72 resultados para K-ar


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本工作对超导离子源(SECRAL)上的10~20 kV/q Ar16+和Ar17+入射到金属Zr表面进行实验研究。实验结果表明,高电荷态Ar16+在金属表面存在着多电子激发过程。Ar空心原子的K层发射X射线强度随入射离子的动能减少,靶原子Zr的L壳层发射X射线强度随入射离子动能的增加而增强。Ar17+单离子的K-αX射线产额比Ar16+单离子的K-αX射线产额大5个数量级。


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观测了低速 (小于Bohr速度 )高电荷Ar17+离子与金属Mo表面相互作用的X射线发射 ,以及ArKα ,KβX射线强度随入射离子动能的变化 .


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Size modification of Au nanoparticles (NPs), deposited on the Au-thick film surface and irradiated by slow highly charged ions (SHCI) 40Arq+ (3 6 q 6 12) with fixed low dose of 4.3 1011 ions/cm2 and various energy ranging from 74.64 to 290.64 keV at room temperature (293.15 K), was investigated by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The effect of projectile kinetic energy on the modified size of NPs was explored by an appropriate choice of the fixed process parameters such as ion flux, irradiation temperature, incident angle, irradiation time, etc. The morphological changes of NPs were interpreted by models involving collisional mixing, Ostwald ripening (OR) and inverse Ostwald ripening (IOR) of spherical NPs on a substrate. A critical kinetic energy as well as a critical potential energy of the projectile in the Au NPs size modification process were observed.


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The ratios R-k1 of k-fold to single ionization of the target atom with simultaneous one-electron capture by the projectile have been measured for 15-480 keV/u (nu(p) = 0.8-4.4 a.u.) collisions of Cq+, Oq+ (q=1-4) with Ar, using time-of-flight techniques which allowed the simultaneous identification of the final charge state of both the low-velocity recoil ion and the high-velocity projectile for each collision event. The present ratios are similar to those for He+ and He2+ ion impact. The energy dependence of R-k1 shows a maximum at a certain energy, E-max. which approximately conforms to the q(1/2)-dependence scaling. For a fixed projectile state, the ratios R-k1 also vary strongly with outgoing reaction channels. The general behavior of the measured data can be qualitatively analyzed by a simple impact-parameter, independent-electron model. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The highly charged ion Ar-40(16+) with the velocity (kinetic energy E (K)=150 keV, velocity V=8.5x10(5) m/s) smaller than Bohr velocity (V (Bohr)=2.9x10(6) m/s) was found to hove impacts on the surfaces of metals Ni, Mo, Au and Al, and the Ar atomic infrared light lines and X-rays spectra were simultaneously measured. The experimental results show that the highly charged ion that captures electrons is neutralized, and the multiply-excited hollow atom forms. The hollow atom cascade decay radiates lights from infrared to X-ray spectrum. The intensity of infrared lights shows that the metallic work functions play an important role in the neutralization process of highly charged ions during their interaction with metallic surfaces, which verifies the classical over-the-barrier model.


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Al K-shell X-ray yields are measured with highly charged Arq+ ions (q = 12-16) bombarding against aluminium. The energy range of the Ar ions is from 180 to 380 keV. K-shell ionization cross sections of aluminium are also obtained from the yields data. The experimental data is explained within the framework of 2p pi-2p sigma s rotational coupling. When Ar ions with 2p-shell vacancies are incident on aluminium, the vacancies begin to reduce. Meanwhile, collisions against Al atoms lead to the production of new 2p-shell vacancies of Ar ions. These Ar 2p-shell vacancies will transfer to the 1s orbit of an Al atom via 2p pi-2p sigma s rotational coupling leading to the emission of a K-shell X-ray of aluminiun. A model is constructed based on the base of the above physical scenario. The calculation results of the model are in agreement with the experimental results.


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By use of optical spectrum technology, the spectra of X-ray induced by highly charged Ar-40(q+) ions interacting with Au surface have been studied. The results show that the argon K alpha X-ray were emitted from the hollow atoms formed below the surface. There is a process of multi-electron exciting in neutralization of the Ar16+ ion, with electronic configuration 1s(2) in its ground state below the solid surface. The yield of the projectile K alpha X-ray is related to its initial electronic configuration, and the yield of the target X-ray is related to the projectile kinetic energy.


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Spectroscopic factors have been extracted for proton-rich Ar-34 and neutron-rich Ar-46 using the (p, d) neutron transfer reaction. The experimental results show little reduction of the ground state neutron spectroscopic factor of the proton-rich nucleus Ar-34 compared to that of Ar-46. The results suggest that correlations, which generally reduce such spectroscopic factors, do not depend strongly on the neutronproton asymmetry of the nucleus in this isotopic region as was reported in knockout reactions. The present results are consistent with results from systematic studies of transfer reactions but inconsistent with the trends observed in knockout reaction measurements.


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Single-neutron-transfer measurements using (p,d) reactions have been performed at 33 MeV per nucleon with proton-rich Ar-34 and neutron-rich Ar-46 beams in inverse kinematics. The extracted spectroscopic factors are compared to the large-basis shell-model calculations. Relatively weak quenching of the spectroscopic factors is observed between Ar-34 and Ar-46. The experimental results suggest that neutron correlations have a weak dependence on the asymmetry of the nucleus over this isotopic region. The present results are consistent with the systematics established from extensive studies of spectroscopic factors and dispersive optical-model analyses of Ca40-49 isotopes. They are, however, inconsistent with the trends obtained in knockout-reaction measurements.


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In this paper, we studied the changes in the photoluminescence spectra of the Ar+ ion implanted monocrystalline sapphire annealed at different atmospheres and different temperatures. Single crystals of sapphire (Al2O3) with the (1 0 (1) over bar 0) (m-samples) orientation were implanted at 623 K with 110 keV Ar+ ions to a fluence of 9.5 x 10(16) ions/cm(2). Photoluminescence measurement of the as-implanted sample shows a new emission band at 506 nm, which is attributed to the production of interstitial Al atoms. The intensity of emission band at 506 nm first increased then decreased with increase in annealing temperature. For the same annealing temperature, the intensity of PL peak at 506 nm of the sample annealed in air was higher than the sample annealed in vacuum. The experimental results show that the intensity of the PL peak at 506 nm of Ar-implanted sapphire can be enhanced by subsequent annealing with an enhancement of nearly 20 times. The influence of thermal annealing of the Ar-implanted samples on the new 506 nm emission band was discussed. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fragment yields for Z >= 5 from projectile fragmentation using primary beams of Ar-36,Ar-40 at 50 MeV/nucleon on Ni-64 target have been measured in RIBLL fragment separator. We compare the fragment cross sections with the predictions of the empirical EPAX parametrization of fragmentation cross-sections and Statistical Abration-Ablation model (SAA) by considering the RIBLL separator transmission rate. Isotope yield ratios between these two reactions were calculated and isoscaling parameters alpha and beta are extracted, their dependences on fragment atomic number Z and neutron number N were presented.


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本论文中重点研究了30MeV/u 40Ar+58Ni,64Ni和115In反应中中等质量碎片(IMF)的发射机制。实验中,测量了实验室系5°~140°角度范围内出射碎片的能谱和角分布。对前角区出射的IMF(3≤Z≤13)实现了同位素鉴别,对中后角区出射的碎片在低探测阈(<2MeV/u )的前提下实现了直到Z~30的元素鉴别。 用运动源模型对不同角度下出射的碎片能谱进行了分析和讨论,并结合角分布特征定性地研究了碎片的三个发射源。通过对各源的贡献随角度以及出射碎片电荷数Z的演化,观察到:类弹源主要发射的是那些前角区出射的、接近束流速度的高能碎片;中等速度源的发射是中角度区出射碎片和前角区低能碎片的主要来源;后角区出射的碎片则主要来自于类熔合源的发射。并观察到相对于类熔合源非平衡源更容易发射较轻的碎片。 通过对前角区出射IMF(3≤Z≤13)的能谱和同位素分布的分析,确定了那些基本保持束流速度的碎片主要来自于弹核碎裂过程。用各种模型对实验同位素分布进行了拟合,发现Sümmerer等人给出的经验公式和abrasion-ablation模型均能比较满意地拟合实验同位素分布的宽度和峰位。同时也观察到abrasion-ablation模型计算对奇Z元素的同位素分布能给出较好的拟合,但对偶Z元素的同位素分布,计算结果与实验值相比出现向丰中子方向的系统性偏移(~lamu)。另外,还着重研究了这些产物的靶核相关性问题。通过系统性分析以及同位旋相关的量子分子动力学(IQMD)模型计算,得出了弹核碎裂产物的靶核相关性是源于靶核表面中子与质子分布的不同和平均场及核子核子相互作用的同位旋效应相关。并且,通过计算还指出了靶核中子皮的厚度对于用弹核碎裂方法产生丰中子同位素的重要性。 通过用统计模型拟合后角区出射碎片的电荷分布,指出了这些碎片主要来自于非完全熔合过程中形成的复合系统的统计发射。 实验中观察到30MeV/u 40Ar轰击Ni和In靶在中角区出射的碎片的电荷分布有不同的特征。相对来说,前者更服从power-law,后者则倾向于服从指数规律。结合核态方程和QMD模型计算分析得出,在30MeV/u 的40Ar引起的反应中,对于弾靶质量接近对称的碰撞对所形成的系统,在一定的碰撞条件下可能已进入spinodal区,而非对称碰撞对的碰撞中压缩能还难以使得系统在膨胀时进入力学不稳定区。从而对观察到的实验现象进行了说明,并认为30MeV/u 40Ar轰击与其质量接近的靶核的反应中出射的碎片中已有相当数量的动力学发射成分的贡献。 利用实验中在前角区出射的接近束流速度的碎片的同位素产额提取了类弹源的温度参数。观察到直接由实验同位素产额比得到的表观核温度与所选择的同位素组合有较强烈的依赖关系,而与靶核和实验室探测角基本无关。利用M.B.Tsang等人给出的修正方法,提取了经边馈效应修正后的发射源温度。得到该温度值与反应靶、探测角以及用于提出温度的同位素组合没有明显的依赖关系,均为~4MeV。并用abrasion-ablation模型计算进行了讨论,得到在假定能级密度参数的倒数k=10MeV时,该温度值与abrasion-ablation模型计算是一致的。