38 resultados para Multi-channel access


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In this dissertation, we investigated two types of traveling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs)/gravity waves (GWs) triggered separately by auroral energy input during super geomagnetic storms and solar terminator (ST) under quiet geomagnetic conditions (kp<3+) using TEC measurements from the global network of GPS receivers. Research into the generation and propagation of TIDs/GWs during storms greatly enhance our understandings on the evolution processes of energy transportation from the high-latitude’s magnetosphere to the low-latitude ionosphere and the conjugated effect of TIDs propagation between the northern and southern hemispheres. Our results revealed that the conjugacy of propagation direction between the northern and southern hemispheres was subject to the influence of Coriolis force. We also figure out the evolution processes of ionospheric disturbances at the global scale. These are important topics that had not been well addressed previously. In addition, we also obtained thee wave structures of medium scale TIDs excited by the solar terminator (ST) moving over the northern America and physical mechanisms involved. Our observations confirm that the ST is a stable and repetitive source of ionospheric wave disturbances and the evidence of solar terminator generated disturbances has been demonstrated experimentally via the GPS TEC measurement. The main researches and results of this dissertation are as follows. First, the global traveling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs) during the drastic magnetic storms of October 29–31, 2003 were analyzed using the Global Position System (GPS) total electron content (TEC) data observed in the Asian-Australian, European and North American sectors. We collected the most comprehensive set of the TEC data from more than 900 GPS stations on the International GNSS Services (IGS) website and introduce here a strategy that combines polynomial fitting and multi-channel maximum entropy spectral analysis to obtain TID parameters. Moreover, in collaboration with my thesis advisor, I have developed an imaging technique of 2-dimensional map of TIDs structures to obtain spatial and temporal maps of large scale traveling ionospheric disturbances (LSTIDs). The clear structures of TEC perturbations map during the passage of TIDs were displayed. The results of our study are summarized as follows: (1) Large-scale TIDs (LSTIDs) and medium-scale TIDs (MSTIDs) were detected in all three sectors after the sudden commencement (SC) of the magnetic storm, and their features showed longitudinal and latitudinal dependences. The duration of TIDs was longer at higher latitudes than at middle latitudes, with a maximum of about 16 h. The TEC variation amplitude of LSTIDs was larger in the North American sector than in the two other sectors. At the lower latitudes, the ionospheric perturbations were more complicated, and their duration and amplitude were relatively longer and larger. (2) The periods and phase speeds of TIDs were different in these three sectors. In Europe, the TIDs propagated southward; in North America and Asia, the TIDs propagated southwestward; in the near-equator region, the disturbances propagated with the azimuth (the angle of the propagation direction of the LSTIDs measured clockwise from due north with 0°) of 210° showing the influence of Coriolis force; in the Southern Hemisphere, the LSTIDs propagated conjugatedly northwestward. Both the southwestward and northeastward propagating LSTIDs are found in the equatorial region. These results mean that the Coriolis effect cannot be ignored for the wave propagation of LSTIDs and that the propagation direction is correlated with the polar magnetic activity. (3) The day (day of year: 301) before the SC (sudden commencement) of magnetic storm, we observed a sudden TEC skip disturbances (±10 TECU). It should be a response for the high flux of proton during the solar flare event, but not the magnetic storms. Next, the most comprehensive and dense GPS network’s data from North-America region were used in this paper to analyze the medium scale traveling ionospheric disturbances (MSTIDs) which were generated by the moving solar terminator during the quiet days in 2005. We applied the multi-channel maximum entropy spectral analysis to calculated TID parameters, and found that the occurrence of ST-MSTIDs depends on the seasonal variations. The results of our study are summarized as follows: (1) MSTIDs stimulated by the moving ST (ST-MSTIDs) are detected at mid-latitudes after the passage of the solar terminator with the life time of 2~3 hours and the variation amplitude of 0.2~0.8 TECU. Spectral analysis indicated that the horizontal wavelength, average period, horizontal phase velocity of the MSTIDs are around 300±150 km,150±80 m/s and 25±15 min, respectively. In addition, ST-MSTIDs have wave fronts elongating the moving ST direction and almost parallel to ST. (2) The statistical results demonstrate that the dusk MSTIDs stimulated by ST is more obvious than the dawn MSTIDs in summer. On the contrary, the more-pronounced dawn MSTIDs occurs in winter. (3) Further analysis indicates that the seasonal variations of ST-MSTIDs occurrence frequency are most probably related to the seasonal differences of the variations of EUV flux in the ionosphere region and recombination process during sunrise and sunset period at mid-latitudes. Statistical study of occurrence characteristics of TIDs using the GPS network in North-American and European during solar maximum, In conclusion, statistical studies of the propagation characteristics of TIDs, which excited by the two common origins including geomagnetic storms and moving solar terminator, were involved with global GPS TEC databasein this thesis. We employed the multichannel maximum entropy spectral analysis method to diagnose the characteristics of propagation and evolvement of ionospheric disturbances, also, the characteristics of their regional distribution and climatological variations were revealed by the statistic analysis. The results of these studies can improve our knowledge about the energy transfer in the solar-terrestrial system and the coupling process between upper and lower atmosphere (thermosphere-ionosphere-mesosphere). On the other hand, our results of the investigation on TIDs generated by particular linear origin such as ST are important for developing ionospheric irregularity physics and modeling the transionosphere radio wave propagation. Besides, the GPS TEC representation of the ST-generated ionospheric structure suggests a better possibility for investigating this phenomenon. Subsequently, there are scientific meaning of the result of this dissertation to deeply discuss the energy transfer and coupling in the ionosphere, as well as realistic value to space weather forecast in the ionosphere region.


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In the practical seismic profile multiple reflections tend to impede the task of even the experienced interpreter in deducing information from the reflection data. Surface multiples are usually much stronger, more broadband, and more of a problem than internal multiples because the reflection coefficient at the water surface is much larger than the reflection coefficients found in the subsurface. For this reason most attempts to remove multiples from marine data focus on surface multiples, as will I. A surface-related multiple attenuation method can be formulated as an iterative procedure. In this essay a fully data-driven approach which is called MPI —multiple prediction through inversion (Wang, 2003) is applied to a real marine seismic data example. This is a pretty promising scheme for predicting a relative accurate multiple model by updating the multiple model iteratively, as we usually do in a linearized inverse problem. The prominent characteristic of MPI method lie in that it eliminate the need for an explicit surface operator which means it can model the multiple wavefield without any knowledge of surface and subsurface structures even a source signature. Another key feature of this scheme is that it can predict multiples not only in time but also in phase and in amplitude domain. According to the real data experiments it is shown that this scheme for multiple prediction can be made very efficient if a good initial estimate of the multiple-free data set can be provided in the first iteration. In the other core step which is multiple subtraction we use an expanded multi-channel matching filter to fulfil this aim. Compared to a normal multichannel matching filter where an original seismic trace is matched by a group of multiple-model traces, in EMCM filter a seismic trace is matched by not only a group of the ordinary multiple-model traces but also their adjoints generated mathematically. The adjoints of a multiple-model trace include its first derivative, its Hilbert transform and the derivative of the Hilbert transform. The third chapter of the thesis is the application for the real data using the previous methods we put forward from which we can obviously find the effectivity and prospect of the value in use. For this specific case I have done three group experiments to test the effectiveness of MPI method, compare different subtraction results with fixed filter length but different window length, invest the influence of the initial subtraction result for MPI method. In terms of the real data application, we do fine that the initial demultiple estimate take on a great deal of influence for the MPI method. Then two approaches are introduced to refine the intial demultiple estimate which are first arrival and masking filter respectively. In the last part some conclusions are drawn in terms of the previous results I have got.


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The function of seismic data in prospecting and exploring oil and gas has exceeded ascertaining structural configuration early. In order to determine the advantageous target area more exactly, we need exactly image the subsurface media. So prestack migration imaging especially prestack depth migration has been used increasingly widely. Currently, seismic migration imaging methods are mainly based on primary energy and most of migration methods use one-way wave equation. Multiple will mask primary and sometimes will be regarded as primary and interferes with the imaging of primary, so multiple elimination is still a very important research subject. At present there are three different wavefield prediction and subtraction methods: wavefield extrapolation; feedback loop; and inverse-scattering series. I mainly do research on feedback loop method in this paper. Feedback loop method includs prediction and subtraction.Currently this method has some problems as follows. Firstly, feedback loop method requires the seismic data used to predict multiple is full wavefield data, but usually the original seismic data don’t meet this assumption, so seismic data must be regularized. Secondly, Multiple predicted through feedback loop method usually can’t match the real multiple in seismic data and they are different in amplitude, phase and arrrival time. So we need match the predicted multiple and that in seismic data through estimating filtering factors and subtract multiple from seismic data. It is the key for multiple elimination how to select a correct matching filtering method. There are many matching filtering methods and I put emphasis on Least-square adaptive matching filtering and L1-norm minimizing adaptive matching filtering methods. Least-square adaptive matching filtering method is computationally very fast, but it has two assumptions: the signal has minimum energy and is orthogonal to the noise. When seismic data don’t meet the two assumptions, this method can’t get good matching results and then can’t attenuate multiple correctly. L1-norm adaptive matching filtering methods can avoid these two assumptions and then get good matching results, but this method is computationally a little slow. The results of my research are as follows: 1. Proposed a method that interpolates seismic traces based on F-K migration and demigration. The main advantage of this method is that it can interpolate seismic traces in any offsets. It shows this method is valid through a simple model. 2. Comparing different Least-square adaptive matching filtering methods. The results show that equipose multi-channel adaptive matching filtering methods can get better results of multiple elimination than other matcing methods through three model data and two field data. 3. Proposed equipose multi-channel L1-norm adaptive matching filtering method. Because L1-norm is robust to large amplitude differences, there are no assumption on the signal has minimum energy and orthogonality, this method can get better results of multiple elimination. 4. Research on multiple elimination in inverse data space. The method is a new multiple elimination method and it is different from those methods mentioned above.The advantages of this method is that it is simple in theory and no need for the adaptive subtraction and computationally very fast. The disadvantage of this method is that it is not stabilized in its solution. The results show that equipose multi-channel and equipose pesudo-multi-channel least-square matching filtering and equipose multi-channel and equipose pesudo-multi-channel L1-norm matching filtering methods can get better results of multiple elimination than other matcing methods through three model data and many field data.


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The longitudinal fluctuating velocity of a turbulent boundary layer was measured in a water channel at a moderate Reynolds number. The extended self-similar scaling law of structure function proposed by Benzi was verified. The longitudinal fluctuating velocity, in the turbulent boundary layer was decomposed into many multi-scale eddy structures by wavelet transform. The extended self-similar scaling law of structure function for each scale eddy velocity was investigated. The conclusions are I) The statistical properties of turbulence could be self-similar not only at high Reynolds number, but also at moderate and low Reynolds number, and they could be characterized by the same set of scaling exponents xi (1)(n) = n/3 and xi (2)(n) = n/3 of the fully developed regime. 2) The range of scales where the extended self-similarity valid is much larger than the inertial range and extends far deep into the dissipation range,vith the same set of scaling exponents. 3) The extended selfsimilarity is applicable not only for homogeneous turbulence, but also for shear turbulence such as turbulent boundary layers.


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Silicon-on-insulating multi-layer (SOIM) materials were fabricated by co-implantation of oxygen and nitrogen ions with different energies and doses. The multilayer microstructure was investigated by cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy. P-channel metal-oxide-semiconductor (PMOS) transistors and metal-semiconductor-insulator-semiconductor (MSIS) capacitors were produced by these materials. After the irradiated total dose reaches 3 x 10(5) rad (Si), the threshold voltage of the SOIM-based PMOS transistor only shifts 0.07 V, while thin silicon-on-insulating buried-oxide SIMOX-based PMOS transistors have a shift of 1.2V, where SIMOX represents the separated by implanted oxygen. The difference of capacitance of the SOIM-based MSIS capacitors before and after irradiation is less than that of the thin-box SIMOX-based MSIS capacitor. The results suggest that the SOIM materials have a more remarkable irradiation tolerance of total dose effect, compared to the thin-buried-oxide SIMOX materials.


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We present a novel X-ray frame camera with variable exposure time that is based on double-gated micro-channel plates (MCP). Two MCPs are connected so that their channels form a Chevron-MCP structure, and four parallel micro-strip lines (MSLs) are deposited on each surface of the Chevron-MCP. The MSLs on opposing surfaces of the Chevron-MCP are oriented normal to each other and subjected to high voltage. The MSLs on the input and output surfaces are fed high voltage pulses to form a gating action. In forming two-dimensional images, modifying the width of the gating pulse serves to set exposure times (ranging from ps to ms) and modifying the delay between each gating pulse serves to set capture times. This prototype provides a new tool for high-speed X-ray imaging, and this paper presents both simulations and experimental results obtained with the camera.


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Multi-hit 3-layer delay-line anode (Hexanode) has an increased ability to detect multi-hit events in a collision experiment. Coupled with a pair of micro-channel plates, it can provide position information of the particles even if the particles arrive at the same time or within small time dwell. But it suffers from some ambiguous outputs and signal losses due to timing order and triggering thresholds etc. We have developed a signal reconstruction program to correct those events. After the program correction, the dead time only exists when 2 paxticles arrive at the same time and the same position within a much smaller range. With the combination of Hexanode and the program, the experimental efficiencies will be greatly improved in near threshold double ionization on He collisions.