52 resultados para Basal Metabolism


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The objective of this study was to determine the effect of dietary vitamins A, D-3, E, and C on the gonad development, lipid peroxidation, and immune response of yearling rice field eel, Monopterus albus. A 6-wk feeding trial was designed according to an L-16(4(5)) orthogonal design, in which four vitamins, each at four supplementation levels, were arranged. Sixteen diets were mixed with the different vitamin levels and randomly assigned to 16 groups of fish. Increasing dietary vitamin E supplementation level significantly (P <= 0.05) increased the gonadosomatic index and lowered the serum content of malondialdehyde of rice field eel. Increasing dietary vitamin A and C levels also showed similar effect, but the differences were not statistically significant. Serum immunoglobulin M content increased significantly (P <= 0.01) as dietary vitamin C supplementation levels increased. The concentrations of calcium in bones showed significant (P <= 0.05) trend with vitamin D-3 and A supplementation levels, but the bone phosphorus content was not affected by the dietary vitamin levels.


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Tetrahymena thermophila BF5 produce heat by metabolism and movement. Using a TAM air isothermal microcalorimeter, the power-time curves of the metabolism of T thermophila BF5 during growth were obtained and the action on them by the addition of Cr(VI) were studied. The morphological change with Cr(VI) coexisted and biomass change during the process of T thermophila BF5 growth were studied by light microscope. Chromium has been regarded as an essential trace element for life. However, hexavalent chromium is a known carcinogen, mutagen, cytotoxicant and strong oxidizing agent. Cr(VI) of different concentration have different effects on T thermophila BF5 growth with the phenomenon of low dose stimulation (0-3 x 10(-5) mol L-1) and high dose inhibition (3 x 10(-5) to 2.4 x 10(-4) mol L-1). The relationship between the growth rate constant (k) and c is a typical U-shaped curve, which is a characteristic of hormesis. T thermophila BF5 cannot grow at all when the concentration of Cr(VI) is up to 2.4 x 10(-4) mol L-1. The microscopic observations agree well with the results obtained by means of microcalorimetry. And T thermophila BF5 had obviously morphological changes by the addition of Cr(VI). (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The effects of salt stress on carbohydrate metabolism in Microcoleus vaginatus Gom., a cyanobacterium isolated from desert algal crusts, were investigated in the present study. Extracellular total carbohydrates and exopolysaccharides (EPS) in the culture medium produced by M. vaginatus increased significantly during the growth phase and reached a maximum during the stationary phase. The production of extracellular carbohydrates also significantly increased under higher salt concentrations, which was attributed to an increase in low molecular weight carbohydrates. In the presence of NaCl, the production of cellular total carbohydrates decreased and photosynthetic activity was impaired, whereas cellular reducing sugars, water-soluble sugars and sucrose content and sucrose phosphate synthase activity increased, reaching a maximum in the presence of 200 mmol/L NaCl. These parameters were restored to original levels when the algae were transferred to a non-saline medium. Sodium and K+ concentrations of stressed cells decreased significantly and H+-ATPase activity increased after the addition of exogenous sucrose or EPS. The results suggest that EPS and sucrose are synthesized to maintain the cellular osmotic equilibrium between the intra- and extracellular environment, thus protecting algal cells from osmotic damage, which was attributed to the selective exclusion of cellular Na+ and K+ by H+-ATPase.


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Resting metabolism was measured in immature mandarin fish Siniperca chuatsi weighing 42.1-510.2 g and Chinese snakehead Channa argus weighing 41.5-510.3 g at 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 degreesC. Heat increment of feeding was measured in mandarin fish weighing 202.0 (+/-14.0) g and snakehead weighing 200.8 (+/-19.3) g fed swamp leach Misgurnus anguillicaudatus at 1% body weight per day at 28 degreesC. In both species, weight exponent in the power relationship between resting metabolism and body weight was not affected by temperature. The relationship between resting metabolism and temperature could be described by a power function. The temperature exponent was 1.39 in mandarin fish and 2.10 in snakehead (P < 0.05), indicating that resting metabolism in snakehead increased with temperature at a faster rate than in mandarin fish. Multiple regression models were used to describe the effects of body weight (W, g) and temperature (T, C) on the resting metabolism (R-s, mg O-2/h): In R-s = - 5.343 + 0.772 In W + 1.387 In T for the mandarin fish and In R-s = -7.863 + 0.801 ln W + 2.104 In T for the Chinese snakehead. The proportion of food energy channelled to heat increment was 8.7% in mandarin fish and 6.8% in snakehead. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.


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The role of phosphorus cycling in algal metabolism was studied in a shallow lake, Donghu, in Wuhan using the methods of measuring cell quota C, N and P, and calculating nutrients uptake rate by algal photosynthesis. The mean daily phosphorus uptake rate of phytoplankton varied between 0.04-0.11 and 0.027-0.053 g/m2/d in station I and station II respectively. The turnover time of phosphorus in phytoplankton metabolism ranged from 0.75-5.0 days during 1979-1986. The available P was 0.176 (+/- 0.156) g/m3 (mean +/- SD) in 1982 and 0.591 (+/- 0.24) g/m3 in 1986. The relationship between P/B ratio (Y) and TP (X: mg/l) was described by the following regression equation Y = 1.163 + 0.512logX (r = 0.731, P < 0.001). The dynamics of algal biomass and algal species succession were monitored as the indicators of environmental enrichment. The small-sized algae have replaced the blue-green algae as the dominant species during 1979-1986. The small-sized algae include Merismopedia glauca, Cryptomonas ovata, Cryptomonas erosa, several species Cyclotella. There has been drastic decrease in algal biomass and an obvious increase in P/B ratio. A nutrient competition hypothesis is proposed to explain the reason of the disappearance of blue-green algae bloom. The drastic change in algal size and the results in high P/B ratio (reaching a maximum mean daily ratio of 1.09 in 1986) may suggest a transition of algal species from K-selection to r-selection in Lake Donghu.


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人类活动引起全球大气中温室气体(CO2、CH4、NOx)浓度不断增加,致使地球表面温度在过去的100 年中已经增长了0.74 ± 0.18℃,预计到本世纪末将会增加1.1-6.4℃。此外,氮沉降也是当今社会的重要环境问题,随着经济发展的全球化, 高氮沉降也呈现出全球化趋势。全球气候变暖和氮沉降给陆地生态系统的地上、地下生物学和生物地球化学过程所带来巨大影响越来越引起人们的关注。 本文以川西亚高山针叶林的两个重要树种云杉和油松幼苗为研究对象,采用红外辐射增温(空气增温2.1℃,土壤增温2.6℃)和根部施氮(施氮量25 g N m-2yr-1)的方法,从生长形态、光合作用、抗氧化能力和矿质营养等方面研究这两种幼苗对气候变暖和氮沉降的响应。该实验为室外控制实验,包括四个处理:(1)不增温+不施氮(UU);(2) 不增温+施氮(UF);(3) 增温+不施氮(WU);(4) 增温+施氮(WF)。本研究旨在从生理生化、物质代谢 、生长及形态等不同水平上研究模拟增温和施氮对两种树苗的联合效应,提高我们对全球变化下亚高山针叶林早期更新过程的理解,同时也为森林管理提供科学依据。具体研究结果如下: 单独增温处理显著提高了云杉和油松幼苗的地茎、叶重、茎重、根重以及总生物量;单独施氮处理也增加了两种幼苗的株高和总生物量。而增温和施氮联合作用对两种幼苗生长的影响并不相同,联合作用对云杉幼苗生长指标的正效应显著低于单独施氮处理,但是联合作用比单独增温或施氮更大程度的促进了油松幼苗生物量的积累。 单独增温和施氮都有利于提高云杉和油松叶片中叶绿素含量、净光合速率(A)、最大净光合速率(Amax)、表观量子效率(Φ)、最大光能转化效率(Fv/Fm)和量子产量(Y)。与对两种幼苗生长指标的影响相似,加氮和增温共同作用下油松幼苗的以上光合指标比在单独增温或施氮处理下有更大程度的提高;而联合作用下云杉幼苗叶绿素含量、净光合速率、最大净光合速率、表观量子效率、最大光能转化效率以及量子产量比单独施氮处理明显地降低。 增温和施氮都显著地降低了云杉和油松幼苗针叶组织中活性氧和丙二醛的积累。交互作用降低了云杉幼苗叶片的抗氧化酶活性、脯氨酸和ASA 的含量,却显著提高了油松幼苗SOD、POD、APX 等抗氧化酶的活性,并且对油松幼苗脯氨酸和ASA 积累的促进作用比单一因子更加明显。因此,增温和施氮共同作用下油松幼苗叶片中O2-产生速率、H2O2 及MDA 含量明显降低,而云杉叶片中只有O2-产生速率出现降低趋势。 增温和施氮都降低了云杉体内的P、Ca、Mg 元素的含量,增加了Cu、Zn、Mn 在各器官内的积累。对油松幼苗而言,增温和加氮单独作用也显著降低了Ca 含量增加了Cu、Zn、Mn 的积累,但是不同于云杉幼苗的是P、Mg 也显著增加。增温和施氮联合作用对云杉幼苗体内元素的影响与单一施氮处理或增温处理相似,不同的是比单一因子作用更为明显降低了P、Ca、Mg 含量,增加了植株中N、Cu、Zn、Mn 的含量,但是油松矿质元素含量在联合作用下并没有产生类似于云杉幼苗的双因子叠加效应。 总之,尽管单独增温或者施氮都有利于云杉和油松幼苗生长指标、光合能力以及抗氧化能力的提高。但是,增温和施氮对云杉幼苗生长生理的促进效应非但没有在交互作用下有更大的提高,反而低于单独氮处理。与此不同的是,增温和施氮联合作用比单因子作用更有利于油松幼苗生长及生理指标的提高。 With the continued increase in atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases (CO2、CH4、NOx), the mean global surface temperature has increased by about 0.74 ± 0.18℃ over the past century and is predicted to rise by as much as 6.4℃ during this century. Besides global warming, nitrogen deposition is another serious environmental problem caused by human activities, and high nitrogen load has become globalization as a result of global economy development. Global climate warming and nitrogen deposition have induced dramatic alternations in above - and below- ground biology and biogeochemistry process in terrestrial ecosystems, and more and more attention has been invited to those problems. This experiment mainly studies two important species Picea asperata and Pinus tabulaeformis in subalpine coniferous forest of western Sichuan, China. Infared heaters are induced to increase both air and soil temperature by 2.1℃ and 2.6 ℃, respectively. Ammonium nitrate solution (for a total equivalent to 25 g N m-2 year-1) is added to soil surface. There are four treatments in this study: (1) unwarmed unfertilized (UU); (2) unwarmed fertilized (UF); (3) warmed unfertilized (WU); (4) warmed fertilized (WF). This study is conducted to determine the influences of experimental warming and nitrogen fertilization on physiolchemistry, nutrition metabolism, growth and morphology in the two coniferous species seedlings. The current study is favorable for increasing our understanding on the early phase of regeneration behavior in subalpine coniferous forest, and it also provide scientific direction for forest management under future global changes. The results are as follows: Artificial warming alone significantly increased basal diameter, leaf mass, stem mass, root mass and total biomass for Picea asperata and Pinus tabulaeformis seedlings, and single nitrogen fertilization are also favorable for growth of the two species and stimulate plant hight and total biomass. The two species seedlings respond differently to the combination of elevated temperature and nitrogen addition. Warming combined with nitrogen fertilization weakens the positive effects of nitrogen addition for growth of Picea asperata seedlings. However, the combination of elevated temperature and nitrogen fertilization further increase biomass accumulation of Pinus tabulaeformis seedlings. Both elevated temperature alone and nitrogen fertilization alone can increase photosynthetic pigments contents, net photosynthetic rate (A), maximum net photosynthetic rate (Amax), apparent quantity yield (Φ), maximum photochemical efficiency of photosystem II (Fv/Fm) and effective quantum yield (Y). Similarly with growth parameters, the combination of warming and nitrogen addition induced more increment of these above photosynthetic parameters for Pinus tabulaeformis seedlings. However, these photosynthetic parameters of Picea asperata seedlings under the combination of warming and nitrogen addition are lower than those under nitrogen fertilization alone. The levels of active oxygen species (AOS) and malodiadehyde (MDA) in needles of the two coniferous species seedling are obviously decreased by experimental warming or additional nitrogen. Warming combined with nitrogen fertilizer reduces the activities of SOD, CAT and APX, and the contents of proline and ASA of Picea asperata seedlings, but the combination significantly increases activities of these antioxidant enzymes in needlels of Pinus tabulaeformis seedlings and further improves the accumulation of proline and ASA compared to either artificial warming or nitrogen addition. Therefore, the rate of O2 - production, the contents of H2O2 and MDA in needles of Pinus tabulaeformis seedlings are remarkably reduced by the combination of warming and nitrogen addition, but the combination only significantly decreased the rate of O2 - production of Picea asperata seedlings. Elevated temperature or nitrogen fertilization decrease the contents of P, Ca, Mg but increase Cu, Zn, Mn contents for Picea asperata seedlings. For Pinus tabulaeformis seedlings, elevated temperature alone and nitrogen fertilization alone decreased Ca, but increased P, Mg, Cu, Zn, Mn contents. The effects of the combination of warming and nitrogen addition on these element contents in needles of Picea asperata seedlings are added or multiplied the effects of warming and nitrogen addition alone, resulting in less contens of P, Ca, Mg and more contents of Cu, Zn, Mn than either elevated temperature or nitrogen fertilization. Howere, these adding or multipluing single-factor effects on contents of these elements are not observed in the case of Pinus tabulaeformis seedlings. In conclusion, growth parameters, photosynthetic capacities and antioxidant abilities of Picea tasperata and Pinus abulaeformis seedlings are improved by experimental warming or nitrogen fertilization. Interestingly, the positive effects of warming and nitrogen addition on growth and physiological performances are not multiplied by the combination of elevated temperature and nitrogen fertilization, even dempened for Picea asperata seedlings. However, for Pinus tabulaeformis seedlings, growth and physiological performances are further improved by the combination.


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Cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4), a major member of cytochrome P450 isoenzymes, metabolizes the majority of steroids in 6beta-position. For the purpose of determining requisite structural features of a series of structurally related steroids for CYP3A4-mediated metabolism, three-dimensional pharmacophore modeling as well as electrotopological state map were conducted for 15 steroids. Though prior studies speculated that the chemical reactivity of the allylic 6beta-position might have a greater influence on CYP3A4 selective 6-hydroxylation than steric constraints in the enzyme, our results reveal that for CYP3A4 steroidal substrates, it is not the chemical reactivity of atoms at 6beta-site, but the pharmacophoric features, i.e. the two hydrophobic rings together with two H-bond donors, that act as the key factors responsible for detemining the CYP3A4 selective 6-hydroxylation of steroids. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Plant cell cultures have been suggested as a feasible technology for the production of a myriad of plant-derived metabolites. However, commercial application of plant cell culture has met limited success with only a handful of metabolites produced at the pilot- and commercial-scales. To improve the production of secondary metabolites in plant cell cultures, efforts have been devoted predominantly to the optimization of biosynthetic pathways by both process and genetic engineering approaches. Given that secondary metabolism includes-the synthesis. metabolism and catabolism of endogenous compounds by the specialized proteins, this review intends to draw attention to the manipulation and optimization of post-biosynthetic events that follow the formation of core metabolite structures in biosynthetic pathways. These post-biosynthetic events-the chemical and enzymatic modifications, transport, storage/secretion and catabolism/degradation have been largely unexplored in the past. Potential areas are identified where further research is needed to answer fundamental questions that have implications for advanced bioprocess design. Anthocyanin production by plant cell cultures is used as a case study for this discussion, as it presents a good example of compounds for which there are extensive research publications but still no commercial bioprocess. It is perceived that research on post-biosynthetic processes may lead to future opportunities for significant advances in commercial plant cell cultures. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.


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Net organic metabolism (that is, the difference between primary production and respiration of organic matter) in the coastal ocean may be a significant term in the oceanic carbon budget. Historical change in the rate of this net metabolism determines the importance of the coastal ocean relative to anthropogenic perturbations of the global carbon cycle. Consideration of long-term rates of river loading of organic carbon, organic burial, chemical reactivity of land-derived organic matter, and rates of community metabolism in the coastal zone leads us to estimate that the coastal zone oxidizes about 7 × 1012 moles C/yr. The open ocean is apparently also a site of net organic oxidation (∼16 × 1012 moles C/yr). Thus organic metabolism in the ocean appears to be a source of CO2 release to the atmosphere rather than being a sink for atmospheric carbon dioxide. The small area of the coastal ocean accounts for about 30% of the net oceanic oxidation. Oxidation in the coastal zone (especially in bays and estuaries) takes on particular importance, because the input rate is likely to have been altered substantially by human activities on land.


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It has become clear that the last 15-20 years that the immediate effect of a wide range of environmental stresses,and of infection,on vascular plants is to increase the information of reactive oxygen species(ROS) and to impose oxidative stress on the cells.Since 1994,sufficient examples similar responses in a broad range of marine macroalgae have been decribed to show that reactive oxygen metabolism also underlies the mechanisms by which seaweeds respond(and become resistant) to stress and infection.Desiccation,freezing,low temperatures,high light,ultraviolet radiation,and heavy metals all tend to result in a gradual and continued buildup of ROS because photosynthesis is inhibited and excess energy results in the formation of singlet oxygen.The response to other stresses (infection or oligosaccharides which signal that infection is occurring,mechanical stress,hyperosmotic shock) is quite different-a more rapid and intence,but short-lived production of ROS ,discribed as an "oxidative burst"-which is attributed to activation of NADPHoxidases in the plasma membrane.Seaweed species that are able to survive such stresses or resist infection have the capacity to remove the ROS through a high cellular content of antioxidant compounds,or a high activity of antioxidant enzymes.


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Capillary electrophoresis with electrochemiluminescene detection was used to characterize procaine hydrolysis as a probe for butyrylcholinesterase by in vitro procaine metabolism in plasma with butyrylcholinesterase acting as bioscavenger. Procaine and its metabolite N,N-diethylethanolamine were separated at 16 kV and then detected at 1.25 V in the presence of 5.0 mM Ru(bpy)(3)(2+), with the detection limits of 2.4 x 10(-7) and 2.0 x 10(-8) mol/L (S/N=3), respectively. The Michaelis constant K-m value was 1.73 x 10(-4) mol/L and the maximum velocity V-max was 1.62 x 10(-6) mol/L/min. Acetylcholine bromide and choline chloride presented inhibition effects on the enzymatic cleavage of procaine, with the 50% inhibition concentration (IC50) of 6.24 x 10(-3) and 2.94 x 10(-4) mol/L.


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The high-field nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra can be used for the rapid multicomponent analysis in small amounts of biological fluids. In this paper, the effect of La (NO3)(3) on the rats' metabolism in urine was investigated by H-1 NMR analysis. The experimental groups of wistar rats were injected intraperitoneally with La(NO3)(3) at doses of 0.2, 2.0, 10 and 20mg/kg body weight. The remarkable variation of low molecular weight metabolites in urine has been identified by H-1 NMR spectra, in which dimethylamine, N, N-dimethylglycine, urea, alpha -ketoglutarate, trimethylamine N-oxide, succinate, citrate and amino acids have been suggested as NMR markers for renal damage and ethanol, lactate, taurine as the markers for liver damage. This work may assess its possible use in the early detection of biochemical changes associated with Rare Earth induced kidney and liver dysfunction.


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The glass sponge Monorhaphis chuni (Porifera: Hexactinellida) forms the largest bio-silica structures on Earth; their giant basal spicules reach sizes of up to 3 m and diameters of 8.5 mm. Previously, it had been shown that the thickness growth proceeds by appositional layering of individual lamellae; however, the mechanism for the longitudinal growth remained unstudied. Now we show, that the surface of the spicules have towards the tip serrated relief structures that are consistent in size and form with the protrusions on the surface of the spicules. These protrusions fit into the collagen net that surrounds the spicules. The widths of the individual lamellae do not show a pronounced size tendency. The apical elongation of the spicule proceeds by piling up cone-like structural units formed from silica. As a support of the assumption that in the extracellular space silicatein(-like) molecules exist that associate with the external surface of the respective spicule immunogold electron microscopic analyses were performed. With the primmorph system from Suberites domuncula we show that silicatein(-like) molecules assemble as string- and net-like arrangements around the spicules. At their tips the silicatein(-like) molecules are initially stacked and at a later stay also organized into net-like structures. Silicatein(-like) molecules have been extracted from the giant basal spicule of Monorhaphis. Applying the SDS-PAGE technique it could be shown that silicatein molecules associate to dimers and trimers. Higher complexes (filaments) are formed from silicatein(-like) molecules, as can be visualized by electron microscopy (SEM). In the presence of ortho-silicate these filaments become covered with 30-60 nm long small rod-like/cuboid particles of silica. From these data we conclude that the apical elongation of the spicules of Monorhaphis proceeds by piling up cone-like silica structural units, whose synthesis is mediated by silicatein(-like) molecules. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.