60 resultados para Marginal areas


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Thematic Mapper (TM) and Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM)+ data have been successfully employed in the field of mineral exploration to identify key minerals over arid and semi-arid terrains. However, redundant vegetation and cloud may seriously interfere with the discrimination of the minerals with diagnostic features. Therefore, in this study, we use masking technique to eliminate the negative influence of vegetation and cloud and Crosta technique to identify the diagnostic features of hydroxyl-minerals, carbonate-minerals and iron oxides. Then the anomalies were endowed with special colours and overlapped with the remote-sensing and geochemical data, overlaying images as remote-sensing anomalies. The mineral exploration work was carried through by synthetic analysis of the remote-sensing images, geochemical data and structures. Finally, areas with high correlation between the occurrence of hydrothermal alteration and presence of main faults and geochemical anomalies were considered as mineral exploration targets worthy of further detailed exploration programmes.


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Diatom data of 192 surface sediment samples from the marginal seas in the western Pacific together with modern summer and winter sea surface temperature and salinity data were analyzed. The results of canonical correspondence analysis show that summer sea-surface salinity (SSS) is highly positively correlated with winter SSS and so is summer sea-surface temperature (SST) with winter SST. The correlations between SSSs and SSTs are less positively correlated, which may be due to interactions of regional current pattern and monsoon climate. The correlations between diatom species, sample sites and environmental variables concur with known diatom ecology and regional oceanographic characters. The results of forward selection of the environmental variables and associated Monte Carlo permutation tests of the statistical significance of each variable suggest that summer SSS and winter SST are the main environmental factors affecting the diatom distribution in the area and therefore preserved diatom data from down core could be used for reconstructions of summer SSS and winter SST in the region.


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This study investigates the distribution of black carbon (BC) and its correlation with total polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (I PAH) pound in the surface sediments of China's marginal seas. BC content ranges from < 0.10 to 2.45 mg/g dw (grams dry weight) in the sediments studied, and varied among the different coastal regions. The Bohai Bay sediments had the highest BC contents (average 2.18 mg/g dw), which comprises a significant fraction (27%-41%) of the total organic carbon (TOC) preserved in the sediments. In comparison, BC in the surface sediments of the North Yellow Sea, Jiaozhou Bay, East China Sea and the South China Sea is less abundant and accounted for an average of 6%, 8%, 14% and 5%, respectively, of the sedimentary organic carbon pool. The concentration of I PAH pound in the surface sediments ranges from 41 to 3 667 ng/g dw and showed large spatial variations among the sampling sites of different costal regions. The Bohai Bay has the highest I PAH pound values, ranging from 79 to 3 667 ng/g dw. This reflects the high anthropogenically contaminated nature of the sediments in the bay. BC is positively correlated to TOC but a strong correlation is not found between BC and I PAH pound in the surface sediments studied, suggesting that BC and PAHs preserved in the sediments are derived from different sources and controlled by different biogeochemical processes. Our study suggests that the abundance of BC preserved in the sediments could represent a significant sink pool of carbon cycling in China's marginal seas.


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With the rapid development of satellite observations, we can use the altimetry geoid to study submarine tectonics and geodynamics. On the basis of the 4' x 4' geoid undulation calculated from altimeter data of Geosat, ERS-1/2 and Topex/Poseidon on the West Pacific, located between 0degreesN similar to 45degreesN, 100degreesC similar to 150degreesE, Bouguer, Glenni and isostatic geoid undulation are obtained from correction of gravitational potential of the global topography and isostacy. Moho discontinuity depth is inversed by the Glenni geoid undulation, and the stress field from small-scale mantle convection is reasonably calculated from the isostatic geoid undulation. The results show that within the Philippine Sea and the South China Sea, short-wavelength lineations of the geoid undulation are parallel or cross to magnetic lineations and rifting ridges. The Moho depth of marginal sea basins becomes shallow southward, and its values are similar to that of the Philippine Sea. These facts show that strength of tectonic activities are almost the same on the both sides of the Ryukyu-Taiwan-Philippine are. Various kinds of tectonic features with different driving mechanisms of small-middle and large-scale of mantle convection, however, display a special pattern of tectonics and geodynamics of the continental marginal seas distinguished from oceans and continents.


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Terrigenous components were separated from the bulk sediment of Core A7 from the Okinawa Trough and Core A37 from the Ryukru Trench and grain-size distributions of these sub-samples were analyzed. Based upon an analysis of the grain-size data of the two sedimentary sequences, grain-size populations are identified to be sensitive to sedimentary environmental changes. The modal values and size ranges of the two main grain-size populations in Core A7 are evidently different from those of Core A37, indicating the spatial variability of sediment sources and transport processes between the two places. The downcore variations in the content of the environmentally sensitive grain-size populations reveal that during the accumulation of sedimentary material the environment remained relatively stable at the site where Core A7 was collected, except for the apparent events for the formation of two turbidite layers and a volcanic ash layer. However, the sedimentary sequence of Core A37 shows six sedimentary cycles, indicating a highly variable sedimentary environment at this location.


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The characteristics and distribution patterns of detrital minerals (0.063 similar to 0.125 mm) in marine sediments provide a significant indicator for the identification of the origin of sediment. The detrital mineral composition of 219 surface sediment samples was analysed to identify the distribution of sediments within the western Philippine Sea. The area can be divided into three mineral provinces: ( 1) province east of the Philippine Trench, the detrital minerals in this province are mainly composed of calcareous or siliceous organisms, with the addition of volcanogenic minerals from an adjacent island arc; (II) middle mineral province, clastic minerals including feldspar, quartz and colorless volcanic glass, sourced from seamounts with intermediate-acid volcanic rock, or erupting intermediate-acid volcano; (III) province west of the Palau-Kyushii Ridge, the matter provenance within this province is complex; the small quantity of feldspar and quartz may be sourced from seamounts or erupting volcano with intermediate - acid composition, with a component of volcanic scoria sourced from a volcano erupting on the Palau-Kyushu Ridge. it is suggested that, ( I) Biogenic debris of the study area is closely related to water depth, with the amount of biogenic debris controlled by carbonate lysocline. (2) Volcaniclastic matter derived from the adjacent island are can be entrained by oceanic currents and transported towards the abyssal basin over a short distance. The weathering products of volcanic rocks of the submarine plateau ( e. g. I Benham Plateau) and adjacent ridges provide an important source of detrital sedimentation, and the influence scope of them is constrained by the intensity of submarine weathering. (3) Terrigenous sediments from the continent of Asia and the adjacent Philippine island arc have little influence on the sedimentation of this study area, and the felsic mineral component is probably sourced from volcanic seamounts of intermediate-acid composition.


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The Bohai Sea costal area is one of the most developed zones of China and the sewage water from populous and developed cities, including Beijing, Tianjin. Qinhuangdao and Dalian is discharged into the Bohai Sea. Additionally, its semi-enclosed characteristic restricts water exchange, which leads to high accumulation of pollutants in the environment. This overview presents the residues of 6 classes of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs). including PAHs, DDTs. HCHs, PCBs and PCDD/Fs. in the sediments and mollusks of the Bohai Sea through analyzing previous literatures. In the sediments. the highest PAH concentrations were detected in the vicinities of Qinhuangdao, while the northeast corner of the Bohai Bay possessed the highest levels of DDTs and PCBs. The investigations on HCHs and PCDD/Fs distributions on the whole sea scale have not been reported. In mollusks, PAH concentrations were in the same order of magnitude in the whole Bohai Sea, so were DDTs. HCHs and PCBs, while the outlier maximum values of PCDDs and PCDFs occurred in Yingkou. In general, the POPs residues in mollusks collected from Shandong Province were higher than the other areas. The compositions of DDTs, HCHs and PCBs in sediments indicated their recent usage. By comparing POP concentrations in sediments with the recommended criterions, it was shown that some individual PAH compounds occasionally associated with adverse biological effects in the vicinities of the Liaodong Bay and Qinhuangdao, and the Liaohe River Estuary were heavily contaminated with DDTs, but PCBs were all below the thresholds. In order to reveal the transference and transformation of POPs in the environment, further studies concerning with their behavior, fate and bioaccumulation in the different trophic levels should be programmed. Moreover, laws and regulations should be enforced to ban the illegal usage of POPs-containing pesticides to guarantee health of the environment and human. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Ligularia, a highly diversified genus in the eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and adjacent areas, was chosen as a suitable subject in which to study speciation patterns in this 'hot spot' area at the chromosomal level. Chromosome numbers and karyotypes were studied in 23 populations of 14 species, most of which are endemic to this area. The basic number x = 29 was confirmed for all species. Ligularia virgaurea was found to have diploid and triploid cytotypes, 2n = 58 and 87. Other species are only diploid, with 2n = 58. The karyotypes of all populations within any species, and all species spanning most sections and covering most of the morphological range in Ligularia, are very similar to each other, belonging to type 2A according to Stebbin's classification. This karyotype was also found in its close allies, e.g. Cremanthodium, Ligulariopsis, Parasenecio, and Sinacalia. Aneuploid reduction of chromosome number from 2n = 60 to 58 and karyotypic variation was found in Ligularia and its allies. Such a chromosomal pattern with few polyploids infers that variation of karyotype structure at the diploid level seems to be the predominant feature of chromosomal evolution in this group and sympatric speciation via hybridization and polyploidization has played a minor role in its species diversity. (C) 2004 The Linnean Society of London


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Jiyang & Changwei depressions are two neighboring depressions in Bahai Bay Basin, the famous oil rich basin in East China. The exploration activities in the past 40 years has proved that, within the basins, there exists not only plentiful sandstone hydrocarbon reservoirs (conventional), but also abundant special reservoirs as igneous rock, mudstone and conglomerate ones which have been knowing as the unconventional in the past, and with the prospecting activity is getting more and more detailed, the unconventional reservoirs are also getting more and more important for further resources, among which, the igneous lithological reservoir be of significance as a new research and exploration area. The purpose of this paper is, with the historical researches and data as base, the System Theory, Practice Theory and Modern Comprehensive Petroleum Geology Theory as guide, the theoretical and practice break through as the goal, and the existing problems in the past as the break through direction, to explore and establish a valid reservoir formation and distribution models for igneous strata in the profile of the eastern faulted basins. After investigating the distribution of the igneous rocks and review the history of the igneous rocks reservoirs in basins, the author focused on the following issues and correspondingly the following progresses have been made: 1.Come to a new basin evolution and structure model named "Combined-Basin-bodies Model" for Jiyang even Eastern faulted basins based on the study on the origin and evolution of Jiyang & Changwei basins, depending on this model, every faulted basin in the Bo-hai Bay Basin is consisted of three Basin-Bodies including the Lower (Mesozoic), Middle (Early Tertiary) and the Upper (Late Tertiary) Bodies, each evolved in different geo-stress setting and with different basin trend, shape and igneous-sedimentary buildings system, and from this one to next one, the basin experienced a kind of process named "shape changing" and "Style changing". 2. Supposed a serious of new realizations as follows (1) There were "multi-level magma sources" including Upper mantel and the Lower, Middle and even the Upper Shell magma Chambers in the historical Magma Processes in the basins; (2) There were "multi-magma accessing or pass" from the first level (Mantel faults) to the second, third and fourth levels (that is the different levels of fault in the basin sediment strata) worked in the geo-historical and magma processes; (3) Three tectonic magma cycles and more periods have been recognized those are matched with the "Basin -body-Model" and (4)The geo-historical magma processes were non-homogeneous in time and space scale and so the magma rocks distributed in "zones" or "belts". 3. The study of magma process's effect on basin petroleum conditions have been made and the following new conclusions were reached: (1) the eruptive rocks were tend to be matched with the "caped source rock", and the magma process were favorable to the maturing of the source rocks. (2) The magma process were fruitful to the accumulation of the non-hydrocarbon reservoirs however a over magma process may damage the grade of resource rock; (3) Eruptive activity provided a fruitful environment for the formation of such new reservoir rocks as "co-eruptive turbidity sandstones" and "thermal water carbonate rocks" and the intrusive process can lead to the origin of "metamorphism rock reservoir"; (4) even if the intrusive process may cause the cap rock broken, the late Tertiary intrusive rocks may indeed provide the lateral seal and act as the cap rock locally even regionally. All above progresses are valuable for reconstructing the magma-sedimentary process history and enriching the theory system of modem petroleum geology. 4. A systematic classification system has been provided and the dominating factors for the origin and distribution of igneous rock reservoirs have been worked out based on the systematic case studies, which are as follows: (1) The classification is given based on multi-factors as the origin type, litho-phase, type of reservoir pore, reservoir ability etc., (2) Each type of reservoir was characterized in a detailed way; (3) There are 7 factors dominated the intrusive reservoir's characteristics including depth of intrusion, litho-facies of surrounding rocks, thickness of intrusive rock, intrusive facies, frequency and size of the working faults, shape and tectonic deformation of rock, erosion strength of the rock and the time of the intrusion ect., in the contrast, 4 factors are for eruptive rocks as volcanic facies, frequency and size of the working faults, strength of erosion and the thermal water processing. 5. Several new concept including "reservoir litho-facies", "composite-volcanic facies" and "reservoir system" ect. Were suggested, based on which the following models were established: (1) A seven reservoir belts model for a intrusive unit profile and further more, (2) a three layers cubic model consisted of three layer as "metamorphic roe layer", "marginal layer" and "the core"; (3) A five zones vertical reservoir sequence model consisted of five litho-facies named A, B, C, D and E for a original lava unit and furthermore three models respectively for a erosion, subsidence and faulted lava unit; (4) A composite volcanic face model for a lava cone or a composite cone that is consisted of three facies as "crater and nearby face", "middle slope" and "far slope", among which, the middle slope face is the most potential reservoir area and producible for oil & gas. 6. The concept of "igneous reservoir" was redefined as the igneous, and then a new concept of "igneous reservoir system" was supposed which means the reservoir system consisted of igneous and associated non-igneous reservoirs, with non-hydrocarbon reservoir included. 7. The origin and distribution of igneous reservoir system were probed and generalized for the exploration applications, and origin models of the main reservoir sub-systems have been established including those of igneous, related non-igneous and non-hydrocarbon. For intrusive rocks, two reservoir formation models have been suggested, one is called "Original or Primary Model", and the another one is "Secondary Model"; Similarly, the eruptive rock reservoirs were divided in three types including "Highly Produced", "Moderately Produced" and "Lowly Produced" and accordingly their formation models were given off; the related non-igneous reservoir system was considered combination of eight reservoirs, among which some ones like the Above Anticline Trap are highly produced; Also, the non-hydrocarbon. Trap system including five kinds of traps was discussed. 8. The concept models for four reservoir systems were suggested, which include the intrusive system consisted of 7 kinds of traps, the land eruptive system with 6 traps, the under water eruptive system including 6 kinds of traps and the non-hydrocarbon system combined by 5 kinds of traps. In this part, the techniques for exploration of igneous reservoir system were also generalized and probed, and based on which and the geological progresses of this paper, the potential resources and distributions of every reservoir system was evaluated and about 186 millions of reserves and eight most potential non-hydrocarbon areas were predicted and outlined. The author believe that the igneous reservoir system is a very important exploration area and its study is only in its early stage, the framework of this paper should be filled with more detailed studies, and only along way, the exploration of igneous reservoir system can go into it's really effective stage.


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The Dongying depression, located in the northern part of the jiyang Sag in the Buohaiwan Basin, comprises one of the major oil-producing bases of the Shengli oil-field. The prediction and exploration of subtle or litho1ogical oil traps in the oil-field has become the major confronted target. This is also one of the frontier study areas in the highly-explored oil-bearing basins in East China and abroad. Based on the integrated analysis of the geological, seismic and logging data and the theories of sequence stratigraphy, tectono-stratigraphy and petroleum system, the paper has attempted to document the characteristics of the sequence stratigraphic and structural frameworks of the low Tertiary, the syndepositional faults and their control on deposition, and then to investigate the forming conditions and distribution of the tithological oil traps in the depression. The study has set up a set of analysis methods, which can be used to effectively analysis the sequence stratigraphy of inland basins and predict the distribution of sandstone reservoirs in the basins. The major achievements of the study are as follows: 1. The low Tertiary can be divided into 4 second-order sequences and 13 third-order sequences, and the systems tracts in the third-order sequences have been also identified based on the examination and correction of well logging data and seismic profiles. At the same time, the parasequences and their stacking pattern in the deltaic systems of the third member of the Shahejie Formation have been recognized in the key study area. It has been documented that the genetic relation of different order sequences to tectonic, climatic and sediment supply changes. The study suggested that the formation of the second-order sequences was related to multiple rifting, while the activity of the syndepositional faults controlled the stacking pattern of parasequences of the axial deltaic system in the depression. 2. A number of depositional facies have been recognized in the low Tertiary on the basis of seismic facies and well logging analysis. They include alluvial fan, fan delta or braided delta, axial delta, lowstand fan, lacustrine and gravity flow deposits. The lacustrine lowstand fan deposits are firstly recognized in the depression, and their facies architecture and distribution have been investigated. The study has shown that the lowstand fan deposits are the important sandstone reservoirs as lithological oil traps in the depression. 3. The mapping of depositional systems within sequences has revealed the time and special distrbution of depositional systems developed in the basin. It is pointed out that major elastic systems comprise the northern marginal depositional systems consisting of alluvial fan, fan delta and offshore lowstand fan deposits, the southern gentle slope elastic deposits composed of shallow lacustrine, braided delta and lowstand fan deposits and the axial deltaic systems including those from eastern and western ends of the depression. 4. The genetic relationship between the syndepositional faults and the distribution of sandstones has been studied in the paper, upper on the analysis of structural framework and syndepositional fault systems in the depression. The concept of structural slope-break has been firstly introduced into the study and the role of syndepositional faults controlling the development of sequence architecture and distribution of sandstones along the hinged and faulted margins have been widely investigated. It is suggested that structural styles of the structural slope-break controlled the distribution of lowstand fan deposits and formed a favorable zone for the formation of lithological or structure-lithological oil traps in the basin. 5. The paper has made a deep investigation into the forming condition and processes of the lithological traps in the depression, based the analysis of composition of reservoir, seal and resource rocks. It is pointed out that there were two major oil pool-forming periods, namely the end of the Dongying and Guangtao periods, and the later one is the most important. 6. The study has finally predicted a number of favorable targets for exploration of lithologieal traps in the depression. Most of them have been drilled and made great succeed with new discovered thousands tons of raw oil reserves.


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Sangequan Uplift in Junggar Basin is an inherited positive structure, which has undergone many times of violent tectonic movements, with high tectonic setting, and far away from the oil-source sag, reservoir forming condition is complex. Combining sequence stratigraphy, depositional facies, reservoir formation theory with seismic and well logging analysis, this paper conducted integrated study on the hydrocarbon migration, accumulation, entrapment conditions, the reservoir forming dynamics and the forming model, and acquired the following recognition: (1) The special reservoir formation conditions that enable Sangequan Uplift to form a giant oil-gas field of over 100 million tons of reserves are as follows: (D Deltaic frontal sandbody is developed in Jurassic Xishanyao Formation, Toutunhe Formation and Lower Cretaceous Hutubihe Formation, with good reservoir quality;? Abundant hydrocarbon resources are found in Western Well Pen-1 Sag, which provides sufficient oil sources for reservoir formation of Sagequan Uplift; ?The unconformity-fault-sandbody system has formed a favorable space transporting system and an open conduit for long-distance hydrocarbon migration; ?fault, low amplitude anticline and lithological traps were well developed, providing a favorable space for hydrocarbon accumulation. (2) The most significant source beds in the Western Well Pen-1 Sag are the Mid-Permian Lower Wuerhe Formation and Lower-Permian Fengcheng Formation. The oil in the Well Block Lu-9 and Shinan Oilfield all originated from the hydrocarbon source beds of Fengcheng Formation and Lower Wuerhe Formation in the Western Well Pen-1 Sag and migrated through Jidong and Jinan deep faults linking unconformity of different regions from sources to structural highs of the uplift and shallow horizons. (3) There were 2 reservoir formation periods in District Sangequan: the first was in late Cretaceous during which the upper part of Xishanyao Formation and Toutunhe Formation; the second was in Triassic, the main resources are high-maturity oil and gas from Fengcheng Formation and Wuerhe Formation in Western Pen-1 Well sag and the gas from coal measure strata of Xishanyao Formation, that were accumulated in Hutubihehe Formation. (4) Model of the hydrocarbon migration, accumulation, reservoir formation of the study area are categorized as three types starting from the hydrocarbon source areas, focusing on the faults and unconformity and aiming at reservoirs: ① Model of accumulation and formation of reservoir through faults or unconformities along the "beam" outside source; ②Model of migration, accumulation and reservoir formation through on-slope near source;③Model of migration, accumulation and reservoir formation of marginal mid-shallow burial biogas-intermediate gas. (5) Pinchout, overlap and lithologic traps are developed in transitional zones between Western Well Pen-1 sag and Luliang uplift. Many faulted blocks and faulted nose-like traps are associated with large structures on Sangequan uplift. Above traps will be new prospecting areas for further hydrocarbon exploration in future.