39 resultados para Greek language, Hellenistic (300 B.C.-600 A.D.)
近十年,植物群体遗传学的研究飞速发展,然而与海拔相关的植物群体遗传结构和遗传变异研究却相对较少。到目前为止,还不清楚遗传变异与海拔之间是否有一个通用的格局。在山区,各种生态因子,如温度、降水、降雪、紫外线辐射强度以及土壤成分都随海拔梯度急剧变化,造成了即使在一个小的空间区域,植被类型变化显著,这种高山环境的异质性和复杂性为我们研究植物群体遗传结构和分化提供了方便。沙棘(Hippophea)属于胡颓子科(Elaeagnaceae)为多年生落叶灌木或乔木,雌雄异株,天然种群分布极为广泛。中国沙棘(H. rhamnoides subsp. sinensis)是沙棘属植物中分布较广的一个亚种,种内形态变异非常丰富,加之其具有独特的繁育系统和广泛的生态地理分布,是研究沙棘属植物遗传变异和系统分化的理想材料。本文从1,800 m 到3,400 m 分5 个海拔梯度进行取样,用RAPD 和cpSSR 分子标记研究了卧龙自然保护区中国沙棘天然群体的遗传结构和遗传变异。5 个取样群体依次标记为A、B、C、D 和E,它们分别代表分布在海拔1,800,2,200,2,600,3,000 和3,400 m 的5 个天然群体。RAPD验用11 条寡核苷酸引物,扩增得到151 个重复性好的位点,其中143 个多态位点,多态率达94.7%。在5 个沙棘群体中,总遗传多样性值(HT)为0.289,B群体内的遗传多样性值为0.315,这完全符合沙棘这种多年生、远交的木本植物具有高遗传变异的特性。5 个群体内遗传多样性随海拔升高呈低-高-低变异趋势,在2,200 m海拔处的B群体遗传多样性达最大值0.315,3,400 m海拔处的E群体则表现最小仅0.098。5 个群体间的遗传分化值GST=0.406,也即是说有40.6%的遗传变异存在于群体间,1,800 m海拔处的A群体与其它群体的明显分离是造成群体间遗传分化大的原因。UPGMA聚类图和PCoA散点图进一步确证了5 个群体间的关系和所有个体间的关系。最后,经过Mantel检测,遗传距离与海拔表现了明显的相关性(r = 0.646, P = 0.011)。cpSSR 实验中,经过对24 对cpSSR 通用引物筛选,11 对引物能扩增出特异性条带,只有2 对引物(ccmp2 和ARCP4)呈现多态性。4 个等位基因共组合出4 种单倍型,单倍型Ⅰ出现在A 群体的所有个体和B 群体的8 个个体中,C、D、E 三个群体均不含有,而单倍型Ⅱ出现在C、D、E 三个群体的所有个体及B 群体的18 个个体中,A 群体不含有。另外两种单倍型Ⅲ和Ⅳ为稀有类型,仅B 群体中的4 个个体拥有。这种单倍型分布模式和TFPGA 群体聚类图揭示了,C、D、E 群体可能来源于同一祖先种,而A 群体却是由另一祖先种发展起来的,B 群体则兼具了这两种起源种的信息,这可能是因为在历史上的某一时期,在中国沙棘群体高山分化的过程中,B 群体处某个或者某些个体发生了基因突变,具备了适应高海拔环境的能力,产生了高海拔沙棘群体的祖先种。 In recent ten years, studies about population genetics of plants developed rapidly,whereas their genetic structure and genetic variation along altitudinal gradients have beenstudied relatively little. So far, it is uncleared whether there is a common pattern betweengenetic variation and altitudinal gradients. In the mountain environments, importantecological factors, e.g., temperature, rainfall, snowfall, ultraviolet radiation and soil substratesetc., change rapidly with altitudes, which cause the vegetation distribution varying typically,even on a small spatial scale. The mountain environments, which are heterogeneous andcomplex, facilitate and offer a good opportunity to characterize population genetic structureand population differentiation.The species of the genus Hippophae L. (Elaeagnaceae) are perennial deciduous shrubs ortrees, which are dioecious, wind-pollinated pioneer plants. The natural genus has a widedistribution extending from Northern Europe through Central Europe and Central Asia toChina. According to the latest taxonomy, the genus Hippophae is divided into six species and12 subspecies. The subspecies H. rhamnoides ssp. sinensis shows significant morphologicalvariations, large geographic range and dominantly outcrossing mating system. Thesecharacteristics of the subspecies are favourable to elucidate genetic variation and systemevolution. To estimate genetic variation and genetic structure of H. rhamnoides ssp. sinensisat different altitudes, we surveyed five natural populations in the Wolong Natural Reserve at altitudes ranging from 1,800 to 3,400 m above sea level (a.s.l.) using random amplifiedpolymorphic DNA markers (RAPDs) and cpSSR molecular methods. The five populations A,B, C, D, and E correspond to the altitudes 1,800, 2,200, 2,600, 3,000 and 3,400 m,respectively.Based on 11 decamer primers, a total of 151 reproducible DNA loci were yielded, ofwhich 143 were polymorphic and the percentage of polymorphic loci equaled 94.7%. Amongthe five populations investigated, the total gene diversity (HT) and gene diversity within population B equaled 0.289 and 0.315, respectively, which are modest for a subspecies of H.rhamnoides, which is an outcrossing, long-lived, woody plant. The amount of geneticvariation within populations varied from 0.098 within population E (3,400 m a.s.l.) to 0.315within population B (2,200 m a.s.l.). The coefficient of gene differentiation (GST) amongpopulations equaled 0.406 and revealed that 40.6% of the genetic variance existed amongpopulations and 59.4% within populations. The population A (1,800 m a.s.l.) differed greatlyfrom the other four populations, which contributes to high genetic differentiation. A UPGMAcluster analysis and principal coordinate analyses based on Nei's genetic distances furthercorroborated the relationships among the five populations and all the sampling individuals,respectively. Mantel tests detected a significant correlation between genetic distances andaltitudinal gradients (r = 0.646, P = 0.011).Eleven of the original 24 cpSSR primer pairs tested produced good PCR products, onlytwo (ccmp2 and ARCP4) of which were polymorphic. Four total length variants (alleles) werecombined resulting in 4 haplotypes. The haplotype was present in all individuals of Ⅰpopulation A and 8 individuals of populations B, the other three populations (C, D and Epopulations) did not share. The haplotype was present in all individuals of populations C, D Ⅱand E and 18 individuals of populations B, population A did not share. The other twohaplotypes and were rare haplotypes, which were only shared in 4 individuals of Ⅲ Ⅳpopulation B. The distribution of haplotypes and TFPGA population clustering map showedthat the populations C, D and E might be origined from one ancestor seed and population Amight be from another, whereas population B owned information of the two ancestor seeds. Itwas because that gene mutation within some individual or seed in the location of population Bwas likely to happen in the history of H. rhamnoides, which was the original ancestor of thehigh-altitude populations.
臭氧层损耗导致的地球表面UV-B辐射增强以及温室气体增多引起的气候变暖是当今两大全球环境问题。UV-B辐射增强和气候变暖对陆地植物和生态系统产生深远影响,并已成为全球变化研究的重要议题。作为世界第三极的青藏高原,UV-B 辐射增强以及气候变暖现象尤为突出。本试验所在林区是青藏高原东缘的主要林区,具有大面积的亚高山人工针叶成熟林,在全球变化背景下该森林的天然更新潜力如何是急待回答的重要问题。基于此,本研究围绕森林树种的种子和幼苗这一更新的重要阶段,开展了气候变暖、UV-B辐射增强和联合胁迫对云杉种子萌发及幼苗定居影响的研究,旨在全球变化背景下,探讨全球变暖、UV-B 辐射增强和联合胁迫是否对西南地区大面积人工亚高山针叶林更新的种子萌发和幼苗定居阶段产生影响。 本文以青藏高原东缘亚高山针叶林主要树种云杉为研究对象,研究云杉种子萌发及幼苗的生长和生理对UV-B辐射增强与气候变暖的响应。采用UV-B荧光灯(UV-lamp)来模拟增强的UV-B 辐射,此外,采用开顶式有机玻璃罩(OTCs)来模拟气候变暖。本试验包括四个处理:(1)大气UV-B 辐射+大气温度(C);(2)大气UV-B 辐射+模拟气候变暖(W);(3)增强的UV-B辐射+大气温度(U);(4)增强的UV-B辐射+模拟气候变暖(U+W)。 根据本试验结果,UV-B辐射增强对云杉种子萌发没有显著影响,它对萌发云杉幼苗的影响主要体现在幼叶展开以后。根据两年的试验结果,增强的UV-B辐射降低了云杉幼苗抗氧化酶活性,降低了抗氧化物质的含量,此外,造成了膜质的过氧化,表现为MDA在针叶中的积累。增强的UV-B照射处理萌发云杉幼苗两年后,幼苗的生长受到显著抑制。我们的结果显示,OTCs分别提高了空气(10 cm)和土壤(5 cm)温度1.74℃和0.94 ℃。增温显著地促进了云杉种子提前萌发,提高了萌发速率和萌发比率,而且,明显地促进了幼苗的生长,表现为株高和生物量累积的显著增长。此外增温还有利于云杉幼苗根的伸长生长以及生物量的累积,这可以使云杉幼苗更好地利用土壤中的水分和营养元素。 根据本试验结果,温度升高显著地促进了增强UV-B辐射下云杉萌发幼苗的生长,这说明,温度升高缓解了UV-B辐射增强对云杉萌发幼苗的负面影响。这种缓解作用可能是温度升高对UV-B辐射增强处理下幼苗的抗氧化系统活性改善的结果。温度升高还缓解了高UV-B辐射对云杉幼苗根生长的抑制作用,这也可能是增温缓解伤害的原因之一。此外,根据我们的试验结果,增温与UV-B辐射增强联合作用(U+W)下云杉萌发幼苗的生长状况好于大气温度与大气UV-B辐射联合(C)处理,表现为株高、地径、根长和生物量积累均高于C处理,因此可以推断,UV-B辐射增强与气候变暖同时存在对萌发幼苗在两年之内的生长没有产生抑制作用,也就是说,气候变暖的缓解作用完全弥补了UV-B辐射增强的有害作用。 同样,增强的UV-B辐射显著影响了云杉幼苗的光合作用,表现为净光合速率(Pn)和表观量子效率(Φ)的提高,此外,根据我们的试验结果,它还造成了PSII的光抑制。增强的UV-B辐射显著抑制了云杉幼苗对营养元素的吸收,表现为大量营养元素、碳、钙、镁和锌含量的降低,但是,它却显著促进了铁在植株体内的积累。增温显著地提高了净光合速率,但是,它对光系统II(PSII)的光化学效率影响不大。温度升高缓解了UV-B增强对云杉幼苗光合作用的伤害,表现为净光合速率、表观量子效率以及PSII光化学效率的提高。此外,温度升高还缓解了UV-B辐射增强对离子吸收的抑制作用。 Enhanced UV-B radiation due to the reduction of O3 layer and global warming induced by increased greenhouse gases in the air have become the two pressing aspects of global climate changes. Moreover, enhanced UV-B radiation and warming have profound and long-term impacts on terrestrial plants and ecosystems, and the studies focusing on the two factors have attracted many attentions. Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau is the third in elevation in the world, and enhanced UV-B radiation and climate warming are especially prominent in this region. Our research located in the main forest belt in the eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau where large areas of subalpine coniferous forests distributed. Based on that, we carried out a research to study the effects of enhanced UV-B radiation and climate warming on seed germination and seedlings growth of seedlings which are the important basic stage in forest regeneration. This research was arranged by a complete factorial design and included two factors (UV-B radiation and temperature) with two levels. The UV-lamps were used to manipulate the supplemental UV-B radiation and open-top chambers (OTCs) were adopted to increase temperature. The four treatments were: (1) C, ambient UV-B without warming; (2) U, enhanced UV-B without warming; (3) W, ambient UV-B with OTCs warming; (4) U+W, enhanced UV-B with OTCs warming. The main results were exhibited as follows: 1. Based on our results in this research, OTCs increased temperature on average 1.74℃ in air (10 cm above ground) and 0.92 ℃ in soil (5 cm beneath ground). Furthermore, OTCs also slightly reduced soil moisture and relative air humidity, however, the differences was not statistically significant. 2. Our results showed that enhanced UV-B had no significant effects on the seeds germination of P. asperata. Enhanced UV-B affected sprouts of P. asperata until the needles unfolded. During two years, enhanced UV-B inhibited the efficiency of the antioxidant defense systems, and as a result, it induced oxidant stress and the accumulation of MDA in needles. After two years of exposure to enhanced UV-B, the growth of P. asperata sprouts was markedly restrained compared with those under ambient UV-B radiation and temperature (C). Warming significantly stimulated the germination speed and increased the germination rate of P. asperata seeds. In the next place, it prominently facilitated the growth of P. asperata sprouts, represented as improvements in stem elongation and biomass accumulation. Furthermore, warming also increased root growth of P. asperata sprouts, which could made sprouts more efficient to use water and nutrient elements in soil. In this research, warming alleviated the deleterious effects of enhanced UV-B on P. asperata sprouts. It markedly stimulated the growth of P. asperata sprouts exposed to enhanced UV-B. The ease effects of warming on the abilities of the antioxidant defense systems might account for its amending effects on growth. After two years of exposure to enhanced UV-B radiation and warming, the growth of P. asperata sprouts was better than those under ambient UV-B radiation without warming (C), which could be seen from the higher plant height, basal diameter, root length and total biomass accumulation compared with C. 3. Enhanced UV-B radiation significantly influenced the photosynthesis processes of two-year old P. asperata seedlings. Our results showed that enhanced UV-B reduced the net photosynthetic rate (Pn) and the apparent quantum efficiency (Φ), and induced photoinhibition of photosynthetic system II (PSII). Enhanced UV-B significantly decreased the concentration of nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and zinc (Zn), however, it increased the accumulation of iron (Fe) in the whole plant of P. asperata seedlings. Warming significantly stimulated Pn of P. asperata seedlings but it had no prominent impacts on the photochemical efficiency of PSII. In our research, warming also alleviated the harmful effects of enhanced UV-B on photosynthesis and absorption of ions of P. asperata seedlings. It increased Pn, Φ and the photochemical efficiency of PSII in seedlings exposed to enhanced UV-B. Moreover, warming also increased the absorption of ions of the seedlings exposed to enhanced UV-B radiation.
The Mg-8Gd-2Y-1Nd-0.3Zn-0.6Zr (wt.%) alloy sheet was prepared by hot extrusion technique, and the structure and mechanical properties of the extruded alloy were investigated. The results show that the alloy in different states is mainly composed of alpha-Mg solid solution and secondary phases of Mg5RE and Mg24RE5 (RE = Gd, Y and Nd). At aging temperatures from 200 degrees C to 300 degrees C the alloy exhibits obvious age-hardening response. Great improvement of mechanical properties is observed in the peak-aged state alloy (aged at 200 degrees C for 60 h), the ultimate tensile strength (sigma(b)), tensile yield strength (sigma(0.2)) and elongation (epsilon) are 376 MPa, 270 MPa and 14.2% at room temperature (RT), and 206 MPa. 153 MPa and 25.4% at 300 degrees C, respectively, the alloy exhibits high thermal stability.
A series of novel fluorine surfactants, a, b, c, d, e and their acrylates, A, 13, C, D and E, were synthesized via poly( ethylene oxide) ( PEG) ( 200, 600, 1000, 2000, 5000) and perfluorooctane poly (ethylene oxide) ether as the main starting materials. Their chemical structures were characterized by means of FTIR and H-1 NMR. The surface activity and surface tension( y) of surfactants a, b, c, d and e were evaluated by maximum bubble pressure method. Surfactants A, 13, C, D and E were adopted as the grafting monomers of linear low density polyethere( LLDPE), and grafting reaction was carried out by melt reactive extrusion procedure. Their surface properties were characterized with measuring contact angle and XPS. It was found that the hydrophilic property of the graft copolymers was better than the palin LLDPE. Thermal properties of graft copolymers were studied by DSC. It was found that their crystalline temperatures of graft copolymers were faster than that of the plain LLDPE.
Solid solutions of Ce1-xNdxO2-x/2 (0.05 <= x <= 0.2) and (Ce1-xNdx)(0.95)MO0.05O2-delta (0.05 <= x <= 0.2) have been synthesized by a modified sol-gel method. Both materials have very low content of SiO2 (similar to 27 ppm). Their structures and ionic conductivities were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (M). The XRD patterns indicate that these materials are single phases with a cubic fluorite structure. The powders calcined at 300 degrees C with a crystal size of 5.7 nm have good sinterability, and the relative density could reach above 96% after being sintered at 1450 degrees C. With the addition Of MoO3, the sintering temperature could be decreased to 1250 degrees C. Impedance spectroscopy measurement in the temperature range of 250-800 degrees C indicates that a sharp increase of conductivity is observed when a small amount of Nd2O3 is added into ceria, of which Ce0.85Nd0.15O1.925 (15NDC) shows the highest conductivity. With the addition of a small amount Of MoO3, the grain boundary conductivity of 15NDC at 600 degrees C increases from 2.56 S m(-1) to 5.62 S m(-1).
The crystal structure, morphology and polymorphism induced by uniaxial drawing of poly(ether ether ketone ketone) [PEEKK] have been studied by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), electron diffraction (ED) and wide angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD). On the basis of WAXD and ED patterns,the crystal structure of unoriented PEEKK is determined to have two-chain orthorhombic packing with unit cell parameters of a 0.772 nm, b = 0.600 nm, c = 1.004 nm (form I), A stress-induced crystal modification (form II) is identified and found to possess a two-chain orthorhombic lattice with unit cell dimensions of a = 0.461 nm, b = 1.074 nm, c = 1.080 nm. The 7.5% increase in c-axis dimension for form II is attributed to an overextended chain conformation, arising from extensional deformation during uniaxial drawing and fixed ''in-situ'' through strain-induced crystallization. The average ether-ketone bridge bond angles in form II crystal are determined to be 148.9 degrees by using standard bond lengths. The crystal morphology of PEEKK bears a great similarity to that of PEEK. The crystals grow in the form of spherulites and have the b-axis of unit cell radial. The effects of draw rate on strain-induced crystallization and induction of form II structure are also discussed.
Crystal structure and polymorphism induced by uniaxial drawing of a poly(aryl ether ketone) [PEDEKmK] prepared from 1,3-bis(4-fluorobenzoyl)benzene and biphenyl-4,4'-diol have been investigated by means of transmission electron microscopy (TEM), electron diffraction (ED), wide-angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD), and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) techniques. The melting and recrystallization process in the temperature range of 250-260 degrees C, far below the next melting temperature (306 degrees C), was identified and found to be responsible for the remarkable changes in lamellar morphology. Based on WAXD and ED patterns, it was found that crystal structure of isotropic-crystalline PEDEKmK obtained under different crystallization conditions (melt-crystallization, cold-crystallization, solvent-induced crystallization, melting-recrystallization, and crystallization from solution) keeps the same mode of packing, i.e., a two-chain orthorhombic unit cell with the dimensions a = 0.784 nm, b = 0.600 nm, and c = 4.745 nm (form I). A second crystal modification (form II) can be induced by uniaxial drawing above the glass transition temperature, and always coexists with form I. This form also possesses an orthorhombic unit cell but with different dimensions, i.e., a = 0.470 nm, b = 1.054 nm, c = 5.064 nm. The 0.32 nm longer c-axis of form II as compared with form I is attributed to an overextended chain conformation due to the expansion of ether and ketone bridge bond angles during uniaxial drawing. The temperature dependence of WAXD patterns for the drawn PEDEKmK suggests that form II can be transformed into the more stable form I by relaxation of overextended chains and relief of internal stress at elevated temperature in absence of external tension.
The effects of oxygen-hydrogen pretreatments of nanosilver catalysts in cycle mode on the structure and particle size of silver particles, and subsequently the activity of the catalyst toward CO oxidation (or CO selective oxidation in the presence of H-2) are reported in this paper. Ag/SiO2 catalyst with silver particle sizes of ca. 6 similar to 8 nm shows relatively high activity in the present reaction system. The adopting of a cycle of oxidation/reduction pretreatment has a marked influence on the activity of the catalyst. Oxygen pretreatment at 500 degrees C results in the formation of subsurface oxygen and activates the catalyst. As evidenced by in-situ XRD and TEM, the following H-2 treatment at low temperatures (100 similar to 300 degrees C) causes surface faceting and redispersing of the silver particles without destroying the subsurface oxygen species. The subsequent in-situ FTIR and catalytic reaction results show that CO oxidation occurs at -75 degrees C and complete CO conversion can be obtained at 40 degrees C over such a nanosilver catalyst pretreated with oxygen at 500 degrees C followed by H-2 at 100 degrees C. However, prolonged hydrogen treatment at high temperatures (> 300 degrees C) after oxygen pretreatment at 500 degrees C induces the aggregation of silver particles and also depletes so much subsurface oxygen species that the pathway of CO oxidation by the subsurface oxygen species is inhibited. Meanwhile, the ability of the catalyst to adsorb reactants is greatly depressed, resulting in a 20 similar to 30% decrease in the activity toward CO oxidation. However, the activity of the catalyst pretreated with oxygen at 500 degrees C followed by hydrogen treatment at high temperatures (> 300 degrees C) is still higher than that directly pretreated with H,. This kind of catalytic behavior of silver catalyst is associated with physical changes in the silver crystallites because of surface restructuring and crystallite redispersion during the course of oxygen-hydrogen pretreatment steps.