42 resultados para Galileu, 1564-1642


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The reactions of sodium p-sulfonatocalix[4]arene (Na5L) and terbium/europium(III) chloride in the presence of pyrazine-N,N'-dioxide (PNNO) in aqueous solutions gave the crystalline complexes 1 and 2. Both structures contain molecular capsules of p-sulfonatocalix[4] arene with PNNO as guest molecules in the cavity of the calix[4]arenes. The molecular capsules are connected through sodium and terbium (or europium) centers forming a three-dimensional framework.


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SrLa1-xRExGa3O7 (RE = EU3+, Tb3+) phosphor films were deposited on quartz glass substrates by a simple Pechim sol-gel method. X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), atomic force microscopy, field-emission scanning electron microscopy, photoluminescence spectra, and lifetimes were used to characterize the resulting films. The results of XRD indicated that the films began to crystallize at 700 degrees C and crystallized fully at 900 degrees C. The results of FNR spectra were in agreement with those of XRD. Uniform and crack-free films annealed at 900 degrees C were obtained with average grain size of 80 nm, root mean square roughness of 46 nm and thickness of 130 nm The RE ions showed their characteristic emission in crystalline SrLa1-xRExGa3O7 films, i.e., Eu3+ D-0-F-7(J) (J = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4), Tb3+5D4 -(7) F-J (J = 6, 5, 4, 3) emissions, respectively. The optimum concentrations (x) of Eu3+ and Tb3+ were determined to be 50, and 80 mol% in SrLa(1-x)RE(x)GGa(3)O(7) films, respectively.


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Three kinds of hybrid Langmuir-Blodgett films are obtained by the organization of poly(1-hydro-2,2,4-trimethyl)quinoline (PQ), stearic acid(SA) and rare earth-substituted heteropolymolybdates (RE(PMo11)(2), RE = Ce-III, Eu-III, La-III) using the Langmuir-Blodgett technique. They are characterized by pi-A isotherms, absorption spectra, fluorescence spectra, IR and atomic force microscope. The absorption spectra indicate that the molecules of PQ and heteropolymolybdates are incorporated into the LB films. The atomic force microscope reveals that heteropolymolybdates aggregate at the surface of the LB film.


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Uniform core-sheath nanofibers are prepared by electrospinning a water-in-oil emulsion in which the aqueous phase consists of a poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) solution in water and the oily phase is a chloroform solution of an amphiphilic poly(ethylene glycol)-poly(L-lactic acid) (PEGPLA) diblock copolymer. The obtained fibers are composed of a PEO core and a PEG-PLA sheath with a sharp boundary in between. By adjusting the emulsion composition and the emulsification parameters, the overall fiber size and the relative diameters of the core and the sheath can be changed. A mechanism is proposed to explain the process of transformation from the emulsion to the core-sheath fibers, i.e., the stretching and evaporation induced de-emulsification. In principle, this process can be applied to other systems to prepare core-sheath fibers in place of concentric electrospinning and it is especially suitable for fabricating composite nanofibers that contain water-soluble drugs.


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The complex fluorides, LiBaF3 and KMgF3; which are isostructural with perovskite phases, are hydrothermally synthesized at 120-240 degrees C and characterized by powder X-ray diffraction, thermogravimetric analysis, IR spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy.


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Porphyra yezoensis Ueda is an important marine aquaculture crop with single-layered gametophytic thalli. In this work, the influences of thallus dehydration level, cold-preservation (freezing) time, and thawing temperature on the photosynthetic recovery of young P. yezoensis thalli were investigated employing an imaging pulse-amplitude-modulation (PAM) fluorometer. The results showed that after 40 d of frozen storage when performing thallus thawing under 10 degrees C, the water content of the thalli showed obvious effects on the photosynthetic recovery of the frozen thalli. The thalli with absolute water content (AWC) of 10%-40% manifested obvious superiority compared to the thalli with other AWCs, while the thalli thawed at 20 degrees C showed very high survival rate (93.10%) and no obvious correlation between thallus AWCs and thallus viabilities. These results indicated that inappropriate thallus water content contributed to the cell damage during the freeze-thaw cycle and that proper thawing temperature is very crucial. Therefore, AWC between 10% and 40% is the suitable thallus water content range for frozen storage, and the thawing process should be as short as possible. However, it is also shown that for short-term cold storage the Porphyra thallus water content also showed no obvious effect on the photosynthetic recovery of the thalli, and the survival rate was extremely high (100%). These results indicated that freezing time is also a paramount contributor of the cell damage during the freeze-thaw cycle. Therefore, the frozen nets should be used as soon as time permits.


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选取长至6~8片真叶的健康番茄(Lycopersicon esculentum Mill)幼苗,分别进行蔗糖、硝普钠(sodium nitropresside,SNP,作为外源NO供体)及其体积比例组合(1∶1)处理;36h后施以NaCl胁迫,并分别于0h(胁迫前)、24h、48h和72h取样,进行相关生理生化指标测定。具体5个实验处理如下:A.蒸馏水(CK);B.100 mmol/L NaCl;C.0.1 mmol/L SNP+100 mmol/L NaCl;D.0.1 mmol/L SNP+1.0mmol/L蔗糖+100 mmol/L NaCl;E.1.0 mmol/L蔗糖+100 mmol/L NaCl。结果表明:与SNP和蔗糖单独处理相比,二者组合处理对缓解盐胁迫下番茄幼苗的氧化损伤存在正协同效应,主要表现在进一步增强了番茄幼苗超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(APX)和谷胱甘肽还原酶(GR)的活性;提高了脯氨酸(Pro)的含量,同时膜脂过氧化产物丙二醛(MDA)含量显著降低(P〈0.05)。采用聚丙烯酰胺浓度梯度凝胶电泳对盐胁迫24 h和48 h材料的POD同功酶检测表明,当NaCl单独处理时,番茄幼苗叶片POD同功酶第V条带缺失,其它谱带酶量减少,抑制了POD同功酶的表达;SNP和蔗糖单独处理能够保护盐胁迫(24、48h)所导致的POD同功酶条带的完整;而组合处理既保证了POD同功酶条带的完整,又加强了酶量的表达。随着盐胁迫时间的延长,其氧化损伤程度愈烈,SNP和蔗糖组合处理能够更有效地缓解盐胁迫对番茄幼苗植株造成的氧化损伤。


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Extensive high to ultrahigh pressure metamorphic rocks are outcropped in the the Dabie-Sulu UHP orogenic belt. Disputes still exist about for protolith nature of metamorphic rocks, petrogenesis, tectonic setting, and influence on upper mantle during the Triassic deep subduction. In this study, a combined study of petrology, geochemistry, isotope geochemistry and zircon chronology was accomplished for high-grade gneisses in the basement of the ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic Rongcheng terrane to reveal protolith nature and petrogenesis of the gneisses and to disucss the magmatic succession along the northern margin of the Yangtze block in Neoproterozoic. Gneisses in the Rongcheng terrane are characterized by negative Nb, Ta, P and Ti anomalies, relatively low Sr/Y ratios and relatively high Ba/La, Ba/Nb and Ba/Zr ratios, mostly displaying geochemical affinity to Phanerozoic volcanic arc. Neoproterozoic protolith ages (0.7 ~ 0.8 Ga) and Paleoproterozoic average crustal residence time (1.92 ~ 2.21 Ga) favour a Yangtze affinity. The gneisses mostly display characteristics of enrichment of LREE, flat heavy rare earth elements (REE) patterns, moderately fractionation between LREE and HREE and slight negative or positive Eu anomalies, probably reflecting that melting took place in the middle to low crust (26 ~ 33 km), where amphibole fractionated from the melts and/or inherited from source material as major mineral phases in the source area. Sr-Nd isotopic composition of the gneisses supports this conclusion. According to εNd(t) and εHf(t) values, the gneisses can be divided into three groups. Gneisses of group I have the highest εNd(t) and εHf(t) values, corresponding to the range of -6 ~ -3 and -2.9 ~ 13.4, respectively. This suggests obvious influx of depleted mantle or juvenile crust in the formation of protoliths. Gneisses of group II have medium εNd(t) (-9 ~ -7) and εHf(t) values (-15.8 ~ -1.4), corresponding to relatively high TDM2(Nd) (1.99 ~ 2.31 Ga) and TDM2(Hf) (1.76 ~ 2.67 Ga) , respectively. This suggests these gneisses were formed by partial melting of Paleoproterozoic crust. Gneisses of group III have the lowest εNd(t) (-15 ~ -10) and εHf(t) values (-15.8 ~ -1.4), corresponding to the largest TDM2(Nd) (1.99 ~ 2.31 Ga) and TDM2(Hf) ( 1.76 ~ 2.67 Ga), respectively. This indicates that gneisses of group III were formed by remelting of Archean crustal material and further demonstrates existence of an Archean basement probably of the Yangtze affinity beneath the Rongcheng terrane. Gneisses of three groups have also certain different geochemical characteristics. Contents of REEs and trace elements reduce gradually from group I to group III. Zirconium saturation temperatures also show similar tendency. Compared to gneisses of group II and group III, gneisses of group I display geochemical feature similar to extensional tectonic setting, having relatively little influence by the source area. Therefore, geochemical characteristics for gneisses of group I can indictate that the protoliths of the Rongcheng gneisses formed in an extensional rifting tectonic setting. This conclusion is supported by the results of eclogites and gabbros previously reported in the Dabie-Sulu orogenic belt. Statistical results of the protolith ages of the Rongcheng gneisses show two age peaks around ~728 Ma and ~783 Ma with an about 50 Ma gap. Extensive magatism in abou 750 Ma along the northern margin of the Yangtze block can hardly be observed in the Rongcheng terrane. This phenomenon likely suggests discontinuous Neoproterozoic magmatism along the northern margin of the Yangtze block.


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When used in the determining the total electron content (TEC), which may be the most important ionospheric parameter, the worldwide GPS observation brings a revolutionary change in the ionospheric science. There are three steps in the data processing to retrieve GPS TEC: (1) to estimate slant TEC from the measurements of GPS signals; (2) to map the slant TEC into vertical; and (3) to interpolate the vertical TEC into grid points. In this scientific dissertation we focus our attention on the second step, the mapping theory and method to convert slant TEC into vertical. This is conventionally done by multiplying on the slant TEC a mapping function which is usually determined by certain models of electron density profile. Study of the vertical TEC mapping function is of significance in GPS TEC measurement. This paper first reviews briefly the three steps in GPS TEC mapping process. Then we compare the vertical TEC mapping function which were respectively calculated from the electron density profiles of the ionospheric model and retrieved from the observation of worldwide GPS TEC. We also perform the statistical analysis on the observational mapping functions. The main works and results are as follows: 1. We calculated the vertical TEC mapping functions for both SLM and Chapman models, and discussed the modulation of the ionosphere height to the mapping functions. We use two simple models, single layer model (SLM) and Chapman models, of the ionospheric electron density profiles to calculate the vertical TEC mapping function. In the case of the SLM, we discuss the control of the ionospheric altitude, i.e., the layer height hipp, to the mapping function. We find that the mapping function decreases rapidly as hipp increases. For the Chapman model we study also the control mapping function by both ionospheric altitude indicated by the peak electron density height hmF2, and the scale height, H, which present the thickness of the ionosphere. It is also found that the mapping function decreases rapidly as hmF2 increases. and it also decreases as H increases. 2. Then we estimate the mapping functions from the GPS observations and compare them with those calculated from the electron density models. We first, proposed a new method to estimate the mapping functions from GPS TEC data. This method is then used to retrieve the observational mapping function from both the slant TEC (TECS) provided by International GPS Service (IGS)and vertical TEC provide by JPL Global Ionospheric Maps (GIMs). Then we compare the observational mapping function with those calculated from the electron density models, SLM and Chapman. We find that the values of the observational mapping functions are much smaller than that from the model mapping functions, when the zenith angle is large enough. We attribute this to the effect of the plasmasphere which is above about 1000 km. 3. We statistically analyze the observational mapping functions and reveal their climatological changes. Observational mapping functions during 1999-2007 are used in our statistics. The main results are as follows. (1) The observational mapping functions decrease obviously with the decrement of the solar activity which is represented by the F10.7 index; (2) In annual variations of the observational mapping functions, the semiannual component is found at low-latitudes, and the remarkable seasonal variations at mid- and high-latitudes. (3) The diurnal variation of the observational mapping functions is that they are large in daytime and small at night, they become extremely small in the early morning before sunrise. (4) The observational mapping functions change with latitudes that they are smaller at lower latitudes and larger at higher. All of the above variations of the observational mapping functions are explained by the existence of the plasmasphere, which changes more slowly with time and more rapidly with latitude than the ionosphere does . In summary, our study on the vertical TEC mapping function imply that the ionosphere height has a modulative effect on the mapping function. We first propose the concept of the 'observational mapping functions' , and provide a new method to calculate them. This is important in improving the TEC mapping. It may also possible to retrieving the plasmaspheric information from GPS observations.