176 resultados para Microclimate, ENVI-met, simulation


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A correlative reference model for computer molecular dynamics simulations is proposed. Based on this model, a flexible displacement boundary scheme is introduced and the dislocations emitted from a crack tip can continuously pass through the border of the inner discrete atomic region and pile up at the outer continuum region. The effect of the emitted dislocations within the plastic zone on the inner atomistic region can be clearly demonstrated. The simulations for a molybdinum crystal show that a full dislocation in a bcc crystal is dissociated into three partial dislocations and interaction between the crack and the emitted dislocations results in gradual decrease of the local stress intensity factor.


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The magnetic fields produced by electrical coils are designed for damping the the thermocapillary convection in a floating half-zone in microgravity. The fields are designed specially to reduce the flow near the free surface and then in the melt zone by adjusting the longitudinal coil positions close to the melt zone. The effects of the designed magnetic fields on reducing the flow velocity and temperature distribution non-uniformity in the melt zone are stronger than those of the case of an uniform longitudinal magnetic field obtained by numerical simulation, particularly at the melt-rod interface. It brings fundamental insights into the heat and mass transfer control at the solidification interface by the magnetic field design for crystal growth by the floating full-zone method.


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Turbulence and aeroacoustic noise high-order accurate schemes are required, and preferred, for solving complex flow fields with multi-scale structures. In this paper a super compact finite difference method (SCFDM) is presented, the accuracy is analysed and the method is compared with a sixth-order traditional and compact finite difference approximation. The comparison shows that the sixth-order accurate super compact method has higher resolving efficiency. The sixth-order super compact method, with a three-stage Runge-Kutta method for approximation of the compressible Navier-Stokes equations, is used to solve the complex flow structures induced by vortex-shock interactions. The basic nature of the near-field sound generated by interaction is studied.


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The interactive pair potential between Al and H is obtained based on the ab initio calculation and the Chen-Mobius 3D lattice inversion formula. By utilizing the pair potentials calculated, the effects of hydrogen on the dislocation emission from crack tip have been studied. The simulated result shows that hydrogen can reduce the cohesive strength for Al single crystal, and then the critical stress intensity factor for partial dislocation emission decreases from 0.11 MPa root m (C-H = 0) to 0.075 MPa root m (C-H=0.72%) and 0.06 MPa root m (C-H = 1.44%). This indicates thar hydrogen can enhance the dislocation emission. The simulation also shows that atoms of hydrogen can gather and turn into small bubbles, resulting in enhancement of the equilibrium vacancy concentration.


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A numerical approach to optimize dimensionless parameters of water-flooding porous media flows is proposed based on the analysis of the sensitivity factor defined as the variation ration of a target function with respect to the variation of dimensionless parameters. A complete set of scaling criteria for water-flooding reservoir of five-spot well pattern case is derived from the 3-D governing equations, involving the gravitational force, the capillary force and the compressibility of water, oil and rock. By using this approach, we have estimated the influences of each dimensionless parameter on experimental results and thus sorted out the dominant ones with larger sensitivity factors ranging from10-4to10-0 .


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In the current paper, we have primarily addressed one powerful simulation tool developed during the last decades-Large Eddy Simulation (LES), which is most suitable for unsteady three-dimensional complex turbulent flows in industry and natural environment. The main point in LES is that the large-scale motion is resolved while the small-scale motion is modeled or, in geophysical terminology, parameterized. With a view to devising a subgrid-scale(SGS) model of high quality, we have highlighted analyzing physical aspects in scale interaction and-energy transfer such as dissipation, backscatter, local and non-local interaction, anisotropy and resolution requirement. They are the factors responsible for where the advantages and disadvantages in existing SGS models come from. A case study on LES of turbulence in vegetative canopy is presented to illustrate that LES model is more based on physical arguments. Then, varieties of challenging complex turbulent flows in both industry and geophysical fields in the near future-are presented. In conclusion; we may say with confidence that new century shall see the flourish in the research of turbulence with the aid of LES combined with other approaches.


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The Load-Unload Response Ratio (LURR) method is an intermediate-term earthquake prediction approach that has shown considerable promise. It involves calculating the ratio of a specified energy release measure during loading and unloading where loading and unloading periods are determined from the earth tide induced perturbations in the Coulomb Failure Stress on optimally oriented faults. In the lead-up to large earthquakes, high LURR values are frequently observed a few months or years prior to the event. These signals may have a similar origin to the observed accelerating seismic moment release (AMR) prior to many large earthquakes or may be due to critical sensitivity of the crust when a large earthquake is imminent. As a first step towards studying the underlying physical mechanism for the LURR observations, numerical studies are conducted using the particle based lattice solid model (LSM) to determine whether LURR observations can be reproduced. The model is initialized as a heterogeneous 2-D block made up of random-sized particles bonded by elastic-brittle links. The system is subjected to uniaxial compression from rigid driving plates on the upper and lower edges of the model. Experiments are conducted using both strain and stress control to load the plates. A sinusoidal stress perturbation is added to the gradual compressional loading to simulate loading and unloading cycles and LURR is calculated. The results reproduce signals similar to those observed in earthquake prediction practice with a high LURR value followed by a sudden drop prior to macroscopic failure of the sample. The results suggest that LURR provides a good predictor for catastrophic failure in elastic-brittle systems and motivate further research to study the underlying physical mechanisms and statistical properties of high LURR values. The results provide encouragement for earthquake prediction research and the use of advanced simulation models to probe the physics of earthquakes.


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A simulation model of a floating half zone was suggested by steady numerical simulation and experiment respectively, in the previous papers [Q.S. Chen, W.R. Hu, Int. J. Mass Heat Transfer 40 (1997) 757; J.H. Han, Y. Ar, R. Zhou, W.R. Hue, Int. J. Mass Heat Transfer 40 (1997) 2671]. In the present paper, the simulation model is studied by using the method of unsteady and three-dimensional numerical simulation, and the transient process from steady convection to oscillatory convection is especially analyzed. Comparison of onsets of oscillation for both simulation model and the usual model were obtained, and the results show that the critical Marangoni number of the simulation model is obviously smaller than that of the usual model for the same slender liquid bridge. This implies that the usual model of a floating half zone gives a lower estimation on the onset of oscillation for floating zone convection.


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On the basis of the lattice model of MORA and PLACE, Discrete Element Method, and Molecular Dynamics approach, another kind of numerical model is developed. The model consists of a 2-D set of particles linked by three kinds of interactions and arranged into triangular lattice. After the fracture criterion and rules of changes between linking states are given, the particle positions, velocities and accelerations at every time step are calculated using a finite-difference scheme, and the configuration of particles can be gained step by step. Using this model, realistic fracture simulations of brittle solid (especially under pressure) and simulation of earthquake dynamics are made.


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纳米材料是由尺度在1~100 nm的微小颗粒组成的体系,由于它具有独特的性能而备受关注.本文简要地回顾了分子动力学在纳米材料研究中的应用,并运用它模拟了平均晶粒尺寸从1.79~5.38nm的纳米晶体的力学性质.模拟结果显示:随着晶粒尺寸的减小,系统与晶粒内部的原子平均能量升高,而晶界上则有所下降;纳米晶体的弹性模量要小于普通多晶体,并随着晶粒尺寸的减小而减小;纳米晶铜的强度随着晶粒的减小而减小,显示了反常的Hall-Petch效应;纳米晶体的塑性变形主要是通过晶界滑移与运动,以及晶粒的转动来实现的;位错运动起着次要的、有限的作用;在较大的应变下(约大于5%),位错运动开始起作用;这种作用随着晶粒尺寸的增加而愈加明显.


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Nanocrystalline (nc) materials are characterized by a typical grain size of 1-100nm. The uniaxial tensile deformation of computer-generated nc samples, with several average grain sizes ranging from 5.38 to 1.79nm, is simulated by using molecular dynamics with the Finnis-Sinclair potential. The influence of grain size and temperature on the mechanical deformation is studied in this paper. The simulated nc samples show a reverse Hall-Petch effect. Grain boundary sliding and motion, as well as grain rotation are mainly responsible for the plastic deformation. At low temperatures, partial dislocation activities play a minor role during the deformation. This role begins to occur at the strain of 5%, and is progressively remarkable with increasing average grain size. However, at elevated temperatures no dislocation activity is detected, and the diffusion of grain boundaries may come into play.


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In this paper, the importance of investigation on terrestrical processes in arid areas for mankind's living environment protection and local economy development as well as its present state of the art are elucidated. A coupling model, which evaluates heat, mass, momentum and radiative fluxes in the SPAC system, is developed for simulating microclimate over plant and bare soil. Especially, it is focussed on the details of turbulence transfer. For illustration, numerical simulation of the water-heat exchange processes at Shapotou Observatory, GAS, Ninxia Province are conducted, and the computational results show that the laws of land-surface processes are rather typical in the arid areas.


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The gathering systems of crude oil are greatly endangered by the fine sand and soil in oil. Up to now , how to separate sand from the viscid oil is still a technical problem for oil production home or abroad. Recently , Institute of Mechanics in Chinese Academy of Sciences has developed a new type of oil-sand separator , which has been applied successfully in oil field in situ. In this paper, the numerical method of vortex-stream function is used to predict the liquid-solid separating course and the efficiency for this oil-sand separator. Results show that the viscosity and particle diameter have much influence on the particle motion. The calculating separating efficiency is compared with that of experiment and indicates that this method can be used to model the complex two-phase flow in the separator.


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In this paper the finite element method was used to simulate micro-scale indentation process. The several standard indenters were simulated with 3D finite element model. The emphasis of this paper was the differences between 2D axisymmetric cone model and