7044 to 0.7048, ~(143)Nd/~(144)Nd are from 0.5126 to 0.5127. The age of the mantle origin magamatic rocks, which result from the partial melt of the raising and decompression anthenosphere, is 8Ma by ~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar dating of amphibole from the diorite. The later crust origin biotite-garnet adamellite, biotite-garnet granodiorite and garnet-amphibole-biotite granite are characterized by aboudance in LREE, and strong depletion of Eu. The ratios of ~(87)Sr-~(86)Sr are from 0.795035 to 0.812028, ~(143)Nd/~(144)Nd from 0.51187 to 0.511901. The ~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar plateau age of the amphibole from the garnet-amphibole-biotite granite is 17.5±0.3Ma, and the isochrone age is 16.8±0.6Ma. Their geochemical characteristics show that the crust-derived magmatic rocks formed from partial melting of the lower curst in the post-collisional environment. A group of high-pressure kaynite-garnet granulites and enclave of high-pressure garnet-clinopyroxene grnulites and calc-silicate grnulites are outcroped along the MMT. The peak metamorphic condition of the high-pressure granulites yields T=800~960 ℃, P=1.4~1.8Gpa, corresponding the condition of 60km depth. The retrograde assemblages of the high-pressure grnulites occur at the condition of T=772.3~803.3 ℃, P=0.63~0.64Gpa. The age of the peak metamorphic assemblages are 45 ~ 69Ma indicated by the zircon U/Pb ion-plobe thermochronology, and the retrograde assemblage ages are 13~26Ma by U/Pb, ~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar thermochronology. The ITD paths of the high-pressure granulites show that they were generated during the tectonic thickening and more rapid tectonic exhumation caused by the subducting of the Indian plate and subsequent break-off of the subducted slab. A great deal of apatite, zircon and sphene fission-track ages, isotopic thermochronology of the rocks in the EHS show that its rapid raising processes of the EHS can be divided into three main periods. There are 35~60Ma, 13~25Ma, 0~3Ma. 3Ma is a turn in the course of raising in the EHS which is characterized by abruptly acceleration of uplifting. The uplift ratios are lower than 1mm .a~(-1) before 3Ma, and higher than 1mm .a~(-1) with a maximum ratio of 30mm .a~(-1) since 3Ma. The bottom (knick point) of the partial anneal belt is 3.8km above sea level in the EHS, and correspond to age of 3Ma determined by fission-track age of apatite. The average uplift ratio is about 1.4 mm .a~(-1) below the knick point. The EHS has raised 4.3km from the surface of 2.36km above sea level since 3Ma estimated by the fossil partial anneal belt of the EHS. We propose a two-stage subduction model (B+A model) basing on Structural, thermochronological, magmatical, metamorphic and geophysical investigations of the EHS. The first stage is the subduction of the Indian continental margin following after the subduction of the Tethys Ocean crust and subsequent collision with the Gangdese arc, and the second stage is the Indian crust injecting into the lower crust and upper mantle of the Tibet plateau. Slab break-off seems to be occurred between these two stages.


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The present maturity of Cambrian and Ordovician source rocks in Tazhong area, Tarim basin, is studied using several organic petrology methods and conodont CAI method. The highest palaeotemperature that the Cambrian-Ordovician undergone is revealed by Laser Roman Microprobe (LRM) analysis and by simulating experiment of the kerogen chemical kinetics. In according to all above study, the thermal history of Cambrian and Ordovician is reconstructed based on numerical simulating approaches. The characteristics of secondary hydrocarbon generating are studied by inclusions analysis. The reflectances of the samples in the drills located in Tazhong area show that the maturities of Cambrian source rocks are in the stages of condense oil-dry gas, and that of Ordovician source rocks range from peak of oil generating to wet gas stage. The palaeotemperature data of Cambrian-Orovician source rocks from well Tacan 1, based on LRM analysis, are in coincidence with that from other methods. Also are the palaeotemperature data of Cambrian-Orovician source rocks in well Tacan 1 based on the simulating experiments of kerogen pyrolysis, similar to the homogenization temperatures of inclusions in the source rocks. Aaccording to the vitrinite inflectance data of the TZ12 well and Tacan 1 well, the paleotemperature gradients are analysized and reconstructed. These data show that the paleotemperature gradient in Tazhong area was the highest during Cambrian-Ordovician period, it was up to 3.5°C/100m. Following, the temperature gradient descended gradually and it reached to the lowest at present (2.2°C/100m). The histories of maturation and hydrocarbon generation of Cambrian and Ordovician source rocks in Tazhong area are researched systematically and quantitatively, the results show that periods of oil generation from Cambrian and Ordovician source rocks lasted for a long time from Ordovician to Carbonferious periods because the central Cambrian stratum in the north slope of Tazhong area is buried differently in depth. The top of the Cambrian entered into the peak of oil generation in middle-late Ordovician, and most area of the north slope of Tazhong area entered into the peak of oil generation in Carbonferious period, and on the uplift belt some of source rocks entered into the peak of oil generation in Permian period. In early Devonian, the central of the Lower Ordovician source rocks near the Manjiaer depression reached the peak of oil generation and near the top of the Tazhong uplift did not reached the peak of oil generation until early Cretaceous. The middle-upper Ordovician entered into the peak of oil generation in early-middle Jurassic. The time of the middle-upper Ordovician in the top of the uplift belt entering into the peak of oil generation was delayed, because the source rock was buried shallowly, and it did not reached the peak of oil generation until middle Cretaceous. Middle-upper Ordovician in the top of the north slope has been in the peak of oil generation now, it is consistent with the maturity (1.0-1.2%Ro) of the source rocks. The characteristics of the inclusions formed by kerogens are different from that by crystal-enclosed organic matters(OM) during secondary hydrocarbon generation of Cambrian and Ordovician source rocks. The secondary hydrocarbon generation mainly occurred in Mesozoic-Cenozoic period, in an area of about 9000km2 in the north slope. The intensity of the secondary hydrocarbon generation of Cambrian and Ordovician is up to 21kg/torg and 36kg/torg) respectively. Using the staged gas chromatography, the high-over maturated carbonate source rocks are analysized to release the adsorbed OM, inclusions OM and crystal-enclosed OM, respectively, and to evaluate their relative contributions to secondary hydrocarbon generation. The three periods of oil and gas migration and petroleum pools formation in Tazhong area are determined according to organic inclusions and solid bitumen.