187 resultados para Orbital resonances


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The king cobra(Ophiophagus hannah) neurotoxin CM-11 is long-chain peptide with 72 amino acid residues. Its complete assignment of H-1-NMR resonances was obtained using various 2D-NMR technologies, including DQF-COSY, clean-TOCSY and NOESY.


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The bonding and the 4f orbital effect of lanthanide elements at different valence state in their compounds have been studied by INDO method in this paper. The results obtained show that the bonding of lanthanide compounds is affected by many factors, such as valence state, ionic radius, ligand, coordinate number, space configuration etc. The strength of bonds composed of different ligands with lanthanide is distinctly different. The covalence of Ln-L bonds of lanthanide ions at high valence state in their compounds is larger than that at low valence state, The covalency at low coordinate number is larger than that at high coordinate number. Some lanthanide compounds with special configuration, besides sigma-bond, can form p(pi)-d(pi) dative bond with much overlap, which makes the Ln-L bond increase markedly. The effect of 4f orbitals on bonding is far less than that of 5d orbitals. The Ln 4f orbitals at 3 or 2 valence state may be considered to be essentially localized, while the contribution of 4f orbitals on bonding in 4 valent cerium compounds increases obviously, up to 1%.


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The hybrid quantum mechanics (QM) and molecular mechanics (MM) method is employed to simulate the His-tagged peptide adsorption to ionized region of nickel surface. Based on the previous experiments, the peptide interaction with one Ni ion is considered. In the QM/MM calculation, the imidazoles on the side chain of the peptide and the metal ion with several neighboring water molecules are treated as QM part calculated by “GAMESS”, and the rest atoms are treated as MM part calculated by “TINKER”. The integrated molecular orbital/molecular mechanics (IMOMM) method is used to deal with theQMpart with the transitional metal. By using the QM/MM method, we optimize the structure of the synthetic peptide chelating with a Ni ion. Different chelate structures are considered. The geometry parameters of the QM subsystem we obtained by QM/MM calculation are consistent with the available experimental results. We also perform a classical molecular dynamics (MD) simulation with the experimental parameters for the synthetic peptide adsorption on a neutral Ni(1 0 0) surface. We find that half of the His-tags are almost parallel with the substrate, which enhance the binding strength. Peeling of the peptide from the Ni substrate is simulated in the aqueous solvent and in vacuum, respectively. The critical peeling forces in the two environments are obtained. The results show that the imidazole rings are attached to the substrate more tightly than other bases in this peptide.


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Real-life structures often possess piecewise stiffness because of clearances or interference between subassemblies. Such an aspect can alter a system's fundamental free vibration response and leads to complex mode interaction. The free vibration behaviour of an L-shaped beam with a limit stop is analyzed by using the frequency response function and the incremental harmonic balance method. The presence of multiple internal resonances, which involve interactions among the first five modes and are extremely complex, have been discovered by including higher harmonics in the analysis. The results show that mode interaction may occur if the higher harmonics of a vibration mode are close to the natural frequency of a higher mode. The conditions for the existence of internal resonance are explored, and it is shown that a prerequisite is the presence of bifurcation points in the form of intersecting backbone curves. A method to compute such intersections by using only one harmonic in the free vibration solution is proposed. (C) 1996 Academic Press Limited


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A limit stop is placed at the elbow of an L-shaped beam whose linear natural frequencies are nearly commensurable. As a result of this hardening device the non-linear system exhibits multiple internal resonances, which involve various degree of coupling between the first five modes of the beam in free vibration. A point load is so placed as to excite several modes and the resulting forced vibration is examined. In the undamped case, three in-phase and two out-of-phase solution branches have been found. The resonance curve is extremely complicated, with multiple branches and interactions between the first four modes. The amplitudes of the higher harmonics are highly influenced by damping, the presence of which can effectively attenuate internal resonances. Consequently parts of the resonance curve may be eliminated, with the resulting response comprising different distinctive branches. (C) 1996 Academic Press Limited


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The hybrid quantum mechanics (QM) and molecular mechanics (MM) method is employed to simulate the His-tagged peptide adsorption to ionized region of nickel surface. Based on the previous experiments, the peptide interaction with one Ni ion is considered. In the QM/MM calculation, the imidazoles on the side chain of the peptide and the metal ion with several neighboring water molecules are treated as QM part calculated by "GAMESS", and the rest atoms are treated as MM part calculated by "TINKER". The integrated molecular orbital/molecular mechanics (IMOMM) method is used to deal with the QM part with the transitional metal. By using the QM/MM method, we optimize the structure of the synthetic peptide chelating with a Ni ion. Different chelate structures are considered. The geometry parameters of the QM subsystem we obtained by QM/MM calculation are consistent with the available experimental results. We also perform a classical molecular dynamics (MD) simulation with the experimental parameters for the synthetic peptide adsorption on a neutral Ni(100) surface. We find that half of the His-tags are almost parallel with the substrate, which enhance the binding strength. Peeling of the peptide from the Ni substrate is simulated in the aqueous solvent and in vacuum, respectively. The critical peeling forces in the two environments are obtained. The results show that the in-tidazole rings are attached to the substrate more tightly than other bases in this peptide.


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To search for a high sensitivity sensor for formaldehyde (H2CO), We investigated the adsorption of H2CO on the intrinsic and Al-doped graphene sheets using density functional theory (DFT) calculations. Compared with the intrinsic graphene, the Al-doped graphene system has high binding energy value and short connecting distance, which are caused by the chemisorption of H2CO molecule. Furthermore, the density of states (DOS) results show that orbital hybridization could be seen between H2CO and Al-doped graphene sheet, while there is no evidence for hybridization between the H2CO molecule and the intrinsic graphene sheet. Therefore, Al-doped graphene is expected to be a novel chemical sensor for H2CO gas. We hope our calculations are useful for the application of graphene in chemical sensor.


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We analyse the physical origin of population inversion via continuous wave two-colour coherent excitation in three-level systems by dressing the inverted transition. Two different mechanisms are identified as being responsible for the population inversion. For V-configured systems and cascade (E) configured systems with inversion on the lower transition, the responsible mechanism is the selective trapping of dressed states, and the population inversion approaches the ideal value of 1. For Lambda-configured systems and Xi-configured systems with inversion on the upper transition, population inversion is based on the selective excitation of dressed states, with the population inversion tending towards 0.5. As the essential difference between these two mechanisms, the selective trapping of dressed states occurs in systems with strong decay into dressed states while the selective excitation appears in systems with strong decay out of dressed states.


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We investigate the enhancement of Kerr nonlinearity in an asymmetric GaAs double quantum well via Fano interference, which is caused by tunneling from the excited subband to the continuum. In our structure, owing to Fano interference, the Kerr nonlinearity can be enhanced by appropriately choosing the values of the detunings and the intensity of the pump field, while cancel the linear and nonlinear absorptions.


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A theoretical investigation is carried out into the effect of spontaneously generated coherence on the Kerr nonlinearity of general three-level systems of Lambda, ladder, and V-shape types. It is found, with spontaneously generated coherence present, that the Kerr nonlinearity can be clearly enhanced. In the Lambda- and ladder-type systems, the maximal Kerr nonlinearity increases and at the same time enters the electromagnetically induced transparency window as the spontaneously generated coherence intensifies. As for the V-type system, the absorption property is significantly modified and therefore enhanced Kerr nonlinearity without absorption occurs for certain probe detunings. We attribute the enhancement of Kerr nonlinearity mainly to the presence of an extra atomic coherence induced by the spontaneously generated coherence.


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The dynamic evolution of a A system coupled by two strong coherent fields is investigated by taking spontaneously generated coherence (SGC) into account. By numericaly simulation, it is shown that the relative phase of the two coherent fields affects significantly the time scale to the coherent population trapping state. In addition, an analytical expression to the evolution rate which is consistent with the numerical results is given. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.