52 resultados para Dynamic response


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Submerged floating tunnel (SFT) is a popular concept of crossing waterways. The failure of the cable may occur due to vortex-induced-vibration (VIV), and the stability of the cable is crucial to the safety of the entire tunnel. Investigation results in recent years show that the vortex-induced vibration of the flexible cables with large aspect ratio reveals some new phenomena, for example, the vortex-induced wave, multi-mode competition, wide band random vibration, which have brought new challenges to the study of vortex-induced vibration of long flexible cables. In this paper, the dimensionless parameter controlling the wave types of dynamic response of slender cables undergoing vortex-induced vibration is investigated by means of dimensional analysis and finite element numerical simulations. Our results indicate that there are three types of response for a slender cable, i.e. standing wave vibration, traveling wave vibration and intermediate state. Based on dimensional analysis the controlling parameter is found to be related to the system damping including fluid damping and structural damping, order number of the locked-in modes and the aspect ratio of cable. Furthermore through numerical simulations and parameter regression, the expression and the critical value of controlling parameter is presented. At last the physical meaning of the parameter is analyzed and discussed.


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A large number of catastrophic accidents were aroused by the instability and destruction of anti-dip rock masses in the worldwide engineering projects, such as hydropower station, mine, railways and so on. Problems in relation to deformation and failure about anti-dip rock slopes are significant for engineering geology research. This dissertation takes the Longpan slope in the Jinsha River as a case to study the deformation mechanism of large-scale anti-dip rock masses and the slope stability analysis method. The primary conclusions are as follows. The Dale Reach of Jinsha River, from Longpan to the debouchment of Chongjiang tributary, is located in the southeastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Longpan slope is the right embankment of Dale dam, it is only 26 km to the Shigu and 18 km to Tiger Leaping Gorge. The areal geology tectonic structures here area are complicated and blurry. Base on the information of geophysical exploration (CSAMT and seismology) and engineering geological investigation, the perdue tectonic pattern of Dale Reach is put forward for the first time in this paper. Due to the reverse slip of Longpan fault and normal left-rotation of Baihanchang fault, the old faulted valley came into being. The thick riverbed sediments have layered characters of different components and corresponding causes, which attribute to the sedimentary environments according with the new tectonic movements such as periodic mountain uplifting in middle Pleistocene. Longpan slope consists of anti-dip alternate sandstone and slate stratums, and the deformable volume is 6.5×107m3 approximately. It was taken for an ancient landslide or toppling failure in the past so that Dale dam became a vexed question. Through the latest field surveying, displacement monitoring and rock masses deforming characters analyses, the geological mechanism is actually a deep-seated gravitational bending deformation. And then the discrete element method is used to simulate the deforming evolution process, the conclusion accords very well with the geo-mechanical patterns analyses. In addition strength reduction method based on DEM is introduced to evaluate the factor of safety of anti-dip rock slope, and in accordance with the expansion way of the shear yielding zones, the progressive shear failure mechanism of large-scale anti-dip rock masses is proposed for the first time. As an embankment or a close reservoir bank to the lower dam, the stability of Longpan slope especially whether or not resulting in sliding with high velocity and activating water waves is a key question for engineering design. In fact it is difficult to decide the unified slip surface of anti-dip rock slope for traditional methods. The author takes the shear yielding zones acquired form the discrete element strength reduction calculation as the potential sliding surface and then evaluates the change of excess pore pressure and factor of stability of the slope generated by rapid drawdown of ponded water. At the same time the dynamic response of the slope under seismic loading is simulated through DEM numerical modeling, the following results are obtained. Firstly the effective effect of seismic inertia force is resulting in accumulation of shear stresses. Secondly the discontinuous structures are crucial to wave transmission. Thirdly the ultimate dynamic response of slope system takes place at the initial period of seismic loading. Lastly but essentially the effect of earthquake load to bringing on deformation and failure of rock slope is the coupling effect of shear stresses and excess pore water pressure accumulation. In view of limitations in searching the critical slip surface of rock slope of the existing domestic and international software for limit equilibrium slope stability analyses, this article proposes a new method named GA-Sarma Algorithm for rock slope stability analyses. Just as its name implies, GA-Sarma Algorithm bases on Genetic Algorithm and Sarma method. GA-Sarma Algorithm assumes the morphology of slip surface to be a broken line with traceability to extend along the discontinuous surface structures, and the slice boundaries is consistent with rock mass discontinuities such as rock layers, faults, cracks, and so on. GA-Sarma Algorithm is revolutionary method that is suitable for global optimization of the critical slip surface for rock slopes. The topics and contents including in this dissertation are closely related to the difficulties in practice, the main conclusions have been authorized by the engineering design institute. The research work is very meaningful and useful for the engineering construction of Longpan hydropower station.


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The past three decades have seen numerous attempts to numerically model stress and strain patterns in the lithosphere of the Earth on both global and regional scales. This efforts have been indispensable in identifying the features we need to include in our endeavour to develop better models of our planet’s lithosphere and they have also raised our awareness for the many unresolved issue in the deep geodynamical issues that need to be addressed in the future. Nonetheless, in most models, the lithosphere is treated as a single layer with depth-averaged properties, and as the same distribution in the stress and strain fields, and as deforming under plane strain. All these above make a great hander for its reality and degree of recognition. As the beginning in this paper, some principal numerical models and results on the evolution of Tibetan plateau are reviewed and analyzed. Then, the geological and geophysical expedition on the Western Himalayan Syntaxis is briefly reviewed. Furthermore, we analysis the feature in deep geophysical field studies in this area and adjacent regions. Because, for most continents, stress models driven by plate boundary forces have successfully reproduced the main characteristics of the stress and strain field, we present a set of three-dimensional models of lithosphere system for a simplified geometry of the Western Himalayan Syntaxis area and its adjacent regions, where we try to match the first-order characteristics of the stress and strain fields of lithosphere since 10 Ma, and deformation and geodynamical evolution process in former 2Ma. Of course, the kinematic boundary conditions of the stress models driven by plate boundary forces were applied. The rheology plays a significant role in the lithospheric tectonics, which lead to different rheological parameters were used in different works although the have the same constitutive equations in models. So, in this paper we do not aim to produce all characteristics of the Western Himalayan Syntaxis areas’ stress and strain fields by the choices of various parameters, but rather the dynamic response between various rheological parameters and stress and strain fields. We have chosen to concentrate on the importance of rheology and lateral strength variations for lithospheric stress and strain patterns and use our findings to build a model of the Western Himalayan Syntaxis areas. In doing so, we want to go beyond purely elastic models or purely viscoelastic models. Compared the results of the crust viscosity in the Western Himalayan Syntaxis areas, we believed that, when various viscoelastic models are adopted, the selection of the coefficient of viscosity in the Western Syntaxis area has important influence on the its uplifts and evolutions. A wider uplift ranges and gently elevation was observed at the same time when a lower viscosity was used in our models, and vice versa. Data of stress magnitudes are not available, but it is clear that the stress levels must be at or below the failure threshold of rock under compression. Under these criteria, the calculation results show that the viscosity in the Western Syntaxis area should be smaller than 1023Pa.s When elastic model is adopted in relatively rigid Tarim basin, obvious changes are induced to the stress and strain fields of the whole Western Syntaxis area. We found that rigid block of lithosphere reduced stress levels within its interior and that, at the edges of such regions, stress orientation can change. Furthermore there is no evidence that such rigid regions act as stress barriers in that they shield areas in opposite sides of the structure from the influence of one another. In our models, the upper crustal material of the Western Syntaxis area does not turns to move westward. Whereas, because of the stress and strain fields have been decoupling at the interior of the lithosphere, we can get the results that the deep material must not move westward.


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The relationship is determined between saturated duration of rectangular pressure pulses applied to rigid, perfectly plastic structures and their fundamental periods of elastic vibration. It is shown that the ratio between the saturated duration and the fundamental period of elastic vibration of a structure is dependent upon two factors: the first one is the slenderness or thinness ratio of the structure; and the second one is the square root of ratio between the Young's elastic modulus and the yield stress of the structural material. Dimensional analysis shows that the aforementioned ratio is one of the basic similarity parameters for elastic-plastic modeling under dynamic loading.


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A dimensionless number, termed as response number in Zhao [Archive of Applied Mechanics 68 (1998) 524], has been suggested for the dynamic plastic response of beams and plates made up of rigidly perfect plastic materials subjected to dynamic loading. Many theoretical and experimental results can be reformulated into new concise forms with the response number. The concept of a new dimensionless number, response number, termed as Rn(n), is generalized in Zhao [Forschung im Ingenieurwesen 65 (1999) 107] to study the elastic, plastic, dynamic elastic as well as dynamic plastic buckling problems of columns, plates as well as shells. The response number Rn(n) is generalized to the dynamic behaviour of shells of various shapes in the present paper.


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A dimensionless number, termed response number, is applied to the dynamic plastic response of plates subjected to dynamic loading. Many theoretical and experimental results presented by different researchers are reformulated into new concise forms with the response number. The advantage of the new forms is twofold: (1) they are more physically meaningful, and (2) they are independent of the choice of units, thus, they have wider range of applications.


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The experimental investigation of the response of suction bucket foundation in fine sand layer under horizontal dynamic loading has been carried out. The developments of settlement and excess pore pressure of sand foundation have been mainly studied. It is shown that the sand surrounding the bucket softens or even liquefies at the first stage if the loading amplitude is over a critical value, at later stage, the bucket settles and the sand layer consolidates gradually. With the solidification of the liquefied sand layer and the settlement of the bucket, the movement of the sand layer and the bucket reach a stable state.


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Abstract: Experiments to determine the horizontal static bearing capacity are carried out first. The static bearing capacity is a reference for choosing the amplitudes of dynamic load. Then a series of experiments under dynamic horizontal load are carried out in laboratory to study the influences of factors, such as the scales of bucket, the amplitude and frequency of load, the density of soils etc.. The responses of bucket foundations in calcareous sand under horizontal dynamic load are analyzed according to the experimental results. The displacements of bucket and sand layer are analyzed.


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A study was carried out to examine the effect of dynamic photosynthetically active photon flux density (PPFD) on photoinhibition and energy use in three herbaceous species, prostrate Saussurea superba, erect-leaved S. katochaete, and half-erect-leaved Gentiana straminea, from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Chlorophyll fluorescence response was measured under each of three sets of high-low PPFD combinations: 1700-0, 1400-300, and 1200-500 mu mol m(-2) s(-1), illuminating in four dynamic frequencies: 1, 5, 15, and 60 cycles per 2 h. The total light exposure time was 2h and the integrated PPFD was the same in all treatments. The highest frequency of PPFD fluctuation resulted in the lowest photochemical activity, the highest level of non-photochemical quenching, and the greatest decrease of F-v/F-m (maximal photochemical efficiency of PSII). The 5 and 15 cycles per 2h treatments resulted in higher photochemical activity than the 1 cycle per 2h treatment. The 1700-0 PPFD combination led to the lowest photochemical activity and more serious photoinhibition in all species. S. superba usually exhibited the highest photochemical activity and CO2 uptake rate, the lowest reduction of F-v/F-m,F- and the smallest fraction of energy in thermal dissipation. With similar fractions of thermal dissipation, S. katochaete had relatively less photoinhibition than G. straminea owing to effective F-o quenching. The results suggest that high frequency of fluctuating PPFD generally results in photoinhibition, which is more serious under periods of irradiation with high light intensity. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The nonlinear behavior varying with the instantaneous response was analyzed through the joint time-frequency analysis method for a class of S. D. O. F nonlinear system. A masking operator an definite regions is defined and two theorems are presented. Based on these, the nonlinear system is modeled with a special time-varying linear one, called the generalized skeleton linear system (GSLS). The frequency skeleton curve and the damping skeleton curve are defined to describe the main feature of the non-linearity as well. Moreover, an identification method is proposed through the skeleton curves and the time-frequency filtering technique.


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The material response and failure mechanism of unidirectional metal matrix composite under impulsive shear loading are investigated in this paper. Both experimental and analytical studies were performed. The shear strength of unidirectional C-f/A356.0 composite and A356.0 aluminum alloy at high strain rate were measured with a modified split Hopkinson torsional bar technique. The results indicated that the carbon fibers did not improve the shear strength of aluminum matrix if the fiber orientation aligned with the shear loading axis. The microscopic inspection of the fractured surface showed a multi-scale zigzag feature which implied a complicated shear failure mechanism in the composite. In addition to testing, the micromechanical stress field in the composite was analyzed by the generalized Eshelby equivalent method (GEEM). The influence of cracking in matrix on the micromechanical stress field was investigated as well. The results showed that the stress distribution in the composite is quite nonhomogeneous and very high shear stress concentrations are found in some regions in the matrix. The high shear stress concentration in the matrix induces tensile cracking at 45 degrees to the shear direction. This in turn aggravates the stress concentration at the fiber/matrix interface and finally leads to a catastrophic failure in the composite. From the correlation between the analysis and experimental results, the shear failure mechanism of unidirectional C-f/A356.0 composite can be elucidated qualitatively.


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Based on Navier-Stokes equations and structural and flight dynamic equations of motion, dynamic responses in vertical discrete gust flow perturbation are investigated for a supersonic transport model. A tightly coupled method was developed by subiterations between aerodynamic equations and dynamic equations of motion. First, under the assumption of rigid-body and single freedom of motion in the vertical plunging, the results of a direct-coupling method are compared with the results of quasi-steady model method. Then, gust responses for the one-minus-cosine gust profile arc analyzed with two freedoms of motion in plunging and pitching for the airplane configurations with and without the consideration of structural deformation.


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The impact response and failure mechanisms of ultrahigh modulus polyethylene (UHMPE) fiber composites and UHMPE fiber-carbon fiber hybrid composites have been investigated. Charpy impact, drop weight impact and high strain rate impact experiments have been performed in order to study the impact resistance, notch sensitivity, strain rate sensitivity and hybrid effects. Results obtained from dynamic and quasi-static measurements have been compared. Because of the ductility of UHMPE fibers, the impact energy absorption of UHMPE fiber composites is very high, thereby leading to excellent damage tolerance. By hybridizing with UHMPE fibers, the impact properties of carbon fiber composites can be greatly improved. The impact and shock failure mechanisms of these composites are discussed.