144 resultados para Astronomy


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Projecting an orthographical grating mask (20pl/mm) on the surface of a small liquid bridge and receiving the reflected distortion image, one can calculate out reversely the shape of free surface of a liquid bridge. In this way we measured the surface shape of a small floating zone and the two-dimensional deformation of its vibration. The mechanism of thermocapillary oscillatory convection and the three-dimensional variation of the free surface are revealed experimentally. The principle for space experiment has been studied in our laboratory.


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A potential energy model is developed for turbulent entrainment in the absence of mean shear in a linearly stratified fluid. The relation between the entrainment distance D and the time t and the relation between dimensionless entrainment rate E and the local Richardson number are obtained. An experiment is made for examination. The experimental results are in good agreement with the model, in which the dimensionless entrainment distance D is given by DBAR = A(i)(SBAR)-1/4(fBAR)1/2(tBAR)1/8, where A(i) is the proportional coefficient, S is the dimensionless stroke, fBAR is the dimensionless frequency of the grid oscillation, tBAR the dimensionless time.


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It is proved that the simplified Navier-Stokes (SNS) equations presented by Gao Zhi[1], Davis and Golowachof-Kuzbmin-Popof (GKP)[3] are respectively regular and singular near a separation point for a two-dimensional laminar flow over a flat plate. The order of the algebraic singularity of Davis and GKP equation[2,3] near the separation point is indicated. A comparison among the classical boundary layer (CBL) equations, Davis and GKP equations, Gao Zhi equations and the complete Navier-Stokes (NS) equations near the separation point is given.


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The discrete vortex method is not capable of precisely predicting the bluff body flow separation and the fine structure of flow field in the vicinity of the body surface. In order to make a theoretical improvement over the method and to reduce the difficulty in finite-difference solution of N-S equations at high Reynolds number, in the present paper, we suggest a new numerical simulation model and a theoretical method for domain decomposition hybrid combination of finite-difference method and vortex method. Specifically, the full flow. field is decomposed into two domains. In the region of O(R) near the body surface (R is the characteristic dimension of body), we use the finite-difference method to solve the N-S equations and in the exterior domain, we take the Lagrange-Euler vortex method. The connection and coupling conditions for flow in the two domains are established. The specific numerical scheme of this theoretical model is given. As a preliminary application, some numerical simulations for flows at Re=100 and Re-1000 about a circular cylinder are made, and compared with the finite-difference solution of N-S equations for full flow field and experimental results, and the stability of the solution against the change of the interface between the two domains is examined. The results show that the method of the present paper has the advantage of finite-difference solution for N-S equations in precisely predicting the fine structure of flow field, as well as the advantage of vortex method in efficiently computing the global characteristics of the separated flow. It saves computer time and reduces the amount of computation, as compared with pure N-S equation solution. The present method can be used for numerical simulation of bluff body flow at high Reynolds number and would exhibit even greater merit in that case.


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Improving the resolution of the shock is one of the most important subjects in computational aerodynamics. In this paper the behaviour of the solutions near the shock is discussed and the reason of the oscillation production is investigated heuristically. According to the differential approximation of the difference scheme the so-called diffusion analogy equation and the diffusion analogy coefficient are defined. Four methods for improving the resolution of the shock are presented using the concept of diffusion analogy.


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Free surface deformations of thermocapillary convection in a small liquid bridge of half floating-zone are studied in the present paper. The relative displacement and phase difference of free surface oscillation are experimentally studied, and the features of free surface oscillation for various applied temperature differences are obtained. It is discovered that there is a sort of surface waves having the character of small perturbation, and having a wave mode of unusually large amplitude in one corner region of the liquid bridge.


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The growth behaviour of zero-mean-shear turbulent-mixed layer containing suspended solid particles has been studied experimentally and analysed theoretically in a two-layer fluid system. The potential model for estimating the turbulent entrainment rate of the mixed layer has also been suggested, including the results of the turbulent entrainment for pure two-layer fluid. The experimental results show that the entrainment behaviour of a mixed layer with the suspended particles is well described by the model. The relationship between the entrainment distance and the time, and the variation of the dimensionless entrainment rate E with the local Richardson number Ri1 for the suspended particles differ from that for the pure two-layer fluid by the factors-eta-1/5 and eta-1, respectively, where eta = 1 + sigma-0-DELTA-rho/DELTA-rho-0.


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The transition processes from steady flow into oscillatory flow in a liquid bridge of the half floating zone are studied experimentally. Two methods of noncontacted diagnoses are developed to measure the distribution of critical Marangoni numbers described by the onset of the oscillation st the free surface of the liquid bridge.The experimental results obtained for both cases of the upper rod heated and the lower rod heated agree with the prediction by Rayleigh's instability theory.The sensitive relations between the relatively fat or slender liquid bridge and the onset of oscillatory convection are also discussed to reveal the insight of the pressure distribution near the free surface. The experiments have been performed in a small liquid bridge, where the Bond number is much smaller than 1, and the results can be used to simulate the experiment in the microgravity environment.


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introduced in this paper are the definitions of the traces for a class of nonsmooth functions on polyhedral domains. By analyzing their properties we get the structures of these traces.


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Presented in this paper is an experimental study on the characteristics of the turbulence produced by rising air bubbles in water. The measurements of turbulent velocities were made by using visualization technique of particle streak and computer image processing of the flow field. The turbulence features have been examined, showing that the rising bubble-produced turbulence can be approximately modeled by homogeneous turbulence as in the case of grid turbulence in air.


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The data of velocity and magnetic fields in the solar photosphere (5324 angstrom) and the chromosphere (4861 angstrom) clearly show the features of tangential discontinuity of velocity in the chromosphere. The velocity fields in and near the solar active region named No. 88029 by the Huairou Station have been analyzed in detail. A lot of magnetohydrodynamic discontinuous surfaces, especially the tangential discontinuities, are shown from the observations. The calculations of the thickness of discontinuous layer and the evolution time of instability agree with the observational results. The variations of the flow field will directly influence the evolutions and changes of the active region as the magnetic field are coupled closely with the plasma motion.


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This study deals with the formulation, mathematical property and physical meaning of the simplified Navier-Stokes (SNS) equations. The tensorial SNS equations proposed is the simplest in form and is applicable to flow fields with arbitrary body boundaries. The zones of influence and dependence of the SNS equations, which are of primary importance to numerical solutions, are expounded for the first time from the viewpoint of subcharacteristics. Besides, a detailed analysis of the diffusion process in flow fields shows that the diffusion effect has an influence zone globally windward and an upwind propagation greatly depressed by convection. The maximum upwind influential distance of the viscous effect and the relative importance of the viscous effect in the flow direction to that in the direction normal to the flow are represented by the Reynolds number, which illustrates the conversion of the complete Navier-Stokes (NS) equations to the SNS equations for flows with large Reynolds number.


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The dilatational plastic constitutive equation presented in this paper is proved to be in a form of generality. Based on this equation, the constitutive behaviour of materials at the moment of bifurcation is demonstrated to follow a loading path with the response as "soft" as possible.


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A method for optimizing tried wave functions in quantum Monte Carlo method has been found and used to calculate the energies of molecules, such as H-2, Li-2, H-3+, H-3 and H-4. Good results were obtained.


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The effects of stochastic extension on the statistical evolution of the ideal microcrack system are discussed. First, a general theoretical formulation and an expression for the transition probability of extension process are presented, then the features of evolution in stochastic model are demonstrated by several numerical results and compared with that in deterministic model.