214 resultados para Applied Relaxation


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Spallation in heterogeneous media is a complex, dynamic process. Generally speaking, the spallation process is relevant to multiple scales and the diversity and coupling of physics at different scales present two fundamental difficulties for spallation modeling and simulation. More importantly, these difficulties can be greatly enhanced by the disordered heterogeneity on multi-scales. In this paper, a driven nonlinear threshold model for damage evolution in heterogeneous materials is presented and a trans-scale formulation of damage evolution is obtained. The damage evolution in spallation is analyzed with the formulation. Scaling of the formulation reveals that some dimensionless numbers govern the whole process of deformation and damage evolution. The effects of heterogeneity in terms of Weibull modulus on damage evolution in spallation process are also investigated.


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The experimental results for the excited time of the nonequlibrium radiation and the ionization behind strong shock waves are presented. Using an optical multichannel analyzer, InSb infrared detectors and near-free-molecular Langmuir probes, the infrared radiation, the electron density of air and the nonequilibrium radiation spectra at different moments of the relaxation process in nitrogen test gas behind normal shock waves were obtained, respectively, in hydrogen oxygen combustion driven shock tubes.


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Approximate Box Relaxation method was used t'o simulate a plasma jet flow impinging on a flatplate at atmospheric pressure, to achieve a better understanding of the characteristics of plasma jet in materials surface treating. The flow fields under different conditions were simulated and analyzed. The distributions of temperature, velocity and pressure were obtained by modelling. Computed results indicate that this numerical method is suitable for simulation of the flow characteristics of plasma jet: and is helpful for understanding of the mechanism of the plasma-material processing.


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We reported that work softening takes place during room-temperature rolling of nanocrystalline Ni at an equivalent strain of around 0.30. The work softening corresponds to a strain-induced phase transformation from a face-centered cubic (fcc) to a body-centered cubic (bcc) lattice. The hardness decreases with increasing volume fraction of the bcc phase. When the deformed samples are annealed at 423 K, a hardening of the samples takes place. This hardening by annealing can be attributed to a variety of factors including the recovery transformation from the bcc to the fcc phase, grain boundary relaxation, and retardation of dislocation gliding by microtwins.


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The inequities in health care and housing access experienced by low-income women in the United States are a continuing concern. This article addresses the interrelationships between housing and health as experienced by low-income clients so that health care practitioners can begin to build active and effective health-promoting partnerships with clients, their families, and their communities. A case study is presented that describes the actual experience of a woman living in a low-income housing development and its effect on her health and access to health care. The importance of the role of midwives in addressing the health care and advocacy needs of women in substandard housing is highlighted.


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This paper appears to be the first where the multi-temperature shock slip-relations for the thermal and chemical nonequilibrium flows are derived. The derivation is based on analysis of the influences of thermal nonequilibrium and viscous effects on the mass, momentum and energy flux balance relations at the shock wave. When the relaxation times for all internal energy modes tend to sere, the multi-temperature shock slip-relations are converted into single-temperature ones for thermal equilibrium hows. The present results can be applied to flows over vehicles of different geometries with or without angles of attack. In addition, the present single-temperature shock slip-relations are compared with those in the literature, and Some defects and limitations in the latter are clarified.


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The unstable stacking criteria for an ideal copper crystal under homogeneous shearing and for a cracked copper crystal under pure mode II loading are analysed. For the ideal crystal under homogeneous shearing, the unstable stacking energy gamma(us) defined by Rice in 1992 results from shear with no relaxation in the direction normal to the slip plane. For the relaxed shear configuration, the critical condition for unstable stacking does not correspond to the relative displacement Delta = b(p)/2, where b(p) is the Burgers vector magnitude of the Shockley partial dislocation, but to the maximum shear stress. Based on this result, the unstable stacking energy Gamma(us) is defined for the relaxed lattice. For the cracked crystal under pure mode II loading, the dislocation configuration corresponding to Delta = b(p)/2 is a stable state and no instability occurs during the process of dislocation nucleation. The instability takes place at approximately Delta = 3b(p)/4. An unstable stacking energy Pi(us) is defined which corresponds to the unstable stacking state at which the dislocation emission takes place. A molecular dynamics method is applied to study this in an atomistic model and the results verify the analysis above.


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are obtained by using implicit four-point and six-point schemes. The results from


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A dimensionless relation of the form for collating fatigue crack starting growth data is proposed in which Δkth represents the stress intensity factor range at the threshold. Based on experimental results, this relation attains the value of 0.6 for a fatigue crack to start growth in the Austenitic stainless steel investigated in this work. Metallurgical examinations were also carried out to show a transgranular shear mode of cyclic cleavage and plastic shear.


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The environment temperature has inevitable effects on property of the convect ion-based tilt sensors. It not only redefines the application, but also prevents the improvement of the sensor performance. Numerical simulation of the fluid flow in the chamber of a sensor was performed and the influence of the environment temperature was studied in this paper. At zero tilt angle, the temperature distribution along the perpendicular line cross the heat source at various environment temperatures was presented. It was found that the flow varied dramatically at different environment temperatures, which would cause the output signal vary accordingly, even when the tilt angle was kept at a constant, because this device works by sensing the change of flow. At the same condition, we present the numerical results when the temperature difference across the heat source and the environment was kept at the same, in those results, it was found that the temperature difference at every point along the perpendicular line cross the heat source keep the same, this result confirms the similarity principle of nature convection. Second, A method of eliminating environment temperature infect on property of convect ion-based tilt sensor, which is based on the theory of flow similarity, is proposed. It was found that a thermal transistance can be piped on the circuit of heat source to compensate the temperature of the heat source. A compensative circuit was specially designed which can keep flow similarity by changing heat source temperature in order to eliminate the influence of environment temperature. The experiment results show that above 70% temperature drift can be eliminated by this compensative circuit.


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《中国力学学会史》是《中国学会史丛书》之一。是一部全面系统记述中国力学学会建立与发展历程的专著。 《中国力学学会史》全书30万字,书中不但重点对学会的初创情况、发展过程、组织建设、学术交流、分支机构等进行了专门介绍,还特别收录了记述学会重大活动情况的大事记、名人与学会发展的丰富资料和一些极有史料价值的历史照片,旨在反映学会在不同时期的活动概况及其在中国力学界中发挥的桥梁与纽带作用。 中国力学学会是中国科协的组成部分,也是我国著名的学术团体之一,仅以此书的编著出版,纪念中国科协成立50周年和中国力学学会成立50多周年。本书可供力学界和科技界有关部门及工作者、各学会相关人员、大专院校师生参阅,也可作为组织和开展国内外学术交流研究的参考资料。


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A continuation method is applied to investigate the linear stability of the steady, axisymmetric thermocapillary flows in liquid bridges. The method is based upon an appropriate extended system of perturbation equations depending on the nature of transition of the basic flow. The dependence of the critical Reynolds number and corresponding azimuthal wavenumber on serval parameters is presented for both cylindrical and non-cylindrical liquid bridges.


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Two basic types of depolarization mechanisms, carrier-carrier (CC) and carrier-phonon (CP) scattering, are investigated in optically excited bulk semiconductors (3D), in which the existence of the transverse relaxation time is proven based on the vector property of the interband transition matrix elements. The dephasing rates for both CC and CP scattering are determined to be equal to one half of the total scattering-rate-integrals weighted by the factors (1 - cos chi), where chi are the scattering angles. Analytical expressions of the polarization dephasing due to CC scattering are established by using an uncertainty broadening approach, and analytical ones due to both the polar optical-phonon and non-polar deformation potential scattering (including inter-valley scattering) are also presented by using the sharp spectral functions in the dephasing rate calculations. These formulas, which reveal the trivial role of the Coulomb screening effect in the depolarization processes, are used to explain the experimental results at hand and provide a clear physical picture that is difficult to extract from numerical treatments.