112 resultados para Orsini, Fulvio, 1529-1600


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光合膜上包含有捕光并将光能转化为化学能所必需的四类跨膜蛋白复合体,即PSII、PSI、Cytb6f和ATP合成酶,其中PSI利用吸收的光能诱导电子从膜内侧的PC传递至相对一侧的铁氧还蛋白,被还原的铁氧还蛋白在FNR(Fd-NADP+氧化还原酶)的作用下生成NADPH,因此关于PSI的研究是光合作用研究领域中的重大问题。为了进一步阐明PSI的结构和功能,本论文分别研究了热对PSI的影响和光诱导的PSI核心复合物(CPI)的积累过程: 1.以菠菜PSI颗粒为材料研究了热处理对PSI复合物的降解和失活作用; 2.以衣藻叶绿素暗合成突变体y-1为材料研究了类囊体膜形成过程(即光诱导的转绿过程)中PSI中CPI的变化。另外,由于膜脂在光合作用中具有重要的功能,本论文还研究了y-1突变体转绿过程中光合膜脂、脂肪酸的变化。 一.应用光谱学、氧电极和变性电泳等技术研究了高温(25oC~80oC)对PSI结构和功能的影响,主要结果如下: 1. 在热处理过程中,683nm组分(主要归属于LHCI)的吸收峰强度有显著的下降并发生峰位蓝移现象,显示该组分对热处理最敏感,首先遭到破坏。 2. 77K荧光显示随着处理温度的升高,728 nm处的峰强和峰位均发生了明显的变化,F728-F720和F680的比率下降,说明热处理抑制了LHCI 680向LHCI 730以及反应中心的能量传递。 3. SDS-PAGE显示PSI核心蛋白PsaA/B亚基以及LHCI亚基在热处理情况下发生了不同程度的降解和聚合。为了能够显著地观察到热处理对PSI多肽降解的影响,实验采用了更高的温度处理方法,结果显示,90oC、100oC时PsaA/B亚基完全降解,而LHCI亚基仍有少量存在,说明PSI核心蛋白PsaA/B比LHCI亚基具有更高的热敏感性。 4. 推测热处理情况下可能发生的机制是,捕光天线首先从PSI反应中心分离,随后发生了反应中心光化学反应的抑制,直至最后多肽的严重降解。 5. 利用红外光谱技术(FT-IR)对PSI蛋白二级结构的研究显示,PSI颗粒在60oC以上时发生了明显的蛋白构象变化,且随着温度的升高蛋白构象的变化越来越大,表明PSI蛋白具有较高的热稳定性和热变性温度,PSI蛋白酰胺I带(1700~1600 cm-1)二级结构的解析表明热处理过程中二级结构的主要变化是α-helical的下降和β-sheet的增加。 6. 利用CD光谱技术研究了热处理对PSI色素微环境的影响,结果表明热处理破坏了PSI色素蛋白复合物中色素的蛋白微环境,归属于LHCI的Chlb(645 nm处组分)在较低的温度处理条件下(25~60oC)蛋白微环境即发生破坏;随着处理温度的升高(70和80 oC),478 nm处(主要归属于LHCI的Chlb)和498 nm(归属于类胡萝卜素)处的CD信号强度快速下降,说明在高温条件下LHCI比核心复合物更敏感。 7. 研究发现,PSI的摄氧活性随着处理温度的升高而显著下降,70oC时几乎完全失去摄氧能力,表明70oC时PSI复合物受到了严重的破坏,这可能是由于热处理过程中色素的蛋白微环境以及蛋白结构尤其是PSI核心蛋白PsaA/B中跨膜α-helix的构象发生了严重的变化。 二.主要运用温和电泳和蛋白印迹技术检测了暗培养4天(脱绿)的y-1突变体在光照诱发的转绿过程中PSI的核心色素蛋白复合物(CPI)及其叶绿素脱辅基蛋白PsaA/B的变化。 1. 暗培养4天的衣藻脱绿细胞中,PSI的主要色素蛋白复合物-CPI完全缺失,然而核心多肽PsaA/B仍有一定量的积累,同时检测不到P700的含量。 2. 当脱绿的y-1细胞转移至光照下时,伴随着叶绿素的合成,色素蛋白复合物CPI和PsaA/B脱辅基蛋白的合成也逐渐达到正常水平,说明叶绿素和PsaA/B蛋白进行组装并形成了具有功能的PSI反应中心,P700含量也得到了恢复。 3. 实验证明了光照是形成光合系统色素蛋白复合物的重要前提。同时发现,叶绿体基因编码的PSI核心多肽PsaA/B能够在暗条件下合成。而根据资料(Berends et al.,1987)报道,在豌豆、大麦的黄化体中不能合成PsaA/B蛋白,这可能是由于在脱绿的y-1细胞中叶绿体仍然具有相对完整的大小和形状,而在叶绿体的被膜上定位着多种与光合作用相关的酶系统。 三. 利用薄层层析及气相色谱分析技术对转绿期间y-1突变体光合膜脂和脂肪酸组成的含量变化进行了分析。结果表明: 1. 光照能够促进各种脂的积累并影响脂的组成,同时有利于脂肪酸脱饱和酶的激活。MGDG中脂肪酸不饱和程度明显升高,表现为16:0及18:1的下降,以及16:4,18:2和18:3(9,12,15)等的升高,说明光照促进了MGDG sn-2位的16:0脱饱和为16:4以及sn-1位的18:1脱饱和为18:3,也说明MGDG是脂肪酸脱饱和的重要底物。 2. 已有的资料(Ohnishi和Yamada,1980;1983)指出PG及其sn-2位的16:1(3t)的合成是光依赖的,而本实验中,在衣藻的黄化细胞中含有相当量的PG及其特有的16:1(3t)(22.80%),且转绿过程中变化并不十分显著。这可能是由于黄化的y-1细胞中叶绿体的形状并没有发生很大变化,说明叶绿体被膜上的相应酶系统才是PG合成的必需因素。 3. 相比于脱绿的y-1细胞,光照12小时后,各种脂中18:2的百分含量有显著的增加,这来源于18:2是脂肪酸脱饱和的重要中间产物。


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牡丹(Paeonia suffruticosa Andr.)是芍药科芍药属牡丹组植物,花大、色艳、型美、香郁、药用范围广、文化内涵丰富,被尊为“国色天香”、“花中之王”。我国植牡丹、赏牡丹有1600多年的历史,培育了许多价值高的品种,遗憾的是个别黄色、鲜红色、绿色等珍贵品种不断消失,而且现有的一些文化价值与观赏价值极高的古牡丹、著名的牡丹园的老牡丹均出现了衰弱现象,有的已奄奄一息。为了探索传统牡丹品种消失及牡丹衰老的原因,本研究在充分调查、整理国内品种资源的基础上,总结了牡丹品种的传承和消失情况,掌握了古牡丹的资源状况。通过连作土壤栽培试验证明了牡丹连作障碍的存在,并选定了生长在同一区域的5、10、15、20、25、30年生6个株龄的‘洛阳红(Luo Yang Hong)’为研究对象,从形态指标的调查、生理指标的测定、根际土壤及根系浸提液的化感成分分析三个方面着手,确定了牡丹开始衰老的时期;揭示了牡丹衰老机理;总结了古牡丹保留、复壮、养护办法;为牡丹专类园的管理及可持续性发展提供了理论和技术指导。本研究主要结果如下: 1、牡丹品种和古牡丹资源 通过对中国牡丹品种资源的文献查阅和实地考察,系统整理了我国不同时代的品种状况,调查结果表明:宋、元、明、清共有品种1109种,目前仅存143种,品种资源消失十分严重。收集整理了49处古牡丹资料,并据此绘制了我国目前古牡丹分布图;实地调查了17处24株古牡丹,详细介绍了部分品种的来历传说、生长状况和衰亡原因。5个优良传统品种在中国科学院植物研究所牡丹种质资源圃内得以保存,其中潞城古牡丹,植株最大(高2.3 m,冠径5.6 m),且生长旺盛;西溪牡丹属丰花品种,40年植株可开花811朵。 2、牡丹连作障碍 利用牡丹连作根际土壤及其浸出液栽培牡丹,结果表明,播种苗及分株苗的生长均受到了抑制;连作年限越久的处理抑制作用越强;根际土壤浸出液对牡丹生长的影响较大,对前期地下部和后期地上部都有很强的抑制作用,而且还抑制了上胚轴休眠的解除;根际土壤对后期株高和展叶幅的影响较大,对播种苗前期生根影响不大。牡丹存在连作障碍现象,连作障碍是牡丹衰弱的重要原因。 3、牡丹衰老时间及机理 通过对6 个株龄‘洛阳红’的形态、生理指标及根际土壤化感成分的比较得出,牡丹在同一地方大约栽植15 年后开始衰弱,20 年以内应该采取复壮措施。利用气相色谱—质谱联用技术(Gas Chromatograph-Mass Spectrometer, GC-MS)检测到根际土壤及根系浸提液中主要存在:烷烃、烯烃、芳香烃、醇、醚、酚醌、有机酸、醛、酮、酯、苯、胺等12 类有机物。对比分析得出有12 种物质可能是根系分泌物,根际土壤中可能具毒害作用的物质有40 种,栽植牡丹使土壤中增加的物质有24 种。 4、古牡丹复壮技术及应用 栽培基质中添加活性炭、沙子、麦饭石等均能有效的促进牡丹的生长,以活性炭的效果最好。对“汉牡丹”实施了综合复壮措施,效果明显。


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 目的 探讨金环蛇毒对S180, EAC 腹水癌细胞的细胞毒性作用。 方法 采用小白鼠腹腔和皮下 接种S180, EAC 腹水癌细胞造成小白鼠腹水模型后腹腔注射金环蛇毒。 结果 腹腔注射金环蛇毒, 能 抑制肿瘤细胞的生长, 降低接种率。但不能完全控制腹水和癌细胞的生长。体外试验表明有明显的细胞毒 作用。台酚蓝染色镜检可见死细胞显著增加, 腹水图片检查给药后细胞膜破裂, 纤维化坏死明显。 结论  能延长小白鼠存活时间。


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<正> 我国特有的稀珍豚类白鱀豚正处于频危状况,它们呈点块状分布在长江中、下游1600多公里的干流中,现存活头数不足200头,目前我国政府已将白鳍豚的资源保护工作,提高到了抢救的高度。为了切实保护白鳍豚,不仅要了解它的分布、数量、资源下降的原因,还要摸清它的栖息活动区以及它的群体活动规律。陈佩薰等(1980)、周开亚等(1980),对白鳍豚的生境作过一般性叙述,截至


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<正> 鲤科为鲤形目中最大的科,拥有275属1600种(Pattern 1975)。早在100多年前Bleeker(1863)已对该科进行了较细的类群划分,嗣后,其他作者也先后做过这方面的工作。Regan(1911)发现某些骨骼性状在宗系发生(phylogeny)上具有一定的重要性,而另一些性状则对划分类群没有意义。Berg(1912,1940)依据较特别的外部形态来规定


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The temperature dependence of hole spin relaxation time in both neutral and n-doped ultrathin InAs monolayers has been investigated. It has been suggested that D'yakonov-Perel (DP) mechanism dominates the spin relaxation process at both low and high temperature regimes. The appearance of a peak in temperature dependent spin relaxation time reveals the important contribution of Coulomb scatterings between carriers to the spin kinetics at low temperature, though electron-phonon scattering becomes dominant at higher temperatures. Increased electron screening effect in the n-doped sample has been suggested to account for the shortened spin relaxation time compared with the undoped one. The results suggest that hole spins are also promising for building solid-state qubits.


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A two-color time-resolved Kerr rotation spectroscopy system was built, with a femtosecond Ti:sapphire laser and a photonic crystal fiber, to study coherent spin transfer processes in an InGaAs/GaAs quantum well sample. The femtosecond Ti:sapphire laser plays two roles: besides providing a pump beam with a tunable wavelength, it also excites the photonic crystal fiber to generate supercontinuum light ranging from 500 nm to 1600 nm, from which a probe beam with a desirable wavelength is selected with a suitable interference filter. With such a system, we studied spin transfer processes between two semiconductors of different gaps in an InGaAs/GaAs quantum well sample. We found that electron spins generated in the GaAs barrier were transferred coherently into the InGaAs quantum well. A model based on rate equations and Bloch-Torrey equations is used to describe the coherent spin transfer processes quantitatively. With this model, we obtain an effective electron spin accumulation time of 21 ps in the InGaAs quantum well.


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Vanadium dioxide thin films were fabricated by ion beam sputtering on Si3N4/SiO2/Si after a post reductive annealing process in a nitrogen atmosphere. X-ray Diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM), and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) were employed to analyze the effects of post annealing temperature on crystallinity, morphology, and composition of the vanadium oxide thin films. Transmission properties of vanadium dioxide thin films were measured by Fourier transform-infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy. The results showed that the as-deposited vanadium oxide thin films were composed of non-crystalline V2O5 and a tetragonal rutile VO2. After annealing at 400 degrees C for 2 h, the mixed phase vanadium oxide (VOx) thin film changed its composition and structure to VO2 and had a (011) oriented monoclinic rutile structure. When increasing the temperature to 450 degrees C, nano VO2 thin films with smaller grains were obtained. FT-IR results showed that the transmission contrast factor of the nano VO2 thin film was more than 0.99 and the transmission of smaller grain nano VO2 thin film was near zero at its switched state. Nano VO2 thin film with smaller grains is an ideal material for application in optical switching devices.


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Mode characteristics are analyzed for electrically injected equilateral-triangle-resonator (ETR) semiconductor microlasers, which are laterally confined by insulating barrier SiO2 and electrode metals Ti-Au. For the ETR without metal layers, the totally confined mode field patterns are derived based on the reflection phase shifts, and the Q-factors are calculated from the far-field emission of the analytical near field distribution, which are agreement very well with the numerical results of the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulation. The polarization dependence reflections for light rays incident on semiconductor-SiO2 -Ti-Au multi-layer structures are accounted in considering the confinement of TE and TM modes in the ETR with the metal layers. The reflectivity will greatly reduce with a Ti layer between SiO2 and Au for light rays with incident angle less than 30 especially for the TE mode, even the thickness of the Ti layer is only 10 nm. If the ETR is laterally confined by SiO2-Au layers without the Ti layer, the Fabry-Perot type modes with an incident angle of zero on one side of the ETR can also have high Q-factor. The FDTD simulation for the ETR confined by metal layers verifies the above analysis based on multi-layer reflections. The output spectra with mode intervals of whispering-gallery modes and Fabry-Perot type modes are observed from different ETR lasers with side length of 10 m, respectively.


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Silicon-on-insulating multi-layer (SOIM) materials were fabricated by co-implantation of oxygen and nitrogen ions with different energies and doses. The multilayer microstructure was investigated by cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy. P-channel metal-oxide-semiconductor (PMOS) transistors and metal-semiconductor-insulator-semiconductor (MSIS) capacitors were produced by these materials. After the irradiated total dose reaches 3 x 10(5) rad (Si), the threshold voltage of the SOIM-based PMOS transistor only shifts 0.07 V, while thin silicon-on-insulating buried-oxide SIMOX-based PMOS transistors have a shift of 1.2V, where SIMOX represents the separated by implanted oxygen. The difference of capacitance of the SOIM-based MSIS capacitors before and after irradiation is less than that of the thin-box SIMOX-based MSIS capacitor. The results suggest that the SOIM materials have a more remarkable irradiation tolerance of total dose effect, compared to the thin-buried-oxide SIMOX materials.


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We have demonstrated an electroabsorption modulator and semiconductor optical amplifier monolithically integrated with novel dual-waveguide spot-size converters (SSC) at the input and output ports for low-loss coupling to a planar light-guide circuit silica waveguide or cleaved single-mode optical fibre. The device was fabricated by means of selective-area MOVPE growth, quantum well intermixing and asymmetric twin waveguide technologies with only a three-step low-pressure MOVPE growth. For the device structure, in the SOA/EAM section, a double ridge structure was employed to reduce the EAM capacitances and enable high bit-rate operation. In the SSC sections, buried ridge structure (BRS) was incorporated. Such a combination of ridge, ATG and BRS structure is reported for the first time in which it can take advantage of easy processing of the ridge structure and the excellent mode characteristic of BRS. At the wavelength range of 1550-1600 nm, lossless operation with extinction ratios of 25 dB dc and more than 10 GHz 3 dB bandwidth is successfully achieved, The beam divergence angles of the input and output ports of the device are as small as 8.0 degrees x 12.6 degrees, resulting in 3.0 dB coupling loss with a cleaved single-mode optical fibre.


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Semiconductor optical amplifier and electroabsorption modulator monolithically integrated with dual-waveguide spot-size converters at the input and output ports is demonstrated by means of selective area growth, quantum-well intermixing, and asymmetric twin waveguide technologies. At the wavelength range of 1550 similar to 1600 nm, lossless operation with extinction ratios of 25-dB dc and 11.8-dB radio frequency and more than 10-GHz 3-dB modulation bandwidth is successfully achieved. The output beam divergence angles of the device in the horizontal and vertical directions are as small as 7.3 degrees x 10.6 degrees, respectively, resulting in 3.0-dB coupling loss with cleaved single-mode optical fiber.