71 resultados para PARASITIC WASP
生物入侵在全世界广泛发生,目前已经受到全球关注。入侵生物对群落生物多样性和生态系统功能造成严重威胁,导致严重的环境问题和惨重的经济损失。薇甘菊(Mikania micrantha)、五爪金龙(Ipomoea cairica)和南美蟛蜞菊(Wedelia trilobata)是我国华南地区危害最严重的三种外来入侵种,其中以薇甘菊危害最严重,是世界十大有害杂草之一。从20世纪80年代发生以来,薇甘菊已在我国广东农林区域造成严重危害。 机械防治、化学防治和传统的生物防治等治理措施,未能有效治理外来入侵种的危害,直到使用本地种菟丝子(Cuscuta spp)的防治策略。与从原产地引进有害生物天敌的传统生物防治方法不同,本地种由于适应当地气候且与其他物种协同进化,因此,对生态环境潜在的负作用小。从2000年,被发现寄生和抑制薇甘菊之后,菟丝子被认为是防治薇甘菊的有效措施。 为了探讨菟丝子寄生对外来入侵种的治理,及对入侵群落的恢复,本研究在内伶仃岛的林地(入侵种群落被引入菟丝子寄生1-4年),以及东莞、深圳和海丰的干扰样地(入侵种群落被菟丝子自然寄生5年以上)开展野外调查。在每个样地分别设立外来种入侵亚群和菟丝子治理亚群,通过测定群落结构与组成、土壤性质与养分含量,以及外来种和菟丝子的生长与养分含量等参数之后,本研究得出以下主要结论。 (1) 虽然,被寄生的外来入侵种薇甘菊、五爪金龙和南美蟛蜞菊通过调节资源分配以抵御南方菟丝子(Cuscuta australis)的寄生影响,但是,菟丝子寄生导致外来入侵种生物量降低、繁殖能力下降、养分含量降低。虽然,很多寄生植物都是广谱寄生,能同时寄生多种寄主植物,但是,在本研究的被入侵的群落中,菟丝子主要寄生外来入侵植物。尤其是寄生于南美蟛蜞菊和薇甘菊的菟丝子,生长旺盛、繁殖能力强,表现出高度的适应性。因此,菟丝子对外来入侵种(南美蟛蜞菊和薇甘菊)有寄生偏好性,并对本地种的负面影响小。 (2) 通过吸收寄主的养分,田野菟丝子(Cuscuta campestris)有效地抑制了薇甘菊的危害。由于入侵种的凋落物养分含量高且分解效率高,而且,菟丝子能够促进其它凋落物的分解,并使难以被植物吸收的养分转化成易于被吸收利用的状态。因此,菟丝子与薇甘菊的寄生作用导致土壤养分含量的升高。在薇甘菊被抑制之后,本地种利用丰富的土壤养分资源,提高生长适应性,增强抵抗入侵的能力,甚至抵制薇甘菊的再生。 (3) 菟丝子的寄生作用改变了外来寄主与本地非寄主的竞争平衡,促进本地植物的生长与重建。在外来种被抑制之后,本地种的丰度和群落的物种多样性逐渐增加。本地种如:野葛(Pueraria lobata)和芦苇(Phragmites australis),取代了入侵群落中的入侵种,成了群落的优势种。而其它原先被薇甘菊抑制的本地草本、藤本和灌木,在引入菟丝子防治之后长势较好。群落稳定性与物种多样性密切相关,被治理群落本地种的增加有利于群落的演替与稳定。 (4) 被干扰的生态系统往往更容易被外来种入侵,而外来入侵种又常导致人工干扰生境的严重退化。在人工干扰样地的菟丝子对薇甘菊的抑制效果与在林地的效果一致,导致被寄生的薇甘菊生长衰退、养分竞争能力下降、入侵危害能力降低。而在薇甘菊被菟丝子治理之后,土壤养分资源增加,入侵群落的物种丰度和生物多样性提高。本 地种的重建与本地群落的恢复密切相关,利于本地被治理群落的稳定,促进被干扰植被的恢复。 菟丝子是一种治理外来入侵种危害的有效措施,适用于破碎的生境和被干扰的生态系统,尤其是在采用目前防治措施难以治理的情况下。本研究为本地种防治外来入侵种提供科学依据,且表明以入侵地的本地种治理外来入侵种有可能成为有效且可持续发展的生物防治策略。
The hornet possesses highly toxic venom, which is rich in toxin, enzymes, and biologically active peptides. Several bradykinin-like peptides, vespakinins, have been found in wasp venoms since 1970s, but the mode of biosynthesis of these peptides is unknow
在榕树与其传粉小蜂组成的互利阿共生系统中,理解传粉小蜂与各种非传粉小蜂如何共存是解决这一系统稳定性维持机制问题的关键之一.生态位分化被普遍认为是传粉小蜂与各种非传粉小蜂共存的最主要动力.而作为生态位分化中最基础的食性分化在这一系统中如何具体实现尚小清楚.2006年12月至2007年6月.我们以聚果榕(Ficus racemosa)为材料,通过对果内6种榕小蜂进行独立放蜂及两两组合定最放蜂,并对传粉小蜂分别进行不携带花粉和不能产卵的技术处理,研究了寄生在聚果榕果内的5种非传粉小蜂的食性及相互关系,分析了在不同季节下寄生蜂与寄主间的相关系数.研究结果表明:在5种非传粉小蜂中,Platyneura testacea和P mayri是造瘿者,能独立刺激子房发育成瘿花,并使果实发育成熟;而 Apocrypta sp、A.westwoodi和P.agraensis只能寄生于某些已发育的虫瘿,为拟寄生者,它们各自分别与P.testacea,P.mayri和传粉小蜂Ceratosolen fusciceps存在着一对一的寄生关系.拟寄生者与寄主间的相关性在不同季节下会显示出不同的结果,这表明过去文献中用物种间的相关系数推理而确定的食性关系可能是不可靠的.对自然采集榕果内的小蜂群落分析表明,传粉小蜂处于优势地位,这说明在自然情况下非传粉小蜂的种群维持在一个较低水平,对榕树-传粉小蜂系统稳定性影响较小,故能与之长期共存.
榕树与其传粉小蜂形成了高度专一的互惠共生系统。非传粉小蜂则是该系统的资源掠夺者, 但它与 该系统共存的机制仍不清楚。于2003 年12 月—2004 年4 月在西双版纳以聚果榕( Ficus racemosa L. ) 为材料, 研究了寄生在聚果榕榕果内的5 种非传粉小蜂的食性及相互关系, 以探讨非传粉小蜂与榕树- 传粉小蜂系统共 存的机制。结果表明: 寄生在聚果榕榕果内的5 种非传粉小蜂中, 仅Platyneura testacea Motschulsky 和Platyneu2 ra mayri Rasplus 能刺激子房发育成瘿花, 是造瘿者; Apocrypta sp . , Apocrypta westwoodi Grandi 和Platyneura a2 graensis Joseph 不能刺激子房发育成瘿花, 是拟寄生者。传粉小蜂的拟寄生者和造瘿者对传粉小蜂有负的影响, 但在蚂蚁和造瘿者的拟寄生蜂作用下, 这种负面影响并不显著, 而且它们对榕树繁殖没有显著影响。对小蜂自 然种群的分析表明, 传粉小蜂处于优势地位。说明在自然情况下传粉小蜂的拟寄生者和造瘿者的种群维持在一 个较低水平, 对榕树- 传粉小蜂系统稳定性影响较小, 故能与之长期共存。
对聚果榕小蜂 (Ceratosolensp )传粉生态学进行了首次研究。结果表明 ,聚果榕小蜂的雄蜂比雌蜂早羽化数小时 ;雌蜂羽化不能自行打开瘿花和果肉出蜂口 ,两个出蜂口均需雄蜂开凿。而聚果榕的成熟花粉 ,不能自行地从开裂处散发出来 ,必须经榕小蜂的繁殖性雌蜂采集才能散到表面。羽化后的雌蜂在开裂的雄花中不停地用触角柄节、口器上颚和足推动和采集花粉。雌蜂飞出熟榕果寻找嫩隐头花果 ,一般在外飞翔 5~ 80min。雌蜂进入嫩聚果榕的隐头花果内后 ,立即把粘附在足、头、触角和身上的花粉不停地推动到长柱头雌花中 ,授粉行为长达 4~ 9h。然后 ,才把卵产在短柱头雌花中
What the real trade-off is among fig-supported wasps and the viable seeds of figs is heatedly debated in the studies of fig/fig wasp mutualism. In the present study, we collected wasp offspring (galls) and the viable seeds of premature fruits, and determined the foundress number in receptive fruits and all the types of wasps supported by Ficus racemosa L. during both the rainy and dry seasons in Xishuangbanna, China. The data show that the galls were positively correlated with viable seeds (n=32;r=0.74; P < 0.001) when the proportion of vacant female flowers (PVFF) was high, in April (68.0%), and were negatively correlated with viable seeds (n=48;r=-0.59; P < 0.05) when PVFF were limited (PVFF 42.6%) during a colder month (January). The mean foundress number per fruit during the colder months is significantly lower than during the warmer months (F-5,F-603 = 27.9; P < 0.001) and pollinator wasps can live longer during the colder months, During the colder months, the proportions of non-pollinators and wasp offspring are higher than those found during other months, whereas the proportion of viable seeds is not different compared with that of other months. Non-pollinator wasps tend to oviposit the female flowers that have been oviposited by pollinator wasps. The non-pollinators only negatively affect pollinator wasps and there is no obvious negative effect of non-pollinator wasps on viable seeds, so ovipositing by non-pollinator wasps will not result in the extinction of the figs during the process of evolution. The results of the present study indicate that figs can allow less foundresses to be in fruit cavities when PVFF are limited, which provides supporting evidence for the previous assumption that the plants have developed a mechanism to maintain a stable system because of the conflicts between the parties involved.
In addition to its medical importance as parasitic pathogen, Entamoeba has aroused people's interest in its evolutionary status for a long time. Lacking mitochondrion and other intracellular organelles common to typical eukaryotes, Entamoeba and several other amitochondrial protozoans have been recognized as ancient pre-mitochondriate eukaryotes and named "archezoa", the most primitive extant eukaryotes. It was suggested that they might be living fossils that remained in a primitive stage of evolution before acquisition of organelles, lying close to the transition between prokaryotes and eukaryotes. However, recent studies revealed that Entamoeba contained an organelle, "crypton" or "mitosome", which was regarded as specialized or reductive mitochondrion. Relative molecular phylogenetic analyses also indicated the existence or the probable existence of mitochondrion in Entamoeba. Our phylogenetic analysis based on DNA topoisomerase II strongly suggested its divergence after some mitchondriate eukaryotes. Here, all these recent researches are reviewed and the evolutionary status of Entamoeba is discussed.
Several groups of parasitic protozoa, as represented by Giardia, Trichomonas, Entamoeba and Microsporida, were once widely considered to be the most primitive extant eukaryotic group - Archezoa. The main evidence for this is their 'lacking mitochondria' and possessing some other primitive features between prokaryotes and eukaryotes, and being basal to all eukaryotes with mitochondria in phylogenies inferred from many molecules. Some authors even proposed that these organisms diverged before the endosymbiotic origin of mitochondria within eukaryotes. This view was once considered to be very significant to the study of origin and evolution of eukaryotic cells (eukaryotes). However, in recent years this has been challenged by accumulating evidence from new studies. Here the sequences of DNA topoisomerase 11 in G lamblia, T vaginalis and E histolytica were identified first by PCR and sequencing, then combining with the sequence data of the microsporidia Encephalitozoon cunicul and other eukaryotic groups of different evolutionary positions from GenBank, phylogenetic trees were constructed by various methods to investigate the evolutionary positions of these amitochondriate protozoa. Our results showed that since the characteristics of DNA topoisomerase 11 make it avoid the defect of 'long-branch attraction' appearing in the previous phylogenetic analyses, our trees can not only reflect effectively the relationship of different major eukaryotic groups, which is widely accepted, but also reveal phylogenetic positions for these amitochondriate protozoa, which is different from the previous phylogenetic trees. They are not the earliest-branching eukaryotes, but diverged after some mitochondriate organisms such as kinetoplastids and mycetozoan; they are not a united group but occupy different phylogenetic positions. Combining with the recent cytological findings of mitochondria-like organelles in them, we think that though some of them (e.g. diplomonads, as represented by Giardia) may occupy a very low evolutionary position, generally these organisms are not as extremely primitive as was thought before; they should be polyphyletic groups diverging after the endosymbiotic origin of mitochondrion to adapt themselves to anaerobic parasitic life.
Taenia solium metacestode, a larval pork tapeworm, is a causative agent of neurocysticercosis, one of the most common parasitic diseases in the human central nervous system. In this study, we identified a cDNA encoding for a cathepsin L-like cysteine protease from the T solium metacestode (TsCL-1) and characterized the biochemical properties of the recombinant enzyme. The cloned cDNA of 1216 bp encoded 339 amino acids with an approximate molecular weight of 37.6 kDa which containing a typical signal peptide sequence (17 amino acids), a pro-domain (106 amino acids), and a mature domain (216 amino acids). Sequence alignments of TsCL-1 showed low sequence similarity of 27.3-44.6 to cathepsin L-like cysteine proteases from other helminth parasites, but the similarity was increased to 35.9-55.0 when compared to mature domains. The bacterially expressed recombinant protein (rTsCL-1) did not show enzyme activity; however, the rTsCL-1 expressed in Pichia pastoris showed typical biochemical characteristics of cysteine proteases. It degraded human immunoglobulin G (IgG) and bovine serum albumin (BSA), but not collagen. Western blot analysis of the rTsCL-1 showed antigenicity against the sera from patients with cysticercosis, sparganosis or fascioliasis, but weak or no antigenicity against the sera from patients with paragonimiasis or clonorchiasis. (c) 2006 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Immunological methods have been developed for the diagnosis of Myxobolus rotundus but their use has been limited for the prevention and therapy of this serious parasitic pathogen. Phage display antibody libraries are a powerful technique for the development of antibodies to molecules of interest and have advantages over traditional hybridroma approaches. In the present study, four antigen fractions related to M. rotundus were prepared and a combined phage display single-chain antibody fragments (ScFv) library was constructed against this parasite. Preliminary analysis indicated that a combined antibody library of about 2.08 X 10(5) individual clones and high diversity was generated. After four rounds of screening (bio-panning) against soluble spore protein prepared from lysed, intact, mature M rotundus spores, a strain monoclonal phage display ScFv, termed pCAN-6H9, with better affinity, was isolated. The pCAN-6H9 gene fragment was sequenced and analysed. The specificity of pCAN-6H9 was further demonstrated by dot-blot. In competition enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, both the original and enriched phage-displayed ScFv repertoire showed significant inhibition of mouse anti-M rotundus serum binding to coated antigen, while the inhibition rate of monoclonal pCAN-6H9 phage particles was only 11.83%.
The humoral immune responses of grouper Epinephelus akaara to a natural infection with Glugea epinephelusis was studied by ELISA utilizing intact mature spores as the coated antigen. Results showed that a specific humoral immune response was elicited, but the intensity of infection (in terms of the number of cysts) was not related to the antibody level in naturally infected hosts. The differences in the antigenicity of intact mature spores and soluble spore proteins derived from cracked mature spores were also analyzed. Results suggested that similar antigen epitopes existed between the 2 groups. Additionally, antigen component patterns and the distribution of antigen with immunogenicity were investigated by using the western blot and the immunofluorescent antibody technique (IFAT). The new parasitic microsporidium has specific polypeptide patterns comparable to the reported fish microsporidians. The main antigenic substances are concentrated on the surface of spores, and are mostly located on the anterior and posterior end of the spore bodies. Most surface components of the G. epinephelusis spores are soluble, The potential role of the surface components in initiating infection was also discussed.
The present paper comprises a systematic survey of nematodes based on helminthological examinations of 176 specimens of freshwater fishes, belonging to 22 species, from central China (mostly lakes in Hubei Province) collected during the autumn of 2001. The following six species were recorded: Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus) fulvidraconis Li, 1935, Camallanus cotti Fujita, 1927, Dentiphilometra monopteri Moravec et Wang, 2002, Pingus sinensis Hsu, 1933, Proleptinae gen. sp. larv., and Eustrongylides sp. larv. Data on their morphology, morphological variability, host range, prevalence, intensity and distribution are provided. SEM studies of P. fulvidraconis and larval Physalopterinae, used for the first time in these species, revealed some additional morphological details and made it possible to redescribe the former. In contrast to the existing description of P. fulvidraconis, this species was found to possess two spicules and a V-shaped gubernaculum with unequal arms (originally mistaken for the left spicule), as well as deirids, whose location can be considered an important taxonomic feature. Larvae of the Physalopterinae have not previously been reported from fishes in China. The finding of larval Eustrongylides in Paramisgurnus dabryanus represents a new host record. All but one nematode species from this zoogeographically interesting region are briefly described and illustrated.
Rainbow trout fry (10 weeks post hatch) were immunized (injection or immersion) with sonicated formalin-killed trophonts of the fish parasitic ciliate Ichthyophthirius multifiliis. Challenge infections 22 days after immunization showed a relative protection represented by significantly fewer established parasites and lower prevalence in the immunized groups compared to the controls. Associations between the obtained protection and changes in differential leukocyte counts, haematocrit values, anti Ichthyophthirius multifiliis antibodies, mucous cell density and some epidermal cell markers were investigated. No changes in antibody titers, haematocrit values and mucous cell counts were associated with the response; however, a minor change in peripheral blood neutrophils and epidermal cell markers were found.
The frequency distributions of the parasitic copepod Sinergasilus polycolpus were examined in silver carp Hypophthalmichthys molitrix and bighead carp Aristichthys nobilis during a disease outbreak of the 2 species of fish in a reservoir in China. The mean abundance of the copepod was positively related with host length and age, and the overdispersion of the copepod in both silver and bighead carp was fitted well with negative binomial distribution. Although parasite-induced host mortality was observed, a peaked age-parasite abundance curve was not detected in the present parasite-host system. It is also proposed that this peaked age-abundance curve is unlikely to be observed in its natural host populations.