293 resultados para Lake Chad


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Some species of the genera Anabaena can produce various kinds of cyanotoxins, which may pose risks to environment and human health. Anabaena has frequently been observed in eutrophic freshwater of China in recent years, but its toxicity has been reported only in a few studies. In the present study, the toxicity of an Anabaena flos-aquae strain isolated from Lake Dianchi was investigated. Acute toxicity testing was performed by mouse bioassay using crude extracts from the lyophilized cultures. The mice exposed to crude extracts showed visible symptoms of toxicity and died within 10-24 h of the injection. Serum biochemical parameters were evaluated by the use of commercial diagnostic kits. Significant alterations were found in the serum biochemical parameters: alkaline phosphatase (AKP), gamma-glutamyl transpepticlase (gamma-GT), aspartate amino transferase (AST), alanine amino transferase (ALT), AST/ALT ratio, total protein content, albumin content, albumin/globulin (A/G) ratio, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), serum creatinine (Ssr), and total antioxidative capacity (T-AOC). Histopathological observations were carried out with hematoxylin and eosin (HE) stain under light microscope. Severe lesions were seen in the livers, kidneys, and lungs of the mice injected with crude extracts. The alterations of biochemical parameters were in a dose-dependent manner, and the severities of histological lesions were in the same manner. Based on biochemical and histological studies, this research firstly shows the presence of toxin-producing Anabaena species in Lake Dianchi and the toxic effects of its crude extracts on mammals. (C) 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Environ Toxicol 24: 10-18, 2009.


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Gymnocypris przewalskii (Kessler 1876) is an endangered and state-protected rare fish species in Qinghai Lake, China. To further understand the life history and distribution of this fish, five surveys were carried out in Qinghai Lake between 2002-2006. Results of these surveys indicate that fishes were predominantly distributed about 2 m under the surface. In July, significant differences in fish density were found between surface and bottom layers (P = 0.001), and/or between middle and bottom layers (P = 0.025). Fish density was the greatest in the surface layer. In August and October, no significant differences were found between the different layers, but the bottom layer had a greater fish density. Furthermore, there were very large differences among different zones in fish distribution density. Differences in horizontal distribution were not significantly correlated to factors such as water depth and inshore distance, possibly because of very low and uniform fish density. Feeding, changes in water temperature, over-wintering and spawning appeared to influence fish distribution. Hydroacoustic estimates of G. przewalskii biomass in Qinghai Lake increased significantly between 2002 and 2006. We attribute this increase to the management measures put in place to protect this species.


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The phytoplankton community in Lake Dianchi (Yunnan Province, Southwestern China) is dominated in April by a bloom of Aphanizomenon, that disappears Suddenly and is displaced by a Microcystis bloom in May. The reasons for the rapid bloom disappearance phenomenon and the temporal variability in the composition of phytoplankton assemblages are poorly understood. Cell growth, ultrastructure and physiological changes were examined in cultures of Aphanizomenon sp. DC01 isolated from Lake Dianchi exposed to different closes of rnicrocystin-RR (MC-RR) produced by the Microcystis bloom. MC-RR concentrations above 100 mu g L-1 markedly inhibited the pigment (chlorophyll-a, phycocyanin) synthesis and caused an increase of soluble carbohydrate and protein contents and nitrate reductase activity of toxin-treated blue-green algae. A drastic. reduction in photochemical efficiency of PSII (Fv/Fm) was also found. Morphological examinationn showed that the Aphanizomenon filaments disintegrated and file cells lysed gradually after 48 h Of toxin exposure. Transmission electron microscopy revealed that cellular inclusions of stressed cells almost leaked out completely and the cell membranes were grossly damaged. These findings demonstrate the allelopathic activity of Microcystis aeruginosa inducing physiological stress and cell death of Aphanizomenon sp. DC01 Although the active concentrations of microcystin were rather high, we propose that microcystin may function as allelopathic Substance due to inhomogeneous toxin concentrations close to Microcystis cells. Hence, it may play a role in species Succession of Aphanizomenon and Microcystis in Lake Dianchi.


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In this paper, spatial and temporal variations of three common microcystins (MC-RR, MC-YR, and MC-LR) in the hepatopancreas of a freshwater snail (Bellamya aeruginosa) were studied monthly in two bays of Lake Taihu. Microcystins (MCs) concentration in hepatopancreas was quantified by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS). The MCs concentrations in hepatopancreas were higher at Site 1 than those at other sites, which was in agreement with the changes of intracellular MCs concentrations in the water column. There was a significant correlation between MCs concentrations in the hepatopancreas and that in the seston, suggesting that spatial variances of MCs; concentrations in hepatopancreas among the five sites were due to spatial changes of toxic Microcystis cells in the water column. PCCA indicates that in addition to Microcystis, other factors (e.g., water temperature) also substantially affected the accumulation of MCs in hepatopancreas of the snail. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier Inc.


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The concentrations of alkylphenols (APs) were investigated in water, sediments and submersed macrophytes from the Moon Lake, Wuhan city, China. The water samples contained APs, ranging up to 26.4 mu g l(-1) for nonylphenol (NP) and 0.68 mu g l(-1) for octylphenol (OP). APs were found in the sediment samples with concentrations ranging from 4.08 to 14.8 for NP and from 0.22 to 1.25 mu g l(-1) dry weight for OP. The samples from the site near former sewage inlet showed the highest concentrations of APs in both water and sediments. The results of distribution pattern and dynamics of NP and OP in submersed macrophytes of the Moon Lake showed that the two pollutants were all found in Myriophyllum verticillatum, Elodea nuttallii, Ceratophyllum oryzetorum, and Potamageton crispus collected from the Moon Lake. For NP, M. verticillatum had the highest capacity of accumulation, followed by E. nuttallii, C. oryzetorum and P. crispus. However the distribution pattern of OP differed from that of NP, and the highest amount of accumulation was observed in E. nuttallii, followed by M. verticillatum, P. crispus, and C. oryzetorum. The temporal pattern of APs was also observed in submersed macrophytes from March to May, and the highest accumulation period was in May. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Seasonal changes, life cycle, and production of a psychrophilic Chironomidae species, Propsilacerus akamusi (Tokunage), were studied in eutrophic Lake Donghu. The P akamusi population was characterized by a single annual reproduction period during late November to December, and the larval growth mainly occurred in winter. Most of P akamusi were univoltine, while some of them came to emergence in two years or more. The average density and biomass were 318.9 ind./m(2) and 0.57 g dry weight /m(2) during January 1998 to June 2000, respectively, but these values did not include any summer measurement,; since the larvae aestivated in the deep sediment layer and could not be sampled routinely in summer. The annual production of P akamusi was 2.73g dry weight/m(2), and the corresponding production/biomass ratio was 4.60.


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The relationship of macrozoobenthos communities with some environmental variables, and their response to the ongoing restoration measures were studied in a small hypertrophic urban lake near the Yangzte River, China. Twenty taxa including 9 oligochaetes, 7 insects, 2 mollusks and two other animals were found during March 2005 to May 2006. The reappearance of some indigenous macrozoobenthos species showed that the ecological engineering remediation carried out was helpful for the recovery of the macrozoobenthos communities. Through canonical correspondence analysis (CCA), it was detected that temperature (T), conductivity (COND), Secchi depth/deep (SD/Deep), TN, total suspended solids (SS) and chemical oxygen demand (CODcr) were significant environmental factors that influenced the pattern of macrozoobenthos. Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri, Tanypus sp. and Alocinma longicornis could be used as potential bio-indicators in monitoring the development of ecological restoration.


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This paper studied the seasonal changes of two common microcystins (MCs), MC-RR and -LR, in the commercially important mussel Corbicula fluminea in Lake Chaohu, where there occurred dense cyanobacteria. Occasional measurements were also made for MC in the mussel Arconaia lanceolat, the oligochaete Limnodilus hoffineisteri and the insect larva Chironomus sp. Mean MC of C. fluminea was much higher in hepatopancreas than in intestine and foot. Our study is the first to report accumulation of MCs in oligochaetes and aquatic insect larvae. The hi-h contents of MCs in the insect larvae suggest a great possibility for the transfer of MCs to benthos-feeding omnivores like common carp. According to the provisional standard by the WHO, 28.6% of the collected C. fluminea were harmful for human consumption, assuming a daily consumption of 300 by a person. It is recommended that edible mussels should not be collected for human consumption during toxic cyanobacterial blooms in Lake Chaohu.


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This Study was conducted in Lake Dongtinghu, a large river-connected lake on the Yangtze River flood-plain, China. Our goal was to determine trophic relationships among benthic macroinvertebrates, as well as the effects of flood disturbance on the benthic food web of a river-connected lake. Macroinvertebrates in the lake fed mainly on detritus and plankton (both zooplankton and phytoplankton). Food web Structure in Lake Dongtinghu was characterized by molluscs as the dominant group, low connectance, high level of omnivory. based oil detritus and primary production, and most ingestion concentrating on a few links. Our analyses showed that flood disturbance is an important factor affecting the benthic food web in Lake Dongtinghu. The numbers of species and functional feeding groups (FFGs), and the density and biomass of macroinvertebrates decreased significantly during flooding. Connectance was higher during the flood season than in other seasons, indicating that floods have a strong effect on connectance in this Yangtze River-connected lake. Flood effects on the benthic web were also evident in the decrease of niche overlaps within and anion, FFGs. Our results provide useful information regarding biodiversity conservation on the Yangtze floodplain. Reconstructing and maintaining natural and regular flow regimes between Yangtze lakes and the river is essential for restoration of macroinvertebrates on the floodplain.


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Located in the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau in southwest China, Fuxian Lake covers an area of 211 km(2), with maximum depth of 155 m. It is known to have a unique fauna, including 14 described endemic species. In order to describe the zoobenthic community of the lake more completely, the present study was conducted from August 2002 to August 2003. Altogether 62 benthic taxa, including 22 oligochaetes, 21 molluscs and 18 insects were identified, of which the dominant taxa belonged to Potamothrix, Procladius and Paraprososthenia. The standing stocks of benthos were much higher in the littoral (824 ind/m(2) in density, 3.72 g/m(2) in biomass) than in the profundal region (23 ind/m(2) in density, 0.10 g/m(2) in biomass). Species richness was greatest in summer and standing stocks were larger in spring and summer than in other seasons. Analyses of functional feeding groups indicated that collector-gatherers and scrapers were predominant in entire lake. Stepwise multiple regression analysis demonstrated that the water depth is the most important factor affecting the distribution of macrozoobenthos. (C) 2008 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Temporal and spatial dynamics of nitrogen in lake and interstitial water were studied monthly in a large shallow, eutrophic lake in subtropical China from October 2002 to September 2003. The distribution of nitrogen was consistent with the idea that high nitrogen concentrations in the western part of the lake resulted from high levels of the nutrients from the surrounding cities through sewage-drainage systems. Nitrate was the predominant form of nitrogen in the overlying water, while ammonium was predominant in the interstitial water, indicating that strong oxidative nutrient regeneration occurred near the sediment-water interface. Nitrate could be an important dissolved inorganic matter source for phytoplankton, which in turn influenced the seasonal variations of nitrate concentrations in lake water. Significant positive correlation between ammonium fluxes and water temperature was observed and could probably be attributed to the intensified ammonification and nitrate reduction with increased temperature. Positive correlation between ammonium fluxes and algae biomass and Chl a concentrations may indicate that phytoplankton was an important factor driving ammonium fluxes in our study lake, and vice versa that higher fluxes of ammonium supported a higher biomass of the phytoplankton.


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The assemblage of oligochaetes in the Liangzi Lake District, located in middle reaches of the Changjiang River, was studied from May to August, 2001. To establish species composition, richness, and abundance and detect the influence of environmental variables on oligochaete distributional patterns, 45 localities were sampled. All total, 20 species belonging to the families Naididae (eight species), Tubificidae (11 species), and Lumbriculidae (one species) were found. Branchiura sowerbyi, Tubifex sp. 1, and Aulodrilus pluriseta were the dominant species and contributed nearly 70% of the total abundance. The 45 sampling sites were separated into three groups based on composition and relative abundance of benthic oligochaete communities using two-way indictor species analysis associated with detrended correspondence analysis. Canonical correspondence analysis indicated that two plant variables (total plant cover and total submersed macrophyte biomass) were strongly correlated with the faunal gradient (p < 0.05). Other predicator variables were water depth and total nitrogen.


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The spring-summer successions of phytoplankton and crustacean zooplankton were examined weekly in Meiliang Bay of the subtropical Lake Taihu in 2004 and 2005. During the study period, the ecosystem of Meiliang Bay was characterized by (i) clearly declined nitrogen compounds (nitrate, TN, and ammonium) and slowly increased phosphorus compounds (TP and SRP), (ii) increased total phytoplankton density and rapid replacement of chlorophyta (mainly Ulothrix) by cyanobacteria (mainly Microcystis), and (iii) rapid replacement of large-sized crustaceans (Daphnia and Moina) by small-sized ones (Bosmina, Limnoithona, and Ceriodaphnia). Results from the CCA and correlation analysis indicate that the spring-summer phytoplankton succession was primarily controlled by abiotic factors. Cyanobacteria were mainly promoted by increased temperature and decreased concentrations of nitrogen compounds. The pure contribution of crustacean was low for the variation of phytoplankton suggesting a weak top-down control by crustacean zooplankton in the subtropical Lake Taihu.


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Silver and bighead carps were cultured in large fish pens to reduce the risks of cyanobacterial bloom outbreaks in Meiliang Bay, Lake Tauhu in 2004 and 2005. Diet compositions and growth rates of the carps were studied from April to November each year. Both carp species fed mainly on zooplankton (> 50% in diet) in 2004 when competition was low, but selected more phytoplankton in 2005 when competition was high. Silver carp had a broader diet breadth than did bighead carp. Higher densities and fewer food resources increased diet breadths but decreased the diet overlap in both types of carps. It can be predicted that silver and bighead carps would be released from diet competition and shift to feed mainly on zooplankton at low densities, decreasing the efficiency of controlling cyanobacterial blooms. Conclusively, when silver and bighead carps are used to control cyanobacterial blooms, a sufficiently high stocking density is very important for a successful practice.


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Field and experimental studies were conducted to evaluate the combined impacts of cyanobacterial blooms and small algae on seasonal and long-term changes in the abundance and community structure of crustacean zooplankton in a large, eutrophic, Chinese lake, Lake Chaohu. Seasonal changes of the crustacean zooplankton from 22 sampling stations were investigated during September 2002 and August 2003, and 23 species belonging to 20 genera were recorded. Daphnia spp. dominated in spring but disappeared in mid-summer, while Bosmina coregoni and Ceriodaphnia cornuta dominated in summer and autumn. Both maximum cladoceran density (310 ind. l(-1)) and biomass (5.2 mg l(-1)) appeared in autumn. Limnoithona sinensis, Sinocalanus dorrii and Schmackeria inopinus were the main species of copepods. Microcystis spp. were the dominant phytoplankton species and formed dense blooms in the warm seasons. In the laboratory, inhibitory effects of small colonial Microcystis on growth and reproduction of Daphnia carinata were more remarkable than those of large ones, and population size of D. carinata was negatively correlated with density of fresh large colonial Microcystis within a density range of 0-100 mg l(-1) (r = -0.82, P < 0.05). Both field and experimental results suggested that seasonal and long-term changes in the community structure of crustacean zooplankton in the lake were shaped by cyanobacterial blooms and biomass of the small algae, respectively, i.e., colonial and filamentous cyanobacteria contributed to the summer replacement of dominant crustacean zooplankton from large Daphnia spp. to small B. coregoni and C. cornuta, while increased small algae might be responsible for the increased abundance of crustacean zooplankton during the past decades.