71 resultados para Deficient


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通过定点土壤水分测定与对比分析,研究了陕北黄土区35~45°陡坡地人工植被的土壤水分亏缺状况、年际、年内动态变化规律、干燥化特征及其补偿恢复特征。结果表明:陡坡地多年生人工植被的土壤水分亏缺极为严重,贫水年0~10m土层贮水量仅相当于田间持水量的26.2%~42.0%,丰水年贮水量也仅占田间持水量的27.0%~43.3%;亏缺次序为:柠条>刺槐>苜蓿>侧柏>杨树>油松>荒坡>杏>枣>农地。年际间同一植被土壤水分含量的变化主要发生在200 cm以上土层内,变异程度随土壤深度的增加而减弱。同一生长季,各种植被0~120 cm土层含水量的变异系数都较大,但植被间差异较小;120 cm以下土层,变异系数较小,但植被间差异较大。陡坡地多年生植被均有永久干层存在,但深层土壤干燥化强度因植物种类和生长年限而存在明显的差异。雨季土壤水分的补偿和恢复深度为1.0~1.4m,但不同植被的土壤贮水增量和补偿度有较大差异。同一植被丰水年的雨水补偿深度比干旱年可增加60 cm以上,5m土层贮水增量增加3倍以上。在自然降雨条件下,陡坡地多年生人工植被的土壤贮水亏缺状况不能得到改善,土壤干化现象也不可能有所缓解。


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获得性免疫缺陷综合征(AIDS)是一种由人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)引起的,以全身免疫系统受到严重损害为特征的传染性疾病。从目前HIV-1的流行趋势来看,HIV-1 C亚型已经成为全球最主要的流行株之一,因此,针对HIV-1 C亚型的疫苗设计颇为重要。gp120作为HIV-1的包膜糖蛋白,能够诱导广泛的中和抗体反应,中和进入机体的病毒粒子,阻止病毒早期感染,所以本实验选取HIV-1 C亚型密码子优化的gp120作为免疫原进行研究。目前的疫苗研究中,腺病毒载体是较理想的病毒载体之一,具有安全性好、外源基因容纳量大、感染效率高、操作简便等优点。我们以复制缺陷型腺病毒为载体,构建了表达HIV-1 C亚型密码子优化的gp120的重组腺病毒vAd-gp120,经Western Blot方法检测到了gp120蛋白的表达。树突状细胞(DC)是已知最强的抗原呈递细胞(APC),也是目前发现的唯一能够刺激初始型T细胞增殖的细胞。经抗原致敏的DC可通过MHC-Ⅰ、MHC-Ⅱ途径递呈抗原,并激活T细胞,从而激发体内的体液免疫和特异性细胞免疫反应。我们利用Amaxa系统将HIV-1 C亚型gp120基因转入人外周血单核细胞来源的DC,构建了以DC为载体的治疗性疫苗,并对其功能进行初步研究,发现负载gp120的DC能够显著刺激淋巴细胞的增殖、增强CD8T细胞表面活化分子CD25的表达以及促进CD8T细胞分泌++IFN-γ,为下一步DC治疗性疫苗的体内研究奠定了基础。


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5-羟色胺(5-HT)是中枢神经系统内非常重要的神经递质,广泛参与各种行为和生理过程。5-羟色胺功能低下可导致多种精神类疾病尤其是焦虑、抑郁和创伤后应激障碍等,而这些疾病都伴有学习和记忆的障碍;海马是参与学习记忆的重要脑区。海马接受5-HT神经元的直接投射且富含5-HT受体,因而海马也可以通过5-HT系统调控焦虑、抑郁及学习记忆。海马突触可塑性是学习记忆的细胞分子机制,是学习记忆的基础。我们条件性敲除转录因子Lmx1b得到中枢5-HT缺失小鼠,利用该小鼠进行中枢神经系统5-HT功能的研究。我们发现该小鼠的脑结构和运动能力正常;水迷宫空间学习能力正常,但空间记忆受损;焦虑水平降低,但是环境恐惧学习和记忆能力增强,增强的恐惧记忆能被外源给予的5-HT逆转;在中枢5-HT缺失小鼠中,应激对海马可塑性的作用即损伤LTP易化LTD消失,外源给予5-HT可以恢复应激的效果。这些结果提示应激导致海马LTP损伤可能是保护机制,缺乏这种保护机制可能导致恐惧记忆相关的创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)的易感。成瘾的核心特征是对药物的强迫性渴求和复吸。成瘾与学习记忆有很多共同的脑区和分子通路,它可能通过篡夺正常生理神经通路而产生比正常生理反应更强烈的可塑性,形成有害的异常记忆。以前的报道证实海马的兴奋性突触可塑性在成瘾过程中的适应性改变可能是成瘾的机制;但是成瘾涉及复杂的生物机制,因而不可能仅是兴奋性突触可塑性的贡献。我们研究了5-HT系统和抑制性系统(主要是GABA能系统)在成瘾中的贡献。利用中枢5-HT缺失小鼠,我们发现5-HT缺失小鼠的吗啡显著地易化了5-HT CKO的海马LTP,同时也导致成瘾行为持续不消退;5-HT和5-HT1a受体激动剂能逆转此现象。这提示毒品成瘾可能导致中枢5-HT缺失,进而增强海马LTP,使毒品相关记忆牢固不消退。GABA能系统是中枢神经系统最重要的抑制性系统,我们研究发现一次吗啡对内源性大麻受体(CB1R)依赖的抑制性突触的长时程抑制(Inhibitory long-term depression,I-LTD)没有影响,成瘾后I-LTD抑制,而吗啡成瘾后戒断导致了内源性大麻受体(CB1R)和L-型钙通道(LTCC)依赖的GABA能LTD (I-LTD),使I-LTD增大了一倍,提示在吗啡成瘾阶段过程中,有组合突触可塑性发生,进而增强了突触可塑性的调控范围。 本论文是对中枢5-HT系统对海马兴奋性突触可塑性在焦虑、应激、成瘾等异常记忆中的调节作用以及海马抑制性系统在成瘾和戒断中的贡献进行研究,表明恐惧记忆和毒品成瘾记忆存在许多共同的细胞分子机理,对今后治疗焦虑、创伤后应激障碍和成瘾提供了新的思路。


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The electronic structure of a microporous titanosilicate framework, ETS-10 is calculated by means of a first-principles self-consistent method. It is shown that without the inclusion of the alkali atoms whose positions in the framework are unknown, ETS-10 is an electron deficient system with 32 electrons per unit cell missing at the top of an otherwise semiconductor-like band structure. The calculated density of slates are resolved into partial components. It is shown that the states of the missing electrons primarily originate from the Ti-O bond. The local density of states of the Ti-3d orbitals in the ETS-10 framework is quite different from the perovskite BaTiO3. The possibilities of ETS-10 crystal being ferroelectric or having other interesting properties are discussed.


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Using Transmission Electron Microscopy, we studied the misfit and threading dislocations in InAs epilayers. All the samples, with thickness around 0.5 mu m, were grown on GaAs(001) substrates by molecular beam epitaxy under As-rich or in-rich conditions. The As-rich growth undergoes 2D-3D mode transition process, which was inhibited under In-rich surface. High step formation energy under As-deficient reconstruction inhibits the formation of 3D islands and leads to 2D growth. The mechanism of misfit dislocations formation was different under different growth condition which caused the variation of threading dislocation density in the epilayers.


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瑞香狼毒(Stellera chamaejasme L.)是瑞香科(Thymelaeaceae)狼毒属的一种多年生野草,有毒。据调查,从20 世纪60 年代开始至今,狼毒在青藏高原东缘的高寒草甸上不断蔓延、密度不断变大,在一些地段甚至成为优势物种。有关狼毒在高寒草甸蔓延的生态系统效应的研究尚未见报道。本文从系统碳、氮循环的角度,分别研究狼毒在生长和非生长季节对高寒草甸生态系统的影响。同时,从花粉化感的角度,深入研究狼毒对当地同花期物种有性繁殖的影响。系统地研究高寒草甸生态系统物质循环过程,特别是非生长季节微生物和土壤碳氮库的动态变化,有助于揭示狼毒在系统物质循环方面的“物种效应”以及这种效应的季节变化,为丰富有关高海拔生态系统,特别是其非生长季的物质循环的科学理论做出贡献。同时,碳氮循环和花粉化感的研究还有助于深刻地理解狼毒作为一种入侵性很强的杂草的特殊的蔓延机制,从而为狼毒的有效防治、高寒草甸的科学管理提供依据。 针对狼毒在青藏高原高寒草甸上蔓延的生态系统碳氮循环方面的影响,开展以下2 方面的研究:(1)在生长季,研究松潘县尕米寺附近(北纬32°53',东经103°40',海拔3190 m)的两种地形(平地和阳坡)条件下狼毒对土壤碳氮循环影响及可能的原因。狼毒和其它几个主要物种(圆穗蓼(Polygonummacrophyllum D. Don var. Macrophyllum),草地早熟禾(Poa pretensis L.),四川嵩草(Kobresia setchwanensis Hand.-Maizz.),鹅绒委陵菜(Potentilla anserina L.var. anserine)和鳞叶龙胆(Gentiana squarrosa Ledeb.)的地上凋落物产量以及地上凋落物和根的化学组成被测量。在有-无狼毒斑块下,各种土壤的库(比如,铵态氮、硝态氮、无机磷和微生物生物量)和周转率(包括净矿化、净硝化、总硝化、反硝化和微生物呼吸速率)被测量和比较。(2)在非生长季节,尤其是春季冻融交替期,选取了两个研究地点——尕米寺和卡卡沟(北纬32°59',东经103°41',海拔3400 m),分别测定有狼毒和无狼毒斑块下土壤微生物生物量碳和氮、可溶性有机碳和氮以及铵态氮和硝态氮的动态变化。同时,分别在上述两个地点有-无狼毒的样地上,研究6 个主要物种(狼毒、圆穗蓼、草地早熟禾、四川嵩草、鹅绒委陵菜和鳞叶龙胆)从秋季开始、为期1 年的凋落物分解过程。 针对狼毒花粉化感对同花期其它物种可能的花粉化感作用开展以下工作:在实验室中,用一系列浓度的狼毒花粉水浸提液对与它同花期的其它物种以及自身花粉进行测试,测定花粉萌发率;在野外自然条件下的其它物种的柱头上施用上述浓度的狼毒花粉水浸提液,观测种子结实率,同时,观察狼毒花粉的种间花粉散布数量。 生长季节的研究结果表明,狼毒地上凋落物氮含量比其它几个主要物种更高,而木质素-总氮比更低。狼毒显著地增加其斑块下表层土壤中有机质的含量,而有-无狼毒的亚表层土壤在有机碳和总磷方面没有显著差异。狼毒表土中硝态氮含量在平地和阳坡比无狼毒土壤分别高113%和90%。狼毒表土中微生物生物量碳和氮量显著高于无狼毒表土。无论是平地还是阳坡,狼毒土壤的总硝化和微生物呼吸速率显著高于无狼毒土壤;而它们的反硝化速率只在平地有显著的差异。狼毒与其它物种间地上凋落物的产量和质量的差异可能是导致有-无狼毒土壤碳氮循环差异的原因。我们假设,狼毒可能通过增加贫氮生态系统土壤中的有效氮含量提高其入侵能力。 非生长季的研究结果表明,在青藏高原东缘的高寒草甸上,土壤微生物生3物量在11 月的秋-冬过渡期达到第一个峰值;在春季的冻融交替期,微生物生物量达到第二个峰值后又迅速降低。无机氮以及可溶性有机碳氮与微生物生物量有相似的变化过程。微生物碳氮比呈现显著的季节性变化。隆冬季节的微生物生物量碳氮比显著高于生长旺季的微生物碳氮比。这种变化可能暗示冬、夏季微生物的群落组成和对资源的利用有所不同。有-无狼毒斑块下土壤微生物和土壤碳、氮库一般只在秋-冬过渡期有显著差异,有狼毒土壤微生物生物量和土壤碳、氮库显著高于无狼毒土壤;而在之后的冬季和春季没有显著差异。所有6 个物种凋落物在非生长季分解率为24%-50%,均高于生长季的10%到30%。其中在秋-冬过渡期,凋落物开始埋藏的两周时间内,分解最快,达10%-20%。不同物种凋落物全年的分解率和分解过程有显著差异。圆穗蓼在全年的分解都较缓慢(非生长季26%,生长季15%),草地早熟禾和四川嵩草等全年的分解速率比较均匀(非生长季和生长季均为30%,非生长季略高),而狼毒在非生长季分解较快(约50%),而在接下来的生长季分解变得缓慢(约12%)。所有物种的凋落物氮含量在非生长季下降,而在随后的生长季上升。 实验室的花粉萌发试验证明,狼毒花粉对自身花粉萌发没有自毒作用,而其它受试的所有物种(圆穗蓼,秦艽(Gentiana macrophylla Pall. var. fetissowii),湿生扁蕾(Gentianopsis paludosa (Hook. f.) Ma var. paludosa),鳞叶龙胆,椭圆叶花锚(Halenia elliptica D. Don var. elliptica),蓝钟花(Cyananthus hookeri C. B.Cl. var. grandiflorus Marq.),小米草(Euphrasia pectinata Ten.),川西翠雀花(Delphinium tongolense Franch.),高原毛茛(Ranunculus tanguticus (Maxim.)Ovcz. var. tanguticus)和鹅绒委陵菜)的花粉萌发率随着狼毒花粉浸提液浓度的增加呈显著的非线性降低。大约3 个狼毒花粉的浸提液就可以抑制受试的多数物种的50%的花粉萌发。在鳞叶龙胆和小米草柱头上狼毒花粉的数量分别为5.76 个和3.35 个。狼毒花粉散布数量的差异最可能的原因在于是否有共同的传粉昆虫。花的形状(辐射对称VS 左右对称)、植株或花的密度以及花期重叠性可以部分解释这种差异。在野外试验中,我们发现6 个物种(秦艽、湿生扁蕾、鳞叶龙胆、椭圆叶花锚、蓝钟花和小米草)的种子结实率随狼毒花粉浸提液浓度的增加呈显著的非线性降低。鳞叶龙胆和小米草柱头上狼毒花粉的数量(分别是5.76 个和3.35 个)分别达到了抑制它们63%和55%种子结实率的水平。因此,狼毒对鳞叶龙胆和小米草可能存在明显的花粉化感抑制作用。狼毒周围的物种可能通过花期在季节或昼夜上的分异避免受到狼毒花粉化感的影响或者通过无性繁殖来维持种群繁衍,因此狼毒通过花粉化感作用对其周围物种繁殖的影响程度还需要进一步地研究。如果狼毒的花粉化感抑制作用确实存在,那么它可能成为一种自然选择压力,进而影响物种的进化。 Stellera chamaejasme L., a perennial toxic weed, has emerged and quicklydominated and spread in the high-frigid meadow on the eastern Tibetan Plateau ofChina since the 1960s. In the present study, effects of S. chamaejasme on carbon andnitrogen cycles on the high-frigid meadow on the eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau ingrowing and non-growing season, and its pollen allelopathic effects on the sympatricspecies were determined. The present study that focused on carbon and nitrogencycles, especially on microbial biomass and pools of carbon and nitrogen innon-growing season, could profoundly illuminate plant-species effects on carbon andnutrient cycles and its seasonal pattern and help to understand spread mechanism ofS. chamaejasme as an aggressive weed. The present study also contributed to furtherunderstand carbon and nutrient cycles on alpine regions in non-growing season andprovide a basis on weed control of S. chamaejasme and scientific management in thehigh-frigid ecosystem. Effects of S. chamaejasme on carbon and nitrogen cycles on the high-frigidmeadow on the eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau were determined. The study couldbe divided into two parts. (1) In the growing season, we quantified the effects of S.chamaejasme on carbon and nitrogen cycles in two types of topographic habitats, theflat valley and the south-facing slope, where S. chamaejasme was favored to spreadlitter and root were measured to explain the likely effects of S. chamaejasme on soilcarbon and nutrient cycles. The sizes of various soil pools, e.g. nitrite, ammonium,inorganic phosphorus and microbial biomass, and turnover rates including netmineralization, gross nitrification, denitrification and microbial respiration weredetermined. (2) In the non-growing season study, microbial biomass carbon andnitrogen, soluble organic carbon and nitrogen, ammonium and nitrate weredetermined through the non-growing season, especially in the processes offreeze-thaw of spring in two high-frigid sites, i.e. Kaka valley and Gami temple, onthe eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Meanwhile, litter decomposition of six commonspecies, including Stellera chamaejasme L., Polygonum macrophyllum D. Don var.Macrophyllum, Poa pretensis L., Kobresia setchwanensis L., Potentilla anserina L.var. anserine and Gentiana squarrosa Ledeb., were also examined under theabove-mentioned experimental design through one whole-year, which began in theautumn in 2006. In the study of pollen allelopathy, several work, including in vitro study oneffects of extract of pollen from S. chamaejasme on sympatric species and pollenfrom itself, field experiments on effects of pollen extract with the same regime ofconcentrations on seed set and field observation on heterospecific pollen transfer ofS. chamaejasme to six of those sympatric species has been done. The results in the growing season showed that aboveground litter of S.chamaejasme had higher tissue nitrogen and lower lignin: nitrogen ratio than thoseco-occurring species. S. chamaejasme significantly increased topsoil organic matter,whereas no significant differences were found for organic C and total P in subsoilbetween under-Stellera and away-Stellera locations. The nitrate in Stellera topsoilwas 113% and 90% higher on the flat valley and on the south-facing slope,respectively. Both microbial biomass C and N were significantly higher in Stelleratopsoil. Gross nitrification and microbial respiration were significantly higher inStellera topsoil both on the flat valley and on the south-facing slope, whereassignificant differences of denitrification were found only on the flat valley. Thedifferences in the quantity and quality of aboveground litter are a likely mechanismresponsible for the changes of soil variables. We assumed that S. chamaejasme couldenhance their spread by increasing nutrient availability in N-deficient ecosystems. The results in the non-growing season showed that microbial biomass achievedthe first summit in late autumn and early winter on the eastern Qinghai-TibetanPlateau. In the stages of freeze-thaw of spring, microbial biomass firstly achieved thesecond summit and subsequently sharply decreased. Inorganic nitrogen, solubleorganic carbon and nitrogen had a similar dynamics with that of microbial biomass.Ratio of microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen had an obviously seasonal pattern.The highest microbial C: N were in the non-growing season, which weresignificantly higher than those in the growing season. The seasonal pattern inmicrobial biomass C: N suggested that large changes in composition of microbialpopulation and in resources those used by microbes between summer and winter.Generally, microbial biomass and pools size of carbon and nitrogen in Stellera soilwere significantly higher than those under adjacent locations in late autumn andearly winter, but there were not significant differences in winter and in spring. Litterof all the focal species (Stellera chamaejasme L., Polygonum macrophyllum D. Donvar. Macrophyllum, Poa pretensis L., Kobresia setchwanensis Hand.-Maizz.,Potentilla anserina L. var. anserine and G. squarrosa Ledeb.) decomposed about24%-50% in the non-growing season, which were higher than those in the growingseason (ranged from 10% to 30%). Litter decomposed 10%-20% within the first twoweeks in late autumn and early winter. Significant differences in the whole-yeardecomposition rate and in the processes of decomposition were found among species.Polygonum macrophyllum decomposed slowly through the whole year (26% and15% in the non-growing season and in the growing season, respectively). Certainspecies, such as P. pretensis L. and K. setchwanensis, decomposed at a similar rate(30% both in the non-growing and in the growing season, slightly higher in the8growing season than those in the growing season), whereas S. chamaejasmedecomposed more rapidly (about 50%) in the non-growing season and subsequentlydecomposition became slow (about 12%) in the growing season. Litter nitrogencontents of all the focal species firstly decreased in the non-growing season and thenincreased in the growing season. In vitro experiments of pollen allelopathy, the results showed that pollen from S.chamaejasme was not autotoxic, whereas pollen germination in all the sympatricspecies (Polygonum macrophyllum D. Don var. Macrophyllum, Gentianamacrophylla Pall. var. fetissowii, Gentianopsis paludosa (Hook. f.) Ma var. paludosa,Gentiana squarrosa Ledeb., Halenia elliptica D. Don var. elliptica, Cyananthushookeri C. B. Cl. var. grandiflorus Marq., Euphrasia pectinata Ten., Delphiniumtongolense Franch., Ranunculus tanguticus (Maxim.) Ovcz. var. tanguticus andPotentilla anserina L. var. anserina) decreased nonlinearly as the increasingconcentrations of extract of pollen from S. chamaejasme. Pollen Extract of threepollens from S. chamaejasme generally inhibited 50% pollen germination of most ofthe focal species. 5.76 and 3.35 pollens from S. chamaejasme were observed in fieldon stigmas of G. squarrosa and E. pectinata, respectively. Differences inheterospecific pollen transfer of S. chamaejasme could be attributed to the primaryreason whether they shared common pollinators. Flower morphology (e.g.zygomorphic or actinomorphic), plant or floral density and concurrence in floweringphonologies could explain, in part, the differences in heterospecific pollen transfer.In field experiments, the results showed that seed set in six sympatric species(Gentiana macrophylla Pall. var. fetissowii, Gentianopsis paludosa (Hook. f.) Mavar. paludosa, Gentiana squarrosa Ledeb., Halenia elliptica D. Don var. elliptica,Cyananthus hookeri C. B. Cl. var. grandiflorus Marq. and Euphrasia pectinata Ten.)decreased nonlinearly as the increasing concentrations of extract of pollen from S.chamaejasme. According to the nonlinear curves, the amounts of pollens from S.chamaejasme on stigmas of G. squarrosa and of E. pectinata (i.e. 5.76 grains and3.35 grains, respectively) could reduce 63% and 55% seed set of G. squarrosa and ofE. pectinata, respectively. Thus, allelopathic effects of S. chamaejasme on G.squarrosa and E. pectinata could be realistic. The sympatric species of S.chamaejasme could avoid pollen allelopathy of S. chamaejasme to sustainthemselves. This highlights the need to study how much pollen allelopathy in S.chamaejasme influences the sympatric species through divergence in seasonal ordiurnal flowering phonologies or through asexual reproduction. If pollen allelopathyin S. chamaejasme was confirmed, it could be as a pressure of natural selection andthus play an important role in species evolution.


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Purpose The aim of this study is to evaluate the eVect of carbon-beam irradiation on adenovirus-mediated p53 transfer in human cervix adenocarcinoma.Materials and methods The HeLa cells pre-exposed to carbon-beam or -ray, were infected with replication-deficient adenovirus recombinant vectors, containing human wild-type p53 (AdCMV-p53) and green Xuorescent protein (GFP) (AdCMV–GFP), respectively. The GFP transfer and p53 expression were detected by Xow cytometric analysis.Results The GFP transfer frequency in C-beam with AdCMV-GFP groups was 38–50% more than that inγ-ray with AdCMV–GFP groups. The percentage of p53 positive cells in the C-beam with AdCMV–p53 groups was 34–55.6% more than that in γ-ray with AdCMV-p53 groups (p < 0.05), suggesting that subclinical-dose C-beam irradiation could signiWcantly promote exogenous p53 transfer and p53 expression, and extend the duration of p53 expression in the HeLa cells. The expression of p21 increased with p53 expression in HeLa cells. The survival fractions for the 0.5–1.0 Gy C-beam with AdCMV-p53 groups were 38–43% less than those for the isodose γ-ray with AdCMV-p53 groups, and 31–40% less than those for the C-beam only groups (p <0.05).Conclusions The subclinical-dose C-beam irradiation could signiWcantly promote the transfer and expression of exogenous p53, extend the duration of p53 expression, and enhance the suppression of p53 on cervix adenocarcinoma cells.


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以绿色荧光蛋白腺病毒重组体(Replication deficient adenovirus green fluorescence protein recombinant,AdCMV-GFP)为对照,用p53腺病毒重组体(Replication deficient adenovirus p53 recombinant,AdCMV-p53)转染经0、0.25、0.5、1.0、1.5和2.0Gyγ射线预辐射的HepG2(wtp53)、Hela(wtp53,wtP53低水平表达)和HT-29(mtp53,mtP53过表达)细胞,用克隆形成法检测肿瘤细胞存活,探讨AdCMV-p53转染对p53基因状态与功能不同肿瘤细胞辐射敏感性的影响。结果显示,AdCMV-p53转染不仅明显提高肿瘤细胞辐射敏感性,而且与肿瘤细胞内在p53基因状态与功能有关。


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Purpose: To determine the effects of carbon ion beams with five different linear energy transfer (LET) values on adventitious shoots from in vitro leaf explants of Saintpaulia ionahta Mauve cultivar with regard to tissue increase, shoots differentiation and morphology changes in the shoots. Materials and methods: In vitro leaf explant samples were irradiated with carbon ion beams with LET values in the range of 31 similar to 151 keV/mu m or 8 MeV of X-rays (LET 0.2 keV/mu m) at different doses. Fresh weight increase, surviving fraction and percentage of the explants with regenerated malformed shoots in all the irradiated leaf explants were statistically analysed. Results: The fresh weight increase (FWI) and surviving fraction (SF) decreased dramatically with increasing LET at the same doses. In addition, malformed shoots, including curliness, carnification, nicks and chlorophyll deficiency, occurred in both carbon ion beam and X-ray irradiations. The induction frequency with the former, however, was far more than that with the X-rays. Conclusions: This work demonstrated the LET dependence of the relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of tissue culture of Saintpaulia ionahta according to 50% FWI and 50% SF. After irradiating leaf explants with 5 Gy of a 221 MeV carbon ion beam having a LET value of 96 keV/mu m throughout the sample, a chlorophyll-deficient (CD) mutant, which could transmit the character of chlorophyll deficiency to its progeny through three continuous tissue culture cycles, and plantlets with other malformations were obtained.


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A standard in-beam gamma-spectroscopy experiment for Pt-188 is performed via the Yb-176(O-18, 6n) reaction at beam energies of 88 and 95 MeV, and the level scheme for (188) Pt is established. Prolate and oblate shape coexistence has been demonstrated to occur in Pt-188 by applying the projected shell model. The rotation alignment of i(13/2) neutrons drives the yrast sequence changing suddenly from prolate to oblate shape at angular momentum 10th, indicating likely a new type of shape phase transition along the yrast line in Pt-188.


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High-spin states in Pt-187 have been studied experimentally using the Yb-173(O-18, 4n) reaction at beam energies of 78 and 85 MeV. The previously known bands based on the nu i(13/2),nu 7/2(-)[503], and nu i(13/2)(2)nu j configurations have been extended to high-spin states, and new rotational bands associated with the nu 3/2(-)[512] and nu 1/2(-)[521] Nilsson orbits have been identified. The total Routhian surface calculations indicate that the transitional nucleus Pt-187 is very soft with respect to beta and gamma deformations. The band properties, such as level spacings, band crossing frequencies, alignment gains, and signature splittings, have been compared with the systematics observed in neighboring nuclei and have been interpreted within the framework of the cranked shell model. The rotational bands show different band crossing frequencies, which can be explained by the alignment either of i(13/2) neutrons or of h(9/2) protons. Importantly, evidence is presented for a pi h(9/2) alignment at very low frequency in the nu 7/2(-)[503] band. The proton nature of the band crossing is strongly suggested by comparing the measured B(M1;I -> I-1)/B(E2;I -> I-2) ratios with the theoretical values from the semiclassical Donau and Frauendof approach.


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Background. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether adenovirus-mediated p53 transfer could sensitize hepatocellular carcinoma to heavy-ion irradiation. Methods. HepG2 cells were preexposed to a C-12(6+) beam, and then infected with replication-deficient adenovirus recombinant vectors containing human wild-type p53 (AdCMV-p53) (C-12(6+) irradiation + AdCMV-p53 infection). The survival fraction was determined by clonogenic assay. The cell cycle, cell apoptosis, and p53 expression were monitored by flow cytometric analysis. Results. p53 expression in C-12(6+) irradiation + AdCMV-p53 infection groups was markedly higher than that in C-12(6+) irradiation only groups (P < 0.05), suggesting that the preexposure to the C-12(6+) beam promoted the expression of exogenous p53 in HepG2 cells infected with AdCMV-p53 only. The G(1)-phase arrest and cell apoptosis in the C-12(6+) irradiation + AdCMV-p53 infection groups were significantly more than those in the C-12(6+) irradiated groups (P < 0.05). The survival fractions of the C-12(6+) irradiation + AdCMV-p53 infection groups decreased by 30%-49% compared with those of the C-12(6+) beam-irradiated only groups (P < 0.05). Conclusions. Adenovirus-mediated p53 gene transfer can promote G(1)-phase arrest and cell apoptosis, thus sensitizing hepatocellular carcinoma cells to heavy-ion irradiation.


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The proton-rich isotopes Tb-140 and Dy-141 were produced via the fusion evaporation reaction Ca-40+ Cd-106. Their beta-delayed proton decays were studied by p-gamma coincidence in combination with a He-jet tape transport system, and half-lives, proton energy spectra, gamma-transitions following the proton emission, as well as beta-delayed proton branching ratios to the low-lying states in the grand-daughter nuclei were determined. Comparing the experimental data with statistical model calculations, the ground-state spins of Tb-140 and Dy-141 were found to be consistent with 7 and 9/2, respectively. The configuration-constrained nuclear potential energy surfaces (NPES) of Tb-140 and Dy-141 were calculated using the Woods-Saxon-Strutinsky method, which suggest the ground-state spins and parities of Tb-140 and Dy-141 to be 7(+) and 9/2(-), respectively. In addition, the configuration-constrained NPES of Dy-143 were calculated, which predict a 1/2(+) ground state and a 11/2(-) isomer with excitation energy of 198 keV. These findings are consistent with our previous experimental data on Dy-143 reported in Eur. Phys. J. A 16, 347 (2003).


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The effects of 960 MeV carbon ion beam and 8 MeV X-ray irradiation on adventitious shoots from in vitro leaf explants of two different Saintpaulia ionahta (Mauve and Indikon) cultivars were studied with regard to tissue increase, shoots differentiation and morphology changes in the shoots. The experimental results showed that the survival fraction of shoot formation for the Mauve and Indikon irradiated with the carbon ion beam at 20 Gy were 0.715 and 0.600, respectively, while those for both the cultivars exposed to the Xray irradiation at the same dose were 1.000. Relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of Mauve with respect to X-ray was about two. Secondly, the percentage of regenerating explants with malformed shoots in all Mauve regenerating explants irradiated with carbon ion beam at 20 Gy accounted for 49.6%, while that irradiated with the same dose of X-ray irradiation was only 4.7%; as for Saintpatdia ionahta Indikon irradiated with 20 Gy carbon ion beam, the percentage was 43.3%, which was higher than that of X-ray irradiation. Last, many chlorophyll deficient and other varieties of mutants were obtained in this study. Based on the results above, it can be concluded that the effect of mutation induction by carbon ion beam irradiation on the leaf explants of Saintpaulia ionahta is better than that by X-ray irradiation; and the optimal mutagenic dose varies from 20 Gy to 25 Gy for carbon ion beam irradiation.