70 resultados para Arsenic hyperaccumulation


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植物络合素(phytochelatins,PCs)是含有γ-Glu-Cys重复结构的小分子多肽,其结构通式为:(γ-Glu-Cys)n-Gly(n=2-11)。植物络合素(PCs)由植物络合素合酶(PCS)催化谷胱甘肽(GSH)聚合而成,能够络合重金属离子而具有解毒功能,这是植物解毒重金属胁迫的重要机制之一。本文克隆了来源于重金属抗性植物绊根草(Cynodon dactylon cv Goldensun)的植物络合素合酶基因,通过基因工程手段使其在烟草中过量表达,得到了一些有望用于植物修复(phytoremediation)的工程植株。同时,在水稻(Oryza sativa)种子中利用RNAi技术抑制植物络合素合酶基因的表达,以降低重金属离子在人类最重要的粮食作物水稻的籽粒中的积累。 1. 通过RACE(Rapid Amplification of cDNA Ends)方法从抗性植物绊根草中克隆了植物络合素合酶基因CdPCS1,其1515 bp的读码框编码一个含505个氨基酸的蛋白质,蛋白质序列分析表明它具有植物络合素合酶的结构特征,同时还具有磷酸化位点和亮氨酸拉链结构。 2. CdPCS1基因可以互补对铜和镉离子敏感的酵母突变株ABDE-1(cup1Δ)中缺失的金属硫蛋白基因CUP1的功能,也可以互补对砷离子敏感的酵母突变体FD236-6A(acr-3Δ)中的离子外排载体基因ARC3的缺失。 3. 将CdPCS1转入烟草,共获得过表达CdPCS1的烟草44个株系,其中融合GFP的株系16个。对T0代的转基因植株的PCs含量以及重金属抗性和吸收能力进行了分析,其中抗性实验表明,在300μmol/L 的Cd2+离子胁迫11天之后,野生型植株的叶片出现斑点状坏死,而两个转基因烟草株系S6和K49的植株没有出现受伤害症状。在100μmol/L的CdSO4处理一周后,转基因植株中的PCs含量比对照有不同程度的提高,最多提高了2.88倍。当用300μmol/L Cd2+处理9天再用600μmol/L Cd2+处理2天后,Cd的积累量比野生型植株增加了2倍多;用50μmol/L As3+处理7天再用100μmol/L As3+处理2天后,转基因植株对As的积累量最多增加了3倍多。说明转入绊根草PC合酶基因的烟草增加了植物络合素的合成,并由此增加了对镉离子的抗性以及对镉离子和砷离子的积累。 4. 对转基因烟草中的CdPCS1进行了亚细胞定位研究。在激光共聚焦显微镜和荧光显微镜下分别用转基因烟草叶片组织和叶肉细胞原生质体观察融合GFP的CdPCS1,结果表明融合蛋白定位于细胞核中。 5. .利用RNAi技术抑制水稻种子中植物络合素合酶基因的表达,共获得39个转基因株系。其中35个株系为种子特异性ZMM1启动子驱动OsPCS1基因的RNAi,其余4个株系由组成型的Ubiquitin启动子驱动。RT-PCR的分析结果表明:一个由ZMM1启动子驱动的RNAi转基因水稻株系的种子中,OsPCS1的mRNA水平比对照中的下降了一半。


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植物耐受和积累重金属的细胞学基础是植物细胞内存在一些能够络合和区隔化金属离子的机制。细胞中络合重金属离子最重要的小肽分子是谷胱甘肽(GSH)和植物络合素(PCs),而YCFⅠ基因编码的ABC-type 液泡膜转运蛋白负责将重金属离子及其与上述小肽形成的复合物转运进入细胞液泡中,即将重金属离子区隔化。植物细胞中合成GSH 和PCs 的关键酶分别是γ-谷氨酰氨半胱氨酸合成酶(GSHⅠ)和植物络合素合酶(PCS),他们的编码基因分别为GSHⅠ 和PCS 。此外定位于细胞质中的小囊泡上且对二价阳离子的吸收和转运有重要作用的SMF2 蛋白可能也参与重金属离子的区隔化过程。 为了改良植物使之能够应用于清除土壤中的重金属污染,本研究基于植物耐受和积累重金属的细胞学机制,分别将酿酒酵母来源的GSHⅠ、YCFⅠ和SMF2 基因,以及GSHⅠ、YCFⅠ基因分别与镉抗性植物大蒜来源的AsPCSⅠ 基因构建为不同的基因组合表达载体,转化模式植物拟南芥。对不同组合转基因拟南芥的功能分析表明: 1、酵母来源的基因GHSⅠ、YCFⅠ分别在拟南芥中异源超表达可以在一定程度上提高转基因拟南芥耐受、积累重金属的能力;其中GSHⅠ基因在拟南芥超表达可以提高转基因拟南芥合成GSH 的能力,转基因拟南芥细胞中GSH 浓度比野生型增加。 2、将GSHⅠ基因和来自大蒜的AsPCSⅠ基因同时在拟南芥中超表达能够显著提高转基因拟南芥耐受和积累重金属的能力,且积累和耐受能力显著高于分别转GSHⅠ或AsPCSⅠ的单价转基因株系;将YCFⅠ基因和AsPCSⅠ基因同时在拟南芥中超表达也能够显著提高转基因拟南芥耐受和积累重金属的能力,且积累和耐受能力显著高于分别转YCFⅠ或AsPCSⅠ的单价转基因株系。两种双价转基因株系GSHⅠ+AsPCSⅠ和YCFⅠ+AsPCSⅠ在积累和耐受不同重金属胁迫方面没有明显差别。 3、将SMF2 基因在拟南芥中异源表达,研究了植物中囊泡转运是否参与了重金属离子的吸收和区隔化过程。研究结果表明:超表达SMF2 基因的拟南芥尽管耐受重金属胁迫的能力与野生型没有明显差异,但其积累重金属的能力显著提高。这为证明植物中小囊泡转运参与重金属转运提供了间接证据。 综上所述,同时将多个参与植物对重金属络合、转运和区隔化作用的关键基因在转基因植物中表达可以提高植物耐受和积累重金属的能力,是培育可用于植物修复的新型工程植物的值得探索的途径。本论文所设计和构建的双价基因组合及其对目标植物的转化,在环境重金属污染的清除中有潜在的应用价值。


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随着现代工农业的发展,环境污染日益加剧。农用土壤作为我们赖以生存的基础,大量含砷(Arsenic, As)和铜(Copper, Cu)的化肥和农药的应用造成As、Cu及其他重金属的复合污染日趋加重。蜈蚣草作为一种天然的砷超富集植物,在清除土壤砷污染的应用中备受人们关注。然而,目前的研究多集中在蜈蚣草对单一砷污染的吸收、转运和超富集等方面,几乎没有对土壤复合污染尤其是As、Cu复合污染的的响应和生理机制的研究。本文针对As、Cu复合污染的现实,研究了不同浓度砷、铜复合污染胁迫对蜈蚣草生长和发育的影响,探讨了蜈蚣草对砷、铜复合污染抗性和富集的生理生化机制,以期为蜈蚣草在植物修复复合污染的应用提供理论基础。 主要研究结果如下: 1、以砷超富集植物蜈蚣草成熟孢子为外植体材料,建立了一套成熟的蜈蚣草孢子植株再生体系,包括配子体分化和愈伤组织分化两条途径。为蜈蚣草的生理生化机制以及将来的遗传转化奠定了基础。同时证明了蜈蚣草愈伤组织与其孢子体及配子体一样具有对砷的抗性和超富集特性以及铜抗性。 2、以组培的蜈蚣草孢子体为材料,通过比较高浓度砷、低浓度砷以及高浓度铜、低浓度铜的相互组合对孢子体毒性的差异,表明适度浓度砷可以增强蜈蚣草对铜的抗性,但高、低浓度铜都不能增强砷的抗性。同时测定了不同浓度砷、铜处理对蜈蚣草体内砷和铜的吸收分配情况,探讨了蜈蚣草对砷铜复合污染土壤的植物修复的潜在可能性 。 3、以蜈蚣草组培的配子体为材料,研究了蜈蚣草对不同浓度铜砷复合处理的生理生化响应。结果表明砷的加入可以缓解铜对蜈蚣草配子体的植物毒性,而铜的加入并没有缓解砷的植物毒性。而且随着砷浓度的提高可以显著降低铜在配子体中的积累,显著提高了配子体细胞生存能力,降低了配子体细胞膜透性,且可以改变铜砷在配子体中亚细胞定位,暗示砷对铜的积累具有拮抗作用。同时观察到适度的铜也可以降低砷在孢子体根中的积累,对砷在叶柄以及羽叶中的积累有一定的降低作用,但并不显著。 4、以蜈蚣草愈伤组织为材料,研究了蜈蚣草愈伤组织对砷和铜复合污染胁迫的生理生化响应,结果表明适度的砷可以显著提高蜈蚣草愈伤组织中抗氧化酶系统,进而提高抵御铜胁迫引起的ROS胁迫的能力而显著缓解铜对蜈蚣草愈伤组织的毒性。低浓度砷加入显著诱导POD、CAT活性的升高,提高了蜈蚣草愈伤组织抵抗ROS胁迫能力,尤其是POD与生长呈显著的正相关;SOD活性在0-1.0 mM Na3AsO4条件下并没有显著增加,暗示在相对较低的砷胁迫和铜胁迫条件下POD对蜈蚣草愈伤组织解毒起到重要作用。同时在高砷或者高铜胁迫条件下GR活性和GPx活性与之的相关系数可以达到显著水平,这说明高砷或者高铜胁迫条件下GR和GPx在蜈蚣草解毒中起到重要作用。 5、首次证明NO可能参与砷缓解铜对蜈蚣草的植物毒性的过程。发现加入0.2 μM NO加入并没有显著改善蜈蚣草砷的植物毒性,清除蜈蚣草愈伤组织内的NO后,显著增强了砷胁迫条件下对蜈蚣草愈伤组织生长的抑制作用。同时加入NO后却显著改善了蜈蚣草铜胁迫条件下愈伤组织的生长。测定了As、Cu处理后蜈蚣草愈伤组织内源NO含量的变化以及CAT抗ROS能力的变化,结果表明蜈蚣草愈伤组织NO合成显著受As诱导,但不受铜的诱导,同时内源NO浓度的升高,伴随着抵抗ROS胁迫的抗氧化的CAT活性升高。暗示砷可能是通过诱导内源NO浓度升高提高蜈蚣草愈伤组织抵抗ROS胁迫能力来缓解对铜的植物毒性。


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为了阐明蕨类植物铁芒萁(Dicranopteris dichotoma Bernh.)体内稀土元素的分布及其光合特性,采用电感耦合等离子质谱分析了中国江西省龙南县轻、重稀土矿区和非矿区铁芒萁植物体内的稀土元素含量,并采用透射电子显微镜对其叶片细胞内的稀土元素进行精确定位。还比较系统的研究了自然条件下的铁芒萁与高浓度稀土元素处理条件下的非稀土元素富集植物黄瓜(Cucumis sativus Linn)的光合特性。结果表明: 1、0.5 mmol•L-1 LaCl3处理黄瓜后,可以诱导激发能向PS II分配。1和2 mmol•L-1 LaCl3处理黄瓜后,对黄瓜幼苗抑制作用表现在对其生长率,光合放氧活性和叶绿体完整率的抑制。这是由于LaCl3对黄瓜细胞结构和叶绿体膜结构的破坏所致。其表现为对类囊体膜结构的破坏,而导致PS II光合活性下降,并最终抑制黄瓜生长。 2、铁芒萁可以富集稀土元素,轻、重稀土矿区铁芒萁植物稀土元素的分布规律为叶片>根>土壤>茎>叶柄,非矿区铁芒萁植物稀土元素的分布规律为叶片>根>茎>叶柄。稀土元素在铁芒萁体内的运输和迁移过程中,发生了明显的分异作用,茎、叶柄、叶片中的重稀土相对贫乏,叶片中可以富集高浓度的轻稀土元素。 3、稀土元素可以进入完整的铁芒萁表皮细胞和叶肉细胞中,但多以沉淀的形式聚集在一起。非矿区铁芒萁叶绿体中的稀土元素含量约占其叶片中含量的5%。轻稀土矿区铁芒萁叶绿体中的稀土元素含量约占其叶片中含量的10%。部分稀土元素定位于富含PS II的基粒片层上。 4、铁芒萁富集稀土元素受环境和遗传特性的双重影响,但主要由其自身的生理、生化特性决定。其富集稀土元素的机制是隔离稀土元素在细胞壁、液泡中和分泌结合物质使稀土元素成为沉淀沉积下来,从而避免对光合活性的破坏。 5、与非矿区铁芒萁相比,轻稀土矿区植物叶绿体膜的全链电子传递速率增加了34.9%,PS II的电子传递活性增高了252.9%,PS I的电子传递活性增加了16.8%。轻稀土矿区铁芒萁全链电子传递活性的增加主要来自PS II电子传递活性的大幅提高,这可能与其调节激发能更多向PS II分配,提高PS II反应中心色素蛋白复合体(67.0%)和捕光色素蛋白复合体的含量相关。 6、与非矿区铁芒萁相比,重稀土矿区植物叶绿体膜的全链电子传递速率增加了46.3%,PS II的电子传递活性增高了23.8%,PS I的电子传递活性增加了60.4%。重稀土矿区铁芒萁电子传递活性的提高主要来自PS I电子传递活性的大量增加,这可能与其PS I反应中心蛋白复合体含量的提高(60.0%)有关。 铁芒萁富集并吸收稀土元素主要是由自身的理化特性决定的。它能够将稀土元素以沉淀的形式固定在细胞内部,并通过改变生理代谢来避免高浓度稀土元素对其光合作用的影响。可以在治理稀土元素污染的环保工程中用作植物修复材料。


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Arsenic pollution and eutrophication are both prominent issues in the aquaculture ponds of Taiwan. It is important to study the effects of arsenic on algal growth and toxin production in order to assess the ecological risk of arsenic pollution, or at least to understand naturally occurring ponds. The sensitivity of algae to arsenate has often been linked to the structural similarities between arsenate and phosphate. Thus, in this study we examined the effects of arsenate (10(-8) to 10(-4) M) on Microcystis aeruginosa TY-1 isolated from Taiwan, under two phosphate regimes. The present study showed that M. aeruginosa TY-1 was arsenate tolerant up to 10(-4) M, and that this tolerance was not affected by extracellular phosphate. However, it seems that extracellular phosphate contributed to microcystin production and leakage by M. aeruginosa in response to arsenate. Under normal phosphate conditions, total toxin yields after arsenate treatment followed a typical inverted U-shape hormesis, with a peak value of 2.25 +/- 0.06 mg L-1 in the presence of 10(-7) M arsenate, whereas 10(-8) to 10(-6) M arsenate increased leakage of similar to 75% microcystin. Under phosphate starvation, total toxin yields were not affected by arsenate, while 10(-6) and 10(-5) M arsenate stimulated microcystin leakage. It is suggested that arsenate may play a role in the process of microcystin biosynthesis and excretion. Given the arsenic concentrations in aquaculture ponds in Taiwan, arsenate favors survival of toxic M. aeruginosa in such ponds, and arsenate-stimulated microcystin production and leakage may have an impact on the food chain.


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Both arsenic pollution and eutrophication are prominent environmental issues when considering the problem of global water pollution. It is important to reveal the effects of arsenic species on cyanobacterial growth and toxin yields to assess ecological risk of arsenic pollution or at least understand naturally occurring blooms. The sensitivity of cyanobacteria to arsenate has often been linked to the structural similarities of arsenate and phosphate. Thus, we approached the effect of arsenate with concentrations from 10(-8) to 10(-4) M on Microcystis strain PCC7806 under various phosphate regimes. The present study showed that Microcystis strain PCC7806 was arsenate tolerant up to 10(-4) M. And such tolerance was without reference to both content of intra- and extra-cellular phosphate. It seems that arsenate involved the regulation of microcystin synthesis and cellular polyphosphate contributed to microcystin production of Microcystis responding to arsenate, since there was a positive linear correlation of the cellular microcystin quota with the exposure concentration of arsenate when the cells were not preconditioned to phosphate starvation. It is presumed that arsenate could help to actively export microcystins from living Microcystis cells when preconditioned to phosphate starvation and incubated with the medium containing 1 mu M phosphate. This study firstly provided evidence that microcystin content and/or release of Microcystis might be impacted by arsenate if it exists in harmful algal blooms. (C) 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Environ Toxicol 24:97 94, 2009.


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Goal, Scope and Background. In some cases, soil, water and food are heavily polluted by heavy metals in China. To use plants to remediate heavy metal pollution would be an effective technique in pollution control. The accumulation of heavy metals in plants and the role of plants in removing pollutants should be understood in order to implement phytoremediation, which makes use of plants to extract, transfer and stabilize heavy metals from soil and water. Methods. The information has been compiled from Chinese publications stemming mostly from the last decade, to show the research results on heavy metals in plants and the role of plants in controlling heavy metal pollution, and to provide a general outlook of phytoremediation in China. Related references from scientific journals and university journals are searched and summarized in sections concerning the accumulation of heavy metals in plants, plants for heavy metal purification and phytoremediation techniques. Results and Discussion. Plants can take up heavy metals by their roots, or even via their stems and leaves, and accumulate them in their organs. Plants take up elements selectively. Accumulation and distribution of heavy metals in the plant depends on the plant species, element species, chemical and bioavailiability, redox, pH, cation exchange capacity, dissolved oxygen, temperature and secretion of roots. Plants are employed in the decontamination of heavy metals from polluted water and have demonstrated high performances in treating mineral tailing water and industrial effluents. The purification capacity of heavy metals by plants are affected by several factors, such as the concentration of the heavy metals, species of elements, plant species, exposure duration, temperature and pH. Conclusions. Phytoremediation, which makes use of vegetation to remove, detoxify, or stabilize persistent pollutants, is a green and environmentally-friendly tool for cleaning polluted soil and water. The advantage of high biomass productive and easy disposal makes plants most useful to remediate heavy metals on site. Recommendations and Outlook. Based on knowledge of the heavy metal accumulation in plants, it is possible to select those species of crops and pasturage herbs, which accumulate fewer heavy metals, for food cultivation and fodder for animals; and to select those hyperaccumulation species for extracting heavy metals from soil and water. Studies on the mechanisms and application of hyperaccumulation are necessary in China for developing phytoremediation.


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The Southeast Asia and Western Pacific regions contain half of the world's children and are among the most rapidly industrializing regions of the globe. Environmental threats to children's health are widespread and are multiplying as nations in the area undergo industrial development and pass through the epidemiologic transition. These environmental hazards range from traditional threats such as bacterial contamination of drinking water and wood smoke in poorly ventilated dwellings to more recently introduced chemical threats such as asbestos construction materials; arsenic in groundwater; methyl isocyanate in Bhopal, India; untreated manufacturing wastes released to landfills; chlorinated hydrocarbon and organophosphorous pesticides; and atmospheric lead emissions from the combustion of leaded gasoline. To address these problems, pediatricians, environmental health scientists, and public health workers throughout Southeast Asia and the Western Pacific have begun to build local and national research and prevention programs in children's environmental health. Successes have been achieved as a result of these efforts: A cost-effective system for producing safe drinking water at the village level has been devised in India; many nations have launched aggressive antismoking campaigns; and Thailand, the Philippines, India, and Pakistan have all begun to reduce their use of lead in gasoline, with resultant declines in children's blood lead levels. The International Conference on Environmental Threats to the Health of Children, held in Bangkok, Thailand, in March 2002, brought together more than 300 representatives from 35 countries and organizations to increase awareness on environmental health hazards affecting children in these regions and throughout the world. The conference, a direct result of the Environmental Threats to the Health of Children meeting held in Manila in April 2000, provided participants with the latest scientific data on children's vulnerability to environmental hazards and models for future policy and public health discussions on ways to improve children's health. The Bangkok Statement, a pledge resulting from the conference proceedings, is an important first step in creating a global alliance committed to developing active and innovative national and international networks to promote and protect children's environmental health.


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Extremely low density InAs quantum dots (QDs) are grown by molecular beam droplet epitaxy, The gallium deposition amount is optimized to saturate exactly the excess arsenic atoms present on the GaAs substrate surface during growth, and low density InAs/GaAs QDs (4x10(6) cm(-2)) are formed by depositing 0.65 monolayers (ML) of indium. This is much less than the critical deposition thickness (1.7 ML), which is necessary to form InAs/GaAs QDs with the conventional Stranski-Krastanov growth mode. The narrow photoluminescence line-width of about 24 meV is insensitive to cryostat temperatures from 10 K to 250 K. All measurements indicate that there is no wetting layer connecting the QDs.


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The purpose of this article is to examine the methods and equipment for abating waste gases and water produced during the manufacture of semiconductor materials and devices. Three separating methods and equipment are used to control three different groups of electronic wastes. The first group includes arsine and phosphine emitted during the processes of semiconductor materials manufacture. The abatement procedure for this group of pollutants consists of adding iodates, cupric and manganese salts to a multiple shower tower (MST) structure. The second group includes pollutants containing arsenic, phosphorus, HF, HCl, NO2, and SO3 emitted during the manufacture of semiconductor materials and devices. The abatement procedure involves mixing oxidants and bases in an oval column with a separator in the middle. The third group consists of the ions of As, P and heavy metals contained in the waste water. The abatement procedure includes adding CaCO3 and ferric salts in a flocculation-sedimentation compact device equipment. Test results showed that all waste gases and water after the abatement procedures presented in this article passed the discharge standards set by the State Environmental Protection Administration of China.


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Infrared absorption spectroscopy, optical transient current spectroscopy (OTCS), and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy are used to investigate the annealing induced evolution of defects in low-temperature (LT)-grown GaAs-related materials. Two LT samples of bulk GaAs (sample A) and GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs multiple-quantum-well. (MQW) structure (sample B) were grown at 220 and 320 degreesC on (001) GaAs substrates, respectively. A strong defect-related absorption band has been observed in both as-grown samples A and B. It becomes weaker in samples annealed at temperatures above 600 degreesC. In sample A, annealed in the range of 600-800 degreesC, a large negative decay signal of the optical transient current (OTC) is observed in a certain range of temperature, which distorts deep-level spectra measured by OTCS, making it difficult to identify any deep levels. At annealing temperatures of 600 and 700 degreesC, both As-Ga antisite and small As cluster-related deep levels are identified in sample B. It is found that compared to the As cluster, the As-Ga antisite has a larger activation energy and carrier capture rate. At an annealing temperature of 800 degreesC, the large negative decay signal of the OTC is also observed in sample B. It is argued that this negative decay signal of the OTC is related to large arsenic clusters. For sample B, transient PL spectra have also been measured to study the influence of the, defect evolution on optical properties of LT GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs MQW structures. Our results clearly identify a defect evolution from AS(Ga) antisites to arsenic clusters after annealing.


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Optical transient current spectroscopy (OTCS) has been used to investigate defects in the low-temperature-grown GaAs after postgrowth rapid thermal annealing (RTA). Two samples A and B were grown at 220 degreesC and 360 degreesC on (001) GaAs substrates, respectively. After growth, samples were subjected to 30s RTA in the range of 500-800 degreesC. Before annealing, X-ray diffraction measurements show that the concentrations of the excess arsenic for samples A and B are 2.5 x 10(19) and 1 x 10(19) cm(-3), respectively. It is found that there are strong negative decay signals in the optical transient current (OTC) for the annealed sample A. Due to the influence of OTC strong negative decay signals, it is impossible to identify deep levels clearly from OTCS. For a comparison, three deep levels can be identified for sample B before annealing. They are two shallower deep levels and the so-called As-Ga antisite defect. At the annealing temperature of 600 degreesC, there are still three deep levels. However, their structures are different from those in the as-grown sample. OTC strong negative decay signals are also observed for the annealed sample B. It is argued that OTC negative decay signals are related to arsenic clusters. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We have studied the growth of GaInNAs by a plasma-assisted molecular-beam epitaxy (MBE). It was found that the N-radicals were incorporated into the epitaxial layer like dopant atoms. In the range of 400-500 degrees C, the growth temperature (T-g) mainly affected the crystal quality of GaInNAs rather than the N concentration. The N concentration dropped rapidly when T-g exceeded 500 degrees C. Considering N desorption alone is insufficient to account for the strong falloff of the N concentration with T-g over 500 degrees C, the effect of thermally-activated N surface segregation must be taken into account. The N concentration was independent of the arsenic pressure and the In concentration in GaInNAs layers, but inversely proportional to the growth rate. Based on the experimental results, a kinetic model including N desorption and surface segregation was developed to analyze quantitatively the N incorporation in MBE growth. (C) 2000 American Institute of Physics. [S0003-6951(00)00928-1].


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We performed Raman scattering investigations on low-temperature-grown (LTG) films of GaAs that had been lifted off the GaAs substrate. The Raman measurements unambiguously show the effects of excess arsenic on phonon scattering from LTG films of GaAs. The larger downwards shift of the LO phonon frequency for unannealed free-standing films is explained by invoking the elimination of mismatch strain. The Raman signal due to precipitates of elemental arsenic in the annealed GaAs : As films is determined. It is confirmed that the arsenic clusters formed by rapid thermal annealing are mainly amorphous, giving rise a broad Raman peak in the range 180-260 cm(-1).


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Fabrication of semiconductor nanostructures such as quantum dots (QDs), quantum rings (QRs) has been considered as the important step for realization of solid state quantum information devices, including QDs single photon emission source, QRs single electron memory unit, etc. To fabricate GaAs quantum rings, we use Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) droplet technique in this report. In this droplet technique, Gallium (Ga) molecular beams are supplied initially without Arsenic (As) ambience, forming droplet-like nano-clusters of Ga atoms on the substrate, then the Arsenic beams are supplied to crystallize the Ga droplets into GaAs crystals. Because the morphologies and dimensions of the GaAs crystal are governed by the interplay between the surface migration of Ga and As adatoms and their crystallization, the shape of the GaAs crystals can be modified into rings, and the size and density can be controlled by varying the growth temperatures and As/Ga flux beam equivalent pressures(BEPs). It has been shown by Atomic force microscope (AFM) measurements that GaAs single rings, concentric double rings and coupled double rings are grown successfully at typical growth temperatures of 200 C to 300 C under As flux (BEP) of about 1.0 x 10(-6) Torr. The diameter of GaAs rings is about 30-50 nm and thickness several nm.