41 resultados para Cationic lipids


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The conformational transition of DNA induced by the interaction between DNA and a cationic lipid vesicle, didodecyidimethylammonium bromide (DDAB), had been investigated by circular dichroism (CD) and UV spectroscopy methods. We used singular value decomposition least squares method (SVDLS) to analyze the experimental CD spectra. Although pH value influenced the conformation of DNA in solution, the results showed that upon binding to double helical DNA, positively charged liposomes induced a conformational transition of DNA molecules from the native B-form to more compact conformations. At the same time, no obvious conformational changes occurred at single-strand DNA (ssDNA). While the cationic lipid vesicles and double-strand DNA (dsDNA) were mixed at a high molar ratio of DDAB vesicles to dsDNA, the conformation of dsDNA transformed from the B-form to the C-form resulting in an increase in duplex stability (DeltaT(m) = 8 +/- 0.4 degreesC). An increasing in T-m was also observed while the cationic lipid vesicles interacted with ssDNA.


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A novel 4-aminobenzoic acid (4-ABA) monolayer film is formed on glassy carbon electrode (GCE) by amino cation radical method. Silicotungstic heteropolyanion (SiW12O404-, denoted as SiW12)-containing multilayer films have been fabricated on the 4-ABA modified GCE surface by alternate deposition with a quaternized poly(4-vinylpyridine) partially complexed with [Os(bpy)(2)Cl](2+/+) (denoted as QPVP-Os). Cyclic voltammetry (CV), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and X-ray reflectivity (XR) have been used to characterise the as-prepared multilayer films. It is proved that the multilayer films are uniform and stable. The average thickness for a bilayer of QPVP-Os/SiW12 in the multilayer film is 30.2 Angstrom. The electrocatalytic activities of the multilayer films have been investigated on the reduction of three substrates of important analytical interests, HNO2, BrO3- and H2O2. Especially, the influence of layer number of the multilayer films on the electrocatalytic reduction of HNO2 has been investigated in detail. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Controlled cyclization of styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR) was achieved with the aid of cationic catalyst system based on diethylaluminium chloride (AIEt(2)Cl) and benzyl chloride (C6H5CH2Cl) and by working in xylene solution at high temperature (T > 100 degreesC). The main parameters of the cyclization process were investigated. Elastomers with low intrinsic viscosity, ready solubility, free gel were obtained. The products were characterized with IR H-1-NMR, DSC, GPC. The polycyclic structure was determined. (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.


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Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOFMS) was used to study a series of synthetic cationic porphyrins as the perchlorate and bromide salts. This work presents the analytical results for the porphyrins obtained using 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid (DHB) and 1,8,9-anthratriol as matrices. The selective use of matrix affects ion formation from these porphyrins. By using DHB as the matrix, we not only observed [M - nCIO(4)](+) (n = 1-4) ions, but also obtained [2M - nCIO(4)](+) (n = 2-7) ions from the synthetic cationic porphyrins. The space volume of the side chains (R groups) and the nature of the anions (Br- or CIO4-) affected the relative importance of monomeric and dimeric ions of the porphyrin. The possible mechanisms of desorption and ionization of these cationic porphyrins were also considered in this study. MALDI-TOFMS proved to be a very useful method for obtaining structural information on these synthetic cationic porphyrins. Copyright (C) 1999 John Whey & Sons, Ltd.


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Carbon isotopes of individual lipids in typical organisms from the Nansha sea area were measured by the GC-IRMS analytical technique. delta(13)C values of saturated fatty acids in different organisms examined are from -25.6parts per thousand to -29.7parts per thousand with the average values ranging from -26.4parts per thousand to -28.2parts per thousand and the variance range of 11.8parts per thousand, between different organisms is also observed. Unsaturated fatty acids have heavy carbon isotopic compositions and the mean differences of 2.9%.9-6.8parts per thousand compared to the same carbon number saturated fatty acids. delta(13)C values of n-alkanes range from -27.5%o to -29.7parts per thousand and their mean values, ranging from -28.6parts per thousand, to -28.9parts per thousand, are very close in different organisms. The mean difference in delta(13)C between the saturated fatty acids and n-alkanes is only 1.5parts per thousand, indicating that they have similar biosynthetic pathways. The carbon isotopic variations between the different carbon-number lipids are mostly within +/-2.0parts per thousand, reflecting that they experienced a biosynthetic process of the carbon chain elongation. At the same time, the carbon isotopic genetic relationships between the biological and sedimentary lipids are established by comparative studies of carbon isotopic compositions of individual lipids in organisms and sediments from the Nansha sea area, which provides scientific basis for carbon isotopic applied research of individual lipids.


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High-molecular-weight dissolved organic matter (HMW-DOM, > 1,000 Daltons) is actively involved in the global biogeochemical cycling of many elements, but its carbon sources and detailed formation pathways are still not well understood. In this study, we measured bulk stable carbon and nitrogen isotopic ratios, lipid composition, and compound-specific carbon isotopic ratios of HMW-DOM samples collected from four U.S. estuaries (Boston Harbor/Massachusetts Bay, Delaware/Chesapeake Bay, San Diego Bay, and San Francisco Bay). Analytical results show (1) a fraction of HMW-DOM (lipid associated) in estuarine and coastal waters is derived from bacteria and phytoplankton; (2) this fraction of HMW-DOM is formed by various release processes of bacterial membrane components and bacterial reworking of phytoplankton-derived material; (3) this fraction of HMW-DOM is generally present in all samples from different coastal systems despite variable organic matter inputs and environmental conditions, suggesting an important bacterial role in HMW-DOM formation.


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Quatemized chitosan: N-(2-hydroxyl-phenyl)-NN-dimethyl chitosan (NHPDCS), N-(5-chloro-2-hydroxyl-phenyl)-NN-dimethyl chitosan (NCHPDCS), N-(2-hydroxyl-5-nitro-phenyl)-NN-dimethyl chitosan (NHNPDCS) and N-(5-bromic-2-hydroxyl-phenyl)-NN-dimethyI chitosan (NBHPDCS) were synthesized and their antifungal activities against Botrytis cinerea Pers. (B. cinerea Pers.) and Colletotrichum lagenarium (Pass) Ell.et halst (C. lagenarium (Pass) Ellet halst) were investigated. The results indicated that the quaternized chitosan derivatives had better inhibitory effects than chitosan, and the antifungal activities should be affected by the cation in these compounds. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A novel matrix of macropore cellulose membrane was prepared by chemical graft, and immobilized the cationic charged groups as affinity ligands. The prepared membrane Fan be used for the removal of endotoxin from human serum albumin (HSA) solutions. With a cartridge of 20 sheets affinity membrane of 47 mm diameter, the endotoxin level in HSA solution can be reduced ro 0.027 eu/mL. Recovery of HSA was over 95%.


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A novel mode of capillary electrochromatography (CEC), called dynamically modified strong cation-exchange CEC (DMSCX-CEC), is described in this paper. A column packed with a strong cation-exchange (SCX) packing material was dynamically modified with a long-chain quaternary ammonium salt, cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB), which was added to the mobile phase. CTAB ions were adsorbed onto the surface of the SCX packing material, and the resulting hydrophobic layer on this packing was used as the stationary phase. Using the dynamically modified SCX column, neutral solutes were separated with the CEC mode. The highest number of theoretical plates obtained was about 190 000/m, and the relative standard deviations (RSD's) for migration times and capacity factors of alkylbenzenes were less than 1.0% and 2.0% for five consecutive runs, respectively. The effects of CTAB and methanol concentrations and the pH value of the mobile phase on the electroosmotic flow and the separation mechanism were investigated. Excellent simultaneous separation of the basic and neutral solutes in DMSCX-CEC with a high-pH mobile phase was obtained, A mixture containing the acidic, basic, and neutral compounds was well separated in this mode with a low-pH mobile phase; however, peak tailing for basic compounds was observed in this mobile phase.


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A novel mode of capillary electrochromatography (CEC), called dynamically modified silica-capillary electrochromatography, is described in this paper. The column packed with bare silica was dynamically modified with long chain quaternary ammonium salt, cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB), which was added into the mobile phase. CTAB ions were adsorbed onto the surface of bare silica, and the resulted hydrophobic layer on the silica gel was used as the stationary phase; Using the dynamically modified silica column, neutral solutes were separated by CEC. The highest number of theoretical plates obtained was about 71 500/m and the relative standard deviations for t(0) and capacity factor of toluene were 4.7% and 4.9% for 20 consecutive runs, respectively. The separation mechanism of neutral solutes and the influence of mobile phase composition on the separation was investigated. The separation of nitrogen-containing solutes was carried out with this mode and the peak tailing of basic solute was effectively eliminated because the adsorption of basic solute on silica was blocked by the preferred adsorption of CTAB. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.