56 resultados para Growth hormone releasing factor.


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转基因构建体中启动子的选择会直接影响转植基因的活性,近年来有研究表明转基因构建体中终止子的选择会一定程度地影响转植基因的活性。为了更好地筛选转基因构建体和培育快速生长的转"全鱼"生长激素(Growth hormone,GH)基因鱼,文章用鲤鱼β-actin基因终止子和生长激素基因终止子分别构建了转基因构建体,显微注射得到转"全鱼"GH基因鱼P0代养殖群体,比较两种不同终止子构建体的活性。统计分析发现,生长激素基因终止子构建体的养殖群体的体重频率呈正态分布且平均体重显著高于β-actin基因终止子构建体的养


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Angel-related element belongs to the family of miniature inverted-repeat transposable elements (MITEs). In this paper we report the identification of an Angel-related element in the series Leuciscini of cyprinid fishes, which is located in the second intron of the growth hormone (GH) gene. We have also found that this element is absent in orthologous locus in the series Barbini of cyprinid fishes, that provides new evidence for the monophyly of the series Leuciscini. The insertion of Angel-related element into the GH gene might take place in the common ancestor of the series Leuciscini after its divergence from the series Barbini. The high sequence divergence and relatively broad species distribution of Angel-related elements implies that they might be ancient transposons which appeared about 26 million years ago.


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Production of zebrafish by modifying endogenous growth hormone (GH) gene through homologous recombination is described here. We first constructed the targeting vectors pGHT1.7k and pGHT2.8k, which were used for the knockout/knockin of the endogenous GH gene of zebrafish, and injected these two vectors into the embryos of zebrafish. Overall, the rate of targeted integration with the characteristic of germ line transmission in zebrafish was 1.7x10(-6). In one experimental patch, the integrating efficiency of pGHT2.8k was higher than that of pGHT1.7k, but the lethal effect of pGHT2.8k was stronger than that of pGHT1.7k. The clones with the correct integration of target genes were identified by a simple screening procedure based on green fluorescent protein (GFP) and RFP dual selection, which corresponded to homologous recombination and random insertion, respectively. The potential homologous recombination zebrafish was further bred to produce a heterozygous F-1 generation, selected based on the presence of GFP. The potential targeted integration of exogenous GH genes into a zebrafish genome at the P-0 generation was further verified by polymerase chain reaction and Southern blot analysis. Approximately 2.5% of potential founder knockout and knockin zebrafish had the characteristic of germ line transmission. In this study, we developed an efficient method for producing the targeted gene modification in zebrafish for future studies on genetic modifications and gene functions using this model organism.


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In the People's Republic of China, genetically modified (GM) fish are being developed primarily to produce desirable alterations to growth rates or feed-conversion efficiency. Up to the present, no transgenic fish have been commercially approved for human consumption. This review introduces advances in the People's Republic of China in transgenic fish studies, biosafety studies of fast-growth GM fish, and the regulation of GM fish.


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Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) molecular markers specific for one, two or three clones have been identified from five gynogenetic clones of silver crucian carp (Carassius auratus gibelio Bloch) using RAPD markers developed earlier. In this study, three RAPD markers (RA1-PA, RA2-EF and RA4-D) produced by Opj-1, and two RAPD DNA fragments (RA3-PAD and RA5-D) produced by Opj-7, were selected for molecular cloning and sequencing. Sequence data indicated that there were identical 801-bp nucleotide sequences in the shared marker RA1-PA cloned respectively from clones P and A, and the shared marker RA2-EF (which was cloned from clones E and F), were also of identical 958-by nucleotide sequences. The nucleotide sequences of the shared marker RA3-PAD fragments were also similar for 1181 by among clones P, A and D. The specific fragment RA4-D was composed of 628 bp, and the fragment RA5-D from clone D contained 385 nucleotides. According to the nucleotide sequences, we designed and synthesized five pairs of sequence characterized amplified regions (SCAR) primers to identify the specific fragments in these gynogenetic clones of silver crucian carp. Only individuals from clones P and A amplified a specific band using a pair of SCI-PA primers synthesized according to the marker RA1-PA sequences, whereas no products were detected in individuals from clones D, E and F. The PCR products amplified using SC2-EF and SC3-PAD primers were as expected. Furthermore, the pair of SC4-D primers amplified specific bands only in individuals from clone D, although weak bands could be produced in all individuals of the five clones when lower annealing temperatures were used. However, an additional pair of SC5-D primers designed from the RA5-D marker sequences could amplify a DNA band in individuals from clones P, A and D, and the same weak band was produced in clone E, whereas no products were detected in individuals from clone F. Searches in GenBank revealed that the 385-bp DNA fragment from RA5-D was homologous to the 5' end of gonadotropin I beta subunit 2 gene and growth hormone gene. No homologous sequences were found for other markers in GenBank. The SCAR markers identified in this study will offer a powerful, easy, and rapid method for discrimination of different clones and for genetic analyses that examine their origins and unique reproductive modes in crucian carp. Furthermore, they will likely benefit future selective breeding programs as reliable and reproducible molecular markers. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fishes, the biggest and most diverse community in vertebrates are good experimental models for studies of cell and developmental biology by many favorable characteristics. Nuclear transplantation in fish has been thoroughly studied in China since 1960s. Fish nuclei of embryonic cells from different genera were transplanted into enucleated eggs generating nucleo-cytoplasmic hybrids of adults. Most importantly, nuclei of cultured goldfish kidney cells had been reprogrammed in enucleated eggs to support embryogenesis and ontogenesis of a fertile fish. This was the first case of cloned fish with somatic cells. Based on the technique of microinjection, recombinant MThGH gene has been transferred into fish eggs and the first batch of transgenic fish were produced in 1984. The behavior of foreign gene was characterized and the onset of the foreign gene replication occurred between the blastula to gastrula stages and random integration mainly occurred at later stages of embryogenesis. This eventually led to the transgenic mosaicism. The MThGH-transferred common carp enhanced growth rate by 2-4 times in the founder juveniles and doubled the body weight in the adults. The transgenic common carp were more efficient in utilizing dietary protein than the controls. An "all-fish" gene construct CAgcGH has been made by splicing the common carp beta-actin gene (CA) promoter onto the grass carp growth hormone gene (gcGH) coding sequence. The CAgcGH-transferred Yellow River Carp have also shown significantly fast-growth trait. Combination of techniques of fish cell culture, gene transformation with cultured cells and nuclear transplantation should be able to generate homogeneous strain of valuable transgenic fish to fulfil human requirement in 21(st) century.


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A cluster of 11 interferon (IFN) genes were identified in the Atlantic salmon genome linked to the growth hormone I gene. The genes encode three different IFN subtypes; IFNa (two genes), IFNb (four genes) and IFNc (five genes), which show 22-32% amino acid sequence identity. Expression of the fish IFNs were studied in head kidney, leukocytes or To cells after stimulation with the dsRNA poly I:C or the imidazoquinoline S-27609. In mammals, poly I:C induces IFN-beta through the RIG-I/MDA5 or the TLR3 pathway, both of which are dependent on NF-kappa B. In contrast, S-27609 induces mammalian IFN-alpha in plasmacytoid dendritic cells through the TLR7 pathway independent of NF-kappa B. The presence of an NF-kappa B site in their promoters and their strong up-regulation by poly I:C, suggest that salmon IFNa1/IFNa2 are induced through similar pathways as IFN-beta. In contrast, the apparent lack of NF-kappa B motif in the promoter and the strong upregulation by S-27609 in head kidney and leukocytes, suggest that IFNb genes are induced through a pathway similar to mammalian IFN-alpha. IFNc genes showed expression patterns different from both IFNa and IFNb. Taken together, salmon IFNa and IFNb are not orthologs of mammalian IFN-beta and IFN-alpha, respectively, but appear to utilize similar induction pathways. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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MSTN, also known as growth and differentiation factor 8 (GDF8), and GDF11 are members of the transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) subfamily. They have been thought to be derived from one ancestral gene. In the present study, we report the isolation and characterization of an invertebrate GDF8/11 homolog from the amphioxus (Branchiostoma belcheri tsingtauense). The amphioxus GDF8/11 gene consists of five exons flanked by four introns, which have two more exons and introns than that of other species. In intron III, a possible transposable element was identified. This suggested that this intron might be derived from transposon. The amphioxus GDF8/11 cDNA encodes a polypeptide of 419 amino acid residues. Phologenetic analysis shows that the GDF8/11 is at the base of vertebrate MSTNs and GDF11s. This result might prove that the GDF8/11 derived from one ancestral gene and the amphioxus GDF8/11 may be the common ancestral gene, and also the gene duplication event generating MSTN and GDF11 occurred before the divergence of vertebrates and after or at the divergence of amphioxus from vertebrates. Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction results showed that the GDF8/11 gene was expressed in new fertilized cell, early gastrulation, and knife-shaped embryo, which was different from that in mammals. It suggested that the GDF8/11 gene might possess additional functions other than regulating muscle growth in amphioxus.


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用模拟高原低氧的方法研究急性低氧条件下促肾上腺皮质激素释放因子(corticotrop in-releasing factor,CRF) 分泌的变化及第二信使参与CRF分泌的作用。低氧(海拔7 km ) 1 h 后, 正中隆起(median eminence,M E) 处CRF 含量明显下降(P < 0. 05) , 下丘脑(hypothalamus, Hy)CRF (不含M E) 含量无明显变化, 而Hy 内cAM P 含量明显增加(P < 0. 01)。脑室注射Forsklin、TPA 后低氧暴露(海拔5 km ) 1 h,M E CRF 含量下降(P < 0. 05; P < 0.05) ,Hy CRF 无明显变化。脑室注射Forsk lin 后Hy cAM P 含量升高(P < 0. 05)。脑室注射H7 和PKA 抑制剂,M ECRF 升高(P < 0. 05; P < 0. 01) ,Hy CRF 和Hy cAM P 均无显著变化。上述结果表明急性低氧应激中CRF 分泌显著增加, 第二信使通路PKA 和PKC 通路均参与CRF 分泌。


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We studied the effect of neuro transmitter no repin ephrine (N E) on immuno reactive cortico trop inreleasing factor (CRF) of median eminence (M E) in the native pika (Ochotona cu rz oniae). At one hour after intra cerebrovent ricular ( icv) adm inistrat ion of N E in doses of 3.75,7.5, 15 and 30 μg/100 g BW , the CRF level ofM E increased. And the plasma cortico sterone concent rat ion also increased. Two and six days after adrenalectomy (ADX) , N E concent ration in hypothalamus declined to 76.32% and 76.27% of those in intact pika, plasma cortico rsterone concent ration also decreased to 16.57 and 2.05% of the control. These results indicated that N E have a effect on activating HPA axis through activating hypothalamic CRF in Ochotona curzoniae.


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本文研究了模拟高原低氧条件下内源性阿片肽β- 内啡肽(β-endorphin ,β-EP) 对大鼠和高原土著动物高原鼠兔(Ochotona curzoniae) 促肾上腺皮质激素释放因子(corticotropin releasing factor , CRF) 分泌的影响。7000m 低氧2h ,正中隆起(median eminence , ME) 和下丘脑(Hypothalamus , Hy) CRF 含量水平降低。脑室注射β-EP 后,海拔7000m 低氧暴露2h ,大鼠和高原鼠兔ME 处的CRF 含量升高,大鼠Hy的CRF 含量也升高,而高原鼠兔下丘脑CRF 含量下降。β-EP 的作用被纳洛酮反转。上述结果提示,β-EP 有抑制由低氧引起的大鼠CRF 分泌的作用。


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A nerve growth factor (NGF) was isolated from the venom of Chinese cobra (Naja naja ntr a) by ion exchange chromatography, gel filtration and fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC). The N-terminal sequence of 22 amino acid residues was identical with other NGFs previously purified from the venom of the same genus. The NGF monomer molecular weight was estimated to be 13 500 by reducing SDS-PAGE and the isoelectric point was determined to be 7.2 by isoelectric focusing electrophoresis. NGF improved the epididymal sperm motility of male rats and increased the pregnancy rate and fetus number of mated female rats. The serum levels of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) of male rats administrated NGF + gossypol was lower than that of male rats administrated gossypol. Histological sections of testes and epididymides showed that NGF reduced the destructive effects of gossypol on rat testes. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.


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Generating transgenic fish with desirable traits (e.g., rapid growth, larger size, etc.) for commercial use has been hampered by concerns for biosafety and competition if these fish are released into the environment. These obstacles may be overcome by producing transgenic fish that are sterile, possibly by inhibiting hormones related to reproduction. In vertebrates, synthesis and release of gonadotropin (GtH) and other reproductive hormones is mediated by gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH). Recently two cDNA sequences encoding salmon-type GnRH (sGnRH) decapeptides were cloned from common carp (Cyprinus carpio). This study analyzed the expression of these two genes using real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) in different tissues carp at varying developmental stages. Transcripts of both genes were detected in ovary and testis in mature and regressed, but not in juvenile carp. To evaluate the effects of sGnRH inhibition, the recombinant gene CAsGnRHpc-antisense, expressing antisense sGnRH RNA driven by a carp beta-actin promoter, was constructed. Blocking sGnRH expression using antisense sGnRH significantly decreased GtH in the blood of male transgenic carp. Furthermore, some antisense transgenic fish had no gonadal development and were completely sterile. These data demonstrate that sGnRH is important for GtH synthesis and development of reproductive organs in carp. Also, the antisense sGnRH strategy may prove effective in generating sterile transgenic fish, eliminating environmental concerns these fish may raise. (c) 2007 Published by Elsevier B.V.