77 resultados para CPQ(11-14)


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渗灌技术具有广阔的应用前景,然而,由于橡塑渗灌管的渗水均匀性和抗堵塞性能较低,该技术的发展受到影响。本文在沈阳某节水设备公司原有橡塑渗灌管生产工艺的基础上,通过调整和优化原料配方以及生产工艺条件,有效提高了生产的稳定性和产品的渗水均匀性,并研制开发出一种具有较高抗堵塞性能的新型橡塑渗灌管。采用实验室自由渗流测试和田间渗灌监测等方法,对橡塑渗灌管的渗水性能、节水效果以及渗灌过程中土壤水分运动进行了深入的实验研究。 同原有工艺产品相比,新研制的橡塑渗灌管渗水均匀性明显提高,在2.5mH2O压力下进行渗水实验,其渗水速率变异系数降低约11~14个百分点,新产品具有较强的抗堵塞性能。 对3种不同规格、相同长度的橡塑渗灌管进行渗水性能测试,结果表明,渗灌管在初期渗水过程中渗水速率降低较快,随着渗水时间和渗水次数的增加,渗水速率渐趋稳定;在实验测试压力范围(0~7mH2O)内,渗水速率随渗水压力增加而增大,二者呈幂函数关系,即 ,且幂指数大于1;渗水均匀性亦随渗水压力发生变化,渗水均匀性随渗水压力增大呈现先升高然后降低的趋势,在4.5~5.8mH2O压力区间,渗水均匀性达到最大值。 日光温室渗灌水分动态监测试验结果表明,渗灌具有明显的节水效果,同滴灌相比,在番茄全生育期内,平均节水达11.64%,同时显著地降低了温室内的空气湿度,改善了作物生长环境。


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本文采用以世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)濒危物种等级和标准为依据的中国物种红色名录确定出东北地区濒危植物。统计整理出濒危植物地理分布资料,通过对受威胁系数及遗传价值系数等系数的计算得到各个濒危种的优先保护值和保护等级,并以丰富度、优先保护值为指标运用不同方法得到的濒危植物保护的热点地区。主要结论如下: 东北地区共有濒危植物25科42属60种,其中中国特有种8种。濒危植物科属种三个层次植物区系是温带性质的。 应用多指标的优先保护值进行综合分析,将60种濒危植物划分了3个保护等级。一级保护的有长白松等11科14属18种;二级保护的有朝鲜梾木等12科16属19种;三级保护的有鱼鳞云杉等13科17属23种。 针对保护濒危植物丰富度高的县市和达到对所有种保护的目标,并综合考虑濒危植物受威胁程度、遗传价值、利用价值、保护现状和名录收录的因素,本文确定6个地区包含的19个县市作为本文濒危植物优先保护区域。优先保护区域如下:长白山的安图县、抚松县、长白朝鲜族自治县、临江市、和龙县和靖宇县,辽东山地的宽甸满族自治县、桓仁满族自治县、本溪满族自治县、清原满族自治县、新宾满族自治县、凤城市、庄河市和大连市,小兴安岭的伊春市,张广才岭的尚志市,老爷岭北部的鸡西市,大兴安岭的呼玛县和根河市。 本文首次以县市为单位对各县市自然保护区进行综合评价并划分综合评价级别。确定的优先保护区域中有4个县市对濒危植物的保护尚属空白,它们是临江市、和龙县、本溪满族自治县和鸡西市,建议采取措施对这些县市的濒危植物种加强保护。应通过对自然保护区晋级方式加强保护的有安图县的长白松保护区和根河市的西伯利亚五针松保护区。应加强辽东山地的除国家级自然保护区外的其它类型自然保护区中濒危植物的保护。


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沈阳是东北地区重要的老工业基地,也是该地区的交通枢纽。本文在对沈阳市进行广泛调查并采集苔藓植物标本的基础上,系统地研究了沈阳市苔藓植物的种类构成、区系、分布格局及其与环境因子的关系,同时利用苔藓植物对沈阳市的大气质量进行了指示。得出的主要结论有: (1)对882份苔藓植物标本进行鉴定,共记录苔藓植物30科67属143种及变种,其中包括苔类(含角苔)9科11属14种,藓类21科56属128种1变种。在记录中发现辽宁省新记录属1个,新纪录种36种,东北新纪录种18种,主要以丛藓科(Pottiaceae)和真藓科(Bryaceae)等地面生藓类为主。 (2)将研究区苔藓植物划分为10个区系成分,其中以北温带分布占据绝对优势,其次为东亚分布和中国特有分布,具强烈的温带性质。通过相似性系数的计算,表明沈阳市苔藓植物区系与鞍山市和抚顺市的亲缘性较大;与上海市和杭州市亲缘性较远。 (3)应用TWINSPAN和DCA,以样点为对象,苔藓植物的重要值为指标,对研究区苔藓植物分布格局进行了分析。结果将样点划分为三个组,从组一到组三,物种丰富度和苔藓盖度逐渐增加。分类与排序的结果与样点的实际物种分布特点基本一致。 (4)采用CCA对沈阳市35种主要地面苔藓植物与环境因子间的关系进行了分析。根据环境因子的影响,将沈阳市主要地面苔藓植物分为两类。同时发现土壤含水量、乔木层郁闭度和人为干扰是影响沈阳市苔藓植物分布的主要因素。 (5)采用大气净度指数法(IAP)和重金属元素(Mn, Fe, Cu, Cr和Pb)化学分析法对沈阳市的大气质量进行了监测。结果表明市区污染远重于郊区,市区西部污染重于东部,南部重于北部;各区以Pb污染最为严重,值得重视。同空气污染指数(API)进行比较,发现IAP与Cu、Pb和API之间具显著负相关性,说明随着重金属含量和API值的升高,IAP值降低,即苔藓植物的种类和盖度下降。以IAP值为自变量,API值为因变量,建立了回归方程y=-0.914x+101.849,进一步说明了IAP值与API值之间的关系。


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本文对中国特有植物文冠果(Xanthoceras sorbifolia Bunge)种仁油中脂肪酸的组成及结构进行了深入的探讨。应用远端化学修饰新技术,将混合脂肪酸制备成2-烃基取代-4,4-二甲基噁唑啉衍生物的混合物,用气相色谱-质谱-计算机联用仪,结合尿素包合法对混合脂肪酸衍生物进行分析,鉴定了十二种脂肪酸组分的结构,确定了不饱和酸的双键位置。基保三种脂肪酸首次被确存在于文冠果油中,即甘碳二烯-11,14-酸,甘四碳烯-15-酸和甘四碳烷酸(木焦油酸)。本文对衍生物制备的分馏催化法和简单回流法进行了比较,肯定了后者的可行性可靠性。


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本论文由四部分组成,前三部分为实验论文,第四部分为文献综述。第一、二部分分别报道了中药西藏胡黄连和鸡矢藤的化学成分研究结果。从两种药用植物中共分离和鉴定了32个化学成分,其中3个为新化合物。第三部分为黄芪多糖的提取工艺研究。第四部分概述了近年来植物多糖的研究进展。 第一章为西藏胡黄连化学成分研究。通过正、反相硅胶柱层析等分离方法从药用植物西藏胡黄连(Picrorhiza scrophulariiflora Pennell)的根茎中共分离纯化出7个化合物。运用MS、1H-NMR、13C-NMR、DEPT、HSQC和HMBC等现代谱学方法,结合理化分析对这些化合物的结构进行了分析鉴定。7个化合物中有两个是酚性的葡萄糖苷类成分:西藏胡黄连酚苷D (1)、4-O-β-D-(6-O-vanilloyl glucopyranosyl) vanillic acid (6);四个苯乙基苷类化合物:plantamajoside (2)、plantainoside D (3)、西藏胡黄连苷A (4) 和西藏胡黄连苷F (5);一个苯基小分子化合物:香豆酸甲酯 (7)。其中化合物1和5未见文献报道,确定为新化合物;化合物3为首次从该种植物中分到。 第二章为鸡矢藤化学成分研究。从鸡矢藤(Paederia scandense (Lour) Merrill)全草中分离出25个化合物,通过理化常数和波谱数据鉴定了它们的结构。25个化合物中包括一个蒽醌类成分:茜根定-1-甲醚 (1);两个香豆素:异东莨菪香豆素 (2)和5-羟基-8-甲氧基吡喃香豆素 (3);两个香豆素-木脂素化合物:臭矢菜素 B (4)和臭矢菜素 D (5);一个木脂素:异落叶松树脂醇 (6);两个黄酮:diadzein (7)和蒙花苷 (8);三个三萜类化合物:齐墩果酸 (9)、乌苏酸 (10)和 3-O-β-D-吡喃葡萄糖基乌苏烷 (11);三个甾体及其糖苷:b-谷甾醇 (12)、胡萝卜苷 (13)和(24R)-豆甾-4-烯-3-酮 (14);六个小分子化合物:对羟基苯甲酸 (15),咖啡酸 (16),香豆酸 (17),丁烯二酸 (18),3,5-二甲氧基-4-羟基苯甲酸(19),咖啡酸-4-O-β-D-吡喃葡萄糖苷(20);五个环烯醚萜类化合物:鸡矢藤苷 (21),鸡矢藤酸 (22),鸡矢藤酸甲酯 (23),saprosmoside E (24)和paederoside B (25)。其中化合物25未见文献报道,为新化合物。化合物1~8、11、14、15~20为首次从该化合物中分离得到。同时对鸡矢藤中环烯醚萜类化合物做了高效液相-串联质谱(HPLC-MSn)分析,探讨了这类化合物的质谱裂解规律。 第三章为黄芪多糖的提取工艺研究。首先确定了黄芪多糖含量的测定方法,并进行了方法学验证;其次探讨了黄芪中黄芪多糖的提取工艺,确定以酶法-Sevag法联用来去除黄芪多糖中的蛋白质,可使其提取物中黄芪多糖总含量达到70%以上。 第四章为近年来植物多糖的研究进展。主要包括植物多糖的提取纯化、多糖的定性定量检测方法、多糖的结构分析和多糖的药理活性。 This dissertation consists of four parts. The first and second parts reports the studies on the chemical constituents of medicinal plants of Picrorhiza Scrophulariiflora and Paederia scandens. The third part is about the extract technique of Astragalan Polysaccharide (APS). The last part reviews the progress of the studies on plant polysaccharides.   The first chapter is about the chemical constituents of P. Scrophulariiflora which is widely used as an important medicine to treat various immune-related diseases. A new phenyl glycoside, scrophenoside D (1) and a new phenylethyl glycoside, scroside F (5), together with five known compounds, plantamajoside (2), plantainoside D (3), scroside A (4), 4-O-β-D-(6-O-vanilloylglucopyranosyl) vanillic acid (6); and methyl-p-coumarate (7) were isolated from the stems of P. scrophulariiflora. Their structures were elucidated by spectroscopic and chemical methods. The second chapter is about the chemical constituents of medicinal herb of P. scandens. Twenty-five compounds were isolated and purified by normal and reversed phase silica gel column chromatography. By physicochemical properties and spectral analysis, their structures were identified as rubiadin-1-methylether (1), isoscopoletin (2), 5-hydroxyl-8-methoxyl-coumarin (3), cleomiscosin B (4), cleomiscosin D (5), isolariciresinol (6), diadzein (7), linarin (8), oleanolic acid (9), ursolic acid (10), 3-O-β-D-glucopyranosyloxyl-ursane (11), b-sitosterol (12), b-daucosterol (13), (24R)-stigmast-4-ene-3-one (14), p-hydroxyl-benzoic acid (15), caffic acid (16), coumaric acid (17), trans-butenedioic acid (18), 3,5-dimethoxyl-4-hydroxylbenzoic acid (19), caffeic acid 4-O-β-D-glucopyranoside (20), paederoside (21), paederosidic acid (22), paederosidic acid methyl ester (23), saprosmoside E (24), paederoside B (25). Among them, compound 25 is a new compound. Compounds 1~8、11、14、15~20 were isolated from this plant for the first time. Futhermore, we studied the HPLC-MSn analysis and investigation of fragmentation behavior of the sulfur-containing iridoid glucosides. The third chapter is about the extracting process of Astragalan Polysaccharide (APS). The method of the content determination is built. The optimum condition of extraction of polysaccharides from Radix Astragali is defined and the more effective way to remove protein is combined enzyme method with Sevag method, by which the content of polysaccharides extract can be up to 70%. The last part is a review of the research progress of the plant polysaccharides, which includes its extraction, isolation, purification, determination, structure analysis, and pharmacology.


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土壤是人类赖以生存的自然环境和农业生产的重要资源,目前土壤受到干旱和盐胁迫的危害越来越严重。杨树具有适应性强、生长快和丰产等特性,本论文以青杨组杨树为模式植物,研究杨树对土壤干旱和盐胁迫的生态生理及蛋白质组学反应,研究成果可为我国干旱半干旱地区营造人工林、防止沙漠化提供理论依据,也为恢复与重建盐污染地区退化生态系统提供科学指导。主要研究结果如下: 1 青杨不同种对逐步干旱胁迫的响应差异 将来自喜马拉雅山东缘高海拔的康定杨和低海拔的青杨枝条扦插在温室中,用来检测它们对逐步干旱胁迫的响应。研究结果表明来自不同海拔的杨树对逐步干旱胁迫的适应性反应是不一样的。株高、叶片发育、叶片相对含水量、丙二醛、过氧化氢等指标的显著性变化在青杨中比在康定杨中来得早些,而且随着干旱胁迫程度的增加,这些参数的变化越来越明显,尤其是当青杨受到严重干旱胁迫的时候;而可溶性蛋白、可溶性糖、游离脯氨酸、抗氧化酶活力变化在康定杨中来得早一些。与青杨相比,在干旱胁迫下,康定杨仍能保持较好的植株生长和叶片发育;康定杨也能在逐步干旱条件下积累更多的可溶性蛋白、可溶性糖、游离脯氨酸及抗氧化酶活力,但是在丙二醛和过氧化氢含量方面增加的更少些。而且,我们的研究结果表明高海拔的康定杨有更强的耐干旱能力,杨树对干旱胁迫的适应能力与干旱发生的速度、强度、持续时间及两种杨树的海拔有关。 2 干旱胁迫下青杨不同种的蛋白质组学分析 来自青杨和康定杨雌株的枝条扦插在温室中,用来研究它们对干旱胁迫的蛋白质组学反应。采用TCA-丙酮/酚提取法提取总蛋白,并进行双向电泳分析。在每个处理的重复图像中都能检测到1,000 个以上的蛋白点。在青杨中有58 个蛋白在干旱处理后发生显著变化,其中22 个蛋白通过肽指纹图谱成功鉴定。康定杨中有69 个蛋白的表达量发生了显著变化,其中有25 个蛋白通过肽指纹图谱成功鉴定。这些被鉴定的蛋白主要参与了光合作用、氧化还原平衡、信号传导、能量代谢、蛋白质合成等过程。尽管被鉴定的蛋白只占叶片总蛋白的很少一部分,但这些被鉴定的干旱响应蛋白可能对维持植株内部平衡方面有重要作用。 3 青杨的盐胁迫响应 青杨植株分别用 0、50 和100 mM NaCl 溶液进行处理。叶片相对含水量、叶绿素a、b 含量、CO2 同化速率和气孔导度的降低表明叶绿体受到了盐胁迫的影响。过氧化氢、丙二醛含量及电导率的升高表明细胞受到了伤害。可溶性糖、游离脯氨酸含量及抗氧化酶含量的上升增加了植株耐盐胁迫的能力。在每个处理的重复图像中都能检测到1,000 个以上的蛋白点。其中有38 个盐响应蛋白被成功鉴定,有16 个蛋白(点4、10、11、14、15、21、24、26、27、28、33、34、35、36、37 和38)出现在盐胁迫的植株中;3 个蛋白(点10、11 和35)只出现在重度盐胁迫处理中;而1 个蛋白(点1)只出现在对照处理中。2 个蛋白(点1 和2)表达量下降,其余蛋白点表达量都增加。被鉴定的蛋白一部分参与了生理生化反应,而另一部分则在信号传导、蛋白质合成等方面有重要作用。盐胁迫下的生理生化变化及蛋白质组学的联合研究有利于青杨对盐胁迫的适应性分析。 Soil is the indispensable environment for human survival and important resource for agriculture development. Nowadays soil is threatened by drought stress and salt stress. Poplars (Populus spp.) possess some characters such as strong acclimilation, fast growth and great production of biomass. In this study, different species of Populus section Tacamahaca spach were used as model plants to investigate the ecophysiological and proteomic responses to drought stress and salt stress. Our results can provide theoretical evidence for the afforestation and prevention of desertification in the arid and semi-arid areas, and also can supply scientific direction for the reconstruction and rehalibitation of ecosystems contaminated by salinity. The results are as follows: 1 Adaptive responses to progressive drought stress in two contrasting poplar species originating from different altitudes Cuttings of Populus kangdingensis C. Wang et Tung and Populus cathayana Rehd., originating from high and low altitudes in the eastern Himalaya, respectively, were examined during one growing season in a greenhouse to determine the effects of progressive drought stress. The results manifested that the adaptive responses to progressive drought stress were different in these two species from different altitudes. Significant changes in height increment, leaf development, relative water content (RWC), malondialdehyde (MDA) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) appeared earlier in P. cathayana than in P. kangdingensis, whereas changes in soluble protein, soluble sugar, free proline and antioxidant enzymes appeared earlier in P. kangdingensis. In addition, changes in these parameters became more and more significant when the drought stress progressed, especially under severe drought stress in P. cathayana. Compared with P. cathayana, P. kangdingensis was able to maintain a superior height increase and leaf development under drought stress. Also, P. kangdingensis possessed greater increments in soluble protein, soluble sugar, free proline and antioxidant enzymes, but lower increments in MDA and H2O2 than did P. cathayana when the cuttings were exposed to progressive drought stress. Our results suggest that P. kangdingensis originating from the high altitude has a better drought tolerance than does P. cathayana originating from the low altitude. Furthermore, this study manifested that acclimation to drought stress are related the rapidity, severity, duration of the drought event and the altitude of two contrasting species. 2 Proteomic responses to drought stress in two contrasting poplar species originating from different altitudes The cuttings from a female clone of P. kangdingensis and P. cathayana were used to determine proteomic response to drought stress, respectively. Total proteins of the leaves were extracted by a combination of TCA-acetone and phenol, and separated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. More than 1,000 protein spots were reproducibly detected on each gel. 58 differentially expressed spots were detected under drought stress in P. cathayana and 22 drought-responsive proteins were identified by peptide mass fingerprint. 69 differentially expressed spots were detected under drought stress in P. kangdingensiss and 25 drought-responsive proteins were identified by peptide mass fingerprint. The identified proteins are involved in several processes, i.e., signal transduction, protein processing, redox homeostasis, CO2 fixation and energy metabolism. Although the proteins identified in this investigation represent only a very small part of the poplar leaf proteins, some of the novel drought-responsive proteins identified here may be involved in the establishment of homeostasis in response to drought stress in the woody plants. 3 Responses to salt stress in P. cathayana Cuttings from a female clone of P. cathayana were treated by Hoagland’s solution: 0, 50, 100 mM NaCl, respectively. Salinity significantly decreased the relative water content of leaves, the contents of chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b, CO2 assimilation rate (A) and stomatal conductance (gs) in both salt stress treatments,which suggested the chloroplast was affected by salt stress. The observed increases of H2O2 and malondialdehyde contents and electrolyte leakage suggested that salinity caused cellular damage, whereas the increases in compatible solutes and in the activities of antioxidant enzymes enhanced the salt tolerance. More than 1,000 protein spots were reproducibly detected on each gel, and 38 salt-responsive proteins were successfully identified by peptide mass fingerprint (PMF). 16 spots (spot 4, 10, 11, 14, 15, 21, 24, 26, 27, 28, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37 and 38) absent in the control sample were induced by the salt treatment, and three spots (spot 10,11 and 35) were present only in the severely salt-stressed treatment. The %vol of the differentially expressed proteins generally increased with progressing salt stress, except for the decreased %vol of two proteins (spot 1 and 2) under salt stress and the presence of spot 1 only in the control sample. Some of the novel salt-responsive proteins identified here may be involved in physiological, biochemical response to salt stress in P. cathayana, the other identified proteins play a role in numerous cellular functions, including signal transduction and protein processing. An integrated physiological, biochemical and proteomic approach was used here to systematically investigate salt acclimation in poplar.


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Finite Element Method is used in this article to analyze the stress of CR superferric magnet. Magnetic force and the stress caused by this force are calculated. The thermal stress and strain of the coil caused by cooling down is also analyzed. The result will be taken as a check for the design of the coil and coilcase, and also as a reference for the optimization of further design and quench protection.