51 resultados para Branch-and-bound algorithm
水下环境的复杂性以及自身模型的不确定性,给水下机器人的控制带来很大困难。针对水下机器人的特点和控制方面所存在的问题,提出了基于预测 校正控制策略的水下机器人神经网络自适应逆控制结构及训练算法。通过在线辨识系统的前向模型,估计出系统的Jacobian矩阵,然后采用预报误差法实现控制器的自适应。同时,为了提高系统对于外扰的鲁棒性,在伪线性回归算法的基础上,在评价函数中引入微分项。理论分析和仿真结果表明,与原来的算法相比,微分项的引入改善了系统对于外扰的鲁棒性和动态性能。
介绍了一种摄像机云台自动跟踪控制系统 ,该系统用来实现遥控机械手主从操作时摄像机自动跟踪从手末端夹钳的运动以辅助操作员进行遥控操作 ;介绍了系统的组成、工作原理及控制算法 ;实验结果验证了算法的正确性和控制系统的可行性。
针对Bzier曲线间最近距离计算问题,提出一种简捷、可靠的计算方法.该方法以Bernstein多项式算术运算为工具,建立Bzier曲线间最近距离的计算模型;然后充分利用Bzier曲面的凸包性质和de Casteljau分割算法进行求解.该方法几何意义明确,能有效地避免迭代初始值的选择和非线性方程组的求解,并可进一步推广应用于计算Bzier曲线/曲面间的最近距离.实验结果表明,该方法简捷、可靠且容易实现,与Newton-Raphson方法的融合可进一步提高该方法的运行速度.
介绍了Zernike矩及基于Zernike矩的图像亚像素边缘检测原理,针对Ghosal提出的基于Zernike矩的亚像素图像边缘检测算法检测出的图像存在边缘较粗及边缘亚像素定位精度低等不足,提出了一种改进算法.推导了7×7 Zernike矩模板系数,提出一种新的边缘判断依据.改进的算法能较好检测图像边缘并实现了较高的边缘定位.最后,设计了3组不同的实验.实验结果同Canny算子及Ghosal算法相比,证明了改进算法的优越性.
With the development of oil/gas seismic exploration, seismic survey for fracture/porosity type reservoir is becoming more and more important. As for China, since it has over 60% store of low porosity and low permeability oil/gas reservoir, it’s more urgent to validly describe fracture/porosity type oil/gas trap and proposing the related, developed seismic technique. To achieve mapping fracture/porosity region and its development status, it demands profound understanding of seismic wave propagation discipline in complex fractured/pored media. Meanwhile, it has profound scientific significance and applied worth to study forward modeling of fracture/porosity type media and pre-stacked reverse time migration. Especially, pre-stacked reverse-time migration is the lead edge technique in the field of seismology and seismic exploration. In this paper, the author has summarized the meaning, history and the present state of numerical simulation of seismic propagation in fractured/pored media and seismic exploration of fractured/pored reservoirs. Extensive Dilatancy Anisotropy (EDA) model is selected as media object in this work. As to forward modeling, due to local limitation of solving spatial partial derivative when using finite-difference and finite-element method, the author turns to pseudo-spectral method (PSM), which is based on the global characteristic of Fourier transform to simulate three-component elastic wave-field. Artifact boundary effect reduction and simulation algorithm stability are also discussed in the work. The author has completed successfully forward modeling coding of elastic wave-field and numerical simulation of two-dimensional and three-dimensional EDA models with different symmetric axis. Seismic dynamic and kinematical properties of EDA media are analyzed from time slices and seismic records of wave propagation. As to pre-stacked reverse-time migration for elastic wave-field in fractured/pored media, based on the successful experience in forward modeling results with PSM, the author has studied pre-stacked reverse-time depth-domain migration technique using PSM of elastic wave-field in two dimensional EDA media induced by preferred fracture/pore distribution. At the same time, different image conditions will bring up what kind of migration result is detailed in this paper. The author has worded out software for pre-stacked reverse-time depth-domain migration of elastic wave-field in EDA media. After migration processing of a series of seismic shot gathers, influences to migration from different isotropic and anisotropy models are described in the paper. In summary, following creative research achievements are obtained: Realizing two-dimensional and three-dimensional elastic wave-field modeling for fractured/pored media and related software has been completed. Proposed pre-stacked reverse-time depth-domain migration technique using PSM of elastic wave-field. Through analysis of the seismic dynamic and kinematical properties of EDA media, the author made a conclusion that collection of multi-component seismic data can provide important data basis for locating and describing the fracture/pore regions and their magnitudes and the preferred directions. Pre-stacked reverse-time depth-domain migration technique has the ability to reconstruct complex geological object with steep formations and tilt fracture distribution. Neglecting seismic anisotropy induced by the preferred fracture/pore distribution, will lead to the disastrous imaging results.
Geophysical inversion is a theory that transforms the observation data into corresponding geophysical models. The goal of seismic inversion is not only wave velocity models, but also the fine structures and dynamic process of interior of the earth, expanding to more parameters such as density, aeolotropism, viscosity and so on. As is known to all, Inversion theory is divided to linear and non-linear inversion theories. In rencent 40 years linear inversion theory has formed into a complete and systematic theory and found extensive applications in practice. While there are still many urgent problems to be solved in non-linear inversion theory and practice. Based on wave equation, this dissertation has been mainly involved in the theoretical research of several non-linear inversion methods: waveform inversion, traveltime inversion and the joint inversion about two methods. The objective of gradient waveform inversion is to find a geologic model, thus synthetic seismograms generated by this geologic model are best fitted to observed seismograms. Contrasting with other inverse methods, waveform inversion uses all characteristics of waveform and has high resolution capacity. But waveform inversion is an interface by interface method. An artificial parameter limit should be provided in each inversion iteration. In addition, waveform information will tend to get stuck in local minima if the starting model is too far from the actual model. Based on velocity scanning in traditional seismic data processing, a layer-by-layer waveform inversion method is developed in this dissertation to deal with weaknesses of waveform inversion. Wave equation is used to calculate the traveltime and derivative (perturbation of traveltime with respect to velocity) in wave-equation traveltime inversion (WT). Unlike traditional ray-based travetime inversion, WT has many advantages. No ray tracing or traveltime picking and no high frequency assumption is necessary and good result can be got while starting model is far from real model. But, comparing with waveform inversion, WT has low resolution. Waveform inversion and WT have complementary advantages and similar algorithm, which proves that the joint inversion is a better inversion method. And another key point which this dissertation emphasizes is how to give fullest play to their complementary advantages on the premise of no increase of storage spaces and amount of calculation. Numerical tests are implemented to prove the feasibility of inversion methods mentioned above in this dissertation. Especially for gradient waveform inversion, field data are inversed. This field data are acquired by our group in Wali park and Shunyi district. Real data processing shows there are many problems for waveform inversion to deal with real data. The matching of synthetic seismograms with observed seismograms and noise cancellation are two primary problems. In conclusion, on the foundation of the former experiences, this dissertation has implemented waveform inversions on the basis of acoustic wave equation and elastic wave equation, traveltime inversion on the basis of acoustic wave equation and traditional combined waveform traveltime inversion. Besides the traditional analysis of inversion theory, there are two innovations: layer by layer inversion of seimic reflection data inversion and rapid method for acoustic wave-equation joint inversion.