38 resultados para Justinian I, Emperor of the East, 483?-565.


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The Southern Okinawa Trough is an area of focused sedimentation due to particulate matter export from the shelf of the East China Sea and the island of Taiwan. In order to understand the geomicrobiological characteristics of this unique sedimentary environment, bacterial cultivations were carried out for an 8.61 m CASQ core sediment sample. A total of 98 heterotrophic bacterial isolates were characterized based on 16S rRNA gene phylogenetic analysis. These isolates can be grouped into four bacterial divisions, including 13 genera and more than 20 species. Bacteria of the gamma-Proteobacteria lineage, especially those from the Halomonas ( 27 isolates) and Psychrobacter ( 20 isolates) groups, dominate in the culturable bacteria assemblage. They also have the broadest distribution along the depth of the sediment. More than 72.4% of the isolates showed extracellular hydrolytic enzyme activities, such as amylases, proteases, lipases and Dnases, and nearly 59.2% were cold-adapted exoenzyme-producers. Several Halomonas strains show almost all the tested hydrolases activities. The wide distribution of exoenzyme activities in the isolates may indicate their important ecological role of element biogeochemical cycling in the studied deep-sea sedimentary environment.


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273 samples from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1146 in the northern South China Sea (SCS) were analyzed for grain-size distributions using grain-size class vs. standard deviation method and end-member modeling algorithm (EMMA) in order to investigate the evolution of the East Asian mon-soon since about 20 Ma. 10-19 mu m/1.3-2.4 mu m, the ratio of two grain-size populations with the highest variability through time was used to indicate East Asian winter monsoon intensity relative to summer monsoon. The mass accumulation rate of the coarsest end member EM1 (eolian), resulting from EMMA, can be used as a proxy of winter monsoon strength and Asian inland aridity, and the ratio of EM1/(EM2+EM3) as a proxy of winter monsoon intensity relative to summer monsoon. The combined proxies show that a profound enhancement of East Asian winter monsoon strength and winter monsoon intensity relative to summer monsoon occurred at about 8 Ma, and it is possible that the summer monsoon simultaneously intensified with winter monsoon at 3 Ma. Our results are well consistent with the previous studies in loess, eolian deposion in the Pacifc, radiolarians and planktonic foraminifera in the SCS. The phased uplift of the Himalaya-Tibetan Plateau may have played a significant role in strengthening the Asian monsoon at 8 Ma and 3 Ma.


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Research related to carbon geochemistry and biogeochemistry in the East China Sea is reviewed in this paper. The East China Sea is an annual net sink for atmospheric CO, and a large net source of dissolved inorganic carbon to the ocean. The sea absorbs CO, from the atmosphere in spring and summer and releases it in autumn and winter. The East China Sea is a CO, sink in summer because Changjiang River freshwater flows into it. The net average sea-air interface carbon flux of the East China Sea is estimated to be about 4.3 X 10(6) t/y. Vertical carbon transport is mainly in the form of particulate organic carbon in spring; more than 98% of total carbon is transported in this form in surface water, and the number exceeds 68% in water near the bottom. In the southern East China Sea, the average particulate organic carbon inventory was about one-tenth that of the dissolved organic carbon. Research indicates that the southern Okinawa Trough is an important site for particulate organic carbon export from the shelf. The annual cross-shelf exports are estimated to be 414 and 106 Gmol/y for dissolved organic carbon and particulate organic carbon, respectively. Near-bottom transport could be the key process for shelf-to-deep sea export of biogenic and lithogenic particles.


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The community structure and vertical distribution of prokaryotes in a deep-sea (ca. 3,191 m) cold sediment sample (ca. 43 cm long) collected at the East Pacific Rise (EPR) similar to 13 degrees N were studied with 16SrDNA-based molecular analyses. Total community DNA was extracted from each of four discrete layers EPRDS-1, -2, -3 and -4 (from top to bottom) and 16S rDNA were amplified by PCR. Cluster analysis of DGGE profiles revealed that the bacterial communities shifted sharply between EPRDS-1 and EPRDS-2 in similarity coefficient at merely 49%. Twenty-three sequences retrieved from DGGE bands fell into 11 groups based on BLAST and bootstrap analysis. The dominant groups in the bacterial communities were Chloroflexi, Gamma proteobacteria, Actinobacterium and unidentified bacteria, with their corresponding percentages varying along discrete layers. Pairwise Fst (F-statistics) values between the archaeal clone libraries indicated that the archaeal communities changed distinctly between EPRDS-2 and EPRDS-3. Sequences from the archaeal libraries were divided to eight groups. Crenarchaea Marine Group I (MGI) was prevalent in EPRDS-1 at 83%, while Uncultured Crenarchaea group II B (UCII B) abounded in EPRDS-4 at 61%. Our results revealed that the vertically stratified distribution of prokaryotic communities might be in response to the geochemical settings and suggested that the sampling area was influenced by hydrothermalism. The copresence of members related to hydrothermalism and cold deep-sea environments in the microbial community indicated that the area might be a transitional region from hydrothermal vents to cold deep-sea sediments.


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XRD, TEM, SEM and EDS are employed to analyze smectites in the clay fraction of the surface sediments from the East Pacific. It is shown from the XRD results that the clay fraction consists of about 20% smectites. Three types of smectites are identified, Fe-rich (Type I), Fe, Mg-rich (Type II) and Na,Ca smectite (Type III), and most of them are not well-crystallized. Type I is widely distributed in sediments, showing honeycomblike in the SEM, and aggregated or dispersive hairlike, or cloudy assemblage with a bit curl near its edge in the TEM. This type is considered to be typomorphic type of authigenic smectite in the East Pacific. Type II is similar to Type I in micromorphology in the TEM, showing a transition micronite, while Type III is tabletlike in the TEM with an unclear edge. Type I may be altered from volcanics and some of them even precipitated from the low subthermal water. Type II could also be formed in the ocean floor, while Type III comes from dry and distant continental area. This study suggests that the characteristic of chemical composition and morphology of smectite may give a clue to understand sediment source, origin of minerals and sedimentation in the deep sea.


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A hydrographic section in the region east of Luzon was repeated 14 times during the period from 1986 to 1991. The data revealed the existence of a subsurface countercurrent located on the shoreward side of the Kuroshio with its upper boundary at about 500 m. The countercurrent, which should be called the Luzon Undercurrent (LUG), was only about 50 km wide, which is comparable to the baroclinic radius of deformation. Despite considerable variabilities both in velocity profile and intensity, the LUC appears to be a permanent feature. Over the period of observations, the maximum speed in the LUC calculated from the mean temperature and salinity by assuming geostrophy (relative to 2500 db) was 7 cm s(-1) at about 700 m and its mean geostrophic volume transport was 3.6 Sv (1 Sv = 10(6) m(3) s(-1)). About 28% of this transport was composed of the low-salinity North Pacific Intermediate Water (NPIW) advected to the south along the coast of Luzon. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.


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The late stage of the North East Atlantic (NEA) spring bloom was investigated during June 2005 along a transect section from 45 to 66 degrees N between 15 and 20 degrees W in order to characterize the contribution of siliceous and calcareous phytoplankton groups and describe their distribution in relation to environmental factors. We measured several biogeochemical parameters such as nutrients, surface trace metals, algal pigments, biogenic silica (BSi), particulate inorganic carbon (PIC) or calcium carbonate, particulate organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus (POC, PON and POP, respectively), as well as transparent exopolymer particles (TEP). Results were compared with other studies undertaken in this area since the JGOFS NABE program. Characteristics of the spring bloom generally agreed well with the accepted scenario for the development of the autotrophic community. The NEA seasonal diatom bloom was in the late stages when we sampled the area and diatoms were constrained to the northern part of our transect, over the Icelandic Basin (IB) and Icelandic Shelf (IS). Coccolithophores dominated the phytoplankton community, with a large distribution over the Rockall-Hatton Plateau (RHP) and IB. The Porcupine Abyssal Plain (PAP) region at the southern end of our transect was the region with the lowest biomass, as demonstrated by very low Chla concentrations and a community dominated by picophytoplankton. Early depletion of dissolved silicic acid (DSi) and increased stratification of the surface layer most likely triggered the end of the diatom bloom, leading to coccolithophore dominance. The chronic Si deficiency observed in the NEA could be linked to moderate Fe limitation, which increases the efficiency of the Si pump. TEP closely mirrored the distribution of both biogenic silica at depth and prymnesiophytes in the surface layer suggesting the sedimentation of the diatom bloom in the form of aggregates, but the relative contribution of diatoms and coccolithophores to carbon export in this area still needs to be resolved.


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The bottom sediment types in the Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea and East China Sea (BYECS) are diversified, and their distribution pattern is very complicated. However, the bottom sediment types can be simplified to be sandy sediment, clayey sediment and mixed sediment, which comprise the complicated distribution pattern of bottom sediment in the BYECS. The continental shelves of the BYECS are broad, with shallow water depths and tidal currents which are permanent and dominate the marine dynamics in the BYECS. Based on numerical simulation of tidal elevations and currents in the BYECS, the rates of suspended load transport and bed load transport during a single tidal cycle for sediments of eight different grain size ranges are calculated. The results show that any sediment, whose threshold velocity is less than that of tidal current, has the same transport trend. Suspended load transport rare, bed load transport rate, and the ratio of the former to the latter decrease with grain size becoming coarser and coarser. The erosion/accretion patterns of sediments with different grain sizes are determined by the sediment transport rate divergences, and the results show that the patterns are the same for sediments with different grain sizes. Three main bottom sediment types, i.e. sandy sediment mainly composed of fine sand, clayey sediment mainly composed of silty clay, and mixed sediment mainly composed of fine sand, silt, and clay, are obtained by computation. The three bottom sediment types and their distribution pattern are consistent not only with sediment transport field and the sea bed erosion/accretion pattern obtained by simulation, but also with field data of bottom sediment types and divisions. In the BYECS, sand ridges form mainly in the areas with strong rectilinear tidal currents, sand sheets form mainly in the areas dominated by strong rotatory tidal currents, and clayey sediments, i.e. mud patches, form mainly in the areas with weak tidal currents. Hence, not only the sandy sediments but also the clayey sediments in the BYECS are formed under the control of the whole tidal current field of the BYECS. The three main bottom sediment types are not isolated respectively-in fact, they constitute a whole tidal depositional system. Under the condition with no cyclonic cold eddy, the clayey sediments in the BYECS can form in weak tidal current environments. Therefore, a cold eddy is not necessary for the deposition of clayey sediments in the BYECS. (C) 2000 Academic Press.