65 resultados para Failure Prediction


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The interface adhesion strength (or interface toughness) of a thin film/substrate system is often assessed by the micro-scratch test. For a brittle film material, the interface adhesion strength is easily obtained through measuring the scratch driving forces. However, to measure the interface adhesion strength (or interface toughness) for a metal thin film material (the ductile material) by the microscratch test is very difficult, because intense plastic deformation is involved and the problem is a three-dimensional elastic-plastic one. In the present research, using a double-cohesive zone model, the failure characteristics of the thin film/substrate system can be described and further simulated. For a steady-state scratching process, a three-dimensional elastic-plastic finite element method based on the double cohesive zone model is developed and adopted, and the steady-state fracture work of the total system is calculated. The parameter relations between the horizontal driving forces (or energy release rate of the scratching process) and the separation strength of thin film/substrate interface, and the material shear strength, as well as the material parameters are developed. Furthermore, a scratch experiment for the Al/Si film/substrate system is carried out and the failure mechanisms are explored. Finally, the prediction results are applied to a scratch experiment for the Pt/NiO material system given in the literature.


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用高速阴影摄影技术研究了爆轰加载下K9 玻璃样品中波的传播和压缩区内损伤破坏的物理图象 和规律。实验中观测到冲击波阵面后有一个移动速度为2. 1~2. 2 mm/μs 的黑色阴影区边界,即失效波(Failure wave) ;实验发现只有当冲击载荷接近材料的HEL 时,在冲击波和失效波之间的区域才有少量的微裂纹成 核和长大,而在冲击载荷较低时却没有观察到;同时实验中观测到失效波萌生于被撞击面,并在两块玻璃的交 界面上观测到失效波的再生。这些结果表明失效波的产生基本与冲击相变无关,主要与玻璃样品表面的初始 损伤有关,换言之,失效波是玻璃样品表面微裂纹在冲击波作用下失稳扩展造成的。


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A brief review is presented of statistical approaches on microdamage evolution. An experimental study of statistical microdamage evolution in two ductile materials under dynamic loading is carried out. The observation indicates that there are large differences in size and distribution of microvoids between these two materials. With this phenomenon in mind, kinetic equations governing the nucleation and growth of microvoids in nonlinear rate-dependent materials are combined with the balance law of void number to establish statistical differential equations that describe the evolution of microvoids' number density. The theoretical solution provides a reasonable explanation of the experimentally observed phenomenon. The effects of stochastic fluctuation which is influenced by the inhomogeneous microscopic structure of materials are subsequently examined (i.e. stochastic growth model). Based on the stochastic differential equation, a Fokker-Planck equation which governs the evolution of the transition probability is derived. The analytical solution for the transition probability is then obtained and the effects of stochastic fluctuation is discussed. The statistical and stochastic analyses may provide effective approaches to reveal the physics of damage evolution and dynamic failure process in ductile materials.


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A two-dimensional (2-D) vortex-induced vibration (VIV) prediction model for high aspect ratio (LID) riser subjected to uniform and sheared flow is studied in this paper. The nonlinear structure equations are considered. The near wake dynamics describing the fluctuating nature of vortex shedding is modeled using classical van der Pol equation. A new approach was applied to calibrate the empirical parameters in the wake oscillator model. Compared the predicted results with the experimental data and computational fluid dynamic (CFD) results. Good agreements are observed. It can be concluded that the present model can be used as simple computational tool in predicting some aspects of VIV of long flexible structures. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The Load Unload Response Ratio (LURR) method is an intermediate-term earthquake prediction approach that has shown considerable promise. It is inspiring that its predictions using LURR have been improving. Since 2004 we have made a major breakthrough in intermediate-term earthquake forecasting of the strong earthquakes on the Chinese mainland using LURR and successfully predicted the Pakistan earthquake with magnitude M 7.6 on October 8, 2005. The causes for improving the prediction in terms of LURR have been discussed in the present paper.


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The LURR theory is a new approach for earthquake prediction, which achieves good results in earthquake prediction within the China mainland and regions in America, Japan and Australia. However, the expansion of the prediction region leads to the refinement of its longitude and latitude, and the increase of the time period. This requires increasingly more computations, and the volume of data reaches the order of GB, which will be very difficult for a single CPU. In this paper, a new method was introduced to solve this problem. Adopting the technology of domain decomposition and parallelizing using MPI, we developed a new parallel tempo-spatial scanning program.


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We present a slice-sampling method and study the ensemble evolution of a large finite nonlinear system in order to model materials failure. There is a transitional region of failure probability. Its size effect is expressed by a slowly decaying scaling law. In a meso-macroscopic range (similar to 10(5)) in realistic failure, the diversity cannot be ignored. Sensitivity to mesoscopic details governs the phenomena. (C) 1997 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.


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The first-passage failure of quasi-integrable Hamiltonian si-stems (multidegree-of-freedom integrable Hamiltonian systems subject to light dampings and weakly random excitations) is investigated. The motion equations of such a system are first reduced to a set of averaged Ito stochastic differential equations by using the stochastic averaging method for quasi-integrable Hamiltonian systems. Then, a backward Kolmogorov equation governing the conditional reliability function and a set of generalized Pontryagin equations governing the conditional moments of first-passage time are established. Finally, the conditional reliability function, and the conditional probability density and moments of first-passage time are obtained by solving these equations with suitable initial and boundary conditions. Two examples are given to illustrate the proposed procedure and the results from digital simulation are obtained to verify the effectiveness of the procedure.


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Knowledge of damage accumulation and corresponding failure evolution are prerequisite for effective maintenance of civil engineering so as to avoid disaster. Based on statistical mesoscopic damage mechanics, it was revealed that there are three stages in the process of deformation, damage and failure of multiscale heterogeneous elastic-brittle medium. These are uniformly distributed damage, localized damage and catastrophic failure. In order to identify the transitions from scattering damage to macroscopically localized one, a condition for damage localization was given. The experiments of rock under uniaxial compression with the aid of observations of acoustic emission and speckle correlation do support the concept of localization. This provides a potential approach to properly evaluate damage accumulation in practice. In addition, it is found in the experiments that catastrophic failure displays critical sensitivity. This gives a helpful clue to the prediction of catastrophic failure. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A procedure for designing the optimal bounded control of strongly non-linear oscillators under combined harmonic and white-noise excitations for minimizing their first-passage failure is proposed. First, a stochastic averaging method for strongly non-linear oscillators under combined harmonic and white-noise excitations using generalized harmonic functions is introduced. Then, the dynamical programming equations and their boundary and final time conditions for the control problems of maximizing reliability and of maximizing mean first-passage time are formulated from the averaged Ito equations by using the dynamical programming principle. The optimal control law is derived from the dynamical programming equations and control constraint. Finally, the conditional reliability function, the conditional probability density and mean of the first-passage time of the optimally controlled system are obtained from solving the backward Kolmogorov equation and Pontryagin equation. An example is given to illustrate the proposed procedure and the results obtained are verified by using those from digital simulation. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The effect of substrate laser-discrete quenching on the degradation failure of chromium-plated gun barrels was metallurgically investigated. The results show that substrate laser-discrete quenching changes the failure patterns of chromium coatings during firing, and some periodic through-thickness cracks in the fired chromium coatings are justly located at original substrate zones between two adjacent laser-quenched tracks. Moreover, chromium coatings and the laser-quenched zones on the substrate are simultaneously degraded in microstructure and property during firing. Furthermore, the periodic structure of the laser-discrete-quenched steel (LDQS) substrate near the breech remains after firing, and the hardness of the fired laser-quenched zones is still higher than that of original substrates. The specific failure features were utilized to illustrate the mechanism of the extended service life of chromium-plated gun barrels with the LDQS substrate. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.


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Polymer bonded explosives (PBXs) are highly particle filled composite materials comprised of explosive crystals and a polymeric binder (ca. 5-10% by weight). The microstructure and mechanical properties of two pressed PBXs with different binder systems were studied in this paper. The initial microstructure of the pressed PBXs and its evolution under different mechanical aggressions were studied, including quasi-static tension and compression, ultrasonic wave stressing and long-pulse low-velocity impact. Real-time microscopic observation of the PBXs under tension was conducted by using a scanning electron microscope equipped with a loading stage. The mechanical properties under tensile creep, quasi-static tension and compression were studied. The Brazilian test, or diametrical compression, was used to study the tensile properties. The influences of pressing pressures and temperatures, and strain rates on the mechanical properties of PBXs were analyzed. The mesoscale damage modes in initial pressed samples and the samples insulted by different mechanical aggressions, and the corresponding failure mechanisms of the PBXs under different loading conditions were analyzed.


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An intended numerical investigation is carried out. The results indicate that, even if a perfect adhesive bond is preserved between the particles and matrix materials, the two-phase element cell model is unable to predict the strength increment of the particulate polymeric composites (PPC). To explore the main reinforcing mechanism, additional microscopic experiment is performed. An ''influence zone'' was observed around each particle which is measured about 2 to 10 micrometers in thickness for a glass-polyethylene mixture. Then, an improved computational model is presented to include the ''influence zone'' effect and several mechanical behaviors of PPC are well simulated through this new model.


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Stress fields and failure mechanisms have been investigated in composites with particles either surface treated or untreated under uniaxial tension. Previous experimental observation of failure mechanisms in a composite with untreated particles showed that tensile cracks occurred mostly at the polar region of the particle and grew into interfacial debonding. In a composite with surface-treated particles, however, shear yielding and shear cracking proceeded along the interphase-matrix interface at the polar area of the matrix and thus may improve the mechanical behaviour of the material. The finite element calculations showed that octahedral shear stress at the polar and longitudinal areas of the particle treated by coupling agents is much larger than that of materials with untreated particles, and the shear stress distribution around the interface is sensitive to the interphase property. The results suggest that a th ree-phase model can describe the composites with surface-treated fillers.


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The concept ''sample-specific'' is suggested to describe the behavior of disordered media close to macroscopic failure. it is pointed out that the transition from universal scaling to sample-specific behavior may be a common phenomenon in failure models of disordered media. The dynamical evolution plays an important role in the transition.