76 resultados para PENETRATION


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Channeling by a train of laser pulses into homogeneous and inhomogeneous plasmas is studied using particle-in-cell simulation. When the pulse duration and the interval between the successive pulses are appropriate, the laser pulse train can channel into the plasma deeper than a single long-pulse laser of similar peak intensity and total energy. The increased penetration distance can be attributed to the repeated actions of the ponderomotive force, the continuous between-pulse channel lengthening by the inertially evacuating ions, and the suppression of laser-driven plasma instabilities by the intermittent laser-energy cut-offs.


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We theoretically demonstrate that enhanced penetration depth in three-dimensional multiphoton microscopy can be achieved using concentric two-color two-photon (C2C2P) fluorescence excitation in which the two excitation beams are separated in space before reaching their common focal spot. Monte Carlo simulation shows that, in comparison with the one-color two-photon excitation scheme, the C2C2P fluorescence microscopy provides a significantly greater penetration depth for imaging into a highly scattering medium. (C) 2008 Optical Society of America.


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The propagation of the fast muon population mainly due to collisional effect in a dense deuterium-tritium (DT for short) mixture is investigated and analysed within the framework of the relativistic Fokker-Planck equation. Without the approximation that the muons propagate straightly in the DT mixture, the muon penetration length, the straggling length, and the mean transverse dispersion radius are calculated for different initial energies, and especially for different densities of the densely compressed DT mixture in our suggested muon-driven fast ignition (FI). Unlike laser-driven FI requiring super-high temperature, muons can catalyze DT fusion at lower temperatures and may generate an ignition sparkle before the self-heating fusion follows. Our calculation is important for the feasibility and the experimental study of muon-driven FI.


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Isolation of high neutral lipid-containing microalgae is key to the commercial success of microalgae-based biofuel production. The Nile red fluorescence method has been successfully applied to the determination of lipids in certain microalgae, but has been unsuccessful in many others, particularly those with thick, rigid cell walls that prevent the penetration of the fluorescence dye. The conventional "one sample at a time" method was also time-consuming. In this study, the solvent dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) was introduced to microalgal samples as the stain carrier at an elevated temperature. The cellular neutral lipids were determined and quantified using a 96-well plate on a fluorescence spectrophotometer with an excitation wavelength of 530 nm and an emission wavelength of 575 run. An optimized procedure yielded a high correlation coefficient (R-2 = 0.998) with the lipid standard triolein and repeated measurements of replicates. Application of the improved method to several green algal strains gave very reproducible results with relative standard errors of 8.5%, 3.9% and 8.6%, 4.5% for repeatability and reproducibility at two concentration levels (2.0 mu g/mL and 20 mu g/mL), respectively. Moreover, the detection and quantification limits of the improved Nile red staining method were 0.8 mu g/mL and 2.0 mu g/mL for the neutral lipid standard triolein, respectively. The modified method and a conventional gravimetric determination method provided similar results on replicate samples. The 96-well plate-based Nile red method can be used as a high throughput technique for rapid screening of a broader spectrum of naturally-occurring and genetically-modified algal strains and mutants for high neutral lipid/oil production. (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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A polyploid hybrid fish with natural gynogenesis can prevent segregation and maintain their hybrid vigor in their progenies. Supposing the reproduction mode of induced polyploid fish being natural gynogenesis, allopolyploid hybrid between common carp and crucian carp into allopolyploid was performed. The purpose of this paper is to describe a lineage from sexual diploid carp transforming into allotriploid and allotetraploid unisexual clones by genome addition. The diploid hybrid between common carp and crucian carp reproduces an unreduced nucleus consisting of two parental genomes. This unreduced female pronucleus will fuse with male pronucleus and form allotriploid zygote after penetration of related species sperms. Allotriploid embryos grow normally, and part of female allotriploid can produce unreduced mature ova with three genomes. Mature ova of most allotriploid females are provided with natural gynogenetic trait and their nuclei do not fuse with any entrance sperm. All female offspring are produced by gynogenesis of allotriploid egg under activation of penetrating sperms. These offspring maintain morphological traits of their allotriploid maternal and form an allotetraploid unisexual clone by gynogenetic reproduction mode. However, female nuclei of rare allotriploid female can fuse with penetrating male pronuclei and result in the appearance of allotetraploid individuals by means of genome addition. All allotetraploid females can reproduce unreduced mature eggs containing four genomes. Therefore, mature eggs of allotetraploid maintain gynogenetic trait and allotetraploid unisexual clone is produced under activation of related species sperms.


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An investigation was carried out to study the mobility and transfer of HCH-residues in Yanjia lake, Hubei, China, from 1990-1993. By sampling at different locations, the horizontal distribution of HCH-residues was determined; by sampling at different depths in the same location, the vertical mobility of HCH-residues and its penetration were measured. The vertical profiles of HCH-residues in sediment showed a gradient distribution, which was reduced with the increase in depth. This was very similar in shape to the organic carbon and nitrogen content profiles. The penetration of HCH-residues was measured as 60cm approximately. Meanwhile, water, sediment (0-12cm), benthos and benthic fish collected from the lake were analyzed to determine the transfer of HCH-residues along aquatic food chain. The BCF values of HCH-residues indicated that the bioaccumulation of HCH-residues in freshwater food chain still exsisted in spite of the banning of HCH since 1983. The maxium BCF value of HCH-residues in the liver samples of 5-year-old common carp was up to 61966 (calculated by beta-HCH).


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We report on the observation of resonant Raman scattering in low-temperature-grown AlGaAs/GaAs structure. Two kinds of excitation lights, 632.8 and 488 nm laser lines, were used to detect scattering signal from different regions based on different penetration depths. Under the outgoing resonant condition, up to fourth-order resonant Raman peaks were observed in the low-temperature-grown AlGaAs alloy, owing to a broad exciton luminescence in low-temperature-grown AlGaAs alloy induced by intrinsic defects and As cluster after post-annealing. These resonant peaks were assigned according to their fundamental modes. Among the resonant peaks, besides the overtones of the GaAs- or AlAs-like mode, there exist combination bands of these two kinds of modes. In addition, a weak scattering peak similar to the bulk GaAs longitudinal optical mode was observed in low-temperature Raman experiments. We consider the weak signal correlated with GaAs clusters appearing in AlGaAs alloys. The accumulation of GaAs in AlGaAs alloys was enhanced after annealing at high temperatures. A detailed study of the dependence of vibration modes on measuring temperature and post-annealing conditions is given also. In light of our experiments, it is suggested that a Raman scattering experiment is a sensitive microscopic probe of local disorder and, especially performed at low temperature, is a superior method in detecting and analyzing the weak interaction between phonons and electrons.


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The structural characteristics of gallium nitride (GaN) films grown on sapphire(0001) substrates by gas source molecular beam epitaxy (GSMBE) have been investigated using high-resolution synchrotron irradiation X-ray diffraction and cathodoluminescence with a variable energy electron beam. Besides the well-known GaN hexagonal structure, a small portion of cubic phase GaN was observed. The X-ray measurements provide an essential means for the structural identification of the GaN layers. Arising from the variable penetration depth of the electron beam in the cathodoluminescence measurements, it was found that the fraction of the GaN cubic-phase typically increased as the probing depth was increased. The results suggest that the GaN cubic phase is mostly located near the interface between the substrate and GaN layer due to the initial nucleation.


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Often it is assumed that absorbance decays in photochromic materials with the time dependence of the photochemical kinetics, i.e. exponentially for first order kinetics. Although this may hold in the limiting case of vanishing absorbance, deviations are to be expected for realistic samples, because the local photochemical kinetics slows down with increasing initial absorption and penetration depth of the radiation. We discuss the theory of the kinetics of initially homogeneous photochromic samples and derive analytical solutions. In extension of Tomlinson's theory we find an analytical solution that holds with good approximation even for samples that exhibit a small residual absorption in the saturation limit. The theoretical time dependence of the absorbance originating from photochemical first order kinetics of dye-doped systems is compared with experimental data published by Lafond et al. for fulgides doped in different polymer matrices. (c) 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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GaAs epilayer films on Si substrates grown by molecular-beam epitaxy were investigated by the x-ray double-crystal diffraction method. The rocking curves were recorded for different diffraction vectors of samples. The results show that the unit-cell volumes of GaAs epilayers are smaller than that of the GaAs bulk material. The strained-layer superlattice buffer layer can improve the quality of the film, especially in the surface lamella. The parameter W' = W(expt)/(square-root \gamma-h\/gamma-0/sin 2-theta-B) is introduced to describe the quality of different depths of epilayers. As the x-ray incident angle is increased, W' also increases, that is, the quality of the film deteriorates with increasing penetration distance of the x-ray beam. Therefore, W' can be considered as a parameter that describes the degree of perfection of the epilayer along the depth below the surface. The cross-section transmission electron microscopy observations agree with the results of x-ray double-crystal diffraction.


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We have investigated the temperature dependence of photoluminescence (PL) properties of a number of self-organized InAs/GaAs heterostructures with InAs layer thickness ranging from 0.5 to 3 ML. The temperature dependence of InAs exciton emission and linewidth was found to display a significant difference when the InAs layer thickness is smaller or larger than the critical thickness around 1.7 ML. The fast redshift of PL energy and an anomalous decrease of linewidth with increasing temperature were observed and attributed to the efficient relaxation process of carriers in multilayer samples, resulting from the spread and penetration of the carrier wave functions in coupled InAs quantum dots. The measured thermal activation energies of different samples demonstrated that the InAs wetting layer may act as a barrier for the thermionic emission of carriers in high-quality InAs multilayers, while in InAs monolayers and submonolayers the carriers are required to overcome the GaAs barrier to escape thermally from the localized states.


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Current based microscopic defect analysis methods such as current deep level transient spectroscopy (I-DLTS) and thermally stimulated current (TSC) have been further developed in accordance with the need for the defect analysis of highly irradiated (Phi(n) > 10(13) n/cm(2)) high resistivity silicon detectors. The new I-DLTS/TSC system has a temperature range of 8 K less than or equal to T less than or equal to 450 K and a high sensitivity that can detect a defect concentration of less than 10(10)/cm(3) (background noise as low as 10 fA). A new filling method using different wavelength laser illumination has been applied, which is more efficient and suitable than the traditional voltage pulse filling. It has been found that the filling of a defect level depends on such factors as the total concentration of free carriers generated or injected, the penetration length of the laser (laser wavelength), the temperature at which the filling is taking place, as well as the decay time after the filling (but before the measurement). The mechanism of the defect filling can be explained by the competition between trapping and detrapping of defect levels, possible capture cross section temperature dependence, and interaction among various defect levels in terms of charge transferring. Optimum defect filling conditions have been suggested for highly irradiated high resistivity silicon detectors.


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