39 resultados para Morris, Jamie
灵敏度分析用于定性或定量地评价模型参数误差对模型结果产生的影响 ,是模型参数化过程和模型校正过程中的有用工具 ,具有重要的生态学意义 .灵敏度分析包括局部灵敏度分析和全局灵敏度分析 .局部灵敏度分析只检验单个参数的变化对模型结果的影响程度 ;全局灵敏度分析则检验多个参数的变化对模型运行结果总的影响 ,并分析每一个参数及其参数之间相互作用对模型结果的影响 .目前 ,在对生态模型的灵敏度分析中 ,越来越倾向于使用全局灵敏度分析的方法 .但国内仍多采用局部灵敏度分析方法 ,很少采用全局灵敏度分析方法 .文中详细论述了局部灵敏分析和全局灵敏度分析的主要方法 (一次变换法、多元回归法、Morris法、Sobol’法、傅里叶幅度灵敏度检验法和傅里叶幅度灵敏度检验扩展法 ) ,希望能为国内生态模型的发展提供一个比较完善的灵敏度分析方法库 .结合国内外的灵敏度分析发展现状 ,指出联合灵敏度研究、灵敏度共性研究及空间直观景观模型的灵敏度分析将为生态模型灵敏度分析研究中的热点和难点
1.老年猴视皮层神经元对图形对比度的反应及潜伏期特征: 在正常衰老过程中人类的视觉功能受到严重影响,例如空间和时间对比度敏感性下降以及信息处理时间的延长。虽然部分视觉功能的退化与眼睛的光学系统老化有关,但是它并不能解释所有视觉功能的下降。此外,我们以前的研究和别人的研究结果都表明衰老过程中视觉中枢系统功能的改变可能是视觉功能下降的主要原因。因此,利用单位放电记录技术(single-unit recording technique),我们比较了年轻猕猴和老年猕猴的初级视觉皮层(primary visual cortex,又称V1)神经元对比度反应之间的差异,以及V1和内侧颞叶(medial temporal cortex,MT)视觉区神经元反应潜伏期及其变异性之间的差异。结果显示,与年轻猴相比,老年猴V1区神经元对比度敏感性降低,同时伴随着神经元活动信噪比下降;老年猴V1区和MT区神经元反应潜伏期及其变异性显著增加。然而,两个年龄组MT区神经元平均潜伏期之间差异小于V1区神经元平均潜伏期之间的差异,说明MT区神经元能够自我调整老化带来的影响。另外,两个年龄组V1区神经元潜伏期和变异性都具有正相关关系,但是MT区神经元则没有这种相关性。这些结果表明,在老化过程中皮层神经元的对比度和潜伏期反应特性发生了改变。我们推测这种改变可能与视觉皮层内抑制系统功能的降低有关,但是具体的分子机制和神经环路还不清楚。总之,本实验的研究结果为更好的理解老年人在视觉信息处理中时间和空间对比度敏感性及处理速度下降提供了新线索。2.极低频磁场对脑功能的影响及眶额叶认知功能的研究: 实验目的:(1)研究极低频磁场(20 Hz, 14 mT)照射对长期吗啡处理引起的大鼠背侧海马神经元多巴胺D2密度降低的影响;(2)小鼠青春期长期极低频磁场(50 Hz, 2 mT)照射对空间学习记忆的影响;(3)初步探讨了眶额叶在大鼠新异性探索行为中的作用。实验1,我们用免疫组化的方法检测了大鼠背侧海马神经元多巴胺D2受体密度的变化。结果显示,在长期吗啡处理后戒断早期背侧海马神经元多巴胺D2受体密度相对于对照组减少,磁场和吗啡共同作用会强化这种适应,但是这种变化很快恢复正常。这些结果表明长期吗啡处理会引起海马多巴胺系统产生适应;磁场强化了长期吗啡处理对背侧海马多巴胺系统的影响,这为我们先前发现磁场照射延缓了大鼠条件位置偏好消退的研究结果提供了一个内在神经基础。实验2,我们分别用Y-迷宫(two-trial Y-maze)和Morris水迷宫两种行为装置研究了青春期早期磁场暴露对小鼠短时空间识别记忆和长时空间参考记忆的影响。结果显示,磁场暴露并没有影响小鼠Y-迷宫作业,但是提高了水迷宫任务的学习以及记忆保持。这些结果表明磁场对空间记忆的影响是任务依赖性的。实验3,我们用旷场和Y-迷宫两种行为装置研究了眶额叶电损伤对大鼠新异性探索行为的影响。结果显示,眶额叶受损并没有影响大鼠的神经运动能力,但是降低了大鼠在旷场中的行走距离和直立次数以及降低了在Y-迷宫新异臂中的探索时间和穿梭次数。这些结果表明,眶额叶的完整性对大鼠探索新异环境行为是必要的,这可能与眶额叶参与记忆或行为决策功能有关。
The impact of astaxanthin-enriched algal powder on auxiliary memory improvement was assessed in BALB/c mice pre-supplemented with different dosages of cracked green algal (Haematococcus pluvialis) powder daily for 30 days. The supplemented mice were first tested over 8 days to find a hidden platform by swimming in a Morris water maze. Then, for 5 days, the mice were used to search for a visible platform in a Morris water maze. After that, the mice practised finding a safe place-an insulated platform in a chamber-for 2 days. During these animal experimental periods, similar algal meals containing astaxanthin at 0, 0.26, 1.3 and 6.4 mg/kg body weight were continuously fed to each group of tested mice. Profiles of latency, distance, speed and the direction angle to the platforms as well as the diving frequency in each group were measured and analyzed. The process of mice jumping up onto the insulated platform and diving down to the copper-shuttered bottom with a 36 V electrical charge were also monitored by automatic video recording. The results of the Morris maze experiment showed that middle dosage of H. pluvialis meals (1.3 mg astaxanthin/kg body weight) significantly shortened the latency and distance required for mice to find a hidden platform. However, there was no obvious change in swim velocity in any of the supplemented groups. In contrast, the visible platform test showed a significant increase in latency and swim distance, and a significant decrease in swim speed for all groups of mice orally supplemented with H. pluvialis powder compared to the placebo group (P < 0.05 or P < 0.01). Mice supplemented with the algal meal hesitantly turned around the original hidden platform, in contract to mice supplemented with placebo, who easily forgot the original location and accepted the visible platform as a new safe place. These results illustrate that astaxanthin-enriched H. pluvialis powder has the auxiliary property of memory improvement. The results from the platform diving test showed that the low and middle dosage of H. pluvialis powder, rather that the high dosage, increased the latency and reduced the frequency of diving from the safe insulated platform to the electrically stimulated copper shutter, especially in the low treatment group (P < 0.05). These results indicate that H. pluvialis powder is associated with dose-dependent memory improvement and that a low dosage of algal powder (<= middle treatment group) is really good for improving the memory.
Credible and stable animal behavioral models are necessary to research the mechanisms of addiction in vivo, especially to study the relationship between memory or stress and drug addiction, which has been one of the focuses in this field. So the object of this study was to observe the influences of several factors on the behavioral effects of morphine shown in the paradigms of conditioned place preference (CPP) and locomotor activity (LA), and to explore the effects of adrenalectomy on LA induced by morphine in rats. In addition, the cortexes of rats were examined, which were exposed to chronic administration of several doses of morphine with or without foot shock. Moreover, a new behavioral model was built to quantify the motivation of drug seeking. The results showed that CPP was more sensitive to low dose of morphine than to high dose. The period of experiment could be shortened by increasing the training times everyday, whereas in this way the dose of morphine should be low enough to avoid the impact between the near two exposures to morphine. Effects of chronic administration of morphine on LA in rats were dose- and time- dependent, which supplied evidence to choose parameters in other behavioral models. The results obtained by the simplified LA paradigm showed that hyperactivity of low dose of morphine following hypoactivity, and naloxone had no effects on LA but blocked the locomotion effects of morphine. Obvious effects of morphine on LA of rats might depend on a reasonable level of plasma corticosterone, which may determine individual vulnerability to drug addiction. Stress may also potentiate the vulnerability by aggravating damage to cortex of rats induced by drug dose-dependently, which is suggested by the results of histological examination. The result that frontal and temporal cortexes and hippocampus were injured suggests that there may be a close relationship between memory and drug addiction. It was showed that the new behavioral model on the basis of Morris water maze might be used to quantify the motivation of drug-craving.
Two experiments were designed to examine the role of the cholinergic agents, anisodine and huperzine A, and related mechanisms. In experiment 1, the effects of anisodine and huperzine A on rat performance in Morris water maze were observed. It was found that the drugs injected before daily training had significant effect on performance of place navigation task and transfer test, while the drugs injected after daily training, before retest and overtraining had no such effect. the results indicated that the drugs, which only have effects on reference memory related to cognitive mapping strategy, may mediate the acquisition process of memory. In experiment 2, the spontaneous hippocampol neuronal activities and the effects of the drugs on them in awake rabbits were observed. The results showed that anisodine had significant inhibitory effect on the activities, the opposite effect was found in huperzine A. Furthermore, sensory stimulation and administration of huperzine A have similar effects. It was sujested that hipppocampus be directly relavent to transmission of information to memory storage system, in which the role of central cholinergic system is critical.