52 resultados para Espartero, Baldomero, 1793-1879


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The Heavy Ion Research Facility and Cooling Storage Ring (HIRFL-CSR) accelerator in Lanzhou offers a unique possibility for the generation of high density and short pulse heavy ion beams by non-adiabatic bunch compression longitudinally, which is implemented by a fast jump of the RF-voltage amplitude. For this purpose, an RF cavity with high electric field gradient loaded with Magnetic Alloy cores has been developed. The results show that the resonant frequency range of the single-gap RF cavity is from 1.13 MHz to 1.42 MHz, and a maximum RF voltage of 40 kV with a total length of 100 cm can be obtained, which can be used to compress heavy ion beams of U-238(72+) with 250 MeV/u from the initial bunch length of 200 ns to 50 ns with the coaction of the two single-gap RF cavity mentioned above.


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The in medium nucleon-nucleon (N N) cross sections in isospin asymmetric nuclear matter at various densities are investigated in the frame work of Brueckner-Hartree-Fock theory with the Bonn B two-body nucleon-nucleon inter action supplemented with a new version microscopic three-body force (TBF). The TBF depresses the amplitude of cross sections at high density region. At low densities, the proton-proton and neutron-neutron cross sections decrease while the proton-neutron one increases as the asymmetry increases. But the sensitivity of the N N cross sections to the isospin a symmetry are reduced with the increasing density.


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Isothermal and nonisothermal crystallization kinetics of nylon-46 were investigated with differential scanning calorimetry. The equilibrium melting enthalpy and the equilibrium melting temperature of nylon-46 were determined to be 155.58 J/g and 307.10 degreesC, respectively. The isothermal crystallization process was described by the Avrami equation. The lateral surface free energy and the end surface free energy of nylon-46 were calculated to be 8.28 and 138.54 erg/cm(2), respectively. The work of chain folding was determined to be 7.12 kcal/mol. The activation energies were determined to be 568.25 and 337.80 kJ/mol for isothermal and nonisothermal crystallization, respectively. A convenient method was applied to describe the nonisothermal crystallization kinetics of nylon-46 by a combination of the Avrami and Ozawa equations.


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The nonisothermal crystallization behavior and melting process of the poly(epsilon-caprolactone) (PCL)/poly(ethylene oxide) (PEG) diblock copolymer in which the weight fraction of the PCL block is 0.80 has been studied by using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Only the PCL block is crystallizable, the PEO block with 0.20 weight fraction cannot crystallize. The kinetics of the PCL/PEO diblock copolymer under nonisothermal crystallization conditions has been analyzed by Ozawa's equation. The experimental data shows no agreement with Ozawa's theoretical predictions in the whole crystallization process, especially in the later stage. A parameter, kinetic crystallinity, is used to characterize the crystallizability of the PCL/PEO diblock copolymer. The amorphous and microphase separating PEO block has a great influence on the crystallization of the PCL block. It bonds chemically with the PCL block, reduces crystallization entropy, and provides nucleating sites for the PCL block crystallization. The existence of the PEO block leads to the occurrence of the two melting peaks of the PCL/PEO diblock copolymer during melting process after nonisothermal crystallization. The comparison of nonisothermal crystallization of the PCL/PEO diblock copolymer, PCL/PEO blend, and PCL and PEO homopolymers has been made. It showed a lower crystallinity of the PCL/PEO diblock copolymer than that of others and a faster crystallization rate of the PCL/PEO diblock copolymer than that of the PCL homopolymer, but a slower crystallization rate than that of the PCL/PEO blend. (C) 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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Four new halogenated sesquiterpenes, 10-bromo-3-chloro-2,7-epoxychamigr-9-en-8a-of (1), 2,10 beta-dibromochamigra-2,7-dien-9 alpha-ol (2), (9S)-2-bromo-3-chloro-6,9-epoxybisabola-7(14),10-diene (3), and (9R)-2-bromo-3-chloro-6,9-epoxybisabola-7(14),10-diene (4), were characterized from the marine red alga Laurencia saitoi. In addition, two known halosesquiterpenes, 2,10-dibromo-3-chlorochamigr-7-en-9 alpha-ol (5) and isolaurenisol (6), were also isolated and identified. Their structures were established on the basis of extensive analysis of spectroscopic data.


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鲳属鱼类是鲈形目中具有很高经济价值的名贵鱼类,广泛分布于我国沿海。我国是鲳鱼产量最高的国家之一,仅1995年产量就达20.9万吨(中国渔业统计年鉴,1995),约占世界鲳鱼达的60%以上.近二、三十年来,由于受传统业资源的过度开发、近海资源不足以及海洋环境污染因素影响,我国四大渔业中的大、小黄鱼及带鱼资源相继衰竭,使年产约20万吨的鲳属鱼类在我国海洋渔业中占据越来越理要的地位,引起了国内外鱼类学家的广泛注意。然而,鲳属鱼类的分布和命名问题,长期以来,国内外专家学者众说纷绘纭、菲衷一是。本文总结的近二百年来有问中国鲳属鱼类分类研究的国内外文献资料,根据中国科学院海洋研究所历年(1951-1998)采集并收藏的以及新补充采集的鲳鱼标本,对我国沿海鲳属鱼类的外部形态(包括体形、体色、鳍、鳞片)、消化器官(包括牙齿、食道侧囊、胃、幽门盲囊、肠、肝)、呼吸器官、感觉器官、骨骼系统(包括脑颅、咽颅、脊椎骨、附肢骨骼)等生化特征作了系统地比较研究,并用支序分类学原理和方法分析了中国鲳属种间的系统发育关第,得到如下结果:1. 中国沿海鲳属鱼分共有5种:银鲳Pampus argenteus (Euphrasen,1788)、翎鲳P. punctatissimus (Temminck et Schlegel, 1845)、灰鲳 P.cinereus (Bloch, 1793) 、中国鲳P. chinensis (Euphrasen, 1788)和珍鲳P. minor Liu et Li, 1998, sp. nov,. 其中银鲳、灰鲳和中国鲳曾多次出现在我国近海地区性鱼类志和地方鱼类志中,本文对它们进物了准确的鉴定和描述,对翎属P. punctatissimus 进行了重新描述,在我国为新记录;论证了珍鲳P. minor为区别于鲳属其它独立有效的一新种。2. 形态学化较研究表明,5种鲳属鱼类在体形、体色、鳍棘、鳍条、牙齿、幽门盲囊、鳃耙、头后部侧线管、 头骨、脊椎骨、耳石等特征方面存在明显的种间差异,可作为鲳属鱼类分类的有效鉴别特征。3.中国沿海的中国鲳P. chinensis (Euphrasen,1788)与印渡洋的瑷鲳 P. ctous (Cuvier et Valenciennes, 1833)形态差异很小,认为P. atous (Cuivier et Valenciennes, 1833) 与P.chinensis (Euphrasen, 1788)可能为同一种,P. atous 应为P. chinesnsis 的同物异名。4.鲳属鱼类的肌浆蛋白酶(Pm)、酯酶(EST)和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)具有明显的种的特异性,乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)则无种间差异。青岛、上海、厦门和珠海4个取样地点的银鲳的Pm和EST酶谱完全相同,同样,上述4个取地点的瓴鲳Pmt EST 酶谱也完全相同,从生化学的角度证明我国各海区的银鲳的翎鲳各为同一个种。5.银鲳和翎鲳为广盐广域种,我国黄渤海、东海、台湾海峡和地海均有分布,而且种群数量最大;灰鲳和中国鲳分布于我国东海南部、台湾海峡中部以南和南海,为亚暖水种,种数量次之:珍鲳仅分布于台湾海峡南部的大陆沿岸及南海,为暖水种,其种群数量较小,在当在形成一定的渔汛。6.系统发育关系分析表明,中国鲳属鱼类构成一个单群,此属的共同离征有:1)成鱼无腹鳍;2)背鳍鳍条多于31枚;3)臀鳍鳍条多于30 枚;4)背鳍和臀鳍前部鳍条延长;5)下颌牙齿为三峰型; 6)食道侧囊1个;7)食道侧囊内乳突有放射状脚根;8)脊椎骨数目少、眼眶窝大、后颞窝骨显、耳石厚等近祖特征,但它们仍然具有鳃耙数目多、下颌牙禽少等近祖特征,也是较早期分化种;中国鲳具有个体大、背鳍和臀鲳不具鳍棘、背鳍和臀鳍鳍条数目较多、鳃耙数少且短、翼蝶骨较发达等特征,是毗较特化种; 翎鲳和灰鲳具有鳍第鳍棘和脊椎骨数目较多、鳃耙数较少等区同祖征和具有显著延长的背鳍和臀鳍前部鳍条等共同离征,是一对姐妹种。


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Shipboard incubations were conducted in spring (April) and autumn (October/November) 2006 to measure the feeding and egg production rates (EPR) of Calanus sinicus in the Yellow Sea, China. The ingestion rate (2.08-11.46 and 0.26-3.70 mu g C female(-1) day(-1) in spring and autumn, respectively) was positively correlated with microplankton carbon concentrations. In the northern part of the Yellow Sea, feeding on microplankton easily covers the respiratory and production requirements, whereas in the southern part in spring and in the frontal zone in autumn, C. sinicus must ingest alternative food sources. Low ingestion rates, no egg production and the dominance of the fifth copepodite (CV) stage indicated that C. sinicus was in quiescence inside the Yellow Sea Cold Bottom Water (YSCBW) area in autumn. Calanus sinicus ingested ciliates preferentially over other components of the microplankton. The EPR (0.16-12.6 eggs female(-1) day(-1) in spring and 11.4 eggs female(-1) day(-1) at only one station in autumn) increased with ciliate standing stock. Gross growth efficiency (GGE) was 13.4% (3-39%) in spring, which was correlated with the proportion of ciliates in the diet. These results indicate that ciliates have higher nutrient quality than other food items, but the low GGE indicates that the diet of C. sinicus is nutritionally incomplete.


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Data collected from 12 marine monitoring stations in Daya Bay from 1982 to 2004 reveal a substantial change in the ecological environment of this region. The average N/P ratio increased from 1.377 in 1985 to 49.09 in 2004. Algal species changed from 159 species of 46 genera in 1982 to 126 species of 44 genera in 2004. Major zooplankton species went from 46 species in 1983 to 36 species in 2004. The annual mean biomass of benthic animals was recorded at 123.10 gm(2) in 1982 and 126.68 g m(2) in 2004. Mean biomass and species of benthic animals near nuclear power plants ranged froth 317.9 g m(2) in 1991 to 45.24 g m(2) in 2004 and from 250 species in 1991 to 177 species in 2004. A total of 12-19 species of hermatypic corals and 13 species of mangrove plants were observed in Daya Bay from 1984 to 2002. 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Three bisnorsesquiterpenes (1-3) with novel carbon skeletons and a norsesquiterpene (4) have been isolated from the brown alga Dictyopteris divaricata. By means of spectroscopic data including IR, HRMS, 1D and 2D NMR techniques, single-crystal X-ray diffraction, and CD, their structures including absolute configurations were proposed as (+)-1R,6S,9R)-1-hydroxyl-6-isopropyl-9-methylbicyclo[4.3.0]non-4-en3-one (1), (-)-(1S,6S,9R)-1-hydroxyl-6-isopropyl-9-methylbicyclo[4.3.0] non-4-en-3-one (2), (+)-(5S,6R,9S)5-hydroxyl-6-isopropyl-9-methylbicyclo [4.3.01 non-1-en-3-one (3), and (-)-(1R,7S,10R)-1-hydroxy-1lnorcadinan-5-en-4-one (4). Biogenetically, the carbon skeleton of 1-3 may be derived from the co-occurring cadinane skeleton by ring contraction and loss of two carbon units, and compound 4 from the oxidation of cadinane derivatives. Compounds 1-4 were inactive (IC50 > 10 mu g/mL) against several human cancer cell lines including lung adenocarcinoma (A549), stomach cancer (BGC-823), breast cancer (MCF-7), hepatoma (Bel7402), and colon cancer (HCT-8) cell lines.


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Oysters are commonly found on rocky shores along China's northern coast, although there is considerable confusion as to what species they are. To determine the taxonomic status of these oysters, we collected specimens from nine locations north of the Yangtze River and conducted genetic identification using DNA sequences. Fragments from three genes, mitochondrial 165 rRNA, mitochondria! cytochrome oxidase I (COI), and nuclear 285 rRNA, were sequenced in six oysters from each of the nine sites. Phylogenetic analysis of all three gene fragments clearly demonstrated that the small oysters commonly found on intertidal rocks in north China are Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg, 1793), not C. plicatula (the zhe oyster) as widely assumed. Their small size and irregular shell characteristics are reflections of the stressful intertidal environment they live in and not reliable characters for classification. Our study confirms that the oysters from Weifang, referred to as Jinjiang oysters or C. rivularis (Gould, 1861), are C. ariakensis (Wakiya, 1929). We found no evidence for the existence of C. talienwhanensis (Crosse, 1862) and other Crassostrea species in north China. Our study highlights the need for reclassifying oysters of China with molecular data.