106 resultados para Coherent Map


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We investigate the quantum superchemistry or Bose-enhanced atom-molecule conversions in a coherent output coupler of matter waves, as a simple generalization of the two-color photoassociation. The stimulated effects of molecular output step and atomic revivals are exhibited by steering the rf output couplings. The quantum noise-induced molecular damping occurs near a total conversion in a levitation trap. This suggests a feasible two-trap scheme to make a stable coherent molecular beam.


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We measure the signal amplitude and linewidth of a dark line in coherent population trapping in the Rb vapour cell filled with mixed buffer gas N-2 and Ar as a function of cell temperature. We find that the dark line signal amplitude increases with temperature up to a maximum at 49 degrees C and then drops at higher temperatures due to quenching effects of N-2. The linewidth of the dark line remains basically constant, at 1080 Hz. We also measure the linewidth of the dark line as a function of laser intensity. The linewidth increases linearly with laser intensity. An intrinsic linewidth (FWHM=896 Hz at 3.4 GHz) of the Rb cell is obtained.


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This paper has observed linewidth narrowing of dark states in rubidium cell by using the Hanle configuration. The reduction of the coherent resonance width under the transition of Rb-87 F-g = 1 -> F-e = 0 is observed and the qualitative explanation about its mechanism is presented. Multiple subnatural width dips are obtained with a linearly polarized laser beam for the transition of Rb-87 F-g = 0, 1, 2. The feature of negative and positive slope, namely dispersionlike feature, is observed in the transmitted light.


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We have observed strong scattering of a probe light by dilute Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) Rb-87 gas in a tight magnetic trap. The scattering light forms fringes at the image plane. It is found that we can infer the real size of the condensation and the number of the atoms by modelling the imaging system. We present a quantitative calculation of light scattering by the condensed atoms. The calculation shows that the experimental results agree well with the prediction of the generalized diffraction theory, and thus we can directly observe the phase transition of BEC in a tight trap.


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Raman spectroscopy on single, living epithelial cells captured in a laser trap is shown to have diagnostic power over colorectal cancer. This new single-cell technology comprises three major components: primary culture processing of human tissue samples to produce single-cell suspensions, Raman detection on singly trapped cells, and diagnoses of the cells by artificial neural network classifications. it is compared with DNA flow cytometry for similarities and differences. Its advantages over tissue Raman spectroscopy are also discussed. In the actual construction of a diagnostic model for colorectal cancer, real patient data were taken to generate a training set of 320 Raman spectra and, a test set of 80. By incorporating outlier corrections to a conventional binary neural classifier, our network accomplished significantly better predictions than logistic regressions, with sensitivity improved from 77.5% to 86.3% and specificity improved from 81.3% to 86.3% for the training set and moderate improvements for the test set. Most important, the network approach enables a sensitivity map analysis to quantitate the relevance of each Raman band to the normal-to-cancer transform at the cell level. Our technique has direct clinic applications for diagnosing cancers and basic science potential in the study of cell dynamics of carcinogenesis. (C) 2007 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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We use coherent-mode representation of partially coherent fields to analyze correlated imaging with classical light sources. This formalism is very useful to study the imaging quality. By decomposing the unknown object as the superposition of different coherent modes, the components corresponding to small eigenvalues cannot be well imaged. The generated images depend crucially on the distribution of the eigenvalues of the coherent-mode representation of the source and the decomposition coefficients of the objects. Three kinds of correlated imaging schemes are analyzed numerically.


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We report the experimental generation of a high-quality partially coherent dark hollow beam (DHB) by coupling a partially coherent beam into a multimode fiber (MMF) with a suitable incidence angle. The interference experiment of the generated partially coherent DHB passing through double slits is demonstrated. It is found that the coupling efficiency of the MMF, the quality, and the coherence of the generated partially coherent DHB are closely controlled by the coherence of the input beam. (c) 2008 Optical Society of America.


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A novel method to construct a quality map, called modulation-phase-gradient variance (MPGV), is proposed, based on modulation and the phase gradient. The MPGV map is successfully applied to two phase-unwrapping algorithms - the improved weighted least square and the quality-guided unwrapping algorithm. Both simulated and experimental data testify to the validity of our proposed quality map. Moreover, the unwrapped-phase results show that the new quality map can have higher reliability than the conventional phase-derivative variance quality map in helping to unwrap noisy, low-modulation, and/or discontinuous phase maps. (c) 2006 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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A dynamic multichannel incoherent-to-coherent optical converter based on the photorefractive effect of SBN:Ce is described. A number of grating-encoded input images, illuminated by incoherent light, are projected onto the crystal to yield photoinduced phase gratings. Coherent positive replicas of these images are simultaneously reconstructed by a coherent read beam. A simple theoretical description of this converter and corresponding experimental results are presented.


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A fast and reliable phase unwrapping (PhU) algorithm, based on the local quality-guided fitting plane, is presented. Its framework depends on the basic plane-approximated assumption for phase values of local pixels and on the phase derivative variance (PDV) quality map. Compared with other existing popular unwrapping algorithms, the proposed algorithm demonstrated improved robustness and immunity to strong noise and high phase variations, given that the plane assumption for local phase is reasonably satisfied. Its effectiveness is demonstrated by computer-simulated and experimental results.


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A theoretical study of the behaviour of partially coherent beams propagating through oceanic turbulence has been performed. Based on the previously developed knowledge of beam spreading of a partially coherent beam in the atmosphere and the spatial power spectrum of the refractive index of ocean water, we study the normalized root-mean-square width of a partially coherent beam on propagation through oceanic turbulence and its turbulence distance which may be a measure of turbulence resistance. Our analysis indicates that the behaviour of partially coherent beams on propagation may be described by the rate of dissipation of the mean-squared temperature chi(T) and that of salinity chi(S). In terms of a quantity w that defines the contributions of the temperature and salinity distributions to the distribution of the refractive index, chi(S) could be written as a function of chi(T) and w. Therefore, the behaviour of partially coherent beams on propagation can be characterized only by chi(T) for a given w. The results are shown for curved surfaces, from which one can see that partially coherent beams exhibit robust turbulence resistance when the water volume has a smaller chi(T).


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A novel method to construct a quality map, called modulation-phase-gradient variance (MPGV), is proposed, based on modulation and the phase gradient. The MPGV map is successfully applied to two phase-unwrapping algorithms - the improved weighted least square and the quality-guided unwrapping algorithm. Both simulated and experimental data testify to the validity of our proposed quality map. Moreover, the unwrapped-phase results show that the new quality map can have higher reliability than the conventional phase-derivative variance quality map in helping to unwrap noisy, low-modulation, and/or discontinuous phase maps. (c) 2006 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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We study the change in the degree of coherence of partially coherent electromagnetic beam (so called electromagnetic Gaussian Schell-model beam). It is shown analytically that with a fixed set of source parameters and under a particular atmospheric turbulence model, an electromagnetic Gaussian Schell-model beam propagating through atmospheric turbulence reaches its maximum value of coherence after the beam propagates a particular distance, and the effective width of the spectral degree of coherence also has its maximum value. This phenomenon is independent of the used turbulence model. The results are illustrated by numerical curves. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Among different phase unwrapping approaches, the weighted least-squares minimization methods are gaining attention. In these algorithms, weighting coefficient is generated from a quality map. The intrinsic drawbacks of existing quality maps constrain the application of these algorithms. They often fail to handle wrapped phase data contains error sources, such as phase discontinuities, noise and undersampling. In order to deal with those intractable wrapped phase data, a new weighted least-squares phase unwrapping algorithm based on derivative variance correlation map is proposed. In the algorithm, derivative variance correlation map, a novel quality map, can truly reflect wrapped phase quality, ensuring a more reliable unwrapped result. The definition of the derivative variance correlation map and the principle of the proposed algorithm are present in detail. The performance of the new algorithm has been tested by use of a simulated spherical surface wrapped data and an experimental interferometric synthetic aperture radar (IFSAR) wrapped data. Computer simulation and experimental results have verified that the proposed algorithm can work effectively even when a wrapped phase map contains intractable error sources. (c) 2006 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.