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Maize ribosome-inactivating protein (RIP) is a plant toxin that inactivates eukaryotic ribosomes by depurinating a specific adenine residue at the a-sarcin/ricin loop of 28S rRNA. Maize RIP is first produced as a proenzyme with a 25-amino acid internal inactivation region on the protein surface. During germination, proteolytic removal of this internal inactivation region generates the active heterodimeric maize RIP with full N-glycosidase activity. This naturally occurring switch-on mechanism provides an opportunity for targeting the cytotoxin to pathogen-infected cells. Here, we report the addition of HIV-1 protease recognition sequences to the internal inactivation region and the activation of the maize RIP variants by HIV-1 protease in vitro and in HIV-infected cells. Among the variants generated, two were cleaved efficiently by HIV-1 protease. The HIV-1 protease-activated variants showed enhanced N-glycosidase activity in vivo as compared to their un-activated counterparts. They also possessed potent inhibitory effect on p24 antigen production in human T cells infected by two HIV-1 strains. This switch-on strategy for activating the enzymatic activity of maize RIP in target cells provides a platform for combating pathogens with a specific protease.


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本论文结合功能研究和进化遗传学方法对动物天然免疫(innate immunity)相关分子的进化历程进行深入研究。受体对病原微生物的识别是天然免疫系统发挥功能的基础。作为模式识别受体(pattern recognition receptor, PRR),果蝇肽聚糖识别蛋白SD(PGRP-SD)在识别革兰氏阳性细菌的过程中发挥了重要作用。针对已有的黑腹果蝇(Drosophila melanogaster)群体数据,我们发现PGRP-SD在群体中存在2类高频的等位基因(分别为等位基因1和等位基因2)。以D. simulans为外群,我们追溯了黑腹果蝇2类等位基因上氨基酸的变化。这些氨基酸的结构特征和在蛋白质上所处的位置提示这2类等位基因在功能方面可能存在分化。通过功能研究的方法,我们发现在黑腹果蝇中该基因功能方面发生了显著的变化。等位基因2在有微生物时能激活天然免疫反应,但等位基因1的转基因果蝇成虫只要有外伤即便没有微生物的情况下即能激发天然免疫反应,而带有等位基因2果蝇成虫则不具有该功能。这一结果提示我们,发生在该等位基因上的氨基酸变化导致了其识别功能的变化。与推导的祖先基因相比,等位基因1发生了一个氨基酸的变化,因此导致其功能从识别细菌细胞壁组分肽聚糖转变为一未知的自身组分,即从病原相关分子模式(pathogen-associated molecular pattern,PAMP)识别受体转变为损伤相关识别模式(damage-associated molecular pattern, DAMP)识别受体。通过这一功能变化, 果蝇成虫可以通过仅识别自身损伤即可激活相应的免疫反应,对后续可能侵入的微生物进行杀伤。已有研究结果显示,微生物在进化过程中已经形成针对DAMP和PAMP规避策略。上述2类等位基因的同时存在能使黑腹果蝇同时具备两个机制,更加充分地抵抗病原微生物的入侵。结合功能研究和针对自然群体的群体遗传学分析,我们认为在黑腹果蝇群体中以高频共存的2类PGRP-SD等位基因可能可能受到了平衡选择(balancing selection)作用。上述工作主要研究了天然免疫系统识别受体的进化。而本论文的另一部分则主要针对天然免疫系统的效应分子(effector)进行了研究。作为重要的效应分子,抗菌肽在杀菌方面发挥着最为直接的作用。因此,研究抗菌肽的进化对于探索天然免疫系统的进化具有重要意义。本研究以两栖类动物大蹼铃蟾抗菌肽基因家族为例,通过对分别来自2个大蹼铃蟾个体的皮肤cDNA文库进行测序,我们鉴别出56个不同的抗菌肽cDNA序列。每一个cDNA均编码2个不同的抗菌肽,maximin 和maximin H。基于针对这些cDNA序列的分析,我们发现2类抗菌肽编码序列的非同义替代率均高于同义替代率,呈现高度分化的特征。但是,在信号肽和其它非抗菌肽编码区域并没有发现这种情况。这一结果提示抗菌肽可能受到超显性选择(overdominent selection, 即平衡选择)的影响。同时,我们分别从皮肤和肝脏克隆基因了7个抗菌肽的基因组编码序列并进行了测序。这些从不同组织获得的抗菌肽在各个编码序列中均存在序列的差异的同时呈现了相同的结构。这一结果提示不同抗菌肽间的差异不太可能来自于体细胞突变而是快速序列进化的结果。通过构建来自于同一个体的抗菌肽的不同编码区的基因树,我们发现结构域重排(domain shuffling)和/或基因转换(gene conversion)在这些抗菌肽的进化历程中发挥作用。


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禾谷孢囊线虫(Heterodera avenae)是严重危害禾谷类作物的病原线虫之一,它广泛分布于澳大利亚、欧洲、北美、印度和中国等世界主要小麦产区,使作物严重减产,造成巨大的经济损失。目前最有效的防治措施之一是将外源抗性基因导入栽培小麦(Triticum aestivum L.),培育抗禾谷孢囊线虫的新品种。但迄今为止抗禾谷孢囊线虫基因克隆研究的相关报道却很少。 本实验根据此前从抗禾谷孢囊线虫材料E-10扩增得到的与来自节节麦(Aegilops tauschii)的抗禾谷孢囊线虫基因Cre3高度同源的序列Rccn4,设计出三条嵌套引物,采用SON-PCR(single oligonucleotide nested PCR)方法,从E-10基因组DNA中得到一个长为1264 bp的扩增产物(命名为Rccn-L),测序比对结果显示,这一序列将Rccn4的3’端延伸了1209 bp,与抗禾谷孢囊线虫Cre3基因核苷酸同源性为86﹪,核苷酸编码区长1026 bp,含一个不完整的开放阅读框,一个终止密码子,没有起始密码子和内含子结构,编码一个342个氨基酸残基的蛋白质。该蛋白质等电点为5.19,分子量为38112.6Da。从序列的第113位开始到第332位是NBS-LRR类抗病性基因LRR区,呈现XXLXXLXXL重复。LRR编码区内亮氨酸残基的含量达17﹪,与抗禾谷孢囊线虫Cre3基因LRR编码区的核苷酸和氨基酸同源性分别为89﹪和78﹪。本实验首次将SON-PCR成功地运用于植物基因克隆,为植物基因克隆提供了又一有效方法。 此外,还根据Cre3基因及其他的NBS-LRR类植物抗性基因的NBS和LRR区保守序列设计了两对特异性引物,从禾谷孢囊线虫抗性材料易变山羊草基因组DNA中扩增到两个相应的目标条带。测序分析结果表明,它们的长度分别为532bp和1175bp,构成了一个有32bp的共同序列的NBS-LRR编码区。其序列总长为1675bp(命名为RCCN),含有一个不完整的开放阅读框,没有起始密码子、终止密码子和内含子结构。其中编码序列为1673bp,可编码一个557个氨基酸的蛋白质,等电点(pI)为5.39,分子量为63537.5Da。与Cre3的核苷酸和氨基酸同源性分别为87.8﹪和77﹪。RCCN氨基酸序列中含有已知抗病基因NBS区域的几个保守模体:kinase2区的ILDD、kinase3的(ⅰ)ESKILVTTRSK,(ⅱ)KGSPLAARTVGG,(ⅲ)RRCFAYCS及EGF。RCCN NBS区与Cre3 NBS区的核苷酸和氨基酸的同源性分别为96.4﹪和94﹪。从氨基酸序列的274位到548位为LRR保守区,呈现不规则的aXXLXXLXXL(其中a代表I,V,L,F或M)重复,其中亮氨酸的含量为15.6﹪。该区域与Cre3的LRR区的核苷酸和氨基酸同源性分别为80.8﹪和74﹪。推测该序列可能为一个抗禾谷孢囊线虫的新基因。 本文对抗禾谷孢囊线虫基因的克隆研究,为进一步克隆基因全序列,探索其结构与功能,和研究该基因表达与调控提供了关键信息。同时也为通过基因工程途径将抗性基因向优良小麦品种高效、定向转移,最终培育出小麦抗禾谷孢囊线虫新品种奠定了基础。 Cereal cyst nematode (CCN) is a damaging pathogen of broad acre cereal crops in Australia, Europe, North America, India and China. It affects wheat, barley, oat and triticale and causes yield loss of up to 80%. At present, Transferring resistance genes against CCN into wheat cultivars and breeding varieties are considered one of the most effective methods for controlling the CCN. However, there are very limited reports concerning the cloning studies of resistance genes against the cereal cyst nematode. According to the sequence of Rccn4 which had high similarity to the nucleotide binding site (NBS) coding region of cereal cyst nematode resistance gene, Cre3, We designed three 3’ nested primers. Using single oligonucleotide nested PCR (SON-PCR) we successfully amplified one band, Rccn-L, of 1264bp from E-10 which is the wheat-Ae.variabilis translocation line containing the cereal cyst nematode resistance gene of Ae.variabilis. We found that this band of interesting is the 3’ flanking sequence of 1209bp in size of Rccn4. The coding region was 1026bp, which contained an incomplete open reading frame and a terminator codon, without initiation codon and intron, encoding a peptide of 342 amino acid residues, and shared 86﹪nucleotide sequence identity with Cre3. This peptide had a conserved LRR domain, containing the imperfect repeats,XXLXXLXXL, which contains 17﹪ leucine residues and shares, respectively, 89﹪ nucleotide sequence and 78﹪ amino acid sequence identity with the LRR sequence of Cre3 locus. This research firstly used SON-PCR in the research of plant genome successfully, which indicated that SON-PCR is another method of cloning plant gene. At the same time, According to the conversed motif of NBS and LRR region of cereal cyst nematode resistance gene Cre3 from wild wheat (Triticum tauschlii L.) and the known NBS-LRR group resistance genes, we designed two pairs of specific primers for NBS and LRR region respectively. One band of approximately 530bp was amplified using the specific primers for conversed NBS region and one band of approximately 1200bp was amplified with the specific primers for conversed LRR region. After sequencing, we found that these two sequences included 32bp common nucleotide sequence and have 1675 bp in total, which was registered as RCCN in the Genbank. RCCN contained a NBS-LRR domain and an incomplete open reading frame without initiation codon, terminator codon and inxon. Its exon encodes a peptide of 557 amino acid residues. The molecular weight of the protein from the amino acid was 63.537 KDa. The amino acid sequence of RCCN contained conserved motif: ILDD, ESKILVTTRSK, KGSPLAARTVGG, RRCFAYCS, EGF,LRR. RCCN shares 87.8﹪ nucleotide sequence and 77﹪ amino acid sequence identity with cereal cyst nematode gene Cre3. It might be a novel cereal cyst nematode resistance gene. These research results of cloning the resistance genes against cereal cyst nematode bring a great promise for transferring resistance genes into wheat cultivars and breeding new wheat varieties against cereal cyst nematode by gene engineering. And these results also lay the hard foundation for the expressing researches of these genes.


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There are many kinds of pathogenic bacteria that can cause "the red-legged disease of penaeous chinensis. We focus on the study of those 'red-legged disease Caused by V. alginolyticus. The study implies that the pothogens infect the whole body of diseased penaeous chinensis. The pathogen bacteria and the cell ultrastructural pathology can be seen in the tissue cells including heart, liver, intestine and leg muscles.


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通过对江苏省云台山地区7种不同野生中草药植物烟台百里香(T.quinquecostatusCelak.)、掌叶半夏(P.pedatisectaSchott.)、何首乌(P.multiflorumThunb.)、海洲香薷(E.splendensNakai ex F.)、野葛[P.lobata(Willd)Ohwi]、紫金牛(A.japonicaBl.)和菝葜(S.sieboldiiMiq.)根区土壤真菌进行分离鉴定,共分离出真菌16属126种。多样性分析结果表明,7种野生中草药植物根区土壤真菌种群多样性丰富,其中青霉属(Penicillium)、曲霉属(Asper-gillus)和木霉属(Trichoderma)是中草药植物根区土壤中的优势种群,镰孢菌属(Fusarium)、交链孢属(Alternaria)、腐霉属(Pythium)、毛霉属(Mucor)真菌分布丰度也较高。结果也表明根区土壤真菌群落在一定程度上受到中草药植物的影响,大部分野生中草药植物根区土壤的真菌群落的均匀度指数低于裸地非根区土壤,而丰富度指数却高于裸地非根区土壤。不同野生中草药植物根区土壤真菌区系的结构和组成存在一定的差异性,紫金牛根区土壤中真菌种类最多,达到14属,而野葛根区土壤中真菌种类最少,只有8属。


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A newly described pathogen,Gyrodontium sacchari,on hardwood in tropical area was reported from Yunnan Province.The genus of Gyrodontium was also the first recorded in mainland of China.An illustrated description of the fungus was given in detail based on the specimens from China.


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A method to synthesize Fe3O4 core/Au shell submicrometer structures with very rough surfaces on the nanoscale is reported. The Fe3O4 particles were first modified with uniform polymers through the layer-by-layer technique and then adsorbed a lot of gold nanoseeds for further Au shell formation. The shell was composed of a large number of irregular nanoscale An particles arranged randomly, and there were well-defined boundaries between these Au nanoparticles. The Fe3O4 core/Au shell particles showed strong plasmon resonance absorption in the near-infrared range, and can be separated quickly from solution by an external magnet.


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P>NF-kappa B is a B-cell specific transcription factor that plays crucial roles in inflammation, immunity, apoptosis, development and differentiation. In the present study, a novel NF-kappa B-like transcription factor Relish was cloned from Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis (designated as EsRelish) by rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) technique based on expressed sequence tag (EST). The full-length cDNA of EsRelish was of 5034 bp, consisting of a 5' untranslated region (UTR) of 57 bp, a 3' UTR of 1335 bp with two mRNA instability motifs (ATTTA), a polyadenylation signal sequence (AATAAA) and a poly (A) tail, and an open reading frame (ORF) of 3645 bp encoding a polypeptide of 1214 amino acids with a calculated molecular mass of 134.8 kDa and a theoretical isoelectric point of 5.26. There were a typical Rel homology domain (RHD), two nuclear localization signal (NLS) sequences (KR), an inhibitor kappa B (I kappa B)-like domain with six ankyrin repeats, a PEST region and a death domain in the deduced amino acid sequence of EsRelish. Conserved domain, higher similarity with other Rel/NF-kappa Bs and phylogenetic analysis suggested that EsRelish was a member of the NF-kappa B family. Quantitative real-time RT-PCR was employed to detect the mRNA transcripts of EsRelish in different tissues and its temporal expression in hemocytes of E. sinensis challenged with Pichia methanolica and Listonella anguillarum. The EsRelish mRNA was found to be constitutively expressed in a wide range of tissues. It could be mainly detected in the hemocytes, gonad and hepatopancreas, and less degree in the gill, muscle and heart. The expression level of EsRelish mRNA in hemocytes was up-regulated from at 3, 6, 9 and 12 h after P. methanolica challenge. In L. anguillarum challenge, it was up-regulated at 9, 12 and 24 h. The results collectively indicated that EsRelish was potentially involved in the immune response against fungus and bacteria.


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Edwardsiella tarda is an important Gram-negative enteric pathogen affecting both animals and humans. It possesses a type III secretion system (T3SS) essential for pathogenesis. EseB, EseC and EseD have been shown to form a translocon complex after secretion, while EscC functions as a T3SS chaperone for EseB and EseD. In this paper we identify EscA, a protein required for accumulation and proper secretion of another translocon component, EseC. The escA gene is located upstream of eseC and the EscA protein has the characteristics of T3SS chaperones. Cell fractionation experiments indicated that EscA is located in the cytoplasm and on the cytoplasmic membrane. Mutation with in-frame deletion of escA greatly decreased the secretion of EseC, while complementation of escA restored the wild-type secretion phenotype. The stabilization and accumulation of EseC in the cytoplasm were also affected in the absence of EscA. Mutation of escA did not affect the transcription of eseC but reduced the accumulation level of EseC as measured by using an EseC-LacZ fusion protein in Ed. tarda. Co-purification and co-immunoprecipitation studies demonstrated a specific interaction between EscA and EseC. Further analysis showed that residues 31-137 of EseC are required for EseC-EscA interaction, Mutation of EseC residues 31-137 reduced the secretion and accumulation of EseC in Ed. tarda. Finally, infection experiments showed that mutations of EscA and residues 31-137 of EseC increased the LD50 by approximately 10-fold in blue gourami fish. These results indicated that EscA functions as a specific chaperone for EseC and contributes to the virulence of Ed. tarda.


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Edwardsiella tarda is a gram-negative pathogen with a broad host range that includes humans, animals, and fish. Recent studies have shown that the LuxS/autoinducer type 2 (AI-2) quorum sensing system is involved in the virulence of E. tarda. In the present study, it was found that the E. tarda LuxS mutants bearing deletions of the catalytic site (C site) and the tyrosine kinase phosphorylation site, respectively, are functionally inactive and that these dysfunctional mutants can interfere with the activity of the wild-type LuxS. Two small peptides, 5411 and 5906, which share sequence identities with the C site of LuxS, were identified. 5411 and 5906 proved to be inhibitors of AI-2 activity and could vitiate the infectivity of the pathogenic E. tarda strain TX1. The inhibitory effect of 5411 and 5906 on AI-2 activity is exerted on LuxS, with which these peptides specifically interact. The expression of 5411 and 5906 in TX1 has multiple effects (altering biofilm production and the expression of certain virulence-associated genes), which are similar to those caused by interruption of luxS expression. Further study found that it is very likely that 5411 and 5906 can be released from the strains expressing them and, should TX1 be in the vicinity, captured by TX1. Based on this observation, a constitutive 5411 producer (Pseudomonas sp. strain FP3/pT5411) was constructed in the form of a fish commensal isolate that expresses 5411 from a plasmid source. The presence of FP3/pT5411 in fish attenuates the virulence of TX1. Finally, it was demonstrated that fish expressing 5411 directly from tissues exhibit enhanced resistance against TX1 infection.


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Edwardsiella tarda is a gram-negative pathogen with a broad host range that includes humans, animals, and fish. Recent studies have shown that the LuxS/autoinducer type 2 (AI-2) quorum sensing system is involved in the virulence of E. tarda. In the present study, it was found that the E. tarda LuxS mutants bearing deletions of the catalytic site (C site) and the tyrosine kinase phosphorylation site, respectively, are functionally inactive and that these dysfunctional mutants can interfere with the activity of the wild-type LuxS. Two small peptides, 5411 and 5906, which share sequence identities with the C site of LuxS, were identified. 5411 and 5906 proved to be inhibitors of AI-2 activity and could vitiate the infectivity of the pathogenic E. tarda strain TX1. The inhibitory effect of 5411 and 5906 on AI-2 activity is exerted on LuxS, with which these peptides specifically interact. The expression of 5411 and 5906 in TX1 has multiple effects (altering biofilm production and the expression of certain virulence-associated genes), which are similar to those caused by interruption of luxS expression. Further study found that it is very likely that 5411 and 5906 can be released from the strains expressing them and, should TX1 be in the vicinity, captured by TX1. Based on this observation, a constitutive 5411 producer (Pseudomonas sp. strain FP3/pT5411) was constructed in the form of a fish commensal isolate that expresses 5411 from a plasmid source. The presence of FP3/pT5411 in fish attenuates the virulence of TX1. Finally, it was demonstrated that fish expressing 5411 directly from tissues exhibit enhanced resistance against TX1 infection.


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Edwardsiella tarda is a bacterial pathogen that can infect both humans and animals. TX1, an Ed. tarda strain isolated from diseased fish, was found to produce autoinducer 2 (Al-2)-like activity that was growth phase dependent and modulated by growth conditions. The gene coding for the Al-2 synthase was cloned from TX1 and designated luxS(Et). LuxS(Et) was able to complement the Al-2 mutant phenotype of Escherichia coli strain DH5 alpha. Expression Of luxS(Et) correlated with Al-2 activity and was increased by glucose and decreased by elevated temperature. The effect of glucose was shown to be mediated through the cAMP-CRP complex, which repressed luxS(Et) expression. Overexpression of luxS(Et) enhanced Al-2 activity in TX1, whereas disruption of luxS(Et) expression by antisense RNA interference (i) reduced the level of Al-2 activity, (ii) impaired bacterial growth under various conditions, (iii) weakened the expression of genes associated with the type III secretion system and biofilm formation, and (iv) attenuated bacterial virulence. Addition of exogenous Al-2 was able to complement the deficiencies in the expression of TTSS genes and biofilm production but failed to rescue the growth defects. Our results (i) demonstrated that the Al-2 activity in TX1 is controlled at least in part at the level of luxS(Et) expression, which in turn is regulated by growth conditions, and that the temporal expression of luxS(Et) is essential for optimal bacterial infection and survival; and (ii) suggested the existence in Ed. tarda of a LuxS/Al-2-mediated signal transduction pathway that regulates the production of virulence-associated elements.


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Edwardsiella tarda is a bacterial pathogen that can infect both humans and animals. TX1, an Ed. tarda strain isolated from diseased fish, was found to produce autoinducer 2 (Al-2)-like activity that was growth phase dependent and modulated by growth conditions. The gene coding for the Al-2 synthase was cloned from TX1 and designated luxS(Et). LuxS(Et) was able to complement the Al-2 mutant phenotype of Escherichia coli strain DH5 alpha. Expression Of luxS(Et) correlated with Al-2 activity and was increased by glucose and decreased by elevated temperature. The effect of glucose was shown to be mediated through the cAMP-CRP complex, which repressed luxS(Et) expression. Overexpression of luxS(Et) enhanced Al-2 activity in TX1, whereas disruption of luxS(Et) expression by antisense RNA interference (i) reduced the level of Al-2 activity, (ii) impaired bacterial growth under various conditions, (iii) weakened the expression of genes associated with the type III secretion system and biofilm formation, and (iv) attenuated bacterial virulence. Addition of exogenous Al-2 was able to complement the deficiencies in the expression of TTSS genes and biofilm production but failed to rescue the growth defects. Our results (i) demonstrated that the Al-2 activity in TX1 is controlled at least in part at the level of luxS(Et) expression, which in turn is regulated by growth conditions, and that the temporal expression of luxS(Et) is essential for optimal bacterial infection and survival; and (ii) suggested the existence in Ed. tarda of a LuxS/Al-2-mediated signal transduction pathway that regulates the production of virulence-associated elements.


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Vibrio harveyi is an important marine pathogen that can infect a number of aquaculture species. V. harveyi degQ (degQ(Vh)), the gene encoding a DegQ homologue, was cloned from T4, a pathogenic V. harveyi strain isolated from diseased fish. DegQ(Vh) was closely related to the HtrA family members identified in other Vibrio species and could complement the temperature-sensitive phenotype of an Escherichia coli strain defective in degP. Expression of degQVh in T4 was modulated by temperature, possibly through the sigma(E)-like factor. Enzymatic analyses demonstrated that the recombinant DegQVh protein expressed in and purified from E. coli was an active serine protease whose activity required the integrity of the catalytic site and the PDZ domains. The optimal temperature and pH of the recombinant DegQVh protein were 50 C and pH 8.0. A vaccination study indicated that the purified recombinant DegQVh was a protective immunogen that could confer protection upon fish against infection by V. harveyi. In order to improve the efficiency of DegQVh as a vaccine, a genetic construct in the form of the plasmid pAQ1 was built, in which the DNA encoding the processed DegQVh protein was fused with the DNA encoding the secretion region of AgaV, an extracellular beta-agarase. The E.coli strain harboring pAQ1 could express and secrete the chimeric DegQVh protein into the culture supernatant. Vaccination of fish with viable E. coli expressing chimeric degQ(Vh) significantly (P < 0.001) enhanced the survival of fish against V. harveyi challenge, which was possibly due to the relatively prolonged exposure of the immune system to the recombinant antigen produced constitutively, albeit at a gradually decreasing level, by the carrier strain.