232 resultados para Emitter spacing


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The creep and relaxation behaviour of laminated glass fibre reinforced plastics (GRP) in three-point bending were studied both experimentally and analytically. Creep and relaxation experiments were carried out on eight types of specimens, consisting of glass fibre fabric reinforced epoxy beams. While the bending deflexion and creep strains were measured in the creep tests, the load and relaxation strain were recorded in the relaxation tests. Marked creep effects were seen in the tests, where the environment temperature was 50°C and the period of the measurement was 60 min. An attempt to predict the creep deflexion and relaxation behaviour was made. The transverse shear effect on creep deflexion was taken into account. The predicted results were compared with experimental ones. They were found to be in reasonable agreement, but the linearization assumption, upon which the relaxation behaviour analysis was based, appears to lead to larger inaccuracies in the results.


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A crack intersecting an interface between two dissimilar materials may advance by either penetrating through the interface or deflecting into the interface. The competition between deflection and penetration can be assessed by comparison of two ratios: (i) the ratio of the energy release rates for interface cracking and crack penetration; and (ii) the ratio of interface to material fracture energies. Residual stresses caused by thermal expansion misfit can influence the energy release rates of both the deflected and penetrating crack. This paper analyses the role of residual stresses. The results reveal that expansion misfit can be profoundly important in systems with planar interfaces (such as layered materials, thin film structures, etc.), but generally can be expected to be of little significance in fiber composites. This paper corrects an earlier result for the ratio of the energy release rate for the doubly deflected crack to that for the penetrating crack in the absence of residual stress.


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A study has been made of the microstructure of the thermally assisted band in a low carbon ferrite-pearlite steel, resulting from high speed torsional testing with an average strain rate of about 1500 s−1. Metallographic examination showed that there are several fine shear bands distributed over a deformed region (the gauge length of the specimen). The width of these bands is estimated to be of the order of magnitude of 50 μm, and the spacing between them is roughly about 100 μm. Detailed scanning electron microscopy studies indicate that damage of the microstructure within the band is very apparent, as evidenced by microcrack initiation and coalescence along the shear deformation band. However, there is no evidence that the material in the band had become microcrystalline or non-crystalline.


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This paper presents a summary of the authors' recent work in following areas: (1) The stress-strain fields at crack tip in Reissner's plate. (2) The calculations of the stress intensity factors in finite size plates. (3) The stress-strain fields at crack tip in Reissner's shell. (4) The calculations of the stress intensity factors and bulging coefficients in finite size spherical shells. (5) The stress-strain fields along crack tip in three dimensional body with surface crack. (6) The calculation of stress intensity factors in a plate with surface crack.


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The strain energy density criterion is used to characterize subcritical crack growth in a thin aluminum alloy sheet undergoing general yielding. A finite element analysis which incorporates both material and geometrical nonlinear behaviors of the cracked sheets is developed to predict fracture loads at varying crack growth increments. The predicted results are in excellent agreement with those measured experimentally, thus confirming the validity of the strain energy density criterion for characterizing ductile crack propagation.


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从溶液中聚集体的角度研究了溶液的热历史改变生长出的蛋白质晶体的数目和尺寸的内在原因.将在281和309 K下保存1 d的两组溶菌酶溶液按不同比例混合,加入沉淀剂生长晶体.随着高温溶液的比例增加,生长出的晶体数目减少,同时溶液中生长基元的尺寸增大.在5周内,采用动态光散射对281,293和309K三种温度下保存的溶菌酶溶液中聚集体的变化情况进行监测,发现溶液中均存在大小不同的两部分聚集体,称之为小聚集体与多聚体.前者的尺寸基本不随保存时间而变化,而后者尺寸随保存时间增加而减小,减小的速度与保存温度有关.多聚体的尺寸经过5周后和小聚集体基本相同.研究结果表明,处于无序聚集阶段的溶液的均一化程度和成核阶段生长基元的尺寸受到了溶液热历史的影响,并最终对晶体的数目产生影响.


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Through the coupling between aerodynamic and structural governing equations, a fully implicit multiblock aeroelastic solver was developed for transonic fluid/stricture interaction. The Navier-Stokes fluid equations are solved based on LU-SGS (lower-upper symmetric Gauss-Seidel) Time-marching subiteration scheme and HLLEW (Harten-Lax-van Leer-Einfeldt-Wada) spacing discretization scheme and the same subiteration formulation is applied directly to the structural equations of motion in generalized coordinates. Transfinite interpolation (TFI) is used for the grid deformation of blocks neighboring the flexible surfaces. The infinite plate spline (IPS) and the principal of virtual work are utilized for the data transformation between fluid and structure. The developed code was fort validated through the comparison of experimental and computational results for the AGARD 445.6 standard aeroelastic wing. In the subsonic and transonic range, the calculated flutter speeds and frequencies agree well with experimental data, however, in the supersonic range, the present calculation overpredicts the experimental flutter points similar to other computations. Then the flutter character of a complete aircraft configuration is analyzed through the calculation of the change of structural stiffness. Finally, the phenomenon of aileron buzz is simulated for the weakened model of a supersonic transport wing/body model at Mach numbers of 0.98 and l.05. The calculated unsteady flow shows, on the upper surface, the shock wave becomes stronger as the aileron deflects downward, and the flow behaves just contrary on the lower surface of the wing. Corresponding to general theoretical analysis, the flow instability referred to as aileron buzz is induced by a stronger shock alternately moving on the upper and lower surfaces of wing. For the rigid structural model, the flow is stable at all calculated Mach numbers as observed in experiment


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Shear banding characterization of Zr64.13Cu15.75Ni10.12Al10 and Zr65Cu15Ni10Al10 bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) with significant difference in inherent plasticity and quite similar chemical composition was studied by depth sensitive macroindentaion tests with conical indenter. Well-developed shear band pattern can be found for both BMGs after indentation. Distinct difference in the shear band spacing, scale of plastic deformation region and the shear band branching in the two BMGs account for the different plasticity.


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动脉粥样硬化的非随机发生与当地的流体动力环境有关。完全模拟体内血流动力学环境是不可能的。我们的思路是将复杂的血管形态,分解成若干几何因素,尽可能地研究某一几何因素对流场和血管内皮细胞生长的影响。在体外实验中,为了便于在线观测,主要采用流动腔(Flow Chamber)技术。不同于国内外己有的研究,我们主要研究几何因素引起的流型的改变及其对血管内皮细胞生长的影响。本论文主要是用数值方法来研究五种几何因素(扩张、弯曲、驻点、分叉和后向台阶)引起的流型特征。分析各参数的影响,进而优化设计。为在体外进行血管内皮细胞培养实验,研究不同流场条件下由于几何形状改变引起的流场特性改变对内皮细胞生长的影响,提供理论依据。


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本文采用生物渗流理论,建立了肝脏内不同生物流体流动的多重介质渗流模型,采用有限元法求解这种特殊的渗流问题,根据数值计算结果揭示了肝内血液、组织液以及胆汁等的流动规律,并探讨了肝脏血流动力学的一些问题。论文将肝脏内部与生物代谢功能有关的肝血窦和窦周间隙当作两重并存的多孔介质,血液在肝血窦中,以及组织液在窦周间隙中的流动均当作渗流处理,通过Starling公式考虑了两重介质之间的流量交换,从而建立了肝血窦-窦周间隙的双重介质模型。针对肝脏胆汁分泌功能,将肝脏内密布的毛血肝管网当作多孔介质,以受静压及渗透压驱动的流体跨壁流动表示肝汁从肝细胞向毛细肝管的分泌,肝汁在毛细胆管网中的流动作为渗流处理,从而建立了肝汁分泌与输运的双重介质模型。采用有限元法求解了生物流体的双重介质渗流问题,针对非牛顿渗流和两重介质的相互作用,本文发展了一种嵌套迭代方法,即采用直接迭代求解血液在肝血窦中的非线性渗流,采用交替迭代解决双重介质渗流中由跨壁流支引起的相互流体交换,直接迭代嵌套于交替迭代中。这种算法比较有效的解决了包含非牛顿渗流的双重介质渗流问题。根据生物多孔介质中微细管系统的构筑方式以及不同微细管系统之间的联系方式,论文提出将生物多孔介质划分为分级多孔介质和多重多孔介质两种主要类型。基于多相混合物的平均化的理论,论文推导了双重多孔介质中的动量守恒方程、质量守恒方程以及相应的渗流方程,建立了双重多孔介质渗流的平均化模型。基于分级多孔介质渗流的理论,论文将脏器中的血管树按管径分为不同级别的多孔介质,各级血管中和血液流动均作为渗流处理,从而提出了计算脏器整体血流的一种渗流方法。采用这种方法,在论文提出的肝血窦 - 窦周间隙双重介质渗流流模型的基础之上,初步研究了肝脏门静脉系统的血液动力学规律。采用本文提出的肝血窦 - 窦周间隙双重介质模型和胆汁分泌 - 流动的双重介质模型,得到了血液、组织液和胆汁在肝小叶中的压力分布和速度分布,并分析了肝血窦壁的跨壁流动模式,胆汁流量的影响因素,以及窦周间隙中组织液流量与肝血窦中血液流动及肝血窦壁渗透系数等因素的关系,揭示了肝脏内血液、组织液及胆汁等生物流体流动的一般规律。