47 resultados para Magnetic Suspension Balance


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The magnetic flux tube concentrating strong magnetic field is the basic configuration of magneticfield in the solar atmosphere. In the present paper, the equilibrium of isolated magnetic flux tube inthe solar atmosphere is discussed. In the viewpoint of mathematics, the boundary condition is nonlinearand the position of boundary needs to be determined by the physical condition although the equation ofmagnetic potential is linear for the linear force-free field. Analytical solutions to the arches of bothuniform circular cross-section and non-uniform cross section have been obtained. The results show thatthe nonlinear problem may have or not have any solution according to different azimuthal components of the magnetic field; the number of solutions to the nonlinear problem is four at most, and two in some cases. In the present paper, the analytical solutions to the approximations of both fat and slender arches are given in detail, and the general features of magnetic arch structure are shown.


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As an improvement of resolution of observations, more and more radio galaxies with radiojets have been identified and many fine structures in the radio jets yielded. In the presentpaper, the two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamical theory is applied to the analysis of themagnetic field configurations in the radio jefs. Two-dimensional results not only are con-sistent theoretically, but also explain the fine structures of observations. One of the theo-retical models is discussed in detail, and is in good agreement as compared with the observedradio jets of NGC6251. The results of the present paper also show that the magneticfields in the radio jets are mainly longitudinal ones and associate with the double sources ofQSOs if the magnetic field of the central object is stronger; the fields in the radio jets aremainly transverse ones and associate with the double sources of radio galaxies if the fieldof the central object is weaker. The magnetic field has great influence on the morphol-ogy and dynamic process.


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in the corona, consisting of an eruptive prominence and/or a magnetic flux region (loop or arcade, or blob) in front of the prominence. Ahead of the piston, there is a compressed flow, which produces a shock front. This high-density region corresponds to the bright feature of the transient. Behind the piston, there is a rarefaction region, which corresponds to the dark feature of the transient. Therefore, both the bright and dark features of the transient may be explained at the same time by the dynamical process of the moving piston.


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A nonlinear theory of an intermediate pressure discharge column in a magnetic field is presented. Motion of the neutral gas is considered. The continuity and momentum transfer equations for charged particles and neutral particles are solved by numerical methods. The main result obtained is that the rotating velocities of ionic gas and neutral gas are approximately equal. Bohm's criterion and potential inversion in the presence of neutral gas motion are also discussed.


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The two-dimensional accelerating theory about solar wind is applied to the study of theaccelerating process of jet beam in the radio galaxy. The flowing features are given with theanalytic method, and the basic flow is along the direction of the jet beam. The mechanism ofacceleration from subsonic to supersonic flow is discussed. At the same time, some fine struc-tures about the double sources in the radio galaxy are explained.


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Carbon nanotubes (CNTs), due to their exceptional magnetic, electrical and mechanical properties, are promising candidates for several technical applications ranging from nanoelectronic devices to composites. Young's modulus holds the special status in material properties and micro/nano-electromechanical systems (MEMS/NEMS) design. The excellently regular structures of CNTs facilitate accurate simulation of CNTs' behavior by applying a variety of theoretical methods. Here, three representative numerical methods, i.e., Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics (CPMD), density functional theory (DFT) and molecular dynamics (MD), were applied to calculate Young's modulus of single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) with chirality (3,3). The comparative studies showed that the most accurate result is offered by time consuming DFT simulation. MID simulation produced a less accurate result due to neglecting electronic motions. Compared to the two preceding methods the best performance, with a balance between efficiency and precision, was deduced by CPMD.


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The fast electron propagation in an inverse cone target is investigated computationally and experimentally. Two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulation shows that fast electrons with substantial numbers are generated at the outer tip of an inverse cone target irradiated by a short intense laser pulse. These electrons are guided and confined to propagate along the inverse cone wall, forming a large surface current. The propagation induces strong transient electric and magnetic fields which guide and confine the surface electron current. The experiment qualitatively verifies the guiding and confinement of the strong electron current in the wall surface. The large surface current and induced strong fields are of importance for fast ignition related researches.


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An analytical fluid model is proposed for the generation of strong quasistatic magnetic fields during normal incidence of a short ultraintense Gaussian laser pulse with a finite spot size on an overdense plasma. The steepening of the electron density profile in the originally homogeneous overdense plasma and the formation of electron cavitation as the electrons are pushed inward by the laser are included self-consistently. It is shown that the appearance of the cavitation plays an important role in the generation of quasistatic magnetic fields: the strong plasma inhomogeneities caused by the formation of the electron cavitation lead to the generation of a strong axial quasistatic magnetic field B-z. In the overdense regime, the generated quasistatic magnetic field increases with increasing laser intensity, while it decreases with increasing plasma density. It is also found that, in a moderately overdense plasma, highly intense laser pulses can generate magnetic fields similar to 100 MG and greater due to the transverse linear mode conversion process.


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We propose a simple single-layer magnetic microtrap configuration which can trap an array of magnetically-trapped Bose-Einstein condensate. The configuration consists of two series of parallel wires perpendicular to each other and all of the crossing points are cut off for maintaining the uniformity of the current. We analyse the trapping potential, the position of trapping centres and the uniformity of the array of the traps. The trapping depth and trapping frequency with different parameters are also calculated. Lastly, the effect of the cut-off crossing points, dissipate power, chip production are introduced concisely.


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WE have designed a dual-beam magneto-optical (MO) storage system to test the dynamic storage properties of MO disks. The characteristics of this dual-beam system are demonstrated. Magnetic field modulated direct overwrite, which is a promising technique for highspeed MO storage, is realized on TbFeCo MO disks with this dual-beam MO system. The effect of light intensity, magnetic field intensity, and linear velocity of the disk and the modulating frequency variation on carrier-to-noise ratio is investigated. (C) 1997 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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Within the framework of classic electromagnetic theories, we have studied the sign of refractive index of optical medias with the emphases on the roles of the electric and magnetic losses and gains. Starting from the Maxwell equations for an isotropic and homogeneous media, we have derived the general form of the complex refractive index and its relation with the complex electric permittivity and magnetic permeability, i.e. n = root epsilon mu, in which the intrinsic electric and magnetic losses and gains are included as the imaginary parts of the complex permittivity and permeability, respectively, as epsilon = epsilon(r) + i(epsilon i) and mu = mu(r) + i mu(i). The electric and magnetic losses are present in all passive materials, which correspond, respectively, to the positive imaginary permittivity and permeability epsilon(i) > 0 and mu(i) > 0. The electric and magnetic gains are present in materials where external pumping sources enable the light to be amplified instead of attenuated, which correspond, respectively, to the negative imaginary permittivity and permeability epsilon(i) < 0 and mu(i) < 0. We have analyzed and determined uniquely the sign of the refractive index, for all possible combinations of the four parameters epsilon(r), mu(r), epsilon(i), and mu(i), in light of the relativistic causality. A causal solution requires that the wave impedance be positive Re {Z} > 0. We illustrate the results for all cases in tables of the sign of refractive index. One of the most important messages from the sign tables is that, apart from the well-known case where simultaneously epsilon < 0 and mu < 0, there are other possibilities for the refractive index to be negative n < 0, for example, for epsilon(r) < 0, mu(r) > 0, epsilon(i) > 0, and mu(i) > 0, the refractive index is negative n < 0 provided mu(i)/epsilon(i) > mu(r)/vertical bar epsilon(r)vertical bar. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Polycrystalline Zn1-xNixO diluted magnetic semiconductors have been successfully synthesized by an auto-combustion method. X-ray diffraction measurements indicated that the 5 at% Ni-cloped ZnO had the pure wurtzite structure. Refinements of cell parameters from powder diffraction data revealed that the cell parameters of Zn0.95Ni0.05O were a little bit larger than ZnO. Transmission electron microscopy observation showed that the as-synthesized powders were of the size similar to 60 nm. Magnetic investigations showed that the nanocystalline Zn0.95Ni0.05O possessed room temperature ferromagnetisin with the saturation magnetic moment of 0.1 emu/g (0.29 mu(B)/Ni2+). (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Ternary CoNiP nanowire (NW) arrays have been synthesized by electrochemical deposition inside the nanochannels of anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) template. The CoNiP NWs deposited at room temperature present soft magnetic properties, with both parallel and perpendicular coercivities less than 500 Oe. In contrast, as the electrolyte temperature (T-elc) increases from 323 to 343 K, the NWs exhibit hard magnetic properties with coercivities in the range of 1000-2500 Oe. This dramatic increase in coercivities can be attributed to the domain wall pinning that is related to the formation of Ni and Co nanocrystallites and the increase of P content. The parallel coercivity (i.e. the applied field perpendicular to the membrane surface) maximum as high as 2500 Oe with squareness ratio up to 0.8 is achieved at the electrolyte temperature of 328 K. It has been demonstrated that the parallel coercivity of CoNiP NWs can be tuned in a wide range of 200-2500 Oe by controlling the electrolyte temperature, providing an easy way to control magnetic properties and thereby for their integration with magnetic-micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS). (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.