60 resultados para BEH-PPV


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In this paper, bulk heterojunction photovoltaic devices based on the poly[2-methoxy-5-(3',7'-dimethyloctyloxy)- 1,4-phenylenevinylene] (MDMO-PPV):Bi2S3 nanorods hybrid material were present. To optimize the performance of the devices, the interface modification of the hybrid material that has a significant impact on the exciton dissociation efficiency was studied. An improvement in the device performance was achieved by modifying the Bi2S3 surface with a thin dye layer. Moreover, modifying the Bi2S3 surface with anthracene-9-carboxylic acid can enhance the performance further. Compared with the solar cells with Bi2S3 nanorods hybrid with the MDMO-PPV as the active layer, the anthracene-9carboxylic acid modified devices are better in performance, with the power conversion efficiency higher by about one order in magnitude.


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本论文是以提高聚合物电致发光器件发光效率和热稳定性为目的,从材料设计的角度出发,以具有电子传输性能和热稳定性1,3,4-噁二唑和1,2,4-三唑为构造单元,采用Wittig聚合反应合成了一系列含有1,3,4-噁二唑和1,2,4-三唑的发光聚合物,在载流子平衡和实现红、绿、蓝三基色发光方面取得了一些有益的结果,主要包括以下几点:1.合成了一系列含1,2,4-三唑单元和三芳胺单元的PPV型电致发光聚合物。研究了不同空穴传输单元对发光聚合物热性能和电化学性质的影响,结果表明,所有聚合物都具有比较高的玻璃化转变和热分解温度,其中由于联苯二胺中含有刚性联苯结构,使得含联苯二胺结构的聚合物较其它发光聚合物具有更高的玻璃化转变温度,并且由于联苯结构的空间位阻效应,减小了聚合物分子链间的相互作用,使得溶液态和薄膜态的光致发光峰位符合的很好。2.对所合成含1,2,4-三唑和三芳胺的发光聚合物进行了电致发光性能表征。研究了不同器件结构对发光亮度的影响。结果表明,所有的器件发光波长都在515-530nm之间。单层结构器件工TO/Polymer/Mg:Ag启动电压在6-9伏之间。发光亮度只有45 cd/m左右。双层结构工TO/Polymer/PBD/Mg:Ag发光亮度在100 cd/m~2左右,启动电压与单层器件几乎没有变化。这说明尽管在聚合物中引入了拉电子的三唑基团,但聚合物依然表现为空穴传输为主,这是由于三芳胺基团空穴迁移率比三唑的电子迁移率高;而且三芳胺单元和三唑基单元在聚合物中所占的比例也是三芳胺高的原因。3.我们首次合成了4-苯基-3,5-二(4一氯甲基苯基)-1,2,4-三唑化合物。中国科学院长春应用化学研究所博士论文经过反复实验最终确定了适合反应的合成路线,采用氯苯做溶剂,过氧化苯甲酞做引发剂,硫酞氯为反应试剂。合成的产物收率高,而且容易分离;采用三丁基磷盐为聚合单体,合成出高分子量的聚合物,并且聚合物基本上是以反式烯烃双键为主。4.以合成蓝色发光聚合物为目的。合成了二种1,2,4-三唑和联咔吟(咔哇)共聚的即V型蓝色发光聚合物和一种含有1,2,4-三唑的PPP型蓝色发光聚合物材料。研究结果表明,将1,2,4-三唑引入到电致发光聚合物中,有效地提高了聚合物的Tg,与相类似结构的蓝色发光聚合物相比,其热性能改善明显。聚合物的发光波长都在450pm左右,是比较纯正的蓝色发光。5.合成了有1,2,4一三唑(1,3,4一噁二唑)和不同MEH-PPV单元长度的发光聚合物,研究了不同的MEH-PPV单元长度对发光波长和玻璃化转变温度的影响。结果表明,当MEH-PPV单元长度增加时,发光波长和玻璃化转变温度都有向MEH-PPV接近的趋势。而且,由于聚合物中1,2,4-三唑中4位氮原子被苯环取代后提高了杂环的稳定性。在相同的MEH-PPV单元长度时,聚合物主链为1,2,4-三唑结构比聚合物主链是1,3,理一噁二唑的玻璃化转变温度高。6. 含1,2,4-三唑单元和三个单元长度MEH-PPV单元的发光聚合物的单层器件(ITO/Polymer/Mg:Ag)发光亮度为320cd/m~2。同MEH-PPV的单层EL器件相比,在相同的制备工艺条件下,聚合物的电致发光器佩件的发光亮度比MEH-PPV的单层电致发光器件高20%。7.研究表明1,3,4-噁二唑单元和1,2,4一三唑单元嵌入到MEH-PPV主链后,它们并不像脂肪柔性链那样完全中断了聚合物共扼性的延伸,1,3,4一噁二唑单元和1,2,4一三唑单元依然是聚合物的共扼成分,只是中国科学院长春应用化学研究所博士论文降低了聚合物的有效共辘程度;并且由于1,2,4一三唑单元空间结构特性使得聚合物有效共扼程度比1,3,4一噁二唑单元降低的更多。8.合成了含有1,3,4一噁二唑单元和不同发光中心的小分子发光材料,我们发现带烷氧基取代的发光小分子发光颜色向长波方向移动。而带有联苯结构的发光小分子发光颜色向短波长方向移动。9.发光小分子的紫外吸收峰与1,3,4-噁二唑单元的发光峰位存在着非常大的重叠,当用1,3,4-噁二唑的紫外最大吸收波长激发发光材料时,1,3,4-噁二唑所发出的光能够被共扼的发光小分子吸收,存在着能量转移的现象。


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本论文以提高有机/聚合物电致发光材料的发光效率为目的,通过改善发光材料分子的载流子传输平衡、增大分子体积为手段来减小荧光淬灭,设计并合成了一系列新型结构的络合物和聚合物。发现了一种合成五配位8-轻基喳琳铝络合物和双核铝8-轻基喳琳络合物的新方法,在分子中引入了电子和空穴传输基团改善了分子的载流子传输平衡,设计并合成了新型大体积的分子,提高了材料的发光效率,并系统地研究了分子结构与发光波长和发光效率的关系。主要工作如下:1发现了一种合成五配位8-经基喳琳铝络合物和双核铝8-经基喳琳络合物的新方法,克服了没有2一甲基的空间位阻作用很难形成五配位8-轻基喳琳铝络合物的困难。2合成了五配位2-甲基-8-轻基喳琳铝络合物并引入了具有不同空穴传输能力的第二配体。结果表明,与A 1 q;,相比,2-甲基-8-经基喳琳的引入导致了五配位络合物发光的蓝移,同时具有空穴传输能力的三苯胺基团的引入使电致发光器件的效率降低。3设计并合成了五配位8-轻基喳琳铝络合物,同时与Alq做了对比研究。研究发现,这一系列五配位络合物发射绿色荧光,五配位8-轻基喳琳铝络合物的发光波长主要由第一配体决定。4以五配位2-甲基-8-轻基喳琳铝和五配位8-轻基喳琳铝络合物为发光层制备了双层器件。结果表明,五配位8-经基喳琳铝络合物的电致发光波长主要由第一配体决定,第二配体只起到微弱的调节作用;第一配体对器件的发光效率起决定性的作用,第二配体的结构对络合物器件发光效率的影响在同一系列络合物中表现得非常明显。5从增加分子体积能够减小分子之间聚集,增强荧光效率这一观点出发,合成了具有双核铝的8一TTA-基喳琳络合物Me-DAlqz和PPv-DAlq3,用Me-DAlq,作发光层制备了双层器件,并与Alq_3i和AIMq_3作了对比研究。结果表明,DA 1 q,双层器件中的发光效率比Alq_3器件的性能稍高一些,证明了大体积分子能够增加荧光效率的观点。6合成了含有空穴传输性能的三苯胺基团的嗯二吟配体,并用其合 成了金属络合物。这些络合物发射蓝色的荧光,与不带三苯胺的德二哇金属络合物在溶液中发基本相同波长的荧光。但在薄膜和单层电致发光器件中,络合物的荧光发生了不同程度的红移。含三苯胺络合物的单层器件发光效率高于不含三苯胺络合物的单层器件的效率,证实了三苯胺的引入改进了载流子的传输平衡。7合成了系列嗯二哇基团两侧带有蔡环的金属络合物并以这些络合物为发光层制备了双层有机电致发光器件。结果表明,蔡环的引入导致了嗯二哇金属络合物在薄膜状态和电致发光器件中的发光波长比在溶液中的发光波长有了很大的红移。8设计并合成了既具有空穴传输性能又具有电子传输性能的蓝色发光聚合物。用电化学方法证明了它们具有两极性质,表明嗯二哇的引入增加了聚合物的电子传输能力。


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高分子发光材料除应具有优良发光性能外,还需具有优良电子传输性能和空穴传输性能。本论文以此为出发点,将具有优良空穴传输性能的芳胺类化合物和具有优良电子传输性能的噁二唑类化合物,通过无规共聚合调控发光基元和两类传输基元的含量,合成了系列的传输与发光一体化的即V类高分子发光材料,并探讨了聚合物本身的基本特性。同时,设计和制备了相应的单层结构器件和掺杂器件,考察了器件的器件性能。本论文主要工作内容及结果如下:1、成功的利用三类王芳胺类双醛:4,4'-二醛基-(4-辛氧基-苯基)-二苯胺(TPA双醛)、N,N'-二(4-辛氧基一苯基)-N,N'-二(4-甲醛基-苯基)-1,4-苯二胺(PDA双醛)和N,N,-二(4-辛氧基-苯基)-N,N,-二(4-甲醛基-苯基)-4,4' 联苯二胺(TPD双醛)和wittig麟盐无规共聚,得到三个系列双极传输高分子发光材料。2、聚合物主链中同时引入三芳胺类空穴传输基团和噁二唑电子传输基团,提高了器件性能。在TPA系列中,同时含有三芳胺和噁二唑全基团的聚合物比仅含有三芳胺基团聚合物的单层器件亮度及效率分别提高29和22倍,同时使器件的启动电压从9.3V下降到2.7V。在同样比较的情况下,在PDA系列中,聚合物的器件亮度及效率要提高近8倍,同时使器件的启动电压从5.3V下降到4.5V。在TPD系列中,聚合物的器件亮度及效率要提高44和38倍,同时使器件的启动电压从7.5V下降到5.7V。3、含有噁二唑基团聚合物分子的这种D-A体系所具有的分子内电荷转移性质,导致其荧光光谱和电致发光光谱红移。其中,TPA系列和TPD系列的电致发光光谱从绿光红移到了黄绿光,而PDA系列聚合物的电致发光光谱从黄绿光红移到了橙光。4、刚性的噁二唑基团的引入提高了聚合物的热稳定性,T以系列聚合物、PDA系列聚合物和TPD系列聚合物中含有噁二唑基团的聚合物的玻璃化转变温度在112-229℃之间,其热分解温度超过420℃。5、此三个系列聚合物中同时含有空穴和电子传输基元的双极分子溶液的紫外一可见吸收光谱和荧光光谱都有明显的溶剂化效应,表现出较强的分子内电荷转移特性。6、利用TPA系列聚合物中性能最好的聚合物TPA-OXD-PV1的良好电子和空穴传输性质,构造的单层掺杂器件,实现了橙色和红色发光。


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A method of loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) was employed to develop a rapid and simple detection system for porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2). The amplification could be finished in 60 min under isothermal condition at 64 degrees C by employing a set of four primers targeting the cap gene of PCV2. The LAMP assay showed higher sensitivity than the conventional PCR, with a detection limit of five copies per tube of purified PCV2 genomic DNA. No cross-reactivity was observed from the samples of other related viruses including porcine circovirus type 1 (PCV1), porcine parvovirus (PPV), porcine pseudorabies virus (PRV) and porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV). The detection rate of PCV2 LAMP for 86 clinical samples was 96.5% and appeared greater than that of the PCR method. The LAMP assay reported can provide a rapid yet simple test of PCV2 suitable for laboratory diagnosis and pen-side detection due to ease of operation and the requirement of only a regular water bath or heat block for the reaction. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We demonstrate a low threshold polymer solid state thin-film distributed feedback (DFB) laser on an InP substrate with the DFB structure. The used gain medium is conjugated polymer poly[2-methoxy-5-(2-ethylhexyloxy)-1, 4-phenylenevinylene] (MEH-PPV) doped polystyrene (PS) and formed by drop-coating method. The second order Bragg scattering region on the InP substrate gave rise to strong feedback, thus a lasing emission at 638.9nm with a line width of 1.2nm is realized when pumped by a 532nm frequency-doubled Nd: YAG pulsed laser. The devices show a laser threshold as low as 7 nJ/pulse.


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We fabricated the interdiffused organic photovoltaic devices, which composed of poly (2-methoxy-5-(2'-ethylhexyloxy)-1, 4-phenylenevinylene) (MEH-PPV) and buckminsterfullerene (C-60), by annealing treatment. After annealing, C60 diffused into the MEH-PPV layer, in consequence, MEH-PPV/C-60 interfacial area was increased and their interface became closer proximity. The results lead to reduce reverse-bias saturation current (J(s)), and increase the open-circuit voltage (V-OC) and the short-circuit current (J(SC)).


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The ferrocene-functionalised thiophene derivatives (TFn) with different length of oxyethylene chains were synthesized and polymerized chemically with iron (III) chloride as an oxidant. The resulting ferrocene-functionalised polythiophenes (PTFn) show good solubility in most solvents, such as chloroform (CHCl3) tetrahydrofuran (THF), acetone, etc. The structure and properties of the PTFn polymers were confirmed by IR, H-1 NMR, AFM and photoluminescence (PL). The polymers PTFn show good redox activity with no attenuation of the electroactivity after multiple potential cycling. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We have demonstrated the design of a new type fluorescent assay based on the inner filter effect (IFE) of metal nanoparticles (NPs), which is conceptually different from the previously reported metal NPs-based fluorescent assays. With a high extinction coefficient and tunable plasmon absorption feature, metal NPs are expected to be capable of functioning as a powerful absorber to tune the emission of the fluorophore in the IFE-based fluorescent assays. In this work, we presented two proof-of-concept examples based on the IFE of Au NPs by choosing MDMO-PPV as a model fluorophore, whose fluorescence could be tuned by the absorbance of Au NPs with a much higher sensitivity than the corresponding absorbance approach.


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Polymer solar cells have the potential to become a major electrical power generating tool in the 21st century. R&D endeavors are focusing on continuous roll-to-roll printing of polymeric or organic compounds from solution-like newspapers-to produce flexible and lightweight devices at low cost. It is recognized, though, that besides the functional properties of the compounds the organization of structures on the nanometer level-forced and controlled mainly by the processing conditions applied-determines the performance of state-of-the-art polymer solar cells. In such devices the photoactive layer is composed of at least two functional materials that form nanoscale interpenetrating phases with specific functionalities, a so-called bulk heterojunction. In this perspective article, our current knowledge on the main factors determining the morphology formation and evolution is introduced, and gaps of our understanding on nanoscale structure-property relations in the field of high-performance polymer solar cells are addressed. Finally, promising routes toward formation of tailored morphologies are presented.


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To simplify the fabrication of multilayer light-emitting diodes, we prepared a p-phenylenevinylene-based polymer capped with crosslinkable styrene through a Wittig reaction. Insoluble poly(p-phenylenevinylene) derivative (PPVD) films were prepared by a thermal treatment. The photoluminescence and ultraviolet-visible (UV-vis) absorbance of crosslinked films and noncrosslinked films were studied. We also studied the solvent resistance of crosslinked PPV films with UV-vis absorption spectra and atomic force microscopy. Double-layer devices using crosslinked PPVD as an emitting layer, 2-(4-tert-butylphenyl)-5-phenyl-1,3,4-oxadiazole (PBD) in poly(methyl methacrylate) as an electron-transporting layer, and calcium as a cathode were fabricated. A maximum luminance efficiency of 0.70 cd/A and a maximum brightness of 740 cd/m(2) at 16 V were demonstrated. A 12-fold improvement in the luminance efficiency with respect to that of single-layer devices was realized.


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Novel PPV derivatives (PCA8-PV and PCA8-MEHPV) containing N-phenyl-carbazole units on the back-bone were successfully synthesized by the Wittig polycondensation of 3,6-bisformyl-N-(4-octyloxy-phenyl)carbazole with the corresponding tributyl phosphonium salts in good yields. The newly formed and dominant trans vinylene double bonds were confirmed by FT-IR and NMR spectroscopy. The polymers (with (M) over bar (w) of 6289 for PCA8-PV and 7387 for PCA8-MEHPV) were soluble in common organic solvents and displayed high thermal stability (T(g)s are 110.7 degreesC for PCA8-PV and 92.2 degreesC for PCA8-MEHPV, respectively) because of the incorporation of the N-phenyl-carbazole units. Cyclic voltammetry investigations (onsets: 0.8 V for PCA8-PV and 0.7 V for PCA8-MEHPV) suggested that the polymers possess enhanced hole injection/transport properties, which can be also attributed to the N-phenyl-carbazole units on the backbone. Both the single-layer and the double-layer light-emitting diodes (LEDs) that used the polymers as the active layer emitted a greenish-blue or bluish-green light (the maximum emissions located 494 nm for PCA8-PV and 507 nm for PCA8-MEHPV, respectively).


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A series of new PPV oligomers containing 8-substituted quinoline, 2,2'-(arylenedivinylene) bis-8-quinoline derivatives, were designed and synthesized via a Knoevenagel condensation reaction of quinaldine, 8-hydroxy-or 8-methoxy-quinaldine with aromatic dialdehydes. These PPV oligomers were characterized by H-1 and C-13-NMR, X-ray diffraction, elemental analysis, UV-visible and fluorescence spectroscopies. The X-ray diffraction investigation showed that there are intermolecular pi...pi interactions in the solid state in 1 and 3. The optical and photoluminescent properties study demonstrated that the emission color of the resulting materials varies from blue to yellow and is dependent on the substituents (pi-donor and pi-acceptor groups) on both sides of the conjugated molecules and the aromatic core in the middle of the conjugated backbones. The electroluminescent devices using compounds 1-4 as the emitters and electron-transporting layers were fabricated with the structure ITO/NPB/emitter/LiF/Al. The best device performance with the maximum brightness of 5530 cd m(-2) and the luminous efficiency of 2.4 cd A(-1) is achieved by using compound 4, with intramolecular charge transfer character, as the emitter; these values represent a more than 5-fold improvement in brightness and efficiency compared to compound 3 without methoxy groups on the phenyl rings.


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众所周知 ,聚合物的光电性质依赖于聚合物链的构象和 (或 )组成 ,通过在聚合物上引入手性单元 ,采用圆二色谱 ( CD)和圆偏振荧光光谱 ( CPL)等方法可表征聚合物结构 [1] .近年来 ,由于圆偏振光可用作光数据存储和液晶显示器背景光 [2 ] ,人们开始注重共轭聚合物圆偏振光材料的研究 .共轭聚合物的光致和电致圆偏振光的现象由一种带手性侧链的聚噻吩[3 ] 和一种带手性侧链的聚 (对苯撑乙烯 ) [4 ]产生 ,但它们的圆偏振荧光度 (用不对称因子 glum=2 ( IL-IR) / ( IL+IR)表示 ,IL 和 IR 分别指左圆偏振光强度和右圆偏振光强度 )相对较低 (绝对值 <0 .0 1 ) .最近报道一种带手性侧链聚芴[5] 的圆偏振荧光度可达 -0 .2 5,这可归结于其独特的液晶行为 ,使分子远程有序排列 .到目前为止 ,用圆偏振荧光研究的旋光共轭聚合物大都局限于带手性侧链的聚合物 ,而对主链旋光共轭聚合物的圆偏振荧光研究还未见文献报道 .含手性联萘基共轭聚合物已被认为是一类旋光构型热稳定性很好的化合物 [6 ,7] .本文合成了一种含手性联萘基的类似 PPV结构的新型旋光共轭聚合物...