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聚 3 一控基丁酸酯 (Poly – 3 - hydroxybutyrate,PHB) 及其它类型的聚 3-泾基链烷酸醋同属于聚酯类物质 , 是自然界中多种细菌的碳源及能源储备物。这种聚酯的物理化学特性与传统塑料相似 , 并具有生物可降解性 , 如能取代化学合成塑料将减少环境中的塑料废弃物 , 从源头治理 " 白色污染 " 问题。微生物发酵法生产的 PHB 价格过高 , 无法在市场上与化学合成塑料竞争。随着分子生物学的发展 , 人们逐渐将视线转向植物生物反应器。转基因植物能够利用二氧化碳为碳源、太阳能为能源合成目的产物 , 大大降低生产成本 , 为生产具有市场 竞争力的新型生物可降解塑料提供可行途径。在此领域虽然己取得一定进展 , 但远未达到商业化生产水平。大规模商业化生产要求转基因植物能够在确保环 境安全性的前提下高效、稳定地生产 PHB 。本文尝试改善植物中 PHB 的生产体系 ,为环保型塑料早日进入市场作出努力。 1. 由于表达框架中多次使用同一启动子会导致基因沉默 , 本文克隆了另一 种子特异性启动子 nap300, 以替换重复使用的7S启动子,减轻“共抑制”。将 nap300 与 GUS 基因相连进行功能鉴定。荧光检测和组织化学染色的结果都证明此仅 30Obp 的 DNA 序列足以调控基因进行种子特异性表达。尽管 B 盒作为 高度保守区在种子特异性表达中起重要作用 , 位于此处的两个碱基替代型突变 并未使 nap300 的活性明显降低 , 对启动子的时空表达模式也无明显影响。将 nap300 、 7S 分别与 phbA 基因 ( 编码 3-酮硫裂解酶) 相连 , 在相似表达环境中 对二者功能进行比较 , 发现两个启动子表达模式基本相同并在同一时期达到活 性高峰 , 因此 nap300 可用于改善 PHB 合成基因在植物体内的表达调控。通过 对种子特异性启动子的比较可加深对其表达模式的了解 , 为植物基因工程中的 精细调控提供依据。 2. 叶绿体基因工程是随着植物遗传转化技术发展刚刚兴起的生物技术 , 具 有超量表达外源基因 , 为原核基因提供适宜表达环境 , 消除 “位置效应”和基因沉默 , 环境安全性好等优点 , 较更适合用于植物生物反应器方面的研究。本研究在国内率先探讨将叶绿体转化技术引入植物生产生物可降解塑料这一领域 的可行性 ( 国外仅有日本一例 ), 构建了叶绿体转化及表达载体 pTRV-PHB, 通过基因枪法将 PHB 合成相关基因导入烟草叶绿体基因组。转基因烟草顺利达到同质化,其形态和生长发育均无异常。 Northern 点杂交检测表明与 PHB 合成相关的三个基因均能在转录水平表达 , 未出现核转化中经常发生的“基因沉默”现象。通过 RT-PCR 进一步检测表明叶绿体型转基因烟草中目的基因的表达水平明显比核转化植株中相应基因的表达水平高。气相色谱分析确证转基因植株具有合成 PHB 的能力。这些都表明叶绿体转化适合用于转基因植物生产 PHB的研究。虽然叶绿体型转基因烟草中产物含量偏低 , 并未达到预期结果 , 但经进一步改进与完善 , 终将会成功地用于生产高附加值产品的植物基因工程中。 3. 为初步探讨叶绿体转化中在同源重组反应介导下整合外源基因的机理 , 从油菜叶绿体基因组中分离两段序列作为同源片段 , 基因枪法转化烟草 , 结果显示即使供体所含同源片段与受体叶绿体基因组相应区域差异高达 10%, 转化效率也无降低。这一现象的发现有助于促进“通用载体” 的改进 , 扩展叶绿体转化受体范围乃至达到商业化应用水平。 4. 成功地通过二次转化获得整合并表达多基因的转基因烟草 , 缩短了研究周期 , 对相关转基因植物的研究有一定参考价值。本文还优化了油菜转化体系 , 使转基因油菜同时整合三个 PHB 合成相关基因的效率由 7.69% 增加至 16.0% 。 田间试验与产物分析正在进行中。


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水母雪莲(Saussurea medusa Maxim.)为多年生菊科植物,是我国珍稀药用资源。所含的主要生物活性成分是黄酮类物质,具有抗炎、镇痛、免疫抑制及抗氧化等功效。但由于水母雪莲生长环境特殊,生长缓慢,人工引种困难;加上长期掠夺性采挖,造成其野生药用资源短缺,已经不能满足市场的需求。近年来,世界上掀起了植物药开发的热潮,植物药以其天然低毒的特点倍受关注,而黄酮类化合物更是以其广谱的药理作用引人瞩目。 黄酮类化合物的合成代谢途径在植物界进化过程中很保守,黄酮类生物合成途径中的相关酶也已得到确证并进行了系统的研究。二氢黄酮醇-4-还原酶(Dihydroflavonol-4-reductase, DFR)是一个处于花色素或者原花色素合成途径中的关键酶,它与黄酮合成途径中的黄酮醇合成酶(flavonol synthase)竞争底物。本研究以水母雪莲为研究对象,根据近缘物种DFR基因的保守核苷酸序列设计兼并引物,通过PCR技术,从已经建立的水母雪莲红色愈伤组织cDNA文库中筛选到一个编码该酶的cDNA序列,该序列全长1166个碱基对。根据生物信息学分析,此cDNA编码342个氨基酸;Blastp分析结果显示,该氨基酸序列与同科植物翠菊(Callistephus chinensis)的相似性最高,达87%;SWISSMODEL软件预测其蛋白的三级结构与葡萄(Vitis vinifera)的十分相似,活性中心的关键氨基酸残基也完全一致。据此可以断定,我们所得到的cDNA为编码二氢黄酮醇还原酶的基因,并命名为水母雪莲二氢黄酮醇还原酶基因(SmDFR)。为了得到SmDFR的DNA序列,我们又设计特异引物,从水母雪莲的基因组中扩增出了由1871个碱基对组成的DNA序列,该序列包含五个内含子和六个外显子。 为了提高水母雪莲和大苞雪莲中黄酮类物质的含量,我们构建了SmDFR的反义植物表达载体,利用根癌农杆菌介导进行基因转化。通过改变影响农杆菌转化的实验条件包括外植体来源、农杆菌菌株、细菌浓度、外植体预培养时间、侵染时间和乙酰丁香酮的浓度进行转基因试验,目前尚未得到转基因植株。另外,我们构建了SmDFR正义植物表达载体,通过对拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana) DFR基因突变体和矮牵牛(Petunia hybrida)进行基因转化,来验证SmDFR的功能;目前,此实验尚在进行之中。


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Horseflies are economically important blood-feeding arthropods and also a nuisance for humans, and vectors for filariasis. They rely heavily on the pharmacological propriety of their saliva to get blood meat and suppress immune reactions of hosts. Little information is available on horsefly immune suppressants. By high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) purification coupling with pharmacological testing, an immunoregulatory peptide named immunoregulin HA has been identified and characterized from salivary glands of the horsefly of Hybomitra atriperoides (Diptera, Tabanidae). Immunoregulin HA could inhibit the secretion of interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) and monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP-1) and increase the secretion of interteukin-10 (IL-10) induced by lipopolysaccharide (LIPS) in rat splenocytes. IL-10 is a suppressor cytokine of T-cell proliferative and cytokine responses. IL-10 can inhibit the elaboration of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Immunoregulin HA possibly unregulated the IL-10 production to inhibit IFN-gamma and MCP-1 secretion in the current experiments. This immunosuppression may facilitate the blood feeding of this horsefly. The current works will facilitate to understand the molecular mechanisms of the ectoparasite-host relationship. 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Horseflies are economically important blood-feeding arthropods and also a nuisance for humans and vectors for filariasis. They rely heavily on the pharmacological properties of their saliva to get a blood meal and suppress immune reactions of hosts. Little information is available on antihemostatic substances in horsefly salivary glands; especially no horsefly immune suppressants have been reported. By proteomics or peptidomics and coupling transcriptome analysis with pharmacological testing, several families of proteins or peptides, which act mainly on the hemostatic system or immune system of the host, were identified and characterized from 30,000 pairs salivary glands of the horsefly Tabanus yao (Diptera, Tabanidae). They are: (i) a novel family of inhibitors of platelet aggregation including two members, which possibly inhibit platelet aggregation by a novel mechanism and act on platelet membrane, (ii) a novel family of immunosuppressant peptides including 12 members, which can inhibit interferon-gamma production and increase interleukin-10 secretion, (iii) a serine protease inhibitor with 56 amino acid residues containing anticoagulant activity, (iv) a serine protease with anticoagulant activity, (v) a protease with fibrinogenolytic activity, (vi) three families of antimicrobial peptides including six members, (vii) a hyaluronidase, (viii) a vasodilator peptide, which is an isoform of vasotab identified from Hybomitra bimaculata, and interestingly (ix) two metallothioneins, which are the first metallothioneins reported from invertebrate salivary glands. The current work will facilitate the understanding of the molecular mechanisms of the ectoparasite-host relationship and help in identifying novel vaccine targets and novel leading pharmacological compounds.


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A novel kinin-releasing and fibrin (ogen)olytic enzyme termed jerdonase was purified to homogeneity from the venom of Trimeresurus jerdonii by DEAE Sephadex A-50 anion exchange, Sephadex G-100 (superfine) gel filtration and reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC). Jerdonase migrated as a single band with an approximate molecular weight of 55 kD under the reduced conditions and 53 kD under the non-reduced conditions. The enzyme was a glycoprotein containing 35.8% neutral carbohydrate. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of jerdonase was determined to be IIGGDECNINEHPFLVALYDA, which showed high sequence identity to other snake venom serine proteases. Jerdonase catalyzed the hydrolysis of BAEE, S-2238 and S-2302, which was inhibited by phenymethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF), but not affected by ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA). Jerdonase preferentially cleaved the Aalpha-chain of human fibrinogen with lower activity towards Bbeta-chain. Moreover, the enzyme hydrolyzed bovine low-molecular-mass kininogen and releasing bradykinin. In conclusion, all results indicated that jerdonase was a multifunctional venom serine protease.


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Background: Habitat fragmentation may result in the reduction of diversity of parasite communities by affecting population size and dispersal pattern of species. In the flood plain of the Yangtze River in China, many lakes, which were once connected with the river, have become isolated since the 1950s from the river by the construction of dams and sluices, with many larger lakes subdivided into smaller ones by road embankments. These artificial barriers have inevitably obstructed the migration of fish between the river and lakes and also among lakes. In this study, the gastrointestinal helminth communities were investigated in a carnivorous fish, the yellowhead catfish Pelteobagrus fulvidraco, from two connected and five isolated lakes in the flood plain in order to detect the effect of lake fragmentation on the parasite communities. Results: A total of 11 species of helminths were recorded in the stomach and intestine of P. fulvidraco from seven lakes, including two lakes connected with the Yangtze River, i.e. Poyang and Dongting lakes, and five isolated lakes, i.e. Honghu, Liangzi, Tangxun, Niushan and Baoan lakes. Mean helminth individuals and diversity of helminth communities in Honghu and Dongting lakes was lower than in the other five lakes. The nematode Procamallanus fulvidraconis was the dominant species of communities in all the seven lakes. No significant difference in the Shannon-Wiener index was detected between connected lakes (0.48) and isolated lakes (0.50). The similarity of helminth communities between Niushan and Baoan lakes was the highest (0.6708), and the lowest was between Tangxun and Dongting lakes (0.1807). The similarity was low between Dongting and the other lakes, and the similarity decreased with the geographic distance among these lakes. The helminth community in one connected lake, Poyang Lake was clustered with isolated lakes, but the community in Dongting Lake was separated in the tree. Conclusion: The similarity in the helminth communities of this fish in the flood-plain lakes may be attributed to the historical connection of these habitats and to the completion of the life-cycles of this fish as well as the helminth species within the investigated habitats. The diversity and the digenean majority in the helminth communities can be related to the diet of this fish, and to the lacustrine and macrophytic characters of the habitats. The lake isolation from the river had little detectable effect on the helminth communities of the catfish in flood-plain lakes of the Yangtze River. The low similarities in helminth communities between the Dongting Lake and others may just be a reflection of its unique water environment and anthropogenic alterations or fragmentation in this lake.


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Ghrelin, a multifunctional hormone, including potent GH stimulation activity, has been suggested to be important during embryonic development. Expression of ghrelin has been confirmed in the zebrafish pancreas during embryonic stages. Interfering with ghrelin function using two specific antisense morpholino oligonucleotides causes defects during zebrafish embryonic development. In ghrelin morphants the expression of GH was abolished in zebrafish somatotropes, whereas the expression patterns of the other key molecules involved in hypothalamic-pituitary development and distinct pituitary hormones genes remain largely intact at the appropriate time during zebrafish adenohypophysis development. Effective rescue of the ghrelin morphants with exogenous ghrelin mRNA showed that the correct gene had been targeted. Moreover, by analyzing the efficiencies of the ghrelin morphants rescue experiments with various forms of exogenous mutant ghrelin mRNAs, we also demonstrated the essentiality of the form acyl-ghrelin on GH stimulation during zebrafish adenohypophysis development. Our in vivo experiments, for the first time, also provided evidence of the existence of functional obestatin in the C-terminal part of zebrafish proghrelin peptides. Our research here has demonstrated that zebrafish is a unique model for functional studies of endogenous ghrelin, especially during embryonic development. (Endocrinology 150: 2767-2774, 2009)


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C1q is the first subcomponent of classical pathway in the complement system and a major link between innate and acquired immunities. The globular (gC1q) domain similar with C1q was also found in many non-complement C1q-domain-containing (C1qDC) proteins which have similar crystal structure to that of the multifunctional tumor necrosis factor (TNF) ligand family, and also have diverse functions. In this study, we identified a total of 52 independent gene sequences encoding C1q-domain-containing proteins through comprehensive searches of zebrafish genome, cDNA and EST databases. In comparison to 31 orthologous genes in human and different numbers in other species, a significant selective pressure was suggested during vertebrate evolution. Domain organization of C1q-domain-containing (C1qDC) proteins mainly includes a leading signal peptide, a collagen-like region of variable length, and a C-terminal C1q domain. There are 11 highly conserved residues within the C1q domain, among which 2 are invariant within the zebrafish gene set. A more extensive database searches also revealed homologous C1qDC proteins in other vertebrates, invertebrates and even bacterium, but no homologous sequences for encoding C1qDC proteins were found in many species that have a more recent evolutionary history with zebrafish. Therefore, further studies on C1q-domain-containing genes among different species will help us understand evolutionary mechanism of innate and acquired immunities.


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Unlike Escherichia coli, the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. strain PCC 6803 is insensitive to chill (5 degrees C) in the dark but rapidly losses viability when exposed to chill in the light (100 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1)). Preconditioning at a low temperature (15 degrees C) greatly enhances the chill-light tolerance of Synechocystis sp. strain PCC 6803. This phenomenon is called acquired chill-light tolerance (ACLT). Preconditioned wild-type cells maintained a substantially higher level of alpha-tocopherol after exposure to chill-light stress. Mutants unable to synthesize alpha-tocopherol, such as slr1736, slr1737, slr0089, and slr0090 mutants, almost completely lost ACLT. When exposed to chill without light, these mutants showed no or a slight difference from the wild type. When complemented, the slr0089 mutant regained its ACLT. Copper-regulated expression of slr0090 from P-petE controlled the level of et-tocopherol and ACLT. We conclude that alpha-tocopherol is essential for ACLT of Synechocystis sp. strain PCC 6803. The role of a-tocopherol in ACLT may be based largely on a nonantioxidant activity that is not possessed by other tocopherols or pathway intermediates.


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A short-hairpin RNA (shRNA) expression system, based on T7 RNA polymerase (T7RP) directed transcription machinery, has been developed and used to generate a knock down effect in zebrafish embryos by targeting green fluorescent protein (gfp) and no tail (ntl) mRNA. The vector pCMVT7R harboring T7RP driven by CMV promoter was introduced into zebrafish embryos and the germline transmitted transgenic individuals were screened out for subsequent RNAi application. The shRNA transcription vectors pT7shRNA were constructed and validated by in vivo transcription assay. When pT7shGFP vector was injected into the transgenic embryos stably expressing T7RP, gfp relative expression level showed a decrease of 68% by analysis of fluorescence real time RT-PCR. As a control, injection of chemical synthesized siRNA resulted in expression level of 40% lower than the control when the injection dose was as high as 2 mu g/mu l. More importantly, injection of pT7shNTL vector in zebrafish embryos expressing T7RP led to partial absence of endogenous ntl transcripts in 30% of the injected embryos when detected by whole mount in situ hybridization. Herein, the T7 transcription system could be used to drive the expression of shRNA in zebrafish embryos and result in gene knock down effect, suggesting a potential role for its application in RNAi studies in zebrafish embryos.


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Rainbow trout historic H3 (RH3) promoter was cloned via high fidelity PCR. The cloned RH3 promoter was inserted into a promoter-lacked vector pEGFP-1, resulting in an expression vector pRH3FGFP-1. The linearized pRH3EGFP-1 was microinjected into fertilized eggs of rare minnows and the sequential embryogenetic processes were monitored under a fluorescent microscope. Strong green fluorescence was ubiquitously observed at as early as the gastrula stage and then in various tissues at the fry stage. The results indicate that RH3 promoter, as a piscine promoter, could serve in producing transgenic Cyprinoid such as rare minnow. Promoter activity of RH3, CMV and common carp beta-actin (CA) were compared in rare minnow by the expression of respective recombinant EGFP vectors. The expression of pCMVEGFP occurred earlier than the following one, pRH3EGFP-1, and then pCAEGFP during the embryogenesis of the transgenics. Their expression activities demonstrated that the CMV promoter is the strongest one, followed by the CA and then the RH3.