140 resultados para LANZHOU
This paper introduced a real-time vacuum monitor system based on multilayer Web architecture for HIRFL-CSR(Heavy Ion Research Facility of Lanzhou & Cooler Storage Ring) project in Lanzhou.It combined with COM/DCOM to develop the application layer,and developed the web layer with ActiveX and Ajax technology.It provided a facility and efficiency method for real-time control.The application shows that this system runs stably and accurately.中文文摘:简要介绍了国家"九五"重大科学工程——兰州重离子加速器冷却储存环(HIRFL-CSR)真空监控系统的总体结构,分析了在Web构架下,基于分布式内存数据库的多层真空监控系统的实现方法。采用分布式内存数据库,解决了基于Web构架的分布式实时应用环境下对系统和网络资源的消耗问题。在软件控制方面采用了统一调度,既简化了软件实现过程,又提高了系统的安全性、高效性和易维护性。该系统已成功运行。
为探索碳离子束辐照对细胞中端粒酶活性的变化,利用兰州近代物理研究所重离子研究装置(Heavy ion research facility in lanzhou,HIRFL)产生的碳离子(31MeV/μ12C6+),以人肝细胞HL-7702,肝癌细胞SMMC-7721为实验对象,用不同剂量1Gy、2Gy、3Gy、4Gy的重离子分别对两种细胞进行照射,用多聚酶链式反应-银染端粒重复序列扩增法(PCR-telomeric repeat amplification protocol,TRAP-PCR)银染端粒重复序列扩增法检测不同剂量下细胞端粒酶活性的变化。结果显示,人肝细胞HL-7702自身没有端粒酶活性,经1Gy辐照后也没有端粒酶活性,在2和3Gy处出现端粒酶活性,4Gy处端粒酶活性又消失。肝癌细胞SMMC-7721在1~3Gy处随着剂量的增大端粒酶活性升高,在4Gy处又开始下降;在1~3Gy处随着时间的推移端粒酶活性随着时间而加强(p<0.05)。分析得知,重离子辐射可以诱导人肝细胞产生端粒酶活性,也可以改变肝癌细胞的端粒酶活性。端粒酶参与细胞受辐照后DNA单链损伤的修复;辐照后DNA双链断裂导致端粒酶活性减弱。本实验使重离子在辐照治疗中的优势得以体现。
研制成功了一台强流高电荷态全永磁ECR(Electron Cyclotron Resonance)离子源LAPECR2(Lanzhou All Permanent Magnet ECR Ion Source No.2)。该离子源在完成磁体装配后已成功在近代物理研究所320 kV高压平台上安装就位,与后束运线完成对接组装。离子源于2005年7月在14.5 GHz实现了第一次成功起弧,并引出较强的混合束流。目前离子源已与后束线以及部分实验终端完成了联调,在实验终端能够获得强流较高电荷态的离子束流。本文将着重论述该全永磁源的结构技术特点和主要参数指标。本文还着重论述了LAPECR2离子源在14.5 GHz微波功率馈入条件下的初步调试结果,在此基础上对束流向实验终端联调的实验结果进行了讨论,着重分析了影响束流引出与传输效率的主要因素。
热电子在ECR(Electron Cyclotron Resonance)源中有着非常重要的作用,为了研究ECR源的工作参数(微波功率、磁场等)对热电子的影响,我们对SECRAL(Superconducting ECR ion source with Advanced design in Lanzhou)等离子体在轴向发出的轫致辐射谱进行了系统的测量。从测得的轫致辐射谱中我们得到用来衡量热电子能量的参考量——光谱温度Tspe,并且对ECR源的几个工作参数与Tspe的关系进行了讨论。
研制了一台体积和重量都较大、设计性能较高的全永磁电子回旋共振(Electron cyclotron resonance, ECR)离子源LAPECR2(Lanzhou all permanent magnetic ECR ion source No.2)。该离子源将用于中国科学院近代物理研究所320 kV高压平台,为其提供强流高电荷态离子束流。LAPECR2的研制采用全新的全永磁磁体结构设计,通过采用高性能的NdFeB永磁材料、优化的磁结构设计以及精确的计算,实测源体的磁场参数能达到高性能ECR离子源的设计要求。离子源采用较高频率的14.5 GHz微波馈入加热等离子体,波导直接馈入离子源以增强馈入微波的稳定性与效率。此外,还大量采用了一些有利于提高离子源高电荷态离子产额的关键技术,如铝内衬等离子体弧腔、负偏压盘、铝制等离子体电极、三电极引出系统、辅助掺气等。
CSR(cooling storage ring)按计划将于2005年底建成调束,届时从~(12)C到~(238)U的重离子将可以分别被加速到900和400MeV的能量。HIRFL(兰州重离子加速器Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou)将用作CSR的注入器。为了CSR的屏蔽设计,本文利用现有的实验数据计算了由于束流损失产生的中子及其能谱、角分布,同时也估算了屏蔽体外表面的中子剂量、环境中子剂量及天空返照中子剂量。在源项计算中使用了400MeV/u~(12)C+Cu反应的中子产额、能谱、角分布的实验数据。计算表明,CSR对环境剂量影响最大的是天空返照中子。
一种高性能多极双维位置灵敏平行板雪崩计数器(multi-plate parallel plate avalanchecounter,MPPAC)在兰州中能重离子加速器放射性次级束流线(radioactive ion beam line in lanzhou,RIBLL)上被应用,由二次雪崩带来的高增益使它很适合探测较高能量的较轻粒子,它主要由1个中心阳极,x,y位置栅极和2个阴极组成,位置信号由x,y位置栅极采用电荷分除法读出,使用异丁烷工作气体,气压650Pa,阳极+400V,阴极-350V时,对于α粒子位置分辨为0.55mm(半高全宽度,fwhm),位置线性色散远好于±0.2mm,探测效率大于99.2%,同时,也研究了位置分辨与阳极、阴极电压的关系,与放大器成形时间常数的依赖,随工作气压变化等。
Human hepatoma (SMMC-7721) and normal liver (L02) cells were irradiated with c-rays, 12C6+ and 36Ar18+ ion beams at the Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou (HIRFL). By using the Calyculin-A induced premature chromosome condensation technique, chromatid-type breaks and isochromatid-type breaks were scored separately. Tumor cells irradiated with heavy ions produced a majority of isochromatid break, while chromatid breaks were dominant when cells were exposed to c-rays. The relative biological effectiveness (RBE) for irradiation-induced chromatid breaks were 3.6 for L02 and 3.5 for SMMC-7721 cell lines at the LET peak of 96 keVlm 1 12C6+ ions, and 2.9 for both of the two cell lines of 512 keVlm 1 36Ar18+ ions. It suggested that the RBE of isochromatid-type breaks was pretty high when high-LET radiations were induced. Thus we concluded that the high production of isochromatid-type breaks, induced by the densely ionizing track structure, could be regarded as a signature of high-LET radiation exposure.
The generalized liquid drop model (GLDM) is extended to the region around deformed shell closure (270)Hs by taking into account the excitation energy EI+ of the residual daughter nucleus and the centrifugal potential energy V-cen(r). The branching ratios of alpha decays from the ground state of a parent nucleus to the ground state 0(+) of its deformed daughter nucleus and to the first excited state 2(+) are calculated in the framework of the GLDM. The results support the proposal that a measurement of alpha spectroscopy is a feasible method to extract information on nuclear deformation of superheavy nuclei around the deformed nucleus (270)Hs.
The proton radioactivity half-lives of spherical proton emitters are calculated by the cluster model with the contribution of a centrifugal potential barrier considered separately. The results are compared with the experimental data and other theoretical data, and good agreement is found for most nuclei. In addition, two formulae are proposed for the proton decay half-life of spherical proton emitters through the least squares fit to the experimental data available, and could reproduce the experimental half-lives successfully.
The vortex solutions of various classical planar field theories with (Abelian) Chern-Simons term are reviewed. Relativistic vortices, put forward by Paul and Khare, arise when the Abelian Higgs model is augmented with the Chern-Simons term. Adding a suitable sixth-order potential and turning off the Maxwell term provides us with pure Chern-Simons theory, with both topological and non-topological self-dual vortices, as found by Hong-Kim-Pac, and by Jackiw-Lee-Weinberg. The non-relativistic limit of the latter leads to non-topological Jackiw-Pi vortices with a pure fourth-order potential. Explicit solutions are found by solving the Liouville equation. The scalar matter field can be replaced by spinors, leading to fermionic vortices. Alternatively, topological vortices in external field are constructed in the phenomenological model proposed by Zhang-Hansson-Kivelson. Non-relativistic Maxwell-Chern-Simons vortices are also studied. The Schrodinger symmetry of Jackiw-Pi vortices, as well as the construction of some time-dependent vortices, can be explained by the conformal properties of non-relativistic space-time, derived in a Kaluza-Klein-type framework. (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Within the preformed cluster model approach, the values of the preformation factors have been deduced from the experimental cluster decay half-lives assuming that the decay constant of the heavy-ion emission is the product of the assault frequency, the preformation factor and the penetrability. The law according to which the preformation factors follow a simple dependence on the mass of the cluster was confirmed. Then predictions for some of the most possible cluster decays are provided.
We report some recent progress in constraining the symmetry energy E-sym(rho) at high densities using high-energy heavy-ion collisions. Circumstantial evidence of a soft E-sym(rho) at supra-saturation density is obtained by comparing the pion ratio pi(-)/pi(+) measured recently with FOPI at GSI and the IBUU04 model calculations. Detailed studies indicate that the power of determining the E-sym(rho)from pi(-)/pi(+) is enhanced with decreasing the beam energy to near the pion production threshold, showing a correlation to the increasing nuclear stopping. Among several heavy-ion reaction facilities in the world, the cooling storage ring (HIRFL-CSR), newly commissioned at Lanzhou, delivering heavy-ion beams up to 1 A GeV, to be coupled with advanced detectors will contribute significantly to further studies of the equation of state of asymmetric nuclear matter.